Silverlight UserControl with rectangle as a button - silverlight

I have a problem using custom made UserControl in Silverlight Page.
The UserControl is generally a rectangle containing a smaller rectangle inside.
I want to use the UControl in a Silverlight MainSite.
i've implemented a method on mouse button down for a smaller rectangle called in here Button1:
public void Button1_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
How can i use it from a MainSite? From there I can only implement a method like:
private void ImportedControl_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
firstLeaf.Button1_MouseLeftButtonDown(sender, e);
I can not implement a method for Button1.
How can i mek this Work?

I am still not sure I understand the question, but let me take a swing at an answer. Why don't you use a real Button and just template it with a rectangle? This way you get all the benefits of actually having a button while having it look like a rectangle, including the Click event.
Here is a post Scott Guthrie did on control templating with a button.


Hotkeys in Silverlight?

Is there a way to create global keys in Silverlight? I added a KeyDown event handler to the topmost Page element. I can catch the key signal when elements like a Button, TextBox, Calendar, and RichTextBox have focus. But the DatePicker won't let me handle the key down event at the Page level. Any way to make a hotkey in non-OOB SL?
P.S. I am assuming that the DatePicker control behaves differently than others as it is still in the Silverlight Toolkit.
have you tried using the AddHandler method? With this method you can add a handler and define if you want to handle already handled events, too.
In my simple example I added it to the RootVisual in the app.xaml.cs.
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
this.RootVisual = new MainPage();
RootVisual.AddHandler(UIElement.KeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler(HandleKeyDown), true);
private void HandleKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//Add your keyhandling code here
I tried it with a DatePicker and it works.
Hope this helps!
This may help you. The author provides two ways using HTML bridge (when your Silverlight does not have focus) and using the KeyUp event on Application.RootVisual.
I have not tried it myself so I wouldn't know if it's working.

numericUpDown ValueChanged after MouseLeftButtonDown

I have 2 controls on a form. One numericUpDown (from the Silverlight Toolkit) and a simple Rectangle.
On the MouseLeftButtonDown of the Rectangle I popup a MessageBox with the numericUpDown value.
If I use the arrows to change the value of the numericUpDown, everyting is fine. But if I edit the value manually (with the keyboard) and immediately click on the Rectangle it shows the previous value of the numericUpDown. If I click a sencond time on the rectangle it will show the new value.
The numericUpDown.ValueChanged event is raised after the Rectangle.MouseLeftButtonDown event.
Is that a Silverlight bug? Anybody knows a workaround for that?
(btw I cannot change my Rectangle controls or events)
As workaround I propose you to create your own control like:
public class MyNumericUpDown : NumericUpDown
private TextBox _textBox;
public void Sync()
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
_textBox = (TextBox)GetTemplateChild("Text");
Now you can use method Sync to syncronize display text with control Value property. You can call method from XAML declaratively or in code behind. In your case:
private void Rectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

Print Button inside DataTemplate? How to write code

I have a ContentControl element whose ContentTemplate is determined at run time from the Resource Dictionary. In the datatemplate I have a visual (Convas) and what I want is to also have a button in datatemplate which when clicked should print the visual element(canvas).
As I said that the DateTemplate is inside the Resource Dictionary so How can I write a Code on Click Event of that button and where it should be?
Any response would be much appreciated.
Sounds like you can use the Button.Click attached event. Just add it to the ContentControl.
ContentTemplate="<template with a button>"
and the handler:
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
If you have multiple buttons in your template, you can use e.Source to figure it out. And I think you can use MouseButtonEventArgs instead.

Is it possible to set a mouselistener in WPF?

Can i set a mouselistener (Clicked) in WPF?
Just a Click attribute to your xaml control
Assign it a handler
Define the handler in your xaml.cs
In your xaml,
<Button Click="Button_Click"></Button>
In your xaml.cs,
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//What should be done when you click the control
There are loads of mouse events available. Check MSDN for the list of mouse events supported in WPF
If te user clicked where?
If you have a button(or window or pretty much anything else) you simpy add the MouseDown() eventhandler....

Slider MouseLeftButtonDown Doesn't Work?

When trying to use a Slider control I'd like to listen to the MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp. I have handlers set up for both events. The MouseLeftButtonUp works as expected. MouseLeftButtonDown is not raised at all.
Any ideas why?
I've done a bit of googling and it seems that the WPF doesn't fire either. One of the solutions (in this post) was to use the Preview version of the events which is something silverlight doesn't support.
Is there any simple solution to this that I'm not seeing?
It happens because Slider handles mouse down/up events. Internally its implemented as two RepeatButtons and a thumb in the middle. When you click on left or right side of the slider your mouse events are handled by RepeatButtons, and you don't get them.
If you still want to handle handled event you can use AddHandler() method. Here is Silverlight example:
<Slider Width="100"
Name="sl" />
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPage()
sl.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(Slider_MouseLeftButtonDown), true);
sl.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(Slider_MouseLeftButtonUp), true);
private void Slider_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void Slider_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
In WPF situation is almost same (small differences in names).
