TabIndex problem. Only getting a system beep - winforms

Background: I've got a WinForm application with a ComboBox and a TabControl with two pages. On page one of the TabControl, I've got a FlowLayoutPanel containing about 10 Panels. Each of those Panels contain a Label and a TextBox. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 as my IDE.
Problem: I'm not able to tab between any of my controls. I go to View-Tab Order, and everything looks fine (although I know it's not). All I get is a system beep when I try to tab between controls.
Anyone else have a similar problem that they overcame? I'm sure I'm missing something really simple, but I don't know what it is. Is there a method to have Visual Studio rebuild the tab indexing?

Figured it out. Instead of using Form.Show(), I used Form.ShowDialog(). Tabbing work correctly after that. Not sure why though.


Simple ControlTemplate (edit a copy) for WPF Window doesn't work in Blend for Visual Studio 2017

Goal: Edit the ControlTemplate of a Window to remove the caption buttons via Blend (Close/Minimize/Maximize). Why? Need a window with a title bar (draggable) that can't be closed/minimized/resized. It's a temporary status window that pops up, etc. (I've seen solutions that go into the Win32 APIs, and wonder why. This should be doable via Blend!)
Anyway... Blend for Visual Studio 2017 seems to be OK with my attempt. At least initially.
Click "[Window]" in the Document outline and then select "Edit Template => Edit a copy"
Blend complies and gives me this control template.
However, immediately the XAML is flagged as having errors.
I figured "well, maybe this is just a designer issue. Maybe it will build." Nope.
"The type reference cannot find a public type named 'WindowInstance'.
"The name 'WindowInstance' does not exist in the namespace
Well, I've looked for "Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.WpfDesigner" on both NuGet and in the install folders and it doesn't seem to be there.
I've also read this solution, which mentions adding "Blend for Visual Studio SDK for .NET" in the Visual Studio 2017 installer under the "Individual Components" page. I've done that. Still I have the error.
I'm uncertain where Blend got the initial ControlTemplate from in the first place if it doesn't resolve to an assembly on my machine.
Regarding the actual solution... what I'm doing now is faking a window with a title bar (that has no buttons) and using the system brushes to make it look like a window with a title bar--but that isn't draggable... which is another problem to solve.
Really, why I can't do something as trivial as removing control buttons from a window is beyond me. I suppose there are philosophical reasons to not allow people to remove the close button on a window, but that shouldn't be some arbitrary call that a dev at Microsoft gets to make for me or anyone on my team.
Thank you for your assistance.

Visual studio addin - window children can't get focus

I have some addin for VS2010 which displays window with some many panels. I'm using Avalon docking manager to handle all panels manipulation.
My problem is that all items (listboxs or items control) within the my window can't get focus, even when I'm clicking on them directly. this problem is expressed when i'm trying to use mouse wheel in order to scroll the scrollViews in my window.
Just want to mention that when I'm using my window in a stand alone application (not as VS2010 addin) everything works.
Any idea? Is this Avalon problem?
It's seems to be bug of Avalon.
Updating to latest version fix the problem.

DevExpress PivotGrid (Silverlight) : Popup Menus don't popup

We are using DevExpress Silverlight PivotGrid (11.2.7). The problem is that none of the popups work as one would expect.
Here is the xaml code (note that all of these properties are True by default and don't need to be set)
... data bindings ...
Once the host control for the grid is shown and the data is loaded right-clicking on any of the relevant areas doesn't bring either of the popups (there are 3).
Strangely (or not so strangely) in the sample SL project provided by devex everything works as it should.
The one (significant) difference between the sample app and our project is that we are using MEF and relevant .xaps are loaded dynamically based on which user logged in and some other stuff.
We have tried a lot stuff to figure out what is wrong but haven't managed to find anything even remotely relevant. Here is what we have tried :
Adding the pivotgrid to the host tabpage in codebehind after imports have been satisfied;
Setting / resetting properties mentioned above after imports from codebehind;
Adding the control to the startup page of the project before the MEF madness kicks in;
We also tried to popup the menus manually by inheriting from the pivotgrid control, but that has not yielded much;
Enabled RedrawRegions to make sure the popup is not popping 'under'. It's not;
Any pointers or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
It appears that this was some bug in the version we were using at the time.
After updating to 12.1 everything works like it should without any tinkering from our side.
Looks like devex guys have bugs too...who knew right :)

Visual Studio 2008 "Document Outline" stopped working for the main form in my project

I'm a big fan of the rather obscure "Document Outline" window in VS 2008 (it's buried in the View -> Other Windows menu).
It's the only way I know to get a view of the containment heirarchy for a complicated WinForm that has a lot of nested controls.
Some months ago, this just stopped working for the most complicated form in my WinForms project. Now it just displays "There are no items to show for the selected document", no matter what I select in the designer.
No clue as to what broke it - the form contains a mix of common MS controls and some third party controls (mainly DevExpress). Several SplitContainers, but Document Outline originally had no problem with these.
Anybody else seen this, and any suggestions on how to fix it?
After some poking around, I solved the problem myself.
I just started deleting controls from the form, to see what would happen.
Turns out the 3rd party grid I'm using caused the problem - when I reconfigured it, the problem went away. (Looks like a bug in the control, which I've reported to the vendor).
Interesting...misbehaving controls can break the VS IDE, not just your apps.

Visual Studio GUI is see-through?

I'm having some trouble with Visual Studio 2008 on my Windows XP SP2 laptop.
What happens is that when I start a program with a few textboxes and stuff like that, the boxes are see-through. I can litteraly see through them and see what's on the underlaying screen. Like if I only have this Form showing and behind that my wallpaper, I can see my wallpaper through the Textbox, ComboBox, even through the small cracks between various elements.
i've searched the web but haven't encountered info on this yet. Does anybody know what might be causing this and how to solve it? I'm in the process of trying to see how the text in my TextBoxes is parsed, but I can't since I can't even enter anything. I click on the textbox and I'm focused on the desktop...
Hmmm... I'm not sure about this, but check the "Transparency" property of your main form. That's all I can think that it might be as of now...
Update: I meant the "Opacity" property, sorry.
Update 2: No, never mind, sorry. Right-click the "TransparencyKey" property, and press Reset to set it back to default.
Check TransparencyKey, Opacity and maybe TransparencyMask?
