Google App Engine atomic section? - google-app-engine

Say you retrieve a set of records from the datastore (something like: select * from MyClass where reserved='false').
how do i ensure that another user doesn't set the reserved is still false?
I've looked in the Transaction documentation and got shocked from google's solution which is to catch the exception and retry in a loop.
Any solution that I'm missing - it's hard to believe that there's no way to have an atomic operation in this environment.
(btw - i could use 'syncronize' inside the servlet but i think it's not valid as there's no way to ensure that there's only one instance of the servlet object, isn't it? same applies to static variable solution)
Any idea on how to solve?
(here's the google solution:
look at:
Key k = KeyFactory.createKey("Employee", "k12345");
Employee e = pm.getObjectById(Employee.class, k);
e.counter += 1;
'This requires a transaction because the value may be updated by another user after this code fetches the object, but before it saves the modified object. Without a transaction, the user's request will use the value of counter prior to the other user's update, and the save will overwrite the new value. With a transaction, the application is told about the other user's update. If the entity is updated during the transaction, then the transaction fails with an exception. The application can repeat the transaction to use the new data'
Horrible solution, isn't it?

You are correct that you cannot use synchronize or a static variable.
You are incorrect that it is impossible to have an atomic action in the App Engine environment. (See what atomic means here) When you do a transaction, it is atomic - either everything happens, or nothing happens. It sounds like what you want is some kind of global locking mechanism. In the RDBMS world, that might be something like "select for update" or setting your transaction isolation level to serialized transactions. Neither one of those types of options are very scalable. Or as you would say, they are both horrible solutions :)
If you really want global locking in app engine, you can do it, but it will be ugly and seriously impair scalability. All you need to do is create some kind of CurrentUser entity, where you store the username of the current user who has a global lock. Before you let a user do anything, you would need to first check that no user is already listed as the CurrentUser, and then write that user's key into the CurrentUser entity. The check and the write would have to be in a transaction. This way, only one user will ever be "Current" and therefore have the global lock.

Do you mean like this:
public void func(Data data2) {
String query = "select from " + objectA.class.getName()
+ " where reserved == false";
List<objectA> Table = (List<objectA>) pm.newQuery(
for (objectA row : Table)
Data data1 = row.getData1();
row.setWeight(JUtils.CalcWeight(data1, data2));
Collections.sort(Table, new objectA.SortByWeight());
int retries = 0;
int NUM_RETRIES = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < Table.size() ; i++)
pm.currentTransaction().begin(); // <---- BEGIN
ObjectA obj = pm.getObjectById(Table.get(i).class, Table.get(i).getKey());
if (obj .getReserved() == false) // <--- CHECK if still reserved
catch (JDOCanRetryException ex)
if (j == (NUM_RETRIES - 1))
throw ex;
i--; //so we retry again on the same object


Prevent one user from accessing a particular page when another user is already using it in .net core api and react js front end

We have a requirement to create a kind of user session. Our front end is react and backend is .net core 6 api and db is postgres.
When 1 user clicks on a delete button , he should not be allowed to delete that item when another user is already using that item and performing some actions.
Can you guys suggest me an approach or any kind of service that is available to achieve this. Please help
I would say dont make it too complicated. A simple approach could be to add the properties 'BeingEditedByUserId' and 'ExclusiveEditLockEnd' (datetime) to the entity and check these when performing any action on this entity. When an action is performed on the entity, the id is assigned and a timeslot (for example 10 minutes) would be assigned for this user. If any other user would try to perform an action, you block them. If the timeslot is expired anyone can edit again.
I have had to do something similar with Java (also backed by a postgres db)
There are some pitfalls to avoid with a custom lock implementation, like forgetting to unlock when finished, given that there is not guarantee that a client makes a 'goodbye, unlock the table' call when they finish editing a page, they could simply close the browser tab, or have a power outage... Here is what i decided to do:
Decide if the lock should be implemented in the API or DB?
Is this a distributed/scalable application? Does it run as just a single instance or multiple? If multiple, then you can not (as easily) implement an API lock (you could use something like a shared cache, but that might be more trouble than it is worth)
Is there a record in the DB that could be used as a lock, guaranteed to exist for each editable item in the DB? I would assume so, but if the app is backed by multiple DBs maybe not.
API locking is fairly easy, you just need to handle thread safety as most (if not all) REST/SOAP... implementations are heavily multithreaded.
If you implement at the DB consider looking into a 'Row Level Lock' which allows you to request a lock on a specific row in the DB, which you could use as a write lock.
If you want to implement in the API, consider something like this:
class LockManager
private static readonly object writeLock = new();
// the `object` is whatever you want to use as the ID of the resource being locked, probably a UUID/GUID but could be a String too
// the `holder` is an ID of the person/system that owns the lock
Dictionary<object, _lock> locks = new Dictionary<object, _lock>();
_lock acquireLock(object id, String holder)
_lock lok = new _lock(); = id;
lok.holder = holder;
lock (writeLock)
if (locks.ContainsKey(id))
if (locks[id].release > DateTime.Now)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Resource is already locked, lock held by: " + locks[id].holder);
lok.allocated = DateTime.Now;
lok.release = lok.allocated.AddMinutes(5);
return lok;
void releaseLock(object id)
lock (writeLock)
// called by .js code to renew the lock via ajax call if the user is determined to be active
void extendLock(object id)
if (locks.ContainsKey(id))
lock (writeLock)
locks[id].release = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);
class _lock
public object id;
public String holder;
public DateTime allocated;
public DateTime release;
This is what i did because it does not depend on the DB or client. And was easy to implement. Also, it does not require configuring any lock timeouts or cleanup tasks to release locked items with expired locks on them, as that is taken care of in the locking step.

Correct concurrency handling using EF Core 2.1 with SQL Server

I am currently working on an API using ASP.NET Core Web API along with Entity Framework Core 2.1 and a SQL Server database. The API is used to transfer money from two accounts A and B. Given the nature of the B account which is an account that accepts payments, a lot of concurrent requests might be executed at the same moment. As you know if it's not well managed, this can result in some users not seeing their payments arrive.
Having spent days trying to achieve concurrency I can't figure out what the best approach is. For the sake of simplicity I created a test project trying to reproduce this concurrency issue.
In the test project, I have two routes: request1 and request2 each one perform a transfer to the same user the first one have an amount of 10 and the second one is 20. I put a Thread.sleep(10000) on the first one as follows:
public async Task<string> request1()
using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.Serializable))
Wallet w = _context.Wallets.Where(ww => ww.UserId == 1).FirstOrDefault();
w.Amount = w.Amount + 10;
catch (Exception ex)
return "request 1 executed";
public async Task<string> request2()
using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.Serializable))
Wallet w = _context.Wallets.Where(ww => ww.UserId == 1).FirstOrDefault();
w.Amount = w.Amount + 20;
catch (Exception ex)
return "request 2 executed";
After executing request1 and request2 after in a browser, the first transaction is rolled back due to:
InvalidOperationException: An exception has been raised that is likely due to a transient failure. Consider enabling transient error resiliency by adding 'EnableRetryOnFailure()' to the 'UseSqlServer' call.
I can also retry the transaction but isn't there a better way? using locks ?
Serializable, being the most isolated level and the most costly too is as said in the documentation:
No other transactions can modify data that has been read by the current transaction until the current transaction completes.
Which means no other transaction can update data that has been read by another transaction, which is working as intended here since the update in the request2 route wait for the first transaction (request1) to commit.
The problem here is we need to block read by other transactions once the current transaction has read the wallet row, to solve the problem I need to use locking so that when the first select statement in request1 executes, all the transactions after need to wait for the 1st transaction to finish so they can select the correct value. Since EF Core have no support for locking I need to execute a SQL query directly, so when selecting the wallet I'll add a row lock to the current row selected
//this locks the wallet row with id 1
//and also the default transaction isolation level is enough
Wallet w = _context.Wallets.FromSql("select * from wallets with (XLOCK, ROWLOCK) where id = 1").FirstOrDefault();
w.Amount = w.Amount + 10;
Now this works perfectly even after executing multiple request the result of the transfers all combined is correct. In addition to that am using a transaction table that holds every money transfer made with the status to keep a record of each transaction in case something went wrong am able to compute all wallets amount using this table.
Now there are other ways of doing it like:
Stored procedure: but I want my logic to be in the application level
Making a synchronized method to handle the database logic: this way all the database requests are executed in a single thread, I read a blog post that advise about using this approach but maybe we'll use multiple servers for scalability
I don't know if I'm not searching well but I can't find good material for handling pessimistic concurrency with Entity Framework Core, even while browsing Github, most of code I've seen don't use locking.
Which bring me to my question: is this the correct way of doing it?
Cheers and thanks in advance.
My suggestion for you is to catch on DbUpdateConcurrencyException and use entry.GetDatabaseValues(); and entry.OriginalValues.SetValues(databaseValues); into your retry logic. No need to lock the DB.
Here is the sample on EF Core documentation page:
using (var context = new PersonContext())
// Fetch a person from database and change phone number
var person = context.People.Single(p => p.PersonId == 1);
person.PhoneNumber = "555-555-5555";
// Change the person's name in the database to simulate a concurrency conflict
"UPDATE dbo.People SET FirstName = 'Jane' WHERE PersonId = 1");
var saved = false;
while (!saved)
// Attempt to save changes to the database
saved = true;
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
foreach (var entry in ex.Entries)
if (entry.Entity is Person)
var proposedValues = entry.CurrentValues;
var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues();
foreach (var property in proposedValues.Properties)
var proposedValue = proposedValues[property];
var databaseValue = databaseValues[property];
// TODO: decide which value should be written to database
// proposedValues[property] = <value to be saved>;
// Refresh original values to bypass next concurrency check
throw new NotSupportedException(
"Don't know how to handle concurrency conflicts for "
+ entry.Metadata.Name);
You can use distributed lock mechanism with redis for example.
Also, you can lock by userId, it will not lock method for others.
Why don't you handle the concurrency problem in the code, why it needs to be in the DB layer?
You can have a method that updates the value of given wallet with given value and you can use simple lock there. Like this:
private readonly object walletLock = new object();
public void UpdateWalletAmount(int userId, int amount)
lock (balanceLock)
Wallet w = _context.Wallets.Where(ww => ww.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();
w.Amount = w.Amount + amount;
So your methods will look like this:
public async Task<string> request1()
UpdateWalletAmount(1, 10);
catch (Exception ex)
// log error
return "request 1 executed";
public async Task<string> request2()
UpdateWalletAmount(1, 20);
catch (Exception ex)
// log error
return "request 2 executed";
You don't even need to use a transaction in this context.

Create-or-Err with Objectify

I'm getting started with Google App Engine, and I'm using Objectify. How do I create a root entity in the data store, but err if it already exists? I didn't find anything built in for this (e.g. DatastoreService.put() and therefore ofy().save() will overwrite an existing entity instead of err). The simple technique I am used to is to do this in a transaction:
Err if already exists
However, that is not idempotent; it would err in step 1 if the transaction executes twice. Here is the best I've come up with so far, not in a transaction:
Err if already exists
Err if it's not the data we just created
Or, if I don't mind two requests to save the same data both succeeding, I can skip the initial lookup:
Report success if it's the same data we are about to create
Err if already exists, but is not the same data we are about to create
That is doable, but it gets a little bulky to accomplish what I thought would be a very simple operation. Is there a better way?
This should guarantee consistent behavior:
final String id = // pick the unique id
final long txnId = // pick a uuid, timestamp, or even just a random number
ofy().transact(new VoidWork() {
public void vrun() {
Thing th = ofy().load().type(thing.class).id(id).now();
if (th != null) {
if (th.getTxnId() == txnId)
throw ThingAlreadyExistsException();
th = createThing(id, txnId);

Using/Searching AsyncDataProvider with Objectify / Google App Engine

I currently have an application which uses the activities/places and an AsyncDataProvider.
Right now, everytime the activity loads up - it uses the request factory to retrieve the data (currently not a lot but will get very large coming up here soon) and passes it to the View to update the DataGrid. Before it is updated it is filtered based on a search box.
Right now - I have implemented updating the DataGrid as follows: (this code isn't the prettiest)
private void updateData() {
final AsyncDataProvider<EquipmentTypeProxy> provider = new AsyncDataProvider<EquipmentTypeProxy>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<EquipmentTypeProxy> display) {
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
final List<EquipmentTypeProxy> subList = getSubList(start, end);
end = (end >= subList.size()) ? subList.size() : end;
if (subList.size() < DATAGRID_PAGE_SIZE) {
updateRowCount(subList.size(), true);
} else {
updateRowCount(data.size(), true);
updateRowData(start, subList);
private List<EquipmentTypeProxy> getSubList(int start, int end) {
final List<EquipmentTypeProxy> filteredEquipment;
if (searchString == null || searchString.equals("")) {
if (data.isEmpty() == false && data.size() > (end - start)) {
filteredEquipment = data.subList(start, end);
} else {
filteredEquipment = data;
} else {
filteredEquipment = new ArrayList<EquipmentTypeProxy>();
for (final EquipmentTypeProxy equipmentType : data) {
if (equipmentType.getName().contains(searchString)) {
return filteredEquipment;
Ultimately - what I would like to do is only load up the necessary data at first (the default page size in this application is 25).
Unfortunately, to my current understanding, with Google App Engine there is no order to any of the Id's (one entry has an ID of 3 the next has an entry of 4203).
What I'm wondering, what is the best way to go about retrieving a subset of data from Google App Engine when using Objectify?
I was looking into using Offset and limit but another stack overflow post ( basically said this is inefficient.
The best information I've found is the following link ( The answer here says to use Cursors but also says this is inefficient. I'm also using Request Factory so I will have to store the Cursor in my user Session (if that is incorrect please let me know).
Currently since there isn't likely to be a lot of data (maybe 200 rows total for the next few months) I am just pulling back the entire set to the client as a temporary hack - I know this is the worst way to do it but would like to get input to the best way to do it before wasting my time implementing another hack solution. I am worried currently as it seems every single post i've read on doing this makes it seem like there's not really a solid way to do this.
What i am also thinking about doing - currently my searching / page loading is lightning fast because all the data is already on the client side. I use a KeyUpEvent handler in the search box to filter the data - i don't think there is any way to keep this speed by making a call to the server - is there any accepted solution to this problem?
Thank you very much
Go with Cursors. They are as efficient as it gets - cursor stores the point where last query ended and continues from there. The answer you linked actually does not discuss efficiency of cursors vs offset. (there is a comment that is wrong)
You can use limit with Cursors - it does not affect efficiency.
Also, Cursors can be serialized via cursor.toWebSafeString() and sent to client via RPC. This way you do not need to save them in session. Actually you can also use them as fragment identifier (aka history token in GWT parlance) - this way a certain "page" of your result set can be bookmarked.
(Offset is "inefficient" because it actually loads, and charges you, for all entities upto offset+limit, bit it only returns limit entities)
OTOH, if you already know the query parameters when the page is loaded, then just do the query at page generation time, instead invoking it via RPC. Also, if you have a small set of data (<1000) you could just preload all entity IDs s part of page html.

How do I do nested transactions in NHibernate?

Can I do nested transactions in NHibernate, and how do I implement them? I'm using SQL Server 2008, so support is definitely in the DBMS.
I find that if I try something like this:
using (var outerTX = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction())
using (var nestedTX = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction())
... do stuff
then by the time it comes to outerTX.Commit() the transaction has become inactive, and results in a ObjectDisposedException on the session AdoTransaction.
Are we therefore supposed to create nested NHibernate sessions instead? Or is there some other class we should use to wrap around the transactions (I've heard of TransactionScope, but I'm not sure what that is)?
I'm now using Ayende's UnitOfWork implementation (thanks Sneal).
Forgive any naivety in this question, I'm still new to NHibernate.
EDIT: I've discovered that you can use TransactionScope, such as:
using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
using (var tx = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction())
... do stuff
using (var tx = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction())
... do stuff
However I'm not all that excited about this, as it locks us in to using SQL Server, and also I've found that if the database is remote then you have to worry about having MSDTC enabled... one more component to go wrong. Nested transactions are so useful and easy to do in SQL that I kind of assumed NHibernate would have some way of emulating the same...
NHibernate sessions don't support nested transactions.
The following test is always true in version 2.1.2:
var session = sessionFactory.Open();
var tx1 = session.BeginTransaction();
var tx2 = session.BeginTransaction();
Assert.AreEqual(tx1, tx2);
You need to wrap it in a TransactionScope to support nested transactions.
MSDTC must be enabled or you will get error:
{"Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please enable DTC for network access in the security configuration for MSDTC using the Component Services Administrative tool."}
As Satish suggested, nested transactions are not supported in NHibernate. I've not come across scenarios where nested transactions were needed, but certainly I've faced problems where I had to ignore creating transactions if other ones were already active in other units of work.
The blog link below provides an example implementation for NHibernate, but should also work for SQL server:
I've been struggling with this for a while now. Am going to have another crack at it.
I want to implement transactions in individual service containers - because that makes them self-contained - but then be able to nest a bunch of those service methods within a larger transaction and rollback the whole lot if necessary.
Because I'm using Rhino Commons I'm now going to try refactoring using the With.Transaction method. Basically it allows us to write code as if transactions were nested, though in reality there is only one.
For example:
private Project CreateProject(string name)
var project = new Project(name);
return project;
private Sample CreateSample(Project project, string code)
var sample = new Sample(project, code);
return sample;
private void Test_NoNestedTransaction()
var project = CreateProject("Project 1");
private void TestNestedTransaction()
using (var tx = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction())
var project = CreateProject("Project 6");
var sample = CreateSample(project, "SAMPLE006", true);
In Test_NoNestedTransaction(), we are creating a project alone, without the context of a larger transaction. In this case, in CreateSample a new transaction will be created and committed, or rolled back if an exception occurs.
In Test_NestedTransaction(), we are creating both a sample and a project. If anything goes wrong, we want both to be rolled back. In reality, the code in CreateSample and CreateProject will run just as if there were no transactions at all; it is entirely the outer transaction that decides whether to rollback or commit, and does so based on whether an exception is thrown. Really that's why I'm using a manually created transaction for the outer transaction; so we I have control over whether to commit or rollback, rather than just defaulting to on-exception-rollback-else-commit.
You could achieve the same thing without Rhino.Commons by putting a whole lot of this sort of thing through your code:
if (!UnitOfWork.Current.IsInActiveTransaction)
tx = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction();
if (tx != null)
... and so on. But With.Transaction, despite the clunkiness of needing to create anonymous delegates, does that quite conveniently.
An advantage of this approach over using TransactionScopes (apart from the reliance on MSDTC) is that there ought to be just a single flush to the database in the final outer-transaction commit, regardless of how many methods have been called in-between. In other words, we don't need to write uncommitted data to the database as we go, we're always just writing it to the local NHibernate cache.
In short, this solution doesn't offer ultimate control over your transactions, because it doesn't ever use more than one transaction. I guess I can accept that, since nested transactions are by no means universally supported in every DBMS anyway. But now perhaps I can at least write code without worrying about whether we're already in a transaction or not.
That implementation doesn't support nesting, if you want nesting use Ayende's UnitOfWork implementation. Another problem with the implementation your are using (at least for web apps) is that it holds onto the ISession instance in a static variable.
I just rewrote our UnitOfWork yesterday for these reasons, it was originally based off of Gabriel's.
We don't use UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction(), we use UnitofWork.TransactionalFlush(), which creates a separate transaction at the very end to flush all the changes at once.
using (var uow = UnitOfWork.Start())
var entity = repository.Get(1);
entity.Name = "Sneal";
