Databinding with INotifyPropertyChanged instead of DependencyProperties - wpf

I have been wrestling with getting databinding to work in WPF for a little over a week. I did get valuable help here regarding the DataContext, and I did get databinding to work via DependencyProperties. While I was learning about databinding, I came across numerous discussions about INotifyPropertyChanged and how it is better than DPs in many ways. I figured that I would give it a shot and try it out.
I am using Josh Smith's base ViewModel class and my ViewModel is derived from it. However, I'm having a bit of trouble getting databinding to work, and am hoping that someone here can tell me where I'm going wrong.
In my ViewModel class, I have an ObservableCollection<string>. In my GUI, I have a combobox that is bound to this OC, i.e.
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding PluginNames}" />
The GUI's DataContext is set to the ViewModel, i.e.
private ViewModel _vm;
public GUI()
_vm = new ViewModel();
this.DataContext = _vm;
and the ViewModel has the OC named "PluginNames":
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<string> PluginNames; // this gets instantiated and added to elsewhere
When the GUI is loaded, a method is called that instantiates the OC and adds the plugin names to it. After the OC is modified, I call RaisePropertyChanged( "PluginNames"). I was expecting that since the WPF databinding model is cognizant of INotifyPropertyChanged, that this is all I needed to do and it would "magically work" and update the combobox items with the plugins that got loaded... but it doesn't.
Can someone please point out what I've done wrong here? Thanks!
UPDATE: I'm not sure why, but now instead of not doing any apparent updating, it's not finding the property at all. I think I'm being really stupid and missing an important step somewhere.

When you're working with INotifyPropertyChanged, there are two things:
You'll need to use properties, not fields
You should always raise the property changed event when you set hte properties.
You'll want to rework this so it looks more like:
private ObservableCollection<string> pluginNames;
public ObservableCollection<string> PluginNames
get { return pluginNames; }
set {
this.pluginNames = value;
RaisePropertyChanged("PluginNames"); // This should raise the PropertyChanged event - use whatever your VM class does for this
That should cause everything to repopulate.

It looks like you've exposed field not property. Bindings works for properties only... Change it to:
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<string> PluginNames {get; private set;}


Removing UserControl code behind for use with MVVM

I am trying to create a user control using MVVM.
Basically I am trying to wrap a combobox that will pull data from a respository. This will allow me to use the same combobox in many different views in my application. There will be many of the wrapped comboboxes throughout the application.
I was easily able to create this control using a DependencyProperty and code-behind. I am now trying to convert this to MVVM and am having trouble figuring out how to get the value back to /from the ViewModel that in bound to the View where my combobox is located.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated at this point.
It is perfectly acceptable to use a UserControl that has code behind in it when using MVVM. If you really want to move the functionality out of the UserControl, then move it to whichever parent view models will require it. If you don't want to have the same code repeated in several places, you could encapsulate it in a class and add an instance of that class as a property to each of the relevant view models.
if you have a viewmodel that will pull data from a respository - you can use the same viewmodel in many different viewmodels in your application :)
and if you use a datatemplate your views know how to render this viewmodel
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyPullDataViewmodel}">
<view:MyCoolPullDataShowComboboxUserControl />
It's pretty easy.
Let's say you have:
MyMainWindowView.xaml - For your MainWindow view (the one containing the UserControl)
MyMainWindowViewModel.cs - Your MainWindow ViewModel.
And you want to bind List<string> MyListToBind
And leave the code-behind completely empty.
public class MyUserControlViewModel
private List<string> _MyListToBind;
public List<string> MyListToBind { get; set;}
public class MyUserControlViewModel
private MyUserControlViewModel _MyControlViewModel;
public MyUserControlViewModel MyControlViewModel { get; set;}
<Window ...
<my:MyUserControlView DataContext = "{Binding Path= MyControlViewModel}"/>
<UserControl ...>
<DataGrid ItemsSource = "{Binding Path= MyListToBind}" .../>
This doesn't support ViewModel updating View. To do that You have to use either DependencyProperties as you did instead of normal variables (as i did) or use INotifyPropertyChanged(google it, you'll get tons of examples) and OnPropertyChanged event.
You might read up on DataTemplates they are really useful in data binding.
You can find this usefeul:
I sure as hell did !
Good luck.

How should I populate the ViewModel in WPF?

I'm new to WPF and I'm writing a simple test app to familiarize myself with it. My test app will detect all joysticks I have attached to my computer and display information about it. So far, I have this ViewModel:
public class JoystickViewModel
public ObservableCollection<Joystick> Joysticks { get; set; }
public JoystickViewModel()
private void GetAttachedJoysticks()
// populate Joysticks collection by using SlimDX
And this is my codebehind for my MainWindow.xaml:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new JoystickViewModel();
And my XAML for MainWindow:
<Window ...>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Joysticks}"
I followed a tutorial that also populated the ViewModel in its constructor.
My question is, how should I populate the ViewModel? It seems sort of weird to me that I'm population the collection in the ViewModel constructor. Should this logic be in MainWindow's codebehind instead? Or somewhere else altogether? The end goal is to not only have this collection populated, but also updated periodically to reflect the current state (user plugged in new joystick, unplugged existing one, etc...).
The MainWindow code behind is definitively not the place where "business" logic should occur, as the View should be kept as simple as possible.
Keep your fetch/update logic inside of your viewmodel, this way you can test it easily and independently.
From a learning perspective, it's important to keep concerns separated :
the View is bound to the ViewModel, and has no intelligence
the ViewModel has knowledge on how to get the Model
the Model represents the data
In your case, the VM knowledge is at the moment a call inside it's constructor. Later you can change this to call some IJoystickDataService interface, and wire everything using a MVVM framework.
I would have your JoySticks observable collection property (and the code that populates it) in a Model class. The viewmodel simply exposes this same property to the view for binding. The vm should be as thin as possible - ideally just exposing properties that are in the model for binding and not doing any kind of 'business' logic (i.e. populating joystick info as in your case).

WPF DataTemplate / DataTemplateSelector -- Best approach for a ViewModel used by 2 different Views?

Basically, I have the following scenario:
ViewModel: FooViewModel : BaseViewModel, BarViewModel : BaseViewModel
Views: MainView, FooView, BarView
Right now I "inject" the view and set the DataContext using DataTemplate and DataTemplateSelector. Obviously, my ItemsControl ItemSource is bound to an ObservableCollection<BaseViewModel> in which it contains (for now) an instance of a FooViewModel and a BarViewModel
The problem is I want to introduce a AlternateFooView which I want to utilize the same FooViewModel. I figure I'll create another DataTemplate and have my DataTemplateSelector return it, but there needs to be special logic to determine which DataTemplate to return (I can't just go by which ViewModel is there), and that means I'll have to have some type of property or field in the BaseViewModel. I don't know if that's really a good idea because that seems to be introducing a field/property into the ViewModel that is only used to select a view. It won't hurt my unit testing, but it seems like a waste to include a field just to help decide which UI View to choose. I don't think it breaks MVVM, but I'm curious if anyone out there has any other better ideas? The alternative ideas I had I dislike even more...
Idea #2:
- Turn FooViewModel into a base class that 2 different FooViewModel's extend (i.e. BaseFooViewModel, FooViewModel, DifferentFooViewModel). This seems stupid because there really isn't any difference between FooViewModel and DifferentFooViewModel aside from their class type.
Idea #3:
- Just copy FooViewModel and make it FooViewModel2 (it'll be exactly identical to FooViewModel). This seems even worse than idea #2.
Sample-Code (Adjusted obviously):
public abstract class BaseViewModel : NotificationObject
//Common Stuff
public abstract MainViewModel : NotificationObject
public MainViewModel()
MyItems = new ObservableCollection<BaseViewModel>()
new FooViewModel();
new BarViewModel();
new FooViewModel(); //New Item -- I want it to use the DifferentFooView
//Load items from a DAL later
public ObservableCollection<BaseViewModel> MyItems { get; set; }
//Other Stuff
<l:MyItemsControl ItemSource={Binding MyItems} ContentTemplateSelector={StaticResource MyTemplateSelector} />
I agree with krishnaaditya that the question really boils down to what determines which View to use based on the state of the ViewModel. This type of logic is often placed into a template selector, which works great. If you don't want to put that logic into the template selector, consider externalizing it by using my Routed Template Selection approach. That makes it easy to delegate the template selection logic by using a routed event.
The idea you proposed in your comment about using a DataTrigger could also work, but that reintroduces the need for a property on the VM object that indicates which View to load (which you said you don't want). In my opinion, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

WPF User Control Binding Issue?

I have this:
public MyView: UserControl
public IList<Person> PersonList { get; set; }
public MyView()
public void Display(MyData myData)
The XAML for this includes a ComboBox :
ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=PersonList}"
For some reason this does not work and the combo box does not get populated ( however, If I use the code-behind and I say comboBox.ItemsSource = PersonList then the combo box does got populated ).
Any ideas ?
Your property is set to private, and are you sure that you are setting the DataContext.
* EDIT *
Based on the change you made above, you're setting your datacontext incorrectly. Your "PersonList" is anIList<> on your MyView class, but you're setting your data context to something else.
Try adding items to PersonList within MyView and setting this.DataContext = this; Also, as suggested, switch your IList<> to an ObservableCollection<>.
I would also highly suggest reading up on the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) approach. It will help out a lot. Josh Smith has a lot of good articles about the MVVM approach (and has written a good book about it too).
Here's a link to his blog. His book is linked there, as well.
I suspect it's because you're not firing any property-changed events. If you don't notify your UI when the property's value is first set, the binding won't update. Look into the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and implement it in your class.
Similarly, if your IList property isn't an ObservableCollection or doesn't implement INotifyCollectionChanged, then when you add items to the list the databound UI won't reflect this.
I believe your binding statement is the problem.
"{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=PersonList}" is looking for a "PersonList" on the combobox itself.
Are you seeing any binding errors in the output window?
Ideally you'd want to bind to a property in your DataContext (MyData)

Re-establishing WPF databinding after changing property value

I'm playing with ICollectionView right now, and am encountering a problem where I think I understand the "why", but not the "how do I fix it". :)
I have a ComboBox that's databound to an ICollectionView, and it is initially set with the following code:
NameView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView( names); // names is an IEnumerable<string> that comes from a LINQ query
NameView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(NameView_CurrentChanged);
Everything works great until I execute a piece of code that generates a new IEnumerable<string> and sets NameView again with the same code as above. Once I do this, CurrentItem is no longer working properly.
I've run into this problem before with ObservableCollection<string> databound to ComboBoxes, and I get around the "unbinding" problem by using Clear() and Add() instead of setting the ObservableCollection<string> property to a new ObservableCollection<string>.
My questions include:
1. If I wanted to be able to just set the property to a new collection, can I re-establish databinding with the new collection somehow? If so, how? If not, can you explain the WPFisms behind why this is fundamentally not possible?
2. What's the best way to deal with changes in an ObservableCollection<string> or ICollectionView? Is my approach of just Clearing and Adding the only way to do it?
When you bind your WPF Controls to ICollectionViews (Happens when the XAML is parsed withing your InitializeComponent-call - You should really define the bindings in XAML!), the Controls subscribe to the required events published by your collection (e.g. CollectionChanged).
Your collection property is just a reference to a memory address. When you bend this to a new collection (i.e. a new address), the DataBinding won't notice. You can't expect the original Collection to publish something like "IAmOuttaHere", and clearly the controls wouldn't listen to a new collection saying "I'm the new guy". But if I see this correctly, your snippet does nothing but add an eventhandler to the CurrentChanged (meaning your observe when some other item in the Combobox is being selected)
Binding is all about notification, so - as long as you don't tell your controls that the collection has been exchanged, they will stick to the initial collection. Please try to implement INotifyPropertyChanged like so:
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ICollectionView myCollection;
public ICollectionView MyCollection
return this.myCollection;
this.myCollection = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void ExchangeCollection()
this.MyCollection = new CollectionView(....)
Any bindings should be made to MyCollection. Although, personally, I don't define ICollectionViews myself, since they are not really as nice to work with as for example a nifty IList and they are auto-wrapped around any collection anyway as soon as a binding is defined.
Hope this helps
