deploy multiple appengine apps to one appspot subdomain - google-app-engine

I don't want to waste any more of my 10 subdomains for test projects. Is there an elegant way to have multiple appengine apps, each to its own folder, e.g., I want the configuration to be identical or very close to the actual deployment configuration at a subdomain's root.

Just ask for more apps. Google would rather give you more apps than have you work around the limit. See here

What you could maybe do is (ab-)use the different versions for completely different projects. In this case you do not have to change anything in web.xml. for myapp1 for myapp2
They do share the same datastore and memcache and task queues, but you would have the same situation with separating the paths. And if the table names do not collide, that should not be a problem.
You do get different admin consoles (log viewers etc) for each version.

You could always create a new Google account and get 10 new apps, right?
You could use dummy Google accounts for your test projects, and add your original Google account as a developer to a project you decide to actively work on... That way your original Google account doesn't get "polluted" by test projects.


Firebase - Add many apps to one project

This is the first time i'm working with firebase. My goal is to have a bounch of client apps (more and more over time), all of them managed by an admin app (One app to rule them all).
The thing is that the client apps have a certain content that needs to be updated from the admin app. My best approach is to create a firebase project, put the admin app there and adding client apps over time. I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project. On addition, someone told me to create one project for each client app and connect them to the same database somehow. I simply don't know what to do.
Which would be the best solution for my problem? thank you
firebaser here
A Firebase project can currently contain up to 30 app definitions. This is meant to support variations of the same logical application. For example, having an Admin app in addition to the app for regular users, and/or having an iOS, Android, and Web version of the same app, and for example having a free and a pro version of the app (if that is allowed by the stores where you deliver them).
Adding multiple apps to a project is expressly not meant to be used for white labeling apps, where you ship essentially the same app with different branding to different user segments, as you'd be sharing the backend services between them. For some backend services (such as database and storage) this is not necessarily a problem, as you can isolate the customers with security rules. But for other services (such as authentication and analytics) this is not possible, which is why this use-case is not supported.
If you need to define a separate app in the project for each customer, the only supported approach is to create a separate project for each customer.
I'have read that is possible to have an unlimited number of apps inside one Firebase project.
In that case please provide a link, so we can either fix it, or (if it's not in the Firebase documentation) leave a comment to clarify.

How do I specify DomainOverrideStrategy.OVERRIDE on a gcloud beta app domain-mappings request?

I am using a Custom Domain for a Google Application project. I have multiple projects and I use the same domain for each, although only one mapping is active at any time. Historically this has been as simple as Verifying the domain on the latest project and then Adding the domain. The domain has then automatically switched to the new project.
I have not used this approach for some months and when I tried it recently I got the messages is already mapped to a project. is already mapped to a project.
Research on StackOverflow suggests the use of the following command
gcloud beta app domain-mappings create
This does look the right thing to do, unfortunately the response to the command is:
ERROR: ( App [aaaaaa] is the subject of a conflict: Domain '' is already mapped to another application. You must delete the existing domain mapping before you can re-map the domain, or you may specify 'DomainOverrideStrategy.OVERRIDE' on the request to force overwrite the existing mapping. Domain '' is currently mapped to an application on which you do not have permissions.
I do not want to use the delete approach since there will be a gap in service before the re-map. I would like to use the OVERRIDE option but I cannot work out how to add it to the gcloud command and I cannot locate any documentation.
Update 6Nov17.
In the absence of an answer I have used the delete approach and it worked as expected. The re-map was possible immediately after the mapping was deleted for the current app. Unfortunately for some users access to the web page was not possible, or error messages were returned, for a while. After about 10-15 minutes normal service was resumed. For my web site a gap of 10-15 minutes is manageable. This will not be true for many sites and I anticipate that Google Cloud will tidy up this procedure before it exits Beta.
If for some reason it is not possible to access the current app to delete the mapping then I guess deleting the app's subdomain information at the domain registrar will have the same effect, although it may be difficult to predict when the delete of the associated mapping will happen.
On the plus site the new automatic SSL provision worked flawlessly.

Can I have two instances on same App Engine project - Java servlet and Endpoints side by side?

We have Java servlets up and running on GAE, using blobstore, datastore and other cloud services.
Currently, we're starting a migration process to cloud Endpoints and we've hit an issue: if we use a different GAE project, we would not be able to query regarding current datastore entities (to the best of my knowledge, Google doesn't want you to do this - see
this question
and the GAE terms of service - section 3.3d), so we need to use the same project for both.
I looked up whether it's possible to have one GAE instance running Java servlets and one instance running Endpoints, but I found no conclusive answer anywhere.
If we try to implement and something goes wrong, we're looking at a potentially major issue for our users, so we need to be sure beforehand.
Has anyone tried something similar, and can assure us that this works?
You have 2 options to run the old and the new code inside the same app (thus with no issues sharing access to the datastore) but as separate engine instances, so they can be developed/deployed/managed independently:
as different versions of the same app/module(s):
the old version remains the default, the new one can be accessed at a different URL during development (possibly via URL routing)
you can use traffic splitting to do live A/B testing on the new code and for gradual final migration until you make the new version the default
as different modules of the same app:
both can run (fully functional) side by side indefinitely, but you need to be more careful during development
traffic is routed to the modules in several possible ways
final migration is done by publishing the new URLs, eventually re-directing the old URLs and finally bringing down the old module code
The 2 approaches can even be combined, if needed, as the final solution described by the OP's in this somehow similar question (for the python environment, but java equivalents exist): Google App Engine upgrading part by part

Definitive guide for setting up a Google App Engine app, with domain and sub domain mapping

I have been used the Google App Engine for multiple hobby projects and I have even published a few of them and setup associated domains with moderate success. Of the few, one of those apps even uses sub-domain mapping.
In spite of the multiple setup attempts, I have still had a bit of difficulty setting up my domains for new projects and I've had to cross-reference multiple help articles (many found on SO). Some times those solutions, however, are close to what I've needed because of setup mistakes or variations in my application.
Even with a bit of experience, it still feels like I'm hacking the domain implementation together because there is no good start-to-finish setup for a GAE application that involves creating the necessary Google Apps application, the App engine application, domain registration and DNS setup.
So, could someone please offer a very high-level walk-through of setting up a GAE application from start to finish with the following requirements.
A domain should point to the GAE application
The application should allow for sub-domain integration, pointing to different application handlers.
Can dynamic sub-domains be easily handled in the application? If so, what must you do in the setup process to assure that all requests to your domain are forwarded to the GAE app?
Forward "Naked" domain requests are forwarded to the right place. (There are multiple response to this requirement. What is the best approach to solving this requirement.)
If you must create a Google Apps application, when should it be created? Include this in the instruction list at the appropriate place.
Again, many of the above requirements have been asked on many forums, including this one. Usually it comes from someone who is in the middle of a problem setting up there domain with their application. Some of these requirements can be easily fulfilled if certain "gotchas" are avoided in the early stages of setup or application requirements are slightly modified to work around (or with) the limitations of the GAE.
In a nutshell, what I'm looking for is a very simple, straight forward response that provides a list of steps should be followed in order to setup a domain with a GAE application.
Thanks gurus.
All of the steps are independent - setting up a Google Apps account is the same whether you're going to add an App Engine app to it or not - except mapping the domain, which is documented here. Domain registration and DNS setup depends on your registrar, so it's not possible to write a universal guide to those. Handling subdomains in your app, meanwhile, is something that's not App Engine specific - it's just standard WSGI (or Servlets, depending on language).

How are people using Google App-Engine apps with their own domains?

I've been fooling around with the Google App Engine for a few days and I have a little hobby application that I want to write and deploy.
However I'd like to set it up so that users are not directly accessing the app via
Is hosting it through Google Apps and then pointing it at my own domain the only way to go? I looked at that a little bit and it seemed like a pain to implement but maybe I'm just missing something.
My other thought was to write the app-engine piece as a more generic web-service.
Then I could have the user-facing piece be hosted anywhere, written in any language, and have it query the url.
Anyone have any luck with the web-service approach?
The reason Google Apps is required is because you need somewhere to a) verify you own the domain (otherwise, you might point it at app engine, then I might hijack it by adding it to my account) and b) set up domain mappings (which subdomains point to which of your appengine apps).
Since this stuff already exists in Apps, it seems silly to duplicate it in AppEngine.
As has been pointed out, it doesn't cost anything, and you do not need to "move" anything to Google. You simple created a cname record with a random name to verify you own the domain, and a cname for the subdomain you wish to point at App Engine. This only takes a few minutes, and once it's done, it's done forever.
Note: If you host your site elsewhere and use webservices, you need to scale the site/frontend. If you host on app engine, you get this for free :-)
I wrote an article on my blog about redirecting * domains to your custom domain to keep your branding:
To do this, I believe you need to be using Google Apps and have a custom domain setup for Google Apps. Then, you deploy your app into your Google Apps domain.
Here is google's official instructions on how to do that:
I have used this process for a couple of sites and it is easy and painless, provided you have control on the DNS records for your domain (you should).
OK, we're now at the end of 2017 and things are a lot different regarding App Engine and custom domains. It's easy now!
Go to the app engine dashboard for your app and choose Settings, then go to the Custom Domains tab. From there, choose Add custom domain.
The tricky part is that Google needs to verify that you control the domain, so they ask you to put a TXT record in the DNS for your domain. Once you do that and Google it, you become "verified" as the owner of the domain.
After that, Google will give you a bunch of A and AAAA (for IP6) records to put in your DNS. Once you've done that, you should be good to go.
It can be easily done using request.getRequestURI() method. If the URL doesn't include your domain, just redirect it to the desired URL using
resp.sendRedirect("<your domain>")
Otherwise load a error page using
request.getRequestDispatcher("<error-page>").forward(request, response);
