Do I need to re-cache my object after I updated it in the memcache of Google AppEngine? - google-app-engine

I am currently using Google AppEngine(Java) to build a web site.
I created a bean to be cached in the memcache, when I retrieved it from the memecache and called some methods on it to update its status, do I need to re-cache it into memcache?
I guess that memcache used its reference, so I should not need to do it. But things turn out that I am not correct. I am a little confused.

Yes you need to re-cache a bean, if you want to update it in the memcache.


Google App Engine Entity Manager retrieving old value

Using GAE, I am using javax's entity manager (javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory) to generate an instance of the entity manager:
private static final EntityManagerFactory emfInstance = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("transactions-optional");
I retrieve from the datastore using the following code:
event = mgr.find(Event.class, id);
The problem I have is that if I retrieve the data for the first time, everything goes fine. However, if I go through the "Datastore Viewer" in the GAE dashboard to edit the values manually. The next time I call the data, using the "find" method, the values returned are the old value. I have to manually upload backend again in order to get the new values.
Any idea what is causing this? I would like mgr.find to always call the latest value. Thanks.
The entity is being cached. When you change it through the Datastore Viewer, the entity cached by your backend is not affected.
After you make a change in the Datastore viewer, click on the "Flush Memcache" button.
If this does not help, you may need to change configuration for your caching:
Level2 Caching is enabled by default. To get the previous default
behavior, set the persistence property datanucleus.cache.level2.type
to none. (Alternatively include the datanucleus-cache plugin in the
classpath, and set the persistence property
datanucleus.cache.level2.type to javax.cache to use Memcache for L2
Try flushing memcache and then try your query again.Most times the last persisted entity data is what's retrieved until you do this.

Search support for Google App Engine Go runtime

There is search support (experimental) for python and Java, and eventually Go also may supported. Till then, how can I do minimal search on my records?
Through the mailing list, I got an idea about proxying the search request to a python backend. I am still evaluating GAE, and not used backends yet. To setup the search with a python backed, do I have to send all the request (from Go) to data store through this backend? How practical is it, and disadvantages? Any tutorial on this.
You could make a RESTful Python app that with a few handlers and your Go app would make urlfetches to the Python app. Then you can run the Python app as either a backend or a frontend (with a different version than your Go app). The first handler would receive a key as input, would fetch that entity from the datastore, and then would store the relevant info in the search index. The second handler would receive a query, do a search against the index, and return the results. You would need a handler for removing documents from the search index and any other operations you want.
Instead of the first handler receiving a key and fetching from the datastore you could also just send it the entity data in the fetch.
You could also use a service like IndexDen for now (especially if you don't have many entities to index):
When making urlfetches keep in mind the quotas currently apply even when requesting URLs from your own app. There are two issues in the tracker requesting to have these quotas removed/increased when communicating with your own apps but there is no guarantee that will happen. See here:
There is full text search coming for the Go runtime very very very soon.

Google App Engine: keep state of an object between HTTP-requests (Java)

User makes HTTP-request to the server. This request is processed with an object of some class, let's call it "Processor". Then the same user in two minutes makes another HTTP request. And I want it to be processed with the same instance of Processor as the first one. So basically I want to keep the state of some object among several requests.
I know that I can save it each time to the datastore and then load back, but this approach seems to be very slow. Is there a way to store objects in some RAM place?
How about using memcache?
You can't ensure that consecutive requests to your app will go to the same instance, but memcache can help reduce or eliminate the overhead of accessing the datastore for each request.
It sounds like you are describing is a session.
I am not sure which language runtime and web framework you are using, but it is sure to include support for a sessions. (If you are using Java you will need to enable it.)
The standard session mechanism puts a small ID in a cookie that is stored in the user's browser. On every request, each of which could be go to a different application server, this ID is used as a key to read and write persistent information from the data store.
If the datastore accesses are too slow for you I would suggest not using memcache for this session storage, because memcache is by design unreliable, so the user's session information could disappear at any time, which would be a bad experience for them.
If the amount of data you want to store is less than about a few kilobytes, then I recommend doing what Play Framework does, which is to encrypt your session data and store it directly in a cookie stored in the user's browser. This is fast and truly stateless.
If you have more data than can be stored in a cookie, and you don't want to use the data store, you could could use JavaScript local storage on the browser, and use AJAX calls to communicate with the server. (If you want to support older browsers you may need to use the jStorage wrapper library.)
If memcache isn't enough, you could use backends to maintain state. Use a resident backend (or a set of them) and route incoming requests from the frontend to the backend machine that has the state.
Docs: Python Java

What is a proper way to initialize data store for static data in Google App Engine?

I have a model called "Category" in my app in GAE.
This model simply contains a name and it's parent category, and this won't be changed frequently after the website go online.
I'd like to know what is a better way to put these model instances in the beginning?
I now only know to execute (category.put()) in a webapp.RequestHandler by issuing a http request. But I suspect there is a proper way to do this.
You can use the remote API to connect to your datastore in a shell and add data as required.
Or, if it's a huge amount, you could think about using the bulk loader - but I suspect that the remote API will be more suitable.

Google app engine and application scope data

I'm developing a spring based web application that is deployed on Google app Engine.
I have a manager that store data in application scope. I'm using a spring bean (singleton) that hold a map and simply perform get and remove from the map,
however GAE is a distributed environment and this design has a problem since each application instance will have its own manager and request are not guaranteed to be made to the same application instance.
So I've looked around and found 2 possible solution:
use data store
use memcache
storing the data will cause a lot of read and writes and eventually I do not need the data to be saved.
second looked promising but Google mentioned that:
In general, an application should not expect a cached value to always be available.
and I need a guarantee that when I ask my manger to get a value it will return it.
is there any other solution?
did I miss anything?
A common solution is storing the values in a memcache, backed by the datastore.
First fetch the application-scope value from the memcache, and if the memcache returns zero-result (a cache-miss event), fetch the value from the datastore and put the fetched value on the memcache.
In this way, the next fetch to the memcache would return your application-scope data, reducing the need for a (relatively) costly read to the datastore.
App Engine memcache is a least-recently used cache, so values that are frequently read would suffer from few cache-miss event.
A more complex solution to have a application-scope value is to store the values in-memory at a resident backend, and have all your other instances request/update the value from/to this particular backend via a servlet handler.
