Looking for Tree Grid control for Silverlight [closed] - silverlight

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Quick question:
Is it somewhere available - preferably free / opensource or at reasonable price?
To be more precise, there's an example of winforms control (SandGrid from Divelements) what I'm looking for. Forming a tree is important, grouping by isn't necessary.
alt text http://www.divelements.com/net/controls/sandgrid/home1.gif

Vectorlight has a nice set of opensource Silveright controls (TreeView included ) they also have some silverlight tutorials. To download the dlls you must be registered (for free).
If you need the source code, use Reflector.

On Codeplex you can find a treelist/treegrid control. Unfortunately it is under the GPL2 Licence.

You can find a TreeMap and a TreeView for free in the Silverlight Toolkit.
The Silverlight 4 DataGrid will have Grouping Support as well.

The Telerik suite has just what you need, the TreeListView:
Note: this control is currently in CTP, and unfortunately it's not that cheap.


Looking for a silverlight 3rd Party DataGrid & Coverflow control [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been tinkering a while with the free opensource flow control (http://silverlightcoverflow.codeplex.com) and with the Datagrid in the Toolkit.
Both are now showing some serious bugs that are quite frustrating. I might be better off just buying a third party control, since Microsoft hasn't updated the Toolkit since over a year now. And the opensource Coverflow control has also been left to die.
What are your experiences with Silverlight controls and are there any recommendations?
Many Thanks,
Telerik makes both a Datagrid and CoverFlow control and is known to have excellent VS integration, support, and pretty good looking controls. They have demos available on their website:
ComponentArt also makes Silverlight controls (including a datagrid) but does not have a CoverFlow control and is not as well known/respected as Telerik.

what is the best free/open source WinForms "progress bar" control? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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what is the best free/open source WinForms "progress bar" control?
(i.e. want a better looking control than the default one in VS2008, and one that has a nice continuous bar)
PS I'm pretty new to .net so I'm not sure at all if there are any popular control libraries (open source) that are widely used or not...
One of the nice things about Windows Forms is that you'll usually get the new look of the common controls on a new version of Windows. That certainly applies to ProgressBar, on Vista and Win7 you get the green continuous bar with the traveling highlight note. No code is required.
If you now see a blocky blue bar then you've either got a really old version of Windows or you've got visual styles turned off. Looking for a replacement for PB is, frankly, a waste of time, look for a replacement of Windows. I recommend Win7.
You can use Krypton controls's progressbar or Progress-O-Doom

Free libraries for adding some eye candy to WinForm apps? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to spice up some gray WinForm apps. Any recommendations for free WinForm libraries.
I have seen AquaButtons at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/buttons/aquabutton.aspx
I am looking for more versatile free libraries which add similar buttons, color gradients to panes, title bars, toolbars.. etc.
Also if you know of sample apps on the web for nice looking, maybe WPF'ish, WinForm apps which I can get some ideas from, that would be great. (I do not plan to put WPF controls in the WinForm apps)
Krypton controls are pretty good
asend.net is a nice simple toolkit of controls. And they're all free.
Even though it is a old post-ill awnser anyways :)
So as of right now there are: (as far as i know)
Material skin - Material design for C#
Metro Framework - adds metro styled controls
LimitlessUI - Made by urs truly... small lib that adds simple controls that are easy to work with

WPF Diagramming Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What free or open source WPF diagramming libraries have you used before? I'm working on my thesis and have no money to pay for the commercial alternatives.
Valid answers should support undo/redo, exporting to XML and hopefully good documentation.
I'm building an open source UML / database diagramming tool.
sukram has a excellent series on CodeProject... it's a MUST READ!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
This is a nifty diagramming control for WPF:
What kind of Diagram drawing you are looking for?
WPF has great set of basic control library which supports most mathematical drawing models like Spline Curve, Line, PolyLine, arc etc etc

Free DayView Calendar for WPF? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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Is there a free DayView Calendar for WPF like this one?
Thanks in advance! Cheers from Argentina!
Have a look at these articles on Code Project
Creating an Outlook Calendar Using WPF (Part 1)
Creating an Outlook Calendar Using WPF (Part 2)
Datepickers are a sore point among WPF users still. There's no official standard date picker in the framework yet, and definitely not something like you're looking for.
That said, it's certainly possible to implement using ListView or a DataGrid with some heavy template customization. If you're interested in a starting direction, post a comment to me and I'll update my answer if you want to go the homebrew route.
