Wordpress selecting wrong DB - database

I have a Wordpress site that uses two databases -- one section queries one database ("database_A"), and then Wordpress makes its connection to its own database ("database_B").
Everything it working well until I go to call this function:
$pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
The Wordpress suddenly selects the wrong database ("database_A") when it was just using ("database_B").
How do I (a) prevent it from selecting ("database_A") or (b) make a call to have it select ("database_B")?

The wpdb class in WP ha a select() method. You should just be able to call it directly.
You could also instantiate a second object that uses database_b:
$wpdb_b = new wpdb($db_b_user, $db_b_pwd, 'database_B', $db_b_host);

You can create a new $wpdb-var, like this:
$wpdb2 = new wpdb($user, $dbpassword, $db2, $dbhost);
Now you can easily select items from the other database:
$pageposts = $wpdb2->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
I hope it helps you :]
(edit: Are you sure it suddenly changes the database? I mean, is it using database A before it is using database B, that's almost impossible...)


ndb query by KeyProperty

I'm struggling with a KeyProperty query, and can't see what's wrong.
My model is
class MyList(ndb.Model):
user = ndb.KeyProperty(indexed=True)
status = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
items = ndb.StructuredProperty(MyRef, repeated=True, indexed=False)
I create an instance of MyList with the appropriate data and can run the following properly
cls = MyList
lists = cls.query().fetch()
[MyList(key=Key('MyList', 12), status=True, items=..., user=Key('User', 11))]
But it fails when I try to filter by user, i.e. finding lists where the user equals a particular entity; even when using the one I've just used for insert, or from the previous query result.
key = lists[0].user
lists = cls.query(cls.user=key).fetch()
But works fine with status=True as the filter, and I can't see what's missing?
I should add it happens in a unit testing environment with the following v3_stub
self.policy = datastore_stub_util.PseudoRandomHRConsistencyPolicy(probability=0)
user=Key('User', 11) is a key to a different class: User. Not MyList
Perhaps you meant:
user = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='User', indexed=True)
Your code looks fine, but I have noticed some data integrity issues when developing locally with NDB. I copied your model and code, and I also got the empty list at first, but then after a few more attempts, the data is there.
Try it a few times?
edit: possibly related?
google app engine ndb: put() and then query(), there is always one less item

XPcollection not loaded - why?

This must be something very simple, I just don't see it (and can not find the answer :(
I am trying to learn DevExpress controls and have read that eXpress Persistent Objects is recommended for O/R mapping.
1) I have an existing SQL Server Compact 4.0 database for which I generated ORM
2) I have a Winform with XtraGrid.GridControl gridControl1
3) In Form_Load event I have this code:
XPCollection cName = new XPCollection(typeof(WindowsFormsApplication1.DUzskv1r6.XPO_TableName));
int c = cName.Count; //didn't help...
cName.DisplayableProperties = "Name;Nr"; //choose columns to display
gridControl1.DataSource = cName;
I have read that it using "delayed loading" - loading when it is necessary (http://documentation.devexpress.com/#XPO/clsDevExpressXpoXPCollectiontopic), but reading XPcollections record Count didn't do the trick as it was suggested.
As a result I get an empty gridControl1 with columns "Name" and "Nr".
Please help - what am I missing?
I think the issue is somewhere in your datalayer initialization.
You use XPCollection with default session, maybe you forgot to initialize it.
The best way is to specify the session is in the XPCollection contractor.

CakePHP Multiple emails from one field

I'm pretty new to cakephp, I did the sample posts tutorial on the website and I'm now working on my first project.
Its pretty simple. The administrator pastes a list of emails and they become records in the database with a random password.
So, I want to register multiple emails by inputting em 'foo#bar.com; bar#foo.com; com#foo.bar' style in the same textbox. In the database they should become a record/email.
For one email my code is:
echo $this -> Form -> input('email');
echo $this -> Form -> input('code', array('default' => genRandomString()));
I also wan't to validate the adresses as emails later on. So could I use php's explode and then validate em on one way or another?
Cake itself has a neat method to explode them:
$emails = String::tokenize($emailList, ';');
( http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/string.html#string )
yes, you can iterate over them and manually validating them one by one or putting them into an array saveAll() understands and use 'validate'=>'first' or 'only' with it.
( http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/data-validation/validating-data-from-the-controller.html#validating-data-from-the-controller )

Play Scala: How to access multiple databases with anorm and Magic[T]

I want to access two databases in Play Scala with anorm and Magic[T], (one is H2 and another is PostgreSQL). I just don't know how to config it...
I noticed that we can set another database connection in conf/application.conf
However, how can I use it with Magic?
(I read the source code of Magic but don't understand it... my am a freshman of Scala)
Anyhow, if multiple database access is impossible with Magic[T] , I wish to do it with anorm, then how can I config it?
var sqlQuery = SQL( //I guess some config params should be set here, but how?
select * from Country
In play.api.db.DB it appears you can pass in a string of the name you defined in application.conf.
Then use one of the methods specified here: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0/ScalaDatabase
# play.api.db.DB.class
def withConnection[A](name : scala.Predef.String)(block : scala.Function1[java.sql.Connection, A])(implicit app : play.api.Application) : A = { /* compiled code */ }

Trouble using dbforge with PyroCMS (CI based CMS)

I have been using PyroCMS and CI for quite some time, and truly love it.
I am extending a DB module that will allow an admin user to manage a DB without having to use something like phpMyAdmin.
The only thing I have been able to get working however is Browsing a table's field values (i.e 'SELECT * FROM 'table_name').
I want to include more functions, but I can't seem to get dbforge to work properly. I know it is loaded because dbforge is used to uninstall modules. I also get no error when calling functions from it.
Here is an example of my code from the controller (dbforge has already been loaded).
public function drop($table_name)
$table_name = $this->uri->segment(4);
Lets say the function gets called from this url:
It appears to work... but instead it just redirects to the tables overview.
Is there something I am missing? Shouldn't [$this->dbforge->drop_table($table_name);] always drop a table (given $table_name is valid)?
As a work around, I was able to use:
public function drop($table_name)
$table_name = $this->uri->segment(4);
$this->db->query("DROP TABLE ".$table_name);
return TRUE;
I really would like to use DB forge, however...
I think you might be getting a little confused by the site prefixes in PyroCMS 1.3.x.
By default all installations of Community and Professional will have default_ as a prefix for all tables in the first site. If you have Professional you can add new sites and the site reference will be whatever_ instead of default_
This prefix is accounted for by dbforge, so when you want to delete default_blog you would just delete:
Also, why are you accepting the $table_name as an argument then overriding it with a uri segment?
Also, why are you accepting the $table_name as an argument then overriding it with a uri segment?
See what I did there? xD
public function drop($table_name)
