how to save a captured screenshot locally in chrome plugin? - file

how to save a captured screenshot locally in chrome plugin?
I m stuck badly.
If it can be done by only npapi than please give me some examples. Please do help me.
Thanx in advance.

I'm not sure how to go about saving the file locally but you can capture a screenshot of the current tab with the captureVisibleTab method. It returns a JPG image encoded as a data URI.


Good reCAPTCHA downloading the audio gives a 404

While testing we discovered that the download audio is going to a Google URL but giving a 404.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you fix it?
Here is a video of what I am referring to.
Thank you for the help as I am stumped.
There's a typo in their url. You need to remove /audio.mp3.
For the demo recaptcha:
the provided url is
the right one is

How to view source code of Secured browser?

To automate a web application using selenium, the source code is needed to findElements to create xpaths. But when we press F12, we get nothing. But we have links in Front End. Please help...
The application runs only in IE...
If you need any other info, please let me know.
You can try driver.getPageSource() after you have loaded the page.
In debug mode - copy the value and use any of html viewer online for example

how to make selection of input file in ADF mobile framework

i am making the MAF application for practice but in this application am giving the functionality of upload and download files from server and but input file component is not giving in the ORACLE MAF and am successfully done the upload button but i am not know how to add input select file component in the MAF. please
help me .
thank you
please answer this question...
For download, you can use this tag into an amx page :
<amx:goLink text="Download" id="bla" url=""/>
For the upload functionality, I am not sure if that works somehow. Try to follow up this question of the Oracle Community to find out more about the upload functionality.
Hope to be helpful.

Advice Please! - Google Drive Realtime Playground

Some advice would be appreciated.
I am trying to install the Google drive Realtime playground onto the online Google App Engine. (as well as trying to get it working on my Localhost.
Once uploaded, it renders but all functionality is greyed out. Link to example:
I have added the client id and app id as stated (within the readme) into the correct .js file and updated the app.yaml file to include the application name.
I am stumped.. Can anyone assist?
If you view the output in the Javascript console, you see that you have a number of errors in your javascript. It looks like the underlying problem is that your CLIENT_ID has invalid syntax. It should just be the number. You can't have "."'s in a value in javascript like that.

Creating PDF files with Html2ps/Html2pdf in CakePHP - Blank pdf being output

I've been following and I am using CakePHP 1.3.
My "download" function outputs a blank .pdf. Some others in the above thread have experienced the same problem, however their solutions do not seem to help me.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you
I was getting the same kind of issue. After checking the log, I found that the process function of this class renders a url and generate a PDF from that. If you supply it with a correct url then PDF can be generated. This url must be a valid url or it should not be under any browser authentication.
