Stored procedure? - sql-server

I write a stored procedure for most viewed photos in my procedure, this is my procedure can u check this please is ok or is there any improvement required?
create procedure sp_photos_selectmostviewedphotos
select * from photos order by views desc
is it enough or required any modification

First just specify the columns you really need -> replace the star in your query.
Then create an index over the views column (SortOrder DESC).
The rest should be OK :)

+1 to Greco, just to add:
I'd imagine you won't actually use ALL the records (the name indicates "most viewed photos"), so I'd stick in a TOP clause and only return however many records you actually need.
SELECT TOP 10 Column1, Column2
FROM Photos


How to force reasonable execution plan for query with LIKE statement?

When creating ad-hoc queries to look for information in a table I have run into this issue over and over.
Let's say I have a table with a million records with fields id - int, createddatetime - timestamp, category - varchar(50) and content - varchar(max). I want to find all records in the last day that have a certain string in the content field. If I create a query like this...
select *
from table
where createddatetime > '2018-1-31'
and content like '%something%'
it may complete in a second because in the last day there may only be 100 records so the LIKE clause is only operating on a small number of records
However if I add one more item to the where clause...
select *
from table
where createddatetime > '2018-1-31'
and content like '%something%'
and category = 'testing'
then it could take many minutes to complete while locking up the table.
It appears to be changing from performing all the straight forward WHERE clause items first and then the LIKE on the limited set of records, over to having the LIKE clause first. There are even times where there are multiple LIKE statements and adding one more causes the query to go from a split second to minutes.
The only solutions I've found are to either generate an intermediate table (maybe temp tables would work), insert records based on the basic WHERE clause items, then run a separate query to filter by one or more LIKE statements. I've tried various JOIN and CTE approaches which usually have no improvement. Alternatively CHARINDEX also appears to work though difficult to use if trying to convert the logic of multiple LIKE statements.
Is there any hint or something that can be placed in the query statement to tell sql server to wait until records are filtered by the basic WHERE clause items before filtering by the LIKE?
I actually just tried this approach and it had the same issue...
select *
from (
select *, charindex('something', content) as found
from bounce
where createddatetime > '2018-1-31'
) t
where found > 0
while the subquery independently returns in a couple seconds, the overall query just never returns. Why is this so bad
Not fancy, but I've had better luck with temp tables than nested select statements... It will isolate the first data set, and then you can select just from that. If you're looking for quick and dirty, which usually serves my purposes for ad-hoc, this may help. If this is a permanent stored proc, the indexing suggestions may serve you better in the long run.
select *
into #like
from table
where createddatetime > '2018-1-31'
and content like '%something%'
select *
from #like
where category = 'testing'

stored procedure can't figure out how to insert results into existing table

I have seen many posts on this but unfortunately I have not been able to use them to my benefit. Like many other I would like to take the results of a stored procedure and as part of the procedure, every time it is run have the results go into an already existing table. I cannot figure out how to do this and also how to match the columns up.
For example, the existing table has 4 columns. 2 of those columns are string and the stored procedure needs to hard code those values (a fixed name and definition for each procedure). I have 4 stored procedures and each one needs to have the 'name' and 'description' defined in it. This accounts for 2 of the 4 columns in the existing 'output' table. The remaining two columns, one needs to show the datetime the procedure was run, and the other whether the check passed or failed.
my procedure works fine, up to outputting results.
the existing output table, lets call it 'dbo.procedure_results'. it has 4 columns (checkname, description, asofdate, and pass)
there are 4 procedures, let's call them dbo.p1, dbo. p2....
each procedure when run currently outputs a file date and a total allocated storage integer (in TB). I need to define 'checkname' and 'description' for each procedure. 'asofdate' can be the datetime the procuedure was run Pass is an if statement, if the difference between returned values 1 and 3 are X, then Y, else z.
My current procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_DQ_SAN_Hosts_200TB_TotalCapacity]
SELECT top 3 (CONVERT(date, day)) as Ref_Date, sum(TotalAllocated_TB)
FROM [STORAGE_DW].[dbo].[SMART_Host_Dash]
where TotalAllocated_TB >50
GROUP BY cast(Day as date)
order by CONVERT(date, day) desc
insert into dbo.dq_check_summary
exec dbo.sp_dq_san_hosts_200tb_totalcapacity
procedure currently outputs:
Ref_Date Allocated_TB
2017-05-29 898.868404388428
2017-04-24 1056.01000595093
2017-03-27 779.119682312012
Your goal is suspicious - much like the idea that the condition "TotalAllocated_TB > 50" corresponds to the name you gave to your procedure. But you simply change the select statement to include the literals you want. E.g.,
select top 3 'what you want for checkname' as 'check name',
'what you want for description' as 'description',
cast([day] as date) as refdate,
order by refdate;
Note that you can use an alias in the order by clause. Don't need to repeat the expression. Notice that you are summing and you filter the selected rows. Are you certain this logic is correct? The filter occurs logically before the summing? Be careful you understand that and that your sample data is sufficient to validate your logic. And do not write an insert statement that does not specify the columns to be inserted. Ever!
insert into dbo.dq_check_summary (col1, col2, col3, col4)
execute dbo.blah;
Since your procedure is relatively trivial, you might consider using table-valued functions rather than a procedure. That would require a different approach but might be easier (in the long run) to use generally. In fact, you could create a view to do this - which might be a better choice for someone without much tsql experience. A view can generate the resultset you desire - you then decide if you want to insert the results into table when you query the view.

Order BY is not supported in view in sql server

i am trying to create a view in sql server.
create view distinct_product as
select distinct name from stg_user_dtlprod_allignmnt_vw order by name;
this is showing an error.
error message is:
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.
plz help me out where i am wrong.
You could use TOP with a number that is greater than the number of records:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[distinct_product]
FROM stg_user_dtlprod_allignmnt_vw
You cannot use TOP 100 PERCENT since the optimizer recognizes that TOP 100 PERCENT qualifies all rows and does not need to be computed at all, so the ORDER BY wouldn't be guaranteed.
A view cannot be sorted with an ORDER BY clause. You need to put the ORDER BY clause into any query that references the view.
A view is not materialized - the data isn't stored, so how could it be sorted? A view is kind of like a stored procedure that just contains a SELECT with no parameters... it doesn't hold data, it just holds the definition of the query. Since different references to the view could need data sorted in different ways, the way that you do this - just like selecting from a table, which is also an unsorted collection of rows, by definition - is to include the order by on the outer query.
You can't order a view like that when it's created as the message states, unless you follow the other answers from Tim / Raphael, but you can order results selected from a view:
So create it in step 1:
create view distinct_product as
select distinct name
from stg_user_dtlprod_allignmnt_vw
Then order it when you retrieve data:
select *
from distinct_product
order by name

MAX keyword taking a lot of time to select a value from a column

Well, I have a table which is 40,000,000+ records but when I try to execute a simple query, it takes ~3 min to finish execution. Since I am using the same query in my c# solution, which it needs to execute over 100+ times, the overall performance of the solution is deeply hit.
This is the query that I am using in a proc
DECLARE #Id bigint
SELECT #Id = MAX(ExecutionID) from ExecutionLog where TestID=50881
select #Id
Any help to improve the performance would be great. Thanks.
What indexes do you have on the table? It sounds like you don't have anything even close to useful for this particular query, so I'd suggest trying to do:
CREATE INDEX IX_ExecutionLog_TestID ON ExecutionLog (TestID, ExecutionID) the very least. Your query is filtering by TestID, so this needs to be the primary column in the composite index: if you have no indexes on TestID, then SQL Server will resort to scanning the entire table in order to find rows where TestID = 50881.
It may help to think of indexes on SQL tables in the same way as those you'd find in the back of a big book that are hierarchial and multi-level. If you were looking for something, then you'd manually look under 'T' for TestID then there'd be a sub-heading under TestID for ExecutionID. Without an index entry for TestID, you'd have to read through the entire book looking for TestID, then see if there's a mention of ExecutionID with it. This is effectively what SQL Server has to do.
If you don't have any indexes, then you'll find it useful to review all the queries that hit the table, and ensure that one of those indexes is a clustered index (rather than non-clustered).
Try to re-work everything into something that works in a set based manner.
So, for instance, you could write a select statement like this:
;With OrderedLogs as (
Select ExecutionID,TestID,
from ExecutionLog
select * from OrderedLogs where rn = 1 and TestID in (50881, 50882, 50883)
This would then find the maximum ExecutionID for 3 different tests simultaneously.
You might need to store that result in a table variable/temp table, but hopefully, instead, you can continue building up a larger, single, query, that processes all of the results in parallel.
This is the sort of processing that SQL is meant to be good at - don't cripple the system by iterating through the TestIDs in your code.
If you need to pass many test IDs into a stored procedure for this sort of query, look at Table Valued Parameters.

Use of SET ROWCOUNT in SQL Server - Limiting result set

I have a sql statement that consists of multiple SELECT statements. I want to limit the total number of rows coming back to let's say 1000 rows. I thought that using the SET ROWCOUNT 1000 directive would do this...but it does not. For example:
select orderId from TableA
select name from TableB
My initial thought was that SET ROWCOUNT would apply to the entire batch, not the individual statements within it. The behavior I'm seeing is it will limit the first select to 1000 and then the second one to 1000 for a total of 2000 rows returned. Is there any way to have the 1000 limit applied to the batch as a whole?
Not in one statement. You're going to have to subtract ##ROWCOUNT from the total rows you want after each statement, and use a variable (say, "#RowsLeft") to store the remaining rows you want. You can then SELECT TOP #RowsLeft from each individual query...
And how would you ever see any records from the second query if the first always returns more than 1000 if you were able to do this in a batch?
If the queries are simliar enough you could try to do this through a union and use the rowcount on that as it would only be one query at that point. If the queries are differnt in the columns returned I'm not sure what you would get by limiting the entire group to 1000 rows because the meanings would be different. From a user perspective I'd rather consistently get 500 orders and 500 customer names than 998 orers and 2 names one day and 210 orders and 790 names the next. It would be impossible to use the application especially if you happened to be most interested in the information in the second query.
You trying to get 1000 rows MAX from all tables right?
I think other methods may fill up with from the top queries first, and you may never get results from the lower ones.
The requirement sounds odd. Unless you are unioning or joining the data from the two selects, to consider them as one so that you apply a max rows simply does not make sense, since they are unrelated queries at that point. If you really need to do this, try:
select top 1000 from (
select orderId, null as name, 'TableA' as Source from TableA
union all
select null as orderID, name, 'TableB' as Source from TableB
) a order by Source
SET ROWCOUNT applies to each individual query. In your given example, it's applied twice, once to each SELECT statement, since each statement is its own batch (they're not grouped or unioned or anything, and so execute completely separately).
#RedFilter's approach seems the most likely to give you what you want.
Untested and doesn't make use of ROWCOUNT, but could give you an idea?
Assumes col1 in TableA and TableB are the same type.
FROM (select orderId
from TableA
select name from TableB) t
The following worked for me:
#numberOfRecords int
SELECT TOP (#numberOfRecords) * FROM Customers
this is your solution :
TOP (Transact-SQL)
and about ##RowCount you can read this Link :
Using SET ROWCOUNT will not affect DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in a future release of SQL Server. Avoid using SET ROWCOUNT with DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. For a similar behavior, use the TOP syntax. For more information, see TOP (Transact-SQL).
I think two way will work.!
