SQL Server backup issue - sql-server

I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on Windows Server 2008 x64. I want to run daily job at mid-night every day to make full backup of database. Any reference document to follow for a newbie of this topic?
thanks in advance,

Try running the Maintenance Plan wizard, to set up a nightly backup.
Later, read about backups in Books Online and Paul Randal's blog.

You'll need to add a job to the SQL Server Agent, it's in your object explorer when you log on with MSSMS.
But I think it's better to ask this on serverfault.com

If you want to run backup nightly you most likely using the computer account instead of a domain user account.
So you might need to login and
connect with the network service account (if for remote server db backup) by using the computer account instead of a domain user. To enable backups from specific computers to a shared drive, grant access to the computer accounts. Read more here.


Restoring Azure SQL Server to a previous point without replicas

I am reading some guides to see how to backup/restore a Microsoft Azure SQL Server database.
Searching Microsoft documentation, it seems that:
Azure SQL Database has automated backups, so Azure Data Studio doesn't perform Azure SQL Database backup and restore. For more information, see Learn about automatic SQL Database backups.
After further reading, I see we can indeed restore a DB by creating a replica of it at a previous time point, but this costs ~80 euros if I read it correctly, as it basically creates a second instance of the db. Also, It seems to be able to go back in time only some limited time.
Is there a cost-less (without incurring additional cost to the existing costs) way to create a "permanent" off line copy of the database and restore it to an Azure SQL Database?
The first part of this question is similar to Is there a way to download the azure sql database managed backups - though I am not asking if it's possible, and I do not care about any format of the backup, and do not want to download the Azure backups. I would be happy creating my own backup so I am pretty sure the answer to my question is that is possible even though that answer is probably impossible.
Is there a cost-less (without incurring additional cost to the
existing costs) way to create a "permanent" off line copy of the
database and restore it to an Azure SQL Database?
You would have to install an extension to use DACPAC and BACPAC features in Azure Data studio.
Name: SQL Server Dacpac
Id: microsoft.dacpac
Description: Manage data-tier applications
Version: 1.8.0
Publisher: Microsoft
Here is a simple way to export DB as Bacpac, you can similarly use the [Import Bacpac] Operation to restore.
I am Connected to Microsoft SQL Server, backing up a SQL DB. But you can do this connecting to on-premise SQL server too.
What's the actual objective?
You can restore an Azure SQL to a point in time. Go into the Azure portal and do it in there. (Azure Data Studio may not have a nice way for you to do this)
By offline do you mean an on-premises (non cloud) copy? again what is the objective? Is it disaster recovery? Your on premises copy is more likely to be lost than the Azure one.
You can also point in time restore to another Azure database. If your DB <2Gb then you can just retore to the basic edition which is 4.25 Euro a month. Or you can use the serverless option which is even cheaper
But you have to consider why you are doing this. Azure has a lot of redundancy already built in which makes these kinds of manual offline copies and processes unecessary.

SQL Server : run query on server instead of local computer

I think this should be simple but I cannot really find a way to do it. I have some devs connecting to a remote SQL Server 2017 using SQL Server Management Studio. Sometimes they need to run queries that take several hours to complete.
However, their laptops go to sleep if they leave them overnight which sometimes breaks the process. I do not want them to RDP to the server. Is there a way (without server/SQL admin intervention) for their queries to run persistently on the server instead of their local laptops?
I know, they could just set up their laptops to just do not go to sleep. However, that is a security policy in the company and it is a huge pain in the butt to ask for a laptop to be excluded from it.
Any suggestion is welcome.
What kind of database is it? For example... If an MS SQL Server then you can use an SQL Server Agent which run scheduled jobs (with tasks). Is it Azure? Then use an Elastic Job. Figure that out first before you waste your time looking into a tool that is not right for your database.

Azure SQL Server System Databases

Goal: I need to create a msdb on my Systems Database.
Why: I am trying to move an application database to Azure so multiple computers can connect to it. I created a bacpac file and was able to upload my database, but when I try to connect to the Azure database from the application it won't let me because "msdb..backupset is not supported on this version of SQL Server."
Problem: Azure's SQL Server only has master in its Systems Database. Why does it only have master? How can I get msdb and the others there as well? Do I need a VM?
Problem: Azure's SQL Server only has master in its Systems Database. Why does it only have master? How can I get msdb and the others there as well? Do I need a VM?
yes you need a VM or SQLAZURE managed instance*(which is same as on premises sql server with SQLAgent,clr,...,but with high available capacity of SQLAZure)
The reason why you don't have system databases is ..SQLAZURE is database as service and you just pay for the database you used
*Currently in preview,expected to be GA by the end if this year

Copying SQL Server Transaction Logs from Local Server to Azure

I've Googled this a lot and can't really find anything. The SQL Server for our main system is on-premise, not in the cloud. I figured out how to copy our nightly SQL Server backup to Azure. I also want to copy the Transaction Logs each time they roll so if our server dies we have the transaction logs, can restore to that point and only lose at most five minutes of work, not potentially a full day.
I'm really new to Azure, just starting to learn it. Is there an easy way to copy the logs to Azure? Can it be done within SSMS? Does someone already have a script they'd be willing to share? Thanks for any tips you might have!
Yes, there is SQL Server Backup to Azure Tool
Microsoft SQL Server Backup to Microsoft Azure Tool enables backup to
Azure Blob Storage and encrypts and compresses SQL Server backups
stored locally or in the cloud.
There's also Powershell option:
Use PowerShell to Backup Multiple Databases to Windows Azure Blob Storage Service
This topic provides sample scripts that can be used to automate backups to Windows Azure Blob storage service using PowerShell cmdlets. PowerShell support for Backup and Restore to Windows Azure Blob Storage service is introduced in SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU4.
The parent article gives you TSQL options as well.

Is it possible to create an SQL Server Azure VM but use your own license?

I have a program that is a .net console app that is intended to track information at a few websites daily and then put this data into an SQL database.
Previously I've had this program running on a scheduler on my computer but I'm about to take off on a 3 month vacation so I'm planning on deploying it on azure to run it while I'm away.
Last night I set up a SQL server VM. I got it all set up then I tracked the pricing and realized that using the SQL Server image increased the price by about 30$ per month compared to the Windows image (http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/?scenario=virtual-machines)
I have an SQL Server license. So I was thinking of just setting up a Windows VM and then installing SQL server on it. THe only problem is that I'm going to have to copy the MSI over and install it etc. - it would take ages.
Is it possible to just create an SQL Server VM in azure and then enter my own license in there to avoid paying the extra 30$ per month?
By the way, is there a more economical way to get Azure to do this then using a VM? Really, it just needs to run daily and performance doesn't matter.
To answer your question directly: you can only utilise your own SQL Server license on an Azure VM if your organisation's agreement with Microsoft includes License Mobility (http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/license-mobility/). If your are unsure or believe this is not the case then you cannot deploy your own license. This is exactly the same on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
SQL Databases for Azure Mobile Services that are under 20MB are free - that may be an option depending on your needs. (see point 5 on this page: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/details/mobile-services/).
You can try converting the .NET console application to Worker Role (PAAS) and use Web Edition of SQL Database (PAAS), and recalculate your TCO.
You can start with the SQL Server Trial image, then apply your own license on it (as on any trial installation).
You could also have a free Azure Web Site, with your code triggered as a "web job". For DB, there is a 20MB free tier for Azure SQL Database.
Why don't you just create a SQL Azure DB. They are only $4.95/mo for DB's under 100MB http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/details/sql-database/
Saves the entire headache of running your own SQL Server.
Update: SQL Azure now has different pricing
As suggested in the comments, use Azure WebJobs and if possible a free SQL DB if you only have very limited data to track operation.
Under 20Mb free
~$5/mo for up to 2GB
More Details: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/sql-database/
