Uploading and downloading the whole database from Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I just want to know if it is possible to download and upload the whole database from Google App Engine to a SQLite db, in case I want to transfer my app from Google App Engine to another server?
What is the chance?
Thank you!

There is a project called approcket that synchronizes Google App Engine datastore and a local MySQL database. Maybe you should have a look.

In a related answer, I linked to the documentation for the bulk loader tool.
However you will be more interested in the rest of the document, especially the section on creating an exporter class for exportation of the data.


"Sample DB" for Google App Engine Datastore

MySQL has this Sample Sakila DB where we can start playing around with bunch of data already for our application, how about for Google App Engine/GAEJ is there something like this for the datastore?
I started recently to experiment with the Google App Engine and I was confronted with the same question. I was interested in a REST based app engine backbone which I could easily load/unload with data but couldn't find something to play around.
So I started to build up two projects on github which supports me in such kind of work.
clb-appEngineTemplate is a skeleton application for a Google App Engine Jave REST backend. It provides some sample code for a standardized REST API based persistency layer on Business Object level and can be easily extended (using Objectify and GSON).
clb-test which is a utility class which allows to load Test Data from Excel CSV file into your Google App Engine REST backend.
Both projects are maven based and allow me easily to define data objects which I can upload into the App Engine. Mainly I'm run them against the local test server, which serves me for initial testing.
I just released a first version and will incrementally extend over the next weeks.
AFAIK, there is no sample DB for GAE, probably because datastore write operations are expensive. There are demos bundled with GAE SDK. If you are using Eclipse you can import the samples to your workspace. Some of them involve datastore so you can run the application and add data yourself.
Another way is to use bulkloader to upload data at once using CSV files. But you can quickly run out of free quota for datastore writes.

Can I use a free cloud database on Google App Engine?

I built a simple Web Application using GWT and deployed it to Google App Engine Now I want to build my database and integrate it to my website I searched for it all what I found is Google Cloud SQL
and I have to pay for it
any free solution.I just want to build simple project for 1 user use
*Tip: database using MYSQL
There is only one way to have a free solution:
You will need to have to learn Google App Engine Datastore. This is another alternative to using a database such as MySQL.
There is now an introductory free trial for Google Cloud SQL.

A tool to browse/extract data from the Google App Engine Datastore?

I'm looking for tool (data extract utility) to browse/extract data from the Google App Engine Datastore. I found one but it hasn't been released - GAEBrowser. Does anybody know of a similar tool? Thanks in advance!
I know one, of course, the datastore viewer in GAE admin console: https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?&app_id={yourappid}
What's wrong with the official datastore viewer anyway?
You might also look into remote_api, which lets you write Python scripts that run on your own computer but access your app's Datastore: https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/remote_api

Is there any tool to backup/restore Google Datastore entities?

I've playing around with Google App Engine and Google Datastore for a while now and I am facing the need to take regular backups of my stuff up on the cloud.
Is there any sort of general purpose tool that allows you to download all your data from a specific instance of google-datastore and restore it to another one?
If so, please enlighten me, if not - someone should do it!
You can use the BulkLoader that is described in the Google Appengine Docs
There is an opensource application available that I developed called "GAE datastore backup utility." It allows you to backup and restore your GAE entities through a GUI. It keeps track of your applications and your application's entities. It's currently only for Windows and Python based GAE apps but it sounds like something you are looking for. I see that you are looking for a solution for Java based apps. I will look into supporting this language in the next release.
Follow this tutorial for Exporting and Importing Entities: https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/export-import-entities
gcloud datastore export --namespaces="(default)" gs://%BUCKET%
gcloud datastore import gs://%BUCKET%/[PATH]/[FILE].overall_export_metadata
gcloud datastore export --namespaces="(default)" gs://${BUCKET}
gcloud datastore import gs://${BUCKET}/[PATH]/[FILE].overall_export_metadata
You may have a look at the following site:
It is about the backup and restore of the datastore.
I describe bulkloader.py no-config dump/restore in What's the best way to back up data on Google App Engine?
After years, this came out as a feature of the Datastore Administration in the app-engine dashboard, still experimental but still good news!

Hosting/transferring a web site on Google App Engine

I have my website currently hosted on paid server, but i want to transfer it on GAE.
How can i do it? Can anyone please help me in this case.I'd appreciate your help.
1) First you will have to adapt your website to the GAE framework (python with django or the new Java environment). You can test your work by downloading the SDK of GAE which offer a local server.
2) Then create an account on appengine.google.com and upload your application on something.appspot.com, test it.
3) If you have a domain name, create a google apps account on this domain, and finally bind this domain with your GAE website. Here is the Google doc.
If it is just a static website which does not need server side scripts or a database, then you might want to look into Google Sites instead of Appengine. You can find out more about Sites here: http://www.google.com/sites/help/intl/en/overview.html
If you do have some server side logic going on, you will need to convert it to either python or java and convert your relational database to Google's Data API which does not support the SQL your current database uses. You can read more about the APIs and what is supported with the Data API and tutorials at: http://code.google.com/appengine/
In response to sanorita's comment "Actually, it's generated html and not plain html. and google appengine is for static data... right?":
AppEngine can host static data, but that is far from its intent.
The purpose of AppEngine is to allow developers to easily deploy their dynamic applications on Google's infrastructure. In the end, assuming you have programmed your app in effective ways to handle scaling (basically just noting that writes to the database are expensive, and contention is the root of all evil) you can handle nearly any amount of traffic.
