I notice that in WP blogs the comments order by continuous id (id=203, id=204 and so..).
while I understand the class names "parent" "child" - to sort the reply to thread, I didn't figure out why the id's are continuous - maybe to choose hide/show specific comments?
You need to improve your question.
Comments have UNIQUE IDs because they are stored in their own table, and a One to Many relationship links the Posts with the Comments, thus, having a 'global' counter to them.
Comment ID 1 => Post ID 1
Comment ID 2 => Post ID 1
Comment ID 3 => Post ID 2
And so on, Post 1 has 2 comments, post 2 has one.
If you meant "unique ID in the HTML":
Every ID in HTML has to be unique.
Even if there are no links to the separate comments on the page itself, like on the page which you linked to, IDs are still very handy when someone else wants to point to a particular comment from within another page. Like, when I want to point someone to the comment of Jeremy regarding email updates, I can simply do so.
This is my firebase database structure in the image :
I'll explain the structure aswell,
I have a forum, which people can post trades in.
Every post has some random user key as you can see in the picture.
Also every post has a list of items which the user wants to sell or buy ('have' or 'want', in the image).
the number of items in each trade can change from 1 to 10.
I want to fetch all of the forum posts of the users that are selling ( or buying ) with some item id.
For example : Get forum posts of users selling items with 'Id' of 'Some Item Name'
How do I do this? I can't seem to get reference to each item in the inventory
since you can't do multiple orderByChild.
If you think it's impossible with this DB structure, Please offer me an alternative.
I want to know whether I'm wasting my time with firebase and this is impossible to do :(
Please note that I have a lot of data in my DB so I can't just filter the posts on the client side.
Either you can change your database structure OR You can create a different node which can contain the metadata of all the "have" OR "want" items with the itemID, userID and "have" or "want" node child number(in this case it should be 0-9, as there are 10 items in each type). So whenever you are saving/deleting you data from "have" or "want" section you have to do the same operation in the other new metadata table also.
You can run your query on this node to get the desired item and then with the help of result data you get those particular items directly by creating a reference at runtime as you are having userId, have or want type, itemId.
your metadata should be something like.
|-type : "have" or "want"
|-userId : "randonId of user".(Kt0QclmY3.as shown in picture)
|-Id: "Breakout Type-S"
|-childOnNode: 0, (0-9)
|-type : "have" or "want"
|-userId : "randonId of user".(Kt0R48Cp..as shown in picture)
|-Id: "Breakout"
|-childOnNode: 0, (0-9)
Ah! I think I figured out part of the problem. I am trying to add a new Line Item by using the PartNumber to control the data in the Line Item. This won't work because I use PartNumber as the Primary Key in tblPartData; so it won't let me add an new Line Item because of a Key Violation in tblPartData. What I really need to do is change the FKInvoiceNum.
Basically I built my queries wrong and got confused. So I've just spent about 10 hours banging my head against this. When what I should have done was just written down a describe the problem, and then think about that for awhile. You know step back and look at it from a different angle.
Thanks for providing me a venue where I had to describe my problem succinctly for others. But next time I'll write up my question then let it sit for a couple of hours; to save you all some time.
I have an Access Database with a Form and a Subform for an invoicing system based on queries to the following tables:
tblInvoiceData (InvoiceNum, FKCustomerID, InvoiceDate)
tblCustomerData (CustomerID, all data pertaining to the customer -- sorry there are about 20 fields)
tblLineItemData (FKInvoiceNum, FKPartNum)
tblPartData (PartNumber, PartDescription, FKManufacturerID)
qryInvoiceExpandedData (InvoiceNum, FKCustomerID, InvoiceDate, CustomerID, and all the Customer data fields)
qryLineItemExpandedData (FKInvoiceNum, FKPartNum, PartNumber, PartDescription, FKManufacturerID, and all the manufacturer data fields)
The Main form is frmInvoiceDetails and is based on qryInvoiceExpandedData. The Subform is frmLineItemDetail and is based on qryLineItemExpandedData (includes the following fields: FKInvoiceNum, FKPartNum, PartNumber, PartDescription, FKManufacturerID, ManufacturerID, ManufacturerName) as a continues form.
The problem is that in edit or creation mode I can not change any Line Item Data, or add new Line Items. Can anyone show me where my mistake; I need to be able to change the Line Item Data in the form and can't figure it out.
Apologies if this question type was answered else where, I was unable to find it -- I expect I'm not asking the right question of the search field.
Ok, from the title it seems to be impossible to understand, I'll try to be as clear as possible.
Basically, I have a table, let's call it 'records'. In this table I have some products, of which I store 'id', 'codex' (which is a unique identifier for a certain product in the whole database), 'price' and 'situation'. This last one is a string which tells me wether the product has just entered the store (in that case it is set to 'IN'), or it has already been sold ('OUT' in this case).
The database was not created by us, I HAVE to work with that although it is horribly structured... The guy who originally projected the database decided to register when a product's situation passes from 'IN' to 'OUT' in the following way: instead of UPDATEing the corresponding value in the table, he used to take the row of data with 'IN' as situation, and to DUPLICATE it setting, that time, 'OUT' as situation.
Just to sum up: if a product has not been sold yet, it will have one row of dedicated data; otherwise those rows will be two, identical except for the 'situation' field.
What I need to do is: select a product if (and ONLY if) there is no duplicate for it. Basically, I can (and should) look for a 'codex', and if I my Count(codex) ends up being >1, I do not select the row.
I hope the explanation of the process is clear enough...
I tryed many alternative (no, SELECT DISTINCT is not a solution): des anyone have an idea of how to do that? Because really, none of us three could come up with a good solution!
Here is the schema for the table, I hope it is sufficiently clear, and if not do not hesitate asking for more details.
Just as a reminder: the project is in (sigh...) VB.net, the database is in Microsoft Access (mdb).
I could not find a solution on StackOverFlow, I hope this is not a duplicate question! Thanks in advance for the help.
id codex price situation
1 1 2.50 IN
2 1 2.50 OUT
3 2 3.45 IN
4 3 21.50 IN
5 2 3.45 OUT
6 4 1.50 IN
To check if I understand what your problem is... In your example table you just want to get the lines with ID 4 a 6, right?
If is that what you want, and If you want only the not sold ones try this command
not in
situation ='OUT'
In my application user can post questions and comments. each question has many comments and a comment is belongs to a question. This application may have millions of users.we have to extract tags from the questions and comments.
Now we planned to have db structure like this.
questions table(id,question)
comments table(id,comment)
tags table (id,tag_name)
tags_questions_comments (id,tag_id,question_id,comment_id)
Now I am having a confusion whether this is correct or not ?.
id tag_id question_id comment_id
1 1 1 NULL -> tag from question
2 2 1 NULL
3 3 1 1 -> tag from comment
I would make two tables instead of:
tags_questions_comments (id,tag_id,question_id,comment_id)
The one includes the set:
tags_questions (tag_id,question_id)
And another one for the the comments:
questions_comments (question_id,comment_id)
unless you add a questionId columns to the comments table which could be a better approach according to your needs.
I am creating a jsp page where a single news item is shown, just like the single question on this StackOverflow page. I need to store the view count in a database.
I can simply increment the view count in the database this way:
`UPDATE table SET views=views+1 WHERE newsId=4458;`
But what if a single user hits that page again and again and again, say 50 times... In this case, my view count will not represent unique visitors to the site. How can I avoid this?
I want something like StackOverflow's view count system.
well one solution could be you make a new table (lets say its called views) with the following columns 'viewid' 'newsid' 'ipaddress' (obviously newsid is the foreign key)
every time someone visits ur website u check if his ip is already in that table for that news item.
Select count(*) AS count FROM views WHERE newsid=1234 AND ipaddress=123.456.125
if count equals 0 you insert like this
INSERT INTO views('newsid', 'ipaddress') VALUES(1234, 123.146.125)
Now when you want to fetch the viewcount:
Select count(*) AS count FROM views WHERE newsid=1234
you can enhance this by adding another column called 'count' and 'lastviewed' (type datetime) to the table views.
Lets say you allow every ip to be counted another time if the day doesnt match.
This way you will get a pretty accurate viewcount :)
to fetch the new viewcount you can simply use SUM
Select SUM(count) AS count WHERE newsid=1234
Good luck :)
You may want to reference spencer7593's answer here, where he basically suggests having both (1) a view count column, for quickly generating your webpages and (2) a separate views table, which records the user id and timestamp pertaining to each view, for the sake of analytics.
I would suggest that this views table could also be used to query if a viewing has occurred for a particular user with a particular piece of content in the last day (or week) when determining if the view count column should be incremented. By checking if a view of a certain item has occurred only in the last day (or week), the DB queries should be substantially less expensive while still protecting the integrity of your view count.
i say use a counter in Javscript . Increment the variable on body onclick. eg:
<script language=”javascript”>
function pageCounter()
var counter = 0;
counter = counter++;
<body onclick = “pageCounter()”>
and you can update the value with onclose ..