Why are file handles such an expensive resource? - file

In holy wars about whether garbage collection is a good thing, people often point out that it doesn't handle things like freeing file handles. Putting this logic in a finalizer is considered a bad thing because the resource then gets freed non-deterministically. However, it seems like an easy solution would be for the OS to just make sure lots and lots of file handles are available so that they are a cheap and plentiful resource and you can afford to waste a few at any given time. Why is this not done in practice?

In practice, it cannot be done because the OS would have to allocate a lot more memory overhead for keeping track of which handles are in use by different processes. In an example C code as shown below I will demonstrate a simple OS process structure stored in a circular queue for an example...
struct ProcessRecord{
int ProcessId;
CPURegs cpuRegs;
TaskPointer **children;
int *baseMemAddress;
int sizeOfStack;
int sizeOfHeap;
int *baseHeapAddress;
int granularity;
int time;
enum State{ Running, Runnable, Zombie ... };
/* ...few more fields here... */
long *fileHandles;
long fileHandlesCount;
Imagine that fileHandles is an pointer to an array of integers which each integer contains the location (perhaps in encoded format) for the offset into the OS's table of where the files are stored on disk.
Now imagine how much memory that would eat up and could slow down the whole kernel, maybe bring about instability as the 'multi-tasking' concept of the system would fall over as a result of having to keep track of how much filehandles are in use and to provide a mechanism to dynamically increase/decrease the pointer to integers which could have a knock on effect in slowing down the user program if the OS was dishing out file handles on a user program's demand basis.
I hope this helps you to understand why it is not implemented nor practical.
Hope this makes sense,
Best regards,

Closing a file also flushes the writes to disk -- well, from the point of view of your application anyway. After closing a file, the application can crash, as long as the system itself doesn't crash the changes will not be lost. So it's not a good idea to let the GC close files at its leisure. Even if it may be technically possible nowadays.
Also, to tell the truth, old habits die hard. File handles used to be expensive and are still probably considered as such for historical reasons.

It's not just the amount of file handles, it's that sometimes when they're used in some modes, they can prevent other callers from being able to access the same file.

I'm sure more comprehensive answers will ensue, but based on my limited experience and understanding of the underlying operation of Windows, file handles (the structures used to represent them to the OS) are kernel objects and as such they require a certain type of memory to be available - not to mention processing on the kernel part to maintain consistency and coherence with multiple processes requiring access to the same resources (i.e. files)

I don't think they're necessarily expensive - if your application only holds a few unnessary ones open it won't kill the system. Just like if you leak only a few strings in C++ no one will notice, unless they're looking pretty carefully. Where it becomes a problem is:
if you leak hundreds or thousands
if having the file open prevents other operations from occurring on that file (other applications might not be able to open or delete the file)
it's a sign of sloppiness - if your program can't keep track of what it owns and is using or has stopped using, what other problems will the program have? Sometimes a small leak turns into a big leak when something small changes or a user does something a little differently than before.

In the Linux paradigm sockets are file descriptors. There are definite advantages to freeing up TCP ports as soon as possible.


Freeing memory after the program return EXIT_FAILURE and terminates [duplicate]

Let's say I have the following C code:
int main () {
int *p = malloc(10 * sizeof *p);
*p = 42;
return 0; //Exiting without freeing the allocated memory
When I compile and execute that C program, ie after allocating some space in memory, will that memory I allocated be still allocated (ie basically taking up space) after I exit the application and the process terminates?
It depends on the operating system. The majority of modern (and all major) operating systems will free memory not freed by the program when it ends.
Relying on this is bad practice and it is better to free it explicitly. The issue isn't just that your code looks bad. You may decide you want to integrate your small program into a larger, long running one. Then a while later you have to spend hours tracking down memory leaks.
Relying on a feature of an operating system also makes the code less portable.
In general, modern general-purpose operating systems do clean up after terminated processes. This is necessary because the alternative is for the system to lose resources over time and require rebooting due to programs which are poorly written or simply have rarely-occurring bugs that leak resources.
Having your program explicitly free its resources anyway can be good practice for various reasons, such as:
If you have additional resources that are not cleaned up by the OS on exit, such as temporary files or any kind of change to the state of an external resource, then you will need code to deal with all of those things on exit, and this is often elegantly combined with freeing memory.
If your program starts having a longer lifetime, then you will not want the only way to free memory to be to exit. For example, you might want to convert your program into a server (daemon) which keeps running while handling many requests for individual units of work, or your program might become a small part of a larger program.
However, here is a reason to skip freeing memory: efficient shutdown. For example, suppose your application contains a large cache in memory. If when it exits it goes through the entire cache structure and frees it one piece at a time, that serves no useful purpose and wastes resources. Especially, consider the case where the memory pages containing your cache have been swapped to disk by the operating system; by walking the structure and freeing it you're bringing all of those pages back into memory all at once, wasting significant time and energy for no actual benefit, and possibly even causing other programs on the system to get swapped out!
As a related example, there are high-performance servers that work by creating a process for each request, then having it exit when done; by this means they don't even have to track memory allocation, and never do any freeing or garbage collection at all, since everything just vanishes back into the operating system's free memory at the end of the process. (The same kind of thing can be done within a process using a custom memory allocator, but requires very careful programming; essentially making one's own notion of “lightweight processes” within the OS process.)
My apologies for posting so long after the last post to this thread.
One additional point. Not all programs make it to graceful exits. Crashes and ctrl-C's, etc. will cause a program to exit in uncontrolled ways. If your OS did not free your heap, clean up your stack, delete static variables, etc, you would eventually crash your system from memory leaks or worse.
Interesting aside to this, crashes/breaks in Ubuntu, and I suspect all other modern OSes, do have problems with "handled' resources. Sockets, files, devices, etc. can remain "open" when a program ends/crashes. It is also good practice to close anything with a "handle" or "descriptor" as part of your clean up prior to graceful exit.
I am currently developing a program that uses sockets heavily. When I get stuck in a hang I have to ctrl-c out of it, thus, stranding my sockets. I added a std::vector to collect a list of all opened sockets and a sigaction handler that catches sigint and sigterm. The handler walks the list and closes the sockets. I plan on making a similar cleanup routine for use before throw's that will lead to premature termination.
Anyone care to comment on this design?
What's happening here (in a modern OS), is that your program runs inside its own "process." This is an operating system entity that is endowed with its own address space, file descriptors, etc. Your malloc calls are allocating memory from the "heap", or unallocated memory pages that are assigned to your process.
When your program ends, as in this example, all of the resources assigned to your process are simply recycled/torn down by the operating system. In the case of memory, all of the memory pages that are assigned to you are simply marked as "free" and recycled for the use of other processes. Pages are a lower-level concept than what malloc handles-- as a result, the specifics of malloc/free are all simply washed away as the whole thing gets cleaned up.
It's the moral equivalent of, when you're done using your laptop and want to give it to a friend, you don't bother to individually delete each file. You just format the hard drive.
All this said, as all other answerers are noting, relying on this is not good practice:
You should always be programming to take care of resources, and in C that means memory as well. You might end up embedding your code in a library, or it might end up running much longer than you expect.
Some OSs (older ones and maybe some modern embedded ones) may not maintain such hard process boundaries, and your allocations might affect others' address spaces.
Yes. The OS cleans up resources. Well ... old versions of NetWare didn't.
Edit: As San Jacinto pointed out, there are certainly systems (aside from NetWare) that do not do that. Even in throw-away programs, I try to make a habit of freeing all resources just to keep up the habit.
Yes, the operating system releases all memory when the process ends.
It depends, operating systems will usually clean it up for you, but if you're working on for instance embedded software then it might not be released.
Just make sure you free it, it can save you a lot of time later when you might want to integrate it in to a large project.
That really depends on the operating system, but for all operating systems you'll ever encounter, the memory allocation will disappear when the process exits.
I think direct freeing is best. Undefined behaviour is the worst thing, so if you have access while it's still defined in your process, do it, there are lots of good reasons people have given for it.
As to where, or whether, I found that in W98, the real question was 'when' (I didn't see a post emphasising this). A small template program (for MIDI SysEx input, using various malloc'd spaces) would free memory in the WM_DESTROY bit of the WndProc, but when I transplanted this to a larger program it crashed on exit. I assumed this meant I was trying to free what the OS had already freed during a larger cleanup. If I did it on WM_CLOSE, then called DestroyWindow(), it all worked fine, instant clean exit.
While this isn't exactly the same as MIDI buffers, there is similarity in that it is best to keep the process intact, clean up fully, then exit. With modest memory chunks this is very fast. I found that many small buffers worked faster in operation and cleanup than fewer large ones.
Exceptions may exist, as someone said when avoiding hauling large memory chunks back out of a swap file on disk, but even that may be minimised by keeping more, and smaller, allocated spaces.

Why do i need to free dynamic memory manually? [duplicate]

Let's say I have the following C code:
int main () {
int *p = malloc(10 * sizeof *p);
*p = 42;
return 0; //Exiting without freeing the allocated memory
When I compile and execute that C program, ie after allocating some space in memory, will that memory I allocated be still allocated (ie basically taking up space) after I exit the application and the process terminates?
It depends on the operating system. The majority of modern (and all major) operating systems will free memory not freed by the program when it ends.
Relying on this is bad practice and it is better to free it explicitly. The issue isn't just that your code looks bad. You may decide you want to integrate your small program into a larger, long running one. Then a while later you have to spend hours tracking down memory leaks.
Relying on a feature of an operating system also makes the code less portable.
In general, modern general-purpose operating systems do clean up after terminated processes. This is necessary because the alternative is for the system to lose resources over time and require rebooting due to programs which are poorly written or simply have rarely-occurring bugs that leak resources.
Having your program explicitly free its resources anyway can be good practice for various reasons, such as:
If you have additional resources that are not cleaned up by the OS on exit, such as temporary files or any kind of change to the state of an external resource, then you will need code to deal with all of those things on exit, and this is often elegantly combined with freeing memory.
If your program starts having a longer lifetime, then you will not want the only way to free memory to be to exit. For example, you might want to convert your program into a server (daemon) which keeps running while handling many requests for individual units of work, or your program might become a small part of a larger program.
However, here is a reason to skip freeing memory: efficient shutdown. For example, suppose your application contains a large cache in memory. If when it exits it goes through the entire cache structure and frees it one piece at a time, that serves no useful purpose and wastes resources. Especially, consider the case where the memory pages containing your cache have been swapped to disk by the operating system; by walking the structure and freeing it you're bringing all of those pages back into memory all at once, wasting significant time and energy for no actual benefit, and possibly even causing other programs on the system to get swapped out!
As a related example, there are high-performance servers that work by creating a process for each request, then having it exit when done; by this means they don't even have to track memory allocation, and never do any freeing or garbage collection at all, since everything just vanishes back into the operating system's free memory at the end of the process. (The same kind of thing can be done within a process using a custom memory allocator, but requires very careful programming; essentially making one's own notion of “lightweight processes” within the OS process.)
My apologies for posting so long after the last post to this thread.
One additional point. Not all programs make it to graceful exits. Crashes and ctrl-C's, etc. will cause a program to exit in uncontrolled ways. If your OS did not free your heap, clean up your stack, delete static variables, etc, you would eventually crash your system from memory leaks or worse.
Interesting aside to this, crashes/breaks in Ubuntu, and I suspect all other modern OSes, do have problems with "handled' resources. Sockets, files, devices, etc. can remain "open" when a program ends/crashes. It is also good practice to close anything with a "handle" or "descriptor" as part of your clean up prior to graceful exit.
I am currently developing a program that uses sockets heavily. When I get stuck in a hang I have to ctrl-c out of it, thus, stranding my sockets. I added a std::vector to collect a list of all opened sockets and a sigaction handler that catches sigint and sigterm. The handler walks the list and closes the sockets. I plan on making a similar cleanup routine for use before throw's that will lead to premature termination.
Anyone care to comment on this design?
What's happening here (in a modern OS), is that your program runs inside its own "process." This is an operating system entity that is endowed with its own address space, file descriptors, etc. Your malloc calls are allocating memory from the "heap", or unallocated memory pages that are assigned to your process.
When your program ends, as in this example, all of the resources assigned to your process are simply recycled/torn down by the operating system. In the case of memory, all of the memory pages that are assigned to you are simply marked as "free" and recycled for the use of other processes. Pages are a lower-level concept than what malloc handles-- as a result, the specifics of malloc/free are all simply washed away as the whole thing gets cleaned up.
It's the moral equivalent of, when you're done using your laptop and want to give it to a friend, you don't bother to individually delete each file. You just format the hard drive.
All this said, as all other answerers are noting, relying on this is not good practice:
You should always be programming to take care of resources, and in C that means memory as well. You might end up embedding your code in a library, or it might end up running much longer than you expect.
Some OSs (older ones and maybe some modern embedded ones) may not maintain such hard process boundaries, and your allocations might affect others' address spaces.
Yes. The OS cleans up resources. Well ... old versions of NetWare didn't.
Edit: As San Jacinto pointed out, there are certainly systems (aside from NetWare) that do not do that. Even in throw-away programs, I try to make a habit of freeing all resources just to keep up the habit.
Yes, the operating system releases all memory when the process ends.
It depends, operating systems will usually clean it up for you, but if you're working on for instance embedded software then it might not be released.
Just make sure you free it, it can save you a lot of time later when you might want to integrate it in to a large project.
That really depends on the operating system, but for all operating systems you'll ever encounter, the memory allocation will disappear when the process exits.
I think direct freeing is best. Undefined behaviour is the worst thing, so if you have access while it's still defined in your process, do it, there are lots of good reasons people have given for it.
As to where, or whether, I found that in W98, the real question was 'when' (I didn't see a post emphasising this). A small template program (for MIDI SysEx input, using various malloc'd spaces) would free memory in the WM_DESTROY bit of the WndProc, but when I transplanted this to a larger program it crashed on exit. I assumed this meant I was trying to free what the OS had already freed during a larger cleanup. If I did it on WM_CLOSE, then called DestroyWindow(), it all worked fine, instant clean exit.
While this isn't exactly the same as MIDI buffers, there is similarity in that it is best to keep the process intact, clean up fully, then exit. With modest memory chunks this is very fast. I found that many small buffers worked faster in operation and cleanup than fewer large ones.
Exceptions may exist, as someone said when avoiding hauling large memory chunks back out of a swap file on disk, but even that may be minimised by keeping more, and smaller, allocated spaces.

Handling lots of FILE pointers

Is there a clean way to handle 1 to 65535 files through an entire program without allocating global variables where a lot of it is may never used and without using linked lists (mingw-w64 on windows)
Long Story
I have a tcp-server which allocates data from a lot of clients (up to 65535) and saves them in kind of a database. The "database" is a directory/file structure which looks like this: data\%ADDR%\%ADDR%-%DATATYPE%-%UTCTIME%.wwss where %ADDR% is the Address, %DATATYPE% is the type of data and %UTCTIME% is the utc time in seconds when the first data packet arrived on this socket. So every time a new connection is accepted it should create this file as specified.
How do I handle 65535 FILE handles correctly? First thought: Global variable.
FILE * PV_WWSS_FileHandles[0x10000]
void tcpaccepted(uint16_t u16addr, uint16_t u16dataType, int64_t s64utc) {
char cPath[MAX_PATH];
snprintf(cPath, MAX_PATH, "c:\\%05u\\%05u-%04x-%I64d.wwss", u16addr, u16addr, u16dataType, s64utc);
PV_WWSS_FileHandles[u16addr] = fopen(cPath, "wb+");
This seems very lazy, as it will likely never happen that all addresses are connected at the same time and so it allocates memory which is never used.
Second thought: Creating a linked list which stores the handles. The bad thing here is, that it could be quite cpu intensive because I want to do this in a multithreading Environment and when f.e. 400 threads receive new data at the same time they all have to go through the entire list to find there FILE handle.
You really should look at other people's code. Apache comes to mind. Let's assume you can open 2^16 file handles on your machine. That's a matter of tuning.
Now... consider first what a file handle is. It's generally a construct of your C standard library... which is keeping an array (the file handle is the index to that array) of open files. You're probably going to want to keep an array, too, if you want to keep other information on those handles.
If you're concerned about the resources you're occupying, consider that each open network filehandle causes the OS to keep a 4k or 8k (it's configurable) buffer x2 (in and out) along with the file handle structure. That's easily a gigabyte of memory in use at the OS level.
When you do your equivalent of select(), if your OS is smart, you'll get the filehandle back --- so you can use that to index your array of "what to do" for that file handle. If your select() is not smart, you'll have to check every open filehandle ... which would make any attempt at performance a laugh.
I said "look at other people's solutions." I mean it. The original apache used one filehandle per process (effectively). When select()'s were dumb, this was a good strategy. Bad in that typically, dumb OS's would wake too many processes --- but that was circa 1999. These days apache defaults to it's hybrid MPM model... which is a hybrid of multi-threading and multi-tasking. It services a certain number of clients per process (threads) and has multiple processes. This keeps the number of files per process more reasonable.
If you go back further, for simplicity, there's the inetd approach. Fork one (say) ftp process per connect. The world's largest ftp server (ftp.freebsd.org) ran that way for many years.
Do not store file handles in files (silly). Do not store file handles in linked lists (your most popular code route will kill you). Take advantage of the fact that file handles are small integers and use an array. realloc() can help here.
Heh... I see other FreeBSD people have chipped in ... in the comments. Anyways... look up FreeBSD and kqueue() if you're going to try keeping that many things open in one process.

In a POSIX unix system, is it possible to mmap() a file in such a way that it will never be swapped out to disk in favor of other files?

If not using mmap(), it seems like there should be a way to give certain files "priority", so that the only time they're swapped out is for page faults trying to bring in, e.g., executing code, or memory that was malloc()'d by some process, but never other files. One can think of situations where this could be useful. Consider search engines, which should keep their index files in cache, but which may be simultaneously writing new files (not being used for search).
There are a few ways.
The best way is with madvise(), which allows you to inform the kernel that you will need a particular range of memory soon, which gives it priority over other memory. You can also use it to say that a particular range will not be needed soon, so it should be swapped out sooner.
The hack way is with mlock(), which forces a range of memory to stay in RAM. This is generally not a good idea, and should only be used in special cases. The most common case is to store passwords in RAM so that the password cannot be recovered from the swap file after the computer is powered off. I would not use mlock() for performance tuning unless I had exhausted other options.
The worst way is to constantly poke memory, forcing it to stay fresh.

C program stuck on uninterruptible wait while performing disk I/O on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

One line of background: I'm the developer of Redis, a NoSQL database. One of the new features I'm implementing is Virtual Memory, because Redis takes all the data in memory. Thanks to VM Redis is able to transfer rarely used objects from memory to disk, there are a number of reasons why this works much better than letting the OS do the work for us swapping (redis objects are built of many small objects allocated in non contiguous places, when serialized to disk by Redis they take 10 times less space compared to the memory pages where they live, and so forth).
Now I've an alpha implementation that's working perfectly on Linux, but not so well on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. From time to time, while Redis tries to move a page from memory to disk, the redis process enters the uninterruptible wait state for minutes. I was unable to debug this, but this happens either in a call to fseeko() or fwrite(). After minutes the call finally returns and redis continues working without problems at all: no crash.
The amount of data transfered is very small, something like 256 bytes. So it should not be a matter of a very big amount of I/O performed.
But there is an interesting detail about the swap file that's target of the write operation. It's a big file (26 Gigabytes) created opening a file with fopen() and then enlarged using ftruncate(). Finally the file is unlink()ed so that Redis continues to take a reference to it, but we are sure that when the Redis process will exit the OS will really free the swap file.
Ok that's all but I'm here for any further detail. And BTW you can even find the actual code in the Redis git, but it's not trivial to understand in five minutes given that's a fairly complex system.
Thank you very much for any help.
As I understand it, HFS+ has very poor support for sparse files. So it may be that your write is triggering a file expansion that is initializing/materializing a large fraction of the file.
For example, I know mmap'ing a new large empty file and then writing at a few random locations produces a very large file on disk with HFS+. It's quite annoying since mmap and sparse files are an extremely convenient way of working with data, and virtually every other platform/filesystem out there handles this gracefully.
Is the swap file written to linearly? Meaning we either replace an existing block or write a new block at the end and increment a free space pointer? If so, perhaps doing more frequent smaller ftruncate calls to expand the file would result in shorter pauses.
As an aside, I'm curious why redis VM doesn't use mmap and then just move blocks around in an attempt to concentrate hot blocks into hot pages.
antirez, I'm not sure I'll be much help since my Apple experience is limited to the Apple ][, but I'll give it a shot.
First thing is a question. I would have thought that, for virtual memory, speed of operation would be a more important measure than disk space (especially for a NoSQL DB where speed is the whole point, otherwise you'd be using SQL, no?). But, if your swap file is 26G, maybe not :-)
Some things to try (if possible).
Try to actually isolate the problem to the seek or write. I have a hard time believing a seek could take that long since, at worst, it should be a buffer pointer change. Still, I didn't write OSX so I can't be sure.
Try adjusting the size of the swap file to see if that's what is causing the problem.
Do you ever dynamically expand the swap file (as opposed to pre-allocation)? If you do, that may be what is causing the problem.
Do you always write as low in the file as you can? It may be that creating a 26G file may not actually fill it with data but, if you create it then write to the last byte, the OS may have to zero out the bytes before then (deferring the initialization, if any).
What happens if you just pre-allocate the entire file (write to every byte) and not unlink it? In other words, leave the file there between runs of your program (creating it if it doesn't already exist of course). Then in your startup code for Redis, just initialize the file (pointers and such). This may get rid of any problems like those in point 4 above.
Ask on the various BSD sites as well. I'm not sure how much Apple changed under the covers but OSX is just BSD at the lowest level (Pax ducks for cover).
Also consider asking on the Apple sites (if you haven't already done so).
Well, that's my small contribution, hopefully it'll help. Good luck with your project.
Have you turned off file caching for your file? i.e. fcntl(fd, F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE, 1)
Have you tried debugging with DTrace and or Instruments (Apple's experimental dtrace front-end)?
Exploring Leopard with DTrace
Debugging Chrome on OS X
As Linus said once on the Git mailing list:
"I realize that OS X people have a hard time accepting it, but OS X
filesystems are generally total and utter crap - even more so than
