Share a model inbetween two django projects - django-models

Is it possible to have a model being shared by two or more apps located in separate projects and if so how?

I'm pretty sure you can do it in the same way that you can use any other Python class (ie. importing it).


Codeigniter best practice: make sense use helper for common function managing DB?

I need to define common functions for managing a mySQL DB: updating, inserting, deleting functions to be used in several different pages of the WEB site. Since generally the access to DB is defined in models, I wonder if in case of common functions managing a DB it is possible and makes sense to define them in helper instead in a model of a specific page.
Those functions shouldn't be in a helper but in a extension of your CI_Model.
You can create a new class in your application/core folder and create a MY_Model.php file.
That class should extend to your CI_Model. Then all your models will extend to MY_Model instead of CI_Model.
If you're looking to automate that kind of crud functionality you might want to look into something like this that has everything you need and more:
Codeigniter MY Model
This is a deprecated model, but you can check what can be done or even clone it and maintain it yourself.

Where the data was put in wpf client app with client/server model with mvvm light?

There is a class which is responsible for communicating with server and hold the most of data. In client, There is without database.
VMs will get required data from the class instance.
Now I'm doubt where the class instance to be put, in App class? in ViewModelLocator class? or others?
Are there some opensource projects like this?
This really depends on the size of your project. If I write a small MVVM application (with a single project), then I create the following folders:
Converters (if required)
DataTypes - some developers put this into 'Models' also, but I prefer to separate them
Models - I use this for data access classes <<< put your class in here <<<
Utilities - some developers call this 'Services'
If the application is large, then I create separate projects with these names instead and add a few others as well.

Prism 4 WPF App - Solution Architecture with MVVM, Repositories and Unit of Work patterns implemented

I'm new to .Net and trying to learn things. I'm trying to develop a Prism4 WPF app with
Visual Studio CSharp 2010 Express Edition,
Prism v4,
Unity as IoC,
SQL Server CE as data store.
I've studied a lot(?) and infuenced by this and this among others, and decided to implement MVVM, Repository and UnitofWork patterns. This application will be a Desktop application with a single user (me:-)
So, I've created a solution with the following projects:
Shell (Application Layout and startup logic)
Common (Application Infrastructure and Workflow Logic)
BusinessModuleA (Views and ViewModels)
BusinessModuleA.Model (Business Entities - POCO)
BusinessModuleA.Data (Repositories, Data Access (EF?) )
BusinessModuleB (Views and ViewModels)
BusinessModuleB.Model (Business Entities - POCO)
BusinessModuleB.Data (Repositories, Data Access (EF?) )
My questions are:
Which projects should reference which projects ?
If I implement Repositories in 'BusinessModuleX.Data', which is
obvious, where should I define IRepositories ?
Where should I define IUnitOfWork and where should I implement UnitOfWork ?
Is it ok if I consume UnitOfWork and Repositories in my ViewModels ?
Instict says it is bad design.
If (4) above is bad, then ViewModel should get data via a Service
Layer (another project ?). Then, how can we track changes to the
entities so as to call the relevant CRUD methods on those objects at the Service Layer?
Is any of this making any sense or am I missing the big picture ?
Ok, may be I've not made myself clear on what I wanted exactly in my first post. There are not many answers coming up. I'm still looking for answers because while what #Rachel suggested may be effective for the immediate requirements, I want to be careful not to paint myself into a corner. I've an Access Db that I developed for my personal use at Office, and which became kind of a success and now being used by 50+ users and growing. Maintaining and modifying the access code base has been fairly simple at the beginning, but as the app evolved, began to fall apart. That's why I have chosen to re-write everything in .Net/Wpf/Prism and want to make sure that I get the basic design right.
Please discuss.
Meanwhile, I came up with this...
First off, I would simplify your project list a bit to just Shell, Common, ModuleA, and ModuleB. Inside each Project I'd have sub-folders to specify where everything is. For example, ModuleA might be separated into folders for Views, ViewModels, and Models
I would put all interfaces and global shared objects such as IUnitOfWork in your Common project, since it will be used by all modules.
How you implement IUnitOfWork and your Repositories probably depends on what your Modules are.
If your entire application links to one database, or shares database objects, then I would probably create two more projects for the DataAccessLayer. One would contain public interfaces/classes that can be used by your modules, and the other would contain the actual implementation of the Data Access Layer, such as Entity Framework.
If each Module has it's own database, or its own set of objects in the database (ie. Customer objects don't exist unless you have the Customer Module installed), then I would implement IUnitOfWork in the modules and have them handle their own data access. I would probably still have some generic interfaces in the Common library for the modules to build from though.
Ideally, all your modules and your Shell can access the Common library. Modules should not access each other unless they build on them. For example, a Customer Statistics module that builds on the base Customer module should access the Customer module.
As for if your ViewModels should consume a UnitOfWork orRepository, I would have them use a Repository only. Ideally your Repository should be like a black box - ViewModels can Get/Save data using the Repository, but should have no idea how it's implemented. Repositories can get the data from a service, entity framework, direct data access, or wherever, and the ViewModel won't care.
I'm no expert on design architecture, however that's how I'd build it :)
I would highly recommend you to get the Introduction to PRISM and Repository pattern inside Design Patterns Library training videos. They are great ones. Hope it helps

Organizing Apex Classes under Namespace

Is there any way in Salesforce to group apex classes under a package or namespace? Can we use managed package for internal organization purpose?
This is a limitation in the stack that makes medium-large size projects painful, if not impractical. Using managed packages in order to get a package prefix doesn't really solve any problems, so it's not really worth the trouble.
I usually try to organize a project into one flat level of namespaces. In lieu of actual namespaces, I'll give each would-be-namespace a 3-5 character name, to be used as a prefix. Any class that belongs in the "namespace" gets prefixed. E.g., if I need a payroll namespace, I'd use a PYRL prefix. A class called PaycheckCalculator becomes PYRL_PaycheckCalculator.
The practical advantage of this type of convention is it helps prevent name clashes and classes are grouped by their "namespace" when viewed in a sorted list, such as in an IDE, or Setup > Develop > Apex Classes
Unfortunately, several basic OO principles are still fundamentally broken. Probably the most important one is every class forms an implicit dependency on every other class it has visibility to, which is all of them.
I'd love to hear how others have worked around this limitation.
Well, you can use managed packages, but as Jeremy mentioned it doesn't really buy you much. Of course managed packages are essential for developing publicly listed apps to sell on the AppExchange. But internally it's really an org-wide problem since once you create a managed package with a prefix, everything that touches any other part of it gets stamped with the same namespace prefix, including all custom objects. And worse, you can't access code in a managed package from outside the managed package (which is actually the whole point of them in the first place).
Although it's not the prettiest solution, what I personally do is maintain numerous named orgs with different purposes, applications and utility classes. When I need a utility class in one org, say I'm building a new app destined for the AppExchange, I'll do an Eclipse Export/Import from the utility org in question. It definitely seems strange but having a library of orgs is the best way I've managed to keep track of everything and to manage "internal" organization. But the end result is really just a glorified copy-paste operation between arbitrary code stores.
I faced similar challenges while working on big projects, wrote this blog post sometime back to share the approach I am following now :

How to make IPC(Complex) in WebSphere Portal using two different war files?

Hi i tried to develop an application using IPC in WebSpherePortal using two different war files.Am trying to transfer one bean object,for that i have placed one jar file in ../WebSpherePortal/PortalServer/shared/app. Even am getting class cast exception.Can any one answer this question.
What you attempted will not work. The classloader with WAS works generally so that every application is separated from each others. You can not share any classes because the classloaders will not be able to understand that the two classes - even when loaded from the same jar - are actually the same. What you need to do is to serialize ("implements Serializable", plus ensure that you really do serialize every Object) every Object before you share them.
Some approaches you could generally take are ICE or Spring Remoting.
