SQL server Query help - sql-server

I am passing a list of zipcodes to a stored proc (say 11111, 11112, 11113, 11114, 11115) and the zip code table contains only few rows (say 11111, 11112, 11113) and now I want to write a query which returns the zip codes that are not exists in the table (11114 and 11115)
Could anyone please help me to write a query like this?
Thanks in advance.

Not knowing your exact implementation, this quick and dirty query should be adaptable to what you're trying. Select the zip codes from the list you passed which aren't in the full table of zip codes:
FROM PassedList
FROM ZipCodeTable

This article uses CTE to take your string of entries, convert to a table so you can include in a query: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/CTE/67974/

You have use a JOIN to build your first query.
Now you'll need a RIGHT JOIN/WHERE to include all items in your zip list which correspondent record on zip table is null
EDIT: Here is a sample
CREATE TABLE ZipCodesTable(Code int NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE ZipCodesList (Code int NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesTable (Code) VALUES (11111)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesTable (Code) VALUES (11112)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesTable (Code) VALUES (11113)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesList (Code) VALUES (11111)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesList (Code) VALUES (11112)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesList (Code) VALUES (11113)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesList (Code) VALUES (11114)
INSERT INTO ZipCodesList (Code) VALUES (11115)
SELECT ZipCodesList.Code
FROM ZipCodesTable RIGHT
JOIN ZipCodesList
ON ZipCodesTable.Code = ZipCodesList.Code
WHERE ZipCodesTable.Code IS NULL

No need to create a table in SQL use a temp table in the stored proc. If you need to pass in the zips as string use this. If you have a table valued parameter you can pass them in as a table.
#Zips varchar(256) --space delimited list of zips
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ZipCheck') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE #ZipCheck (zipcode string) --Note string not int for zips with leading 0's.
IF CharIndex(' ',#Zips) > 1
Declare #StartPos as int
Declare #ZipCd As Varchar(16)
set #StartPos = 2
set #ZipCd = substring(#Zips,1,CharIndex(',',#Zips))
WHILE #StartPos > 1 and #StartPos < Len(#Zips)
INSERT Into #ZipCheck (zipcode)
SELECT Substring(#ZipCd,1,len(#ZipCd)-1)
SET #StartPos = charindex(',',#Zips, #StartPos)+1
SET #ZipCd = substring(#Zips,#StartPos,CharIndex(',',#Zips))
FROM ZipCheck LEFT JOIN YourZipTable on ZipCheck.zipcode=YourZipTable.YourZipField
WHERE YourZipTable.YourZipField IS NULL


Sybase - how do I return the first value that exists from a condition in SQL?

Say I'm trying to return some results where a column in a table matches a condition I set. But I only want to return the first result from a list of possible values in the condition. Is there a quick and easy way to do that? I'm thinking that I can use coalesce somehow, but not sure how I can structure it.
Something like:
select identifier,purpose from table
where identifier = 'letters'
and purpose = coalesce('A','B','C')
group by purpose
So in the table, if A purpose isn't there, then I only want the B purpose to show up. if it isn't there, then I want the C to show up, if none of them are there, then I would ideally like a null or no results to be returned. I'd rather not make several case statements where if A is null then look to B, then if B is null to look to C. Is there a quick way syntactically to do so?
Edit: I also want this to work if I have multiple identifiers I list, such as:
select identifier,purpose from table
where identifier in ('letters1', 'letters2')
and purpose = coalesce('A','B','C')
group by purpose
where I return two results if they exist - one purpose for each identifier, with the purpose in the order of importance for A first, then B, then C, or null if none exist.
Unforunately my reasoning for caolesce doesn't work above, as none of the variables are null so my query will just try to return all purposes of 'A' without the fallback that I intend my query to do. I want to try and avoid using temp tables if possible.
Sybase ASE does not have support for the row_number() function (else this would be fairly simple), so one option would be to use a #temp table to simulate (to some extent) row_number() functionality.
Some sample data:
create table mytab
(identifier varchar(30)
,purpose varchar(30)
insert mytab values ('letters1','A')
insert mytab values ('letters1','B')
insert mytab values ('letters1','C')
insert mytab values ('letters2','A')
insert mytab values ('letters2','B')
insert mytab values ('letters2','C')
The #temp table is created with an identity column plus a 2nd column to hold the items you wish to prioritize; priority is determined by the order in which the rows are inserted into the #temp table.
create table #priority
(id smallint identity
,purpose varchar(30))
insert #priority (purpose)
select 'A' -- first priority
union all
select 'B' -- second priority
union all
select 'C' -- last priority
select * from #priority order by id
id purpose
------ -------
1 A
2 B
3 C
We'll use a derived table to find the highest priority purpose (ie, minimal id value). We then join this minimal id back to #priority to generate the final result set:
select dt.identifier,
from (-- join mytab with #priority, keeping only the minimal priority id of the rows that exist:
select m.identifier,
min(p.id) as min_id
from mytab m
join #priority p
on p.purpose = m.purpose
group by m.identifier) dt
-- join back to #priority to convert min(id) into the actual purpose:
join #priority p
on p.id = dt.min_id
order by 1
Some test runs with different set of mytab data:
/* contents of mytab:
insert mytab values ('letters1','A')
insert mytab values ('letters1','B')
insert mytab values ('letters1','C')
insert mytab values ('letters2','A')
insert mytab values ('letters2','B')
insert mytab values ('letters2','C')
identifier purpose
---------- -------
letters1 A
letters2 A
/* contents of mytab:
--insert mytab values ('letters1','A')
--insert mytab values ('letters1','B')
insert mytab values ('letters1','C')
--insert mytab values ('letters2','A')
insert mytab values ('letters2','B')
insert mytab values ('letters2','C')
identifier purpose
---------- -------
letters1 C
letters2 B
Returning NULL if a row does not exist is not going to be easy since generating a NULL requires existence of a row ... somewhere ... with which to associate the NULL.
One idea would be to expand on the #temp table idea by creating another #temp table (eg, #identifiers) with the list of desired identifier values you wish to search on. You could then make use of a left (outer) join from #identifiers to mytab to ensure you always generate a result record for each identifier.

T-SQL Check if list has values, select and Insert into Table

I'm quite new to T-SQL and currently struggling with an insert statement in my stored procedure: I use as a parameter in the stored procedure a list of ids of type INT.
If the list is NOT empty, I want to store the ids into the table Delivery.
To pass the list of ids, i use a table type:
Maybe you know a better way to pass a list of ids into a stored procedure?
However, my procedure looks as follows:
-- parameter
#DeliveryModelIds tIdList READONLY
DECLARE #StoreId INT = 1;
-- Delivery
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #DeliveryModelIds)
INSERT [MyDB].[Delivery] ([DeliveryModelId], [StoreId])
OUTPUT inserted.DeliveryId
SELECT ID FROM #DeliveryModelIds;
If the list has values, I want to store the values into the DB as well as the StoreId which is always 1.
If I insert the DeliveryIds 3,7,5 The result in table Delivery should look like this:
DeliveryId | StoreId | DeliveryModelId
1...............| 1...........| 3
2...............| 1...........| 7
3...............| 1...........| 5
Do you have an idea on how to solve this issue?
You can add #StoreId to your select for your insert.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #DeliveryModelIds)
INSERT [MyDB].[Delivery] ([DeliveryModelId], [StoreId])
OUTPUT inserted.DeliveryId
SELECT ID, #StoreId FROM #DeliveryModelIds;
Additionally, if you only want to insert DeliveryModelId that do not currently exist in the target table, you can use not exists() in the where clause like so:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #DeliveryModelIds)
INSERT [MyDB].[Delivery] ([DeliveryModelId], [StoreId])
OUTPUT inserted.DeliveryId
SELECT dmi.ID, #StoreId
FROM #DeliveryModelIds dmi
where not exists (
select 1
from MyDb.Delivery i
where i.StoreId = #StoreId
and i.DeliveryModeId = dmi.ID
You need to modify the INSERT statement to:
INSERT [MyDB].[Delivery] ([DeliveryModelId], [StoreId])
OUTPUT inserted.DeliveryId
SELECT ID, 1 FROM #DeliveryModelIds;
So you are also selecting a literal, 1, along with ID field.

Most effective way to check sub-string exists in comma-separated string in SQL Server

I have a comma-separated list column available which has values like
Product1, Product2, Product3
I need to search whether the given product name exists in this column.
I used this SQL and it is working fine.
Select *
from ProductsList
where productname like '%Product1%'
This query is working very slowly. Is there a more efficient way I can search for a product name in the comma-separated list to improve the performance of the query?
Please note I have to search comma separated list before performing any other select statements.
user defined functions for comma separation of the string
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[BreakStringIntoRows] (#CommadelimitedString varchar(max))
RETURNS #Result TABLE (Column1 VARCHAR(max))
DECLARE #IntLocation INT
WHILE (CHARINDEX(',', #CommadelimitedString, 0) > 0)
SET #IntLocation = CHARINDEX(',', #CommadelimitedString, 0)
INSERT INTO #Result (Column1)
--LTRIM and RTRIM to ensure blank spaces are removed
SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(#CommadelimitedString, 0, #IntLocation)))
SET #CommadelimitedString = STUFF(#CommadelimitedString, 1, #IntLocation, '')
INSERT INTO #Result (Column1)
SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(#CommadelimitedString))--LTRIM and RTRIM to ensure blank spaces are removed
Declare #productname Nvarchar(max)
set #productname='Product1,Product2,Product3'
select * from product where [productname] in(select * from [dbo].[![enter image description here][1]][1][BreakStringIntoRows](#productname))
Felix is right and the 'right answer' is to normalize your table. Although, maybe you have 500k lines of code that expect this column to exist as it is. So your next best (non-destructive) answer is:
Create a table to hold normalize data:
CREATE TABLE ProductsList2 (ProductId INT, ProductName VARCHAR)
Create a TRIGGER that on UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE maintains ProductList2 by splitting the string 'Product1,Product2,Product3' into three records.
Index your new table.
Query against your new table:
FROM ProductsList
WHERE ProductId IN (SELECT x.ProductId
FROM ProductsList2 x
WHERE x.ProductName = 'Product1')

Sql server table copy from on database to another

I want to copy data from dbase1.stockmaster to dbase2.stockmaster. Two of them having different columns.dbase1.stockmaster doesn't have a primary key. but I need to insert certain auto increment numbers to dbase2.stockmaster table p.k field. dbase2.stockmaster contains certain data which are referred on some other tables.
EDIT: (Adding below comment as a part of question)
declare #i int
set #i=0
while(#i <(select count(*) from NW000030.dbo.STOCKMST0001))
set #i=#i+1
SELECT #i,itemcode, itemname, rprofit1, rprofit2, rprofit3, qty, lc, oLc FROM NW000030.dbo.STOCKMST0001
Try following format:
Use Database1
Insert into Schema1.Table1(columns)
select columns from Databse2.Schema2.Table2

sql server merge with multiple insert when not matched

I'm using MERGE in my query and i'm making INSERT on clause WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN, but then i would like to get the inserted row identity and make another INSERT to some other table. Query for now is:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BulkMergeOffers]
#data ImportDataType READONLY
DECLARE #cid int = 0
MERGE dbo.oferta AS target
USING #data AS source
ON (target.nr_oferty = source.nr_oferty)
INSERT (nr_oferty,rynek,typ_transakcji, typ_nieruchomosci,cena,powierzchnia, rok_budowy, wojewodztwo, miasto, dzielnica, ulica, opis, wspolrzedne, film, zrodlo, KontaktStore, data, forma_wlasnosci, stan_techniczny, liczba_pokoi, liczba_peter, pietro, material, kuchnia, pow_dzialki, typ_dzialki, woda,gaz, prad,sila, przeznaczenie,lokal_dane)
VALUES (source.nr_oferty,source.rynek,source.typ_transakcji, source.typ_nieruchomosci,source.cena,source.powierzchnia, source.rok_budowy, source.wojewodztwo, miasto, source.dzielnica, source.ulica, source.opis, source.wspolrzedne, source.film, source.zrodlo, source.KontaktStore, source.data, source.forma_wlasnosci, source.stan_techniczny, source.liczba_pokoi, source.liczba_peter, source.pietro, source.material, source.kuchnia, source.pow_dzialki, source.typ_dzialki, source.woda,source.gaz, source.prad,source.sila, source.przeznaczenie,source.lokal_dane);
So as you see i need to insert some values to the target table based on source data, then i need to take the insert identity and insert it into another table but also based on some source data, so something like that, just after the first insert:
if source.photo is not null
insert into dbo.photos(offerID, file) values (#cid, source.photo);
But i can't assemble it, a have no access to the source no more, also if statement show error :
"the multi-part identifier
source.photo can not be bound"
but it is there. Just for clarity ImportDataType is a table-valued parameter.
Please HELP
If you don't need the WHEN MATCHED part of the MERGE statement in your query, there's no real reason to use MERGE. You could use INSERT with an outer join or NOT EXISTS statement.
In either case, you can use the OUTPUT clause to retrieve the inserted identity value an pass it on to a second query.
I've extended your example:
<stored procedure header - unchanged>
--declare a table variable to hold the inserted values data
(nr_oferty int
,newid int
) -- I'm guessing the datatype for both columns
MERGE dbo.oferta AS target
USING #data AS source
ON (target.nr_oferty = source.nr_oferty)
INSERT (nr_oferty,rynek,typ_transakcji, typ_nieruchomosci,cena,powierzchnia, rok_budowy, wojewodztwo, miasto, dzielnica, ulica, opis, wspolrzedne, film, zrodlo, KontaktStore, data, forma_wlasnosci, stan_techniczny, liczba_pokoi, liczba_peter, pietro, material, kuchnia, pow_dzialki, typ_dzialki, woda,gaz, prad,sila, przeznaczenie,lokal_dane)
VALUES (source.nr_oferty,source.rynek,source.typ_transakcji, source.typ_nieruchomosci,source.cena,source.powierzchnia, source.rok_budowy, source.wojewodztwo, miasto, source.dzielnica, source.ulica, source.opis, source.wspolrzedne, source.film, source.zrodlo, source.KontaktStore, source.data, source.forma_wlasnosci, source.stan_techniczny, source.liczba_pokoi, source.liczba_peter, source.pietro, source.material, source.kuchnia, source.pow_dzialki, source.typ_dzialki, source.woda,source.gaz, source.prad,source.sila, source.przeznaczenie,source.lokal_dane)
OUTPUT inserted.nr_oferty, inserted.<tableId> INTO #newData;
-- replace <tableId> with the name of the identity column in dbo.oftera
insert into dbo.photos(offerID, file)
SELECT nd.newid, pt.photo
FROM #data AS pt
JOIN #newData AS nd
ON nd.nr_oferty = pt.nr_oferty
