Xilinx Microblaze C and assembly - c

I have an application written in C for a Xilinx Microblaze core. However, the performance isn't quite what I want so I was considering rewriting some of the core functions in assembly. I'm having trouble figuring out how to get Xilinx Platform Studio to compile both into a single ELF file though.
How can I do it?

As suggested by Yann, you can use inline assembly. Here is how:
AR# 18561. 11.1 EDK - How do I include inline assembly within my C source files?
Though, try to profile your code to determine where your performance bottleneck is. Xilinx's SDK allows for intrusive profiling. You could also use GPIOs and an oscilloscope (or logic analyser with a fast triggering clock) to profile your functions/code sections yourself.

Check if the compiler implements inline assembly. Try the asm() "function". Check that it supports variable referencing. If your compiler is GCC based, this is easy.
You can always write raw assembler, assemble it, and link it into your application. You need to understand the ABI of your compiler to make compatible functions.

Did you profile where exactly the poor performance comes from? From my experience, core functions are quite fast, so your code is probably the source of the problem. Try compiling with optimization (-O3) or changing the cache size (if you use a cache).

I don't know which Microblaze function you want to rewrite, but you can always go to Xilinx install directory (for example, C:\Xilinx\13.4\ISE_DS\EDK\sw\lib\bsp\standalone_v3_00_a\src\microblaze) to modify functions or even include your own assembly language file in the specific software library.


How can linux boot code be written in C?

I'm a newbie to learning OS development. From the book I read, it said that boot loader will copy first MBR into 0x7c00, and starts from there in real mode.
And, example starts with 16 bit assembly code.
But, when I looked at today's linux kernel, arch/x86/boot has 'header.S' and 'boot.h', but actual code is implemented in main.c.
This seems to be useful by "not writing assembly."
But, how is this done specifically in Linux?
I can roughly imagine that there might be special gcc options and link strategy, but I can't see the detail.
I'm reading this question more as an X-Y problem. It seems to me the question is more about whether you can write a bootloader (boot code) in C for your own OS development. The simple answer is YES, but not recommended. Modern Linux kernels are probably not the best source of information for creating bootloaders written in C unless you have an understanding of what their code is doing.
If using GCC there are restrictions on what you can do with the generated code. In newer versions of GCC there is an -m16 option that is documented this way:
The -m16 option is the same as -m32, except for that it outputs the ".code16gcc" assembly directive at the beginning of the assembly output so that the binary can run in 16-bit mode.
This is a bit deceptive. Although the code can run in 16-bit real mode, the code generated by the back end uses 386 address and operand prefixes to make normally 32-bit code execute in 16-bit real mode. This means the code generated by GCC can't be used on processors earlier than the 386 (like the 8086/80186/80286 etc). This can be a problem if you want a bootloader that can run on the widest array of hardware. If you don't care about pre-386 systems then GCC will work.
Bootloader code that uses GCC has another downside. The address and operand prefixes that get get added to many instructions add up and can make a bootloader bloated. The first stage of a bootloader is usually very constrained in space so this could potentially become a problem.
You will need inline assembly or assembly language objects with functions to interact with the hardware. You don't have access to the Linux C library (printf etc) in bootloader code. For example if you want to write to the video display you have to code that functionality yourself either writing directly to video memory or through BIOS interrupts.
To tie it altogether and place things in the binary file usable as an MBR you will likely need a specially crafted linker script. In most projects these linker scripts have an .ld extension. This drives the process of taking all the object files putting them together in a fashion that is compatible with the legacy BIOS boot process (code that runs in real mode at 0x07c00).
There are so many pitfalls in doing this that I recommend against it. If you are intending to write a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel then I'd suggest not writing your own bootloader and use an existing one like GRUB. In the versions of Linux from the 1990s it had its own bootloader that could be executed from floppy. Modern Linux relies on third party bootloaders to do most of that work now. In particular it supports bootloaders that conform to the Multiboot specification
There are many tutorials on the internet that use GRUB as a bootloader. OS Dev Wiki is an invaluable resource. They have a Bare Bones tutorial that uses the original Multiboot specification (supported by GRUB) to boot strap a basic kernel. The Mulitboot specification can easily be developed for using a minimal of assembly language code. Multiboot compatible bootloaders will automatically place the CPU in protected mode, enable the A20 line, can be used to get a memory map, and can be told to place you in a specific video mode at boot time.
Last year someone on the #Osdev chat asked about writing a 2 stage bootloader located in the first 2 sectors of a floppy disk (or disk image) developed entirely in GCC and inline assembly. I don't recommend this as it is rather complex and inline assembly is very hard to get right. It is very easy to write bad inline assembly that seems to work but isn't correct.
I have made available some sample code that uses a linker script, C with inline assembly to work with the BIOS interrupts to read from the disk and write to the video display. If anything this code should be an example why it's non-trivial to do what you are asking.

embedded c code and unit tests without cross compile

i am starting to learn unit testing. I use unity and it works well with mingw in eclipse on windows. I use different configurations for debug, release and tests. This works well with the cdt-plugin.
But my goal is to unit test my embedded code for an stm. So i use arm-gcc with the arm-gcc eclipse plugin. I planned to have a configuration for compiling the debug and release code for the target and a configuration using mingw to compile and excute the tests on the pc (just the hardware independet parts).
With the eclipse plugin, i cannot compile code that is not using the arm-gcc.
Is there a way, to have one project with configurations and support for the embedded target and the pc?
As noted above you need a makefile pointing at two different targets with different compiler options depending on the target.
You will need to ensure portability in your code.
I have accomplished this most often using CMake and outlining different compiler paths and linker flags for unit tests versus the target. This way I can also easily link in any unit test libraries while keeping them external to my target. In the end CMake produces a Makefile but I'm not spending time worrying about make syntax which while I can read often seems like voodoo.
Doing this entirely within a single Eclipse project is possible. You need to configure your project for multiple targets with different compilers used for each and will require some coaxing to get eclipse to behave.
If you're goal is to do it entirely within Eclipse I suggest reading this as a primer.
If you want to go the other route, here is a CMake primer.
Short answer: Makefile.
But I guess NEON assemblies are a bigger issue.
Using intrinsics instead is at least open to the possibility to link to a simulator library, and there are indeed a lot of such libraries written in standard C that allow code with intrinsics to be portable.
However the poor performance of GCC Neon intrinsics forces a lot of people to sacrifice portability for performance.
If your code unfortunately contains assembly, you won't be able to even compile the code before translating assemblies back to standard C.

How to cross compile C code for an ia188em chip

I inherited an old project that uses an Innovasic ia188em processor (previously AM188 from AMD). I will likely need to modify the code, and so will need to recompile. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which compiler was used previously (it compiled into a .hex file), and searching through the source code (and in particular the header files) doesn't seem to indicate it either.
I did see one program that could work, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any free programs that might do this. I saw some forums where people said they thought either an old Borland compiler or Bruce's C Compiler may work with 80188 chips (which I assume my chip falls under?), but nothing concrete. I failed to compile with Borland C++ 5 when I tried, though I admit I probably didn't have it set up correctly.
This is for an embedded board (i.e. no OS). I don't program too often, so my compiler knowledge is limited. I mostly just write simple C programs and compile with gcc under linux. Any help is appreciated.
Updated 10/8: I apologize, I was looking at both this code, and the PC side code that talks to the embedded board, and got mixed up. The code for the ia188em (embedded board) is actually C (not C++). Updated title to reflect that. I'm not sure if it makes a huge difference or not.
You'll need a 16 bit "real mode" x86 compiler. If your compiler is a DOS targeted compiler, you will need some means of generating a raw binary rather than than MS-DOS load module (.exe), this may be possible through linker options or may require a non-DOS linker.
Any build scripts or makefiles included with the project code might help you identifier the toolchain used, but the likelihood is that it is no longer available, and you'll need to source "antique software".
When I used to do this sort of thing (1985 -> 1990) I used the intel toolchain, now long obsolete and no longer available from intel. The tools required were
iC-86 - The compiler
link-86 - the linker
loc-86 - the image locater.
There is some information on these tools at a very old site here.
Another method that was used at the time was to process the .exe file produced by a Microsoft standard real mode PC compiler (MS-Pascal was the language used on that project) into an absolutely located image that could be blown into EPROM. The tool used for the conversion was proprietary to the company so I have no idea whether there is an equivalent available

How to start ARM programming in linux?

I was using PIC micro controller for my projects. Now I would like to move to ARM based Controllers. I would like to start ARM using Linux (using C). But I have no idea how to start using Linux. Which compiler is best, what all things I need to study like a lot of confusions. Can you guys help me on that? My projects usually includes UART, IIC, LCD and such things. I am not using any RTOS. Can you guys help me?
Sorry for my bad English
Once you put a heavyweight OS like Linux on a device, the level of abstraction from the hardware it provides makes it largely irrelevant what the chip is. If you want to learn something about ARM specifically, using Linux is a way of avoiding exactly that!
Morover the jump from PIC to ARM + Linux is huge. Linux does not get out of bed for less that 4Mb or RAM and considerably more non-volatile storage - and that is a bare minimum. ARM chips cover a broad spectrum, with low-end parts not even capable of supporting Linux. To make Linux worthwhile you need an ARM part with MMU support, which excludes a large range of ARM7 and Cortex-M parts.
There are plenty of smaller operating systems for ARM that will allow you to perform efficient (and hard real-time) scheduling and IPC with a very small footprint. They range form simple scheduling kernels such as FreeRTOS to more complete operating systems with standard device support and networking such as eCOS. Even if you use a simple scheduler, there are plenty of libraries available to support networking, filesystems, USB etc.
The answer to your question about compiler is almost certainly GCC - thet is the compiler Linux is built with. You will need a cross-compiler to build the kernel itself, but if you do have an ARM platform with sufficient resource, once you have Linux running on it, your target can host a compiler natively.
If you truly want to use Linux on ARM against all my advice, then the lowest cost, least effort approach to doing so is perhaps to use a Raspberry Pi. It is an ARM11 based board that runs Linux out of the box, is increasingly widely supported, and can be overclocked to 900MHz
You can also try using the Beagle Bone development board. To start with it has few features like UART I2C and others also u can give a try developing the device driver modules for the hardware.
ARM Linux compilers and build toolchains are provided by many vendors. Below are your options which I know of:
1.ARM themselves in form of their product DS-5 ;
2.Codesourcery now acquired by Mentor graphics. See some instructions to obtain & install, codesourcery toolchain for ARM linux here
3.To first start programming using ARM (C , assembly ) I find this Windows-Cygwin version of ARM linux tool chain very helpfull. Here. These are prebuilt executables which work under Cygwin(A Posix shell layer) on Windows.
4.Another option would be to cross compile gcc/g++ toolchain on Linux for ARM target of your choice. Search and web will have information about how it is done. But this could be a slightly mroe involved and long-winding process.
enjoy ARM'ing.
First, you should question yourself if you really need to program assembly language, most modern compilers are hard to beat when it comes to generating optimized code.
Then if you decide you really need it, you can make life easier for your self by using inline assembler, and let the compiler write the glue code for you, as shown in this wikipedia article.
Then the compiler to use: For free compilers there are practically only two choices: either gcc or clang.
There is also a non free toolchain from arm which when i last tried, 5 years ago, produced about 30% faster code than gcc at the time. I have not used it since.
The latest version of this compiler can be found here
You can also write standalone assembler code in .s files, both gcc and clang can compile .s into .o in the same way you would compile a .c or .cpp file.
If you are using a STM32 based microcontroller you need to get CMSIS and GNU arm-non-eabi-gcc package installed. Then you need to write your own makefile to pass your c codes into arm gcc compiler.
For the programming step you need to install openocd and configure that for your specific programmer. You can find a full description on how to do that on my blog
http://bijan.binaee.com/index.php/2016/04/14/how-to-program-cortex-m-under-gnulinux-arch/ and in my GitHub repository.
I'm using vim with CTags but you can use gEdit with the Shortcut plugin if you need a simpler text editor.

indicating libgloss machine when building newlib for bespoke platform

I'm compiling newlib for a bespoke PowerPC platform with no OS. Reading information on the net I realise I need to implement stub functions in a <newplatform> subdirectory of libgloss.
My confusion is to how this is going to be picked up when I compile newlib. Is it the last part of the --target argument to configure e.g. powerpc-ibm-<newplatform> ?
If this is the case, then I guess I should use the same --target when compiling binutils and gcc?
Thank you
I ported newlib and GCC myself too. And i remember i didn't have to do much stuff to make newlib work (porting GCC, gas and libbfd was most of the work).
Just had to tweak some files about floating point numbers, turn off some POSIX/SomeOtherStandard flags that made it not use some more sophisticated functions and write support code for longjmp / setjmp that load and store register state into the jump buffers. But you certainly have to tell it the target using --target so it uses the right machine sub-directory and whatnot. I remember i had to add small code to configure.sub to make it know about my target and print out the complete configuration trible (cpu-manufacturer-os or similar). Just found i had to edit a file called configure.host too, which sets some options for your target (for example, whether an operation systems handles signals risen by raise, or whether newlib itself should simulate handling).
I used this blog of Anthony Green as a guideline, where he describes porting of GCC, newlib and binutils. I think it's a great source when you have to do it yourself. A fun read anyway. It took a total of 2 months to compile and run some fun C programs that only need free-standing C (with dummy read/write functions that wrote into the simulator's terminal).
So i think the amount of work is certainly manageable. The one that made me nearly crazy was libgloss's build scripts. I certainly was lost in those autoconf magics :) Anyway, i wish you good luck! :)
Check out Porting Newlib.
I decided that after an incredibly difficult week of trying to get newlib ported to my own OS that I would write a tutorial that outlines the requirements for porting newlib and how to actually do it. I'm assuming you can already load binaries from somewhere and that these binaries are compiled C code. I also assume you have a syscall interface setup already. Why wait? Let's get cracking!
