WPF CollectionViewSource Multiple Views? - wpf

I've written a Custom WPF Control with search extension, let's name it MyControl.
The Control is a descendent of an ItemsControl class.
So I feed the the data source to it like this:
The control itself uses
protected override void OnItemsSourceChanged(System.Collections.IEnumerable oldValue, System.Collections.IEnumerable newValue)
if (newValue != null)
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(newValue);
view.Filter += this.FilterPredicate;
if (oldValue != null)
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(oldValue);
view.Filter -= this.FilterPredicate;
base.OnItemsSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);
to filter the view of the source collection (thus displaying it in an inner ListBox).
Now suppose we have 10 of these MyControls defined in XAML with the same DynamicSource.
The problem is that if one of them applies the Filter on the source collection, it will affect all other instances too.
How would you change the Control to avoid this behaviour ?

In situations like this you would generally want to create a separate ICollectionView instance for each differently filtered usage of the collection. It's not a good idea to use a specific implementation of ICollectionView since it's possible for the CollectionView type needed to change if the ItemsSource is bound to a different type of collection. Using
ICollectionView filteredView = new CollectionViewSource { Source=newValue }.View;
will give you an ICollectionView that's the correct type automatically.
Unfortunately, what you may find in this case is that it is very difficult to apply a different collection to the ItemsPresenter of your custom control since all of that magic is done for you by the base ItemsControl class and relies on the ItemsSource/Items properties which it manages. This happens when using something similar to ItemsControl's default template.
If you are in fact using a separate ListBox control (and TemplateBinding all the ItemsSource properties if you need them) inside your ControlTemplate then you should be able to simply add a new ICollectionView DP (I'd recommend read-only) on your control to hold your filtered version of the collection and bind the template ListBox's ItemsSource to that new property.

The problem there is that CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(object) will always return the same ICollectionView instance for a given source, and this is what any ItemsControl extension will use when displaying that source.
You can get around this by creating a new instance of ICollectionView to be used by each control that you want to be able to independently filter the collection, and then explicitly binding the ItemsSource property of each control to that specific view. The type of ICollectionView needed would depend on your scenario, but ListCollectionView is generally appropriate.


How do I get the UIElement when Collection changes?

I have a wpf Treeview which has a dynamic itemssource. The User can add and remove items at runtime.
I'm missing an event which gives me the currently added UIElement that was added to the treeviews itemsSource. So I guess I need to switch to OnCollectionChanged.
This is what I have:
// MyItemViewModel is a viewmodel for a TreeViewItem
// MyCollection is bound to hte Treeview's ItemsSource
public class MyCollection : ObservableCollection<MyItemViewModel>
protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
// i like to have the UIelement which was added to the collection
// (e.NewItems contains the FrameworkElement's DataContext)
Im following MVVM, as good as I can, and don't want to hold any view elements in the viewmodel.
I like to have an event that is fired when an item is added, which provides the new added UIElement in its sender or EventArgs.
I already tried ItemContainerGenerator class, but it's not useful inside a viewmodel since it requires already a UIElement Control.
You seem to be looking at this problem from the wrong direction... in MVVM, you can pretty much forget about the UI for the most part. So, instead of thinking how to get hold of the item that the user added into the collection control in the UI, think about accessing the data object that you added to the data collection in the view model that is data bound to the UI collection control in response to an ICommand that was initiated by the user.
So to me, it sounds like you need to implement an ICommand that is connected to a Button in the UI, where you add the new item into the data bound collection rather than any event. In this way, you'll always know the state of all of your data items.

Silverlight MVVM binding DataGrid to DynamicObject, reevaluating dynamic members

I have a ViewModel which exposes a DataSource which is an ObservableCollection of DynamicObjects. Upon binding, the DataGrid calls GetDynamicMemberNames() on the first DataSource item to obtain the columns it needs to autogenerate and bind to. So far so good.
However, when I then change the DataSource to contain items with completely different properties and raise PropertyChanged for the DataSource, the Grid does not re-evaluate the dynamic members!
My question is, how do I get the DataGrid to re-evaluate the DynamicObject's members? How do I force it to call GetDynamicMemberNames after the initial binding?
Some code:
private ObservableCollection<dynamic> _dataSource;
public ObservableCollection<dynamic> DataSource
if(_dataSource == null)
_dataSource = new ObservableCollection<dynamic>();
foreach(var model in SourceModels)
var row = new DynamicDataRow() // Inherits from DynamicObject ...
row["SomeProperty"] = model.GetType().GetProperty("SomeProperty").GetValue(model, null);
return _dataSource;
This works if I fill the SourceModels collection in the ViewModel constructor.
What I'm looking for is some way to rebind the grid in a way that calls GetDynamicMemberNames() after I change the SourceModels collection. Preferably in an MVVM manner...
Can anybody help me out?

ObservableCollection + ICollectionView = ObservableCollectionView?

I have a View Model that exposes an ObservableCollection. Now I want to add grouping and therefore want to use a View class, like e.g. the ListCollectionView. But that is not a generic type. Also, if I construct a ListCollectionView from an ObservableCollection, then it is not updated when the ObservableCollection is.
Did someone implement an ObservableCollection-backed View-collection somewhere?
If not, is it possible to achieve this dynamism somehow by using XAML?
You don't need a specific implementation ; a CollectionView is just a view of a collection. You can get the default CollectionView for a collection using CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView:
ObservableCollection<Something> collection = ...
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(collection);

Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged with ObservableCollection

I want to pull data from a database to display into a ComboBox, and then allow users to select values from that ComboBox and add them into a ListBox (via add/remove buttons). Would I be able to get away with using an ObservableCollections to hold the database values to bind to the ComboBox, since it implements INotifyPropertyChanged (and CollectionChanged)? Sorry if this is a basic question, I starting learning WPF about a month ago.
I've read over the article (very well done) by Sacha Barber.
And I've looked over the MSDN page on ObservableCollection.
What would be the advantages/disadvantages of using an ObservableCollection vs a List (which I know does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged)?
Something you may want to note.
Don't confuse the ObservableCollection's implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged with the objects it contain's implementation.
If one of the properties of one of the objects within the ObservableCollection changes, the UI will not reflect it unless that object implements INotifyPropertyChanged as well. Do not expect the ObservableCollection to take care of this for you.
If the items in your combobox don't change (i.e. you don't add/remove/update items), then List will probably be OK for your needs (ObservableCollection will be too) if you manually notify that your List property changed when you affect it.
public List<X> MyList
if (... != value)
... = value;
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyList"));
this.MyList = new List<X> { new X(...), new X(...) };
If you plan to add/remove or update items in your combobox (without creating a new MyList object, i.e. using this.MyList.Add(...)), then use ObservableCollection that is able to notify when the collection is updated (so it can update bindings).

WPF ListBox - Getting UIElement instead of of SelectedItem

I created a ListBox that has a DataTemplate as Itemtemplate. However, is there an easy way to access the generated UIElement instead of the SelectedItem in codebehind?
When I access SelectedItem, I just get the selected object from my
ItemsSource collection. Is there a way to access the UIElement (ie. the
element generated from the DataTemplate together with the bound object)?
You are looking for the ItemContainerGenerator property. Each ItemsSource has an ItemContainerGenerator instance. This class has the following method that might interest you: ContainerFromItem(object instance).
Once you have a handle to the ListBoxItem, you can go ahead and browse the logical and visual tree. Check out Logical Tree Helper and Visual Tree Helper.
Like Andy said in the comments, just because the item exists in your collection doesn't mean a container has been generated for it. Any kind of virtualizing panel scenario will raise this issue; UIElements will be reused across the different items. Be careful with that as well.
siz, Andy and Bodeaker are absolutely right.
Here is how I was able to retrieve the textbox of the listbox's selected item using its handle.
var container = listboxSaveList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(listboxSaveList.SelectedItem) as FrameworkElement;
if (container != null)
ContentPresenter queueListBoxItemCP = VisualTreeWalker.FindVisualChild<ContentPresenter>(container);
if (queueListBoxItemCP == null)
DataTemplate dataTemplate = queueListBoxItemCP.ContentTemplate;
TextBox tbxTitle = (TextBox)dataTemplate.FindName("tbxTitle", queueListBoxItemCP);
(Note: Here, VisualTreeWalker is my own wrapper over VisualTreeHelper with various useful functions exposed)
