WPF Charting Toolkit: SelectedItems instead of SelectedItem? [closed] - wpf

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to select many points/bars/columns etc in all types of charts that the WPF charting toolkit provides, something that the toolkit does not seem to support. I really would like to avoid writing my own DataPointSeries... Any ideas how to achieve that?

As you note, the current implementation (as of November 2009) supports only single selection. There are three roads to multi-selection support that I see offhand:
Implement it yourself by making the necessary modifications to the open-source code for the Data Visualization assembly. You can download the code from blogs.msdn.com/delay/archive/2009/11/30/two-birds-squared-silverlight-wpf-data-visualization-development-release-3-and-a-datavisualizationdemos-update.aspx. Making the relevant modifications shouldn't be too hard, especially if you implement just enough to support your scenario. Fundamentally, multi-select isn't much different than single-select except that more than one item can be selected at a time and it's necessary to track them all.
Wait for us to get around to doing this ourselves and download the relevant release as-is. Unfortunately, this won't happen very soon, so if you need this now, this isn't a great option. :(
Implement it yourself by creating a custom DataPointSeries deriving from ListBox as I mention briefly here: blogs.msdn.com/delay/archive/2009/09/13/a-preview-of-upcoming-charting-changes-silverlight-wpf-data-visualization-development-release-1.aspx. I mention this only for completeness and because the nice thing is that you get full multi-/extended-selection for free (after doing a bunch of work to convert).
So I guess there's really just one good option. But the good news is that it shouldn't be too hard - and it would make a great blog post I'd love to link to from my collection of Data Visualization links: http://dlaa.me/r/DVLinks
I hope this helps!


How should I learn Ext JS 4.2? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been assigned to a legacy project which runs on Ext JS 4.2. I know JavaScript but I'm totally unaware of Ext JS and I'm having trouble in understanding it. Can someone please guide me on how to learn Ext JS, what approach should be followed and the important topics to be covered? Or what sequence should be followed?
I have been using ExtJS (7.2.0) in a corporate project for six months, these are some tips I would have needed some time ago.
You should start from the official docs and examples given by Sencha:
guide --> the main topics are The Class Systems, MVC Application Architecture and Components, which are the basis of ExtJS;
examples --> I find the KitchenSink example very useful, since you can briefly overview all the components available in the system - you can also give a look to MVC examples, in order to see more complex architectures;
forum --> you can also check out the Sencha forum, which has many interesting topics (many more that you can find here on Stack Overflow).
Since you are using an older version of ExtJS, you will find many materials on the internet, because it was widely used several years ago, while now it is difficult to find updated sources.
You can check out Saki website or fiddle explorer sorting by created date ASC:
I used to be a trainer for Sencha, and I left the company in 2013 right around the time when ExtJS 4.2 was the main version.
The fastest way to get up to speed on the framework is to take a training class from Sencha. I haven't worked for Sencha for 8 years, and many of my colleagues (who I respected highly as trainers) aren't there any more, so this is not a plug for their services, but it's the fastest way. You will learn shortcuts that will take you much longer if you were to do it yourself. The framework is huge an complicated, and it's nice to get an overview of how it works from an experienced guide.
Before I was hired as a trainer, I took both the ExtJS and Sencha Touch classes that they had available, and the difference between the "before" and "after" in my understanding was huge. Yes, it's a week of your time, and yes, it's $2500, so your manager may not agree with my recommendation, but like I said, it's the fastest way to get up to speed.
If you do decide to take the class, spend some time with your legacy app and write down where you're getting stuck, and ask those questions in class. Part of the class value is that you can get some free light consulting for any issues you may be having.
The fact that you know Javascript is a big plus. I've had people in my classes who were new to Javascript, and that was another hurdle that they had to get over.
Good luck with your app!

Better approach to filtering Wikipedia edits [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When you are watching for news of particular Wikipedia article via its RSS channel,
its annoying without filtering the information, because most of the edits is spam,
vandalism, minor edits etc.
My approach is to create filters. I decided to remove all edits that don't contain a nickname of the contributor but are identified only by the IP address of the contributor, because most of such edits is spam (though there are some good contributions). This was easy to do with regular expressions.
I also removed edits that contained vulgarisms and other typical spam keywords.
Do you know some better approach utilizing algorithms or heuristics with regular expressions, AI, text-processing techniques etc.? The approach should be able to detect bad posts (minor edits or vandalisms) and should be able to incrementally learn what is good/bad contribution and update its database.
thank you
There are many different approaches you can take here, but traditionally spam filters with incremental learning have been implemented using Naive bayesian classifiers. Personally, I prefer the even easier to implement Winnow2 algorithm (details can be found in this paper).
First you need to extract features from the text you want to classify. Unfortunately the Wikipedia RSS feeds don't seem to be particularly machine readable, so you probably need to do some preprocessing. Alternatively you could directly use the Mediawiki API or see if one of the bot frameworks linked at the bottom of this page is of help to you.
Ideally you would end up with a list of words that were added, words that were removed, various statistics you can compute from that, and the metadata of the edit. I imagine the list of features would look something like this:
editComment: wordA (wordA appears in edit comment)
-wordB (wordB removed from article)
+wordC (wordC added to article)
numWordsAdded: 17
numWordsRemoved: 22
editIsMinor: Yes
editByAnIP: No
editorUsername: Foo
Anything you think might be helpful in distinguishing good from bad edits.
Once you have extracted your features, it is fairly simple to use them to train the Winnow/Bayesian classifier.

Tab structure best practices [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When developing a WinForms app that will utilize a tab control to display different sets of data, is it best to add all my controls to the tabs directly, OR create user controls, add my controls to the UC and add the UC to each of the different tabs?
I was informed that the UC approach is best practice, and I understand some of the benefits, but I'm wondering if this is truly the way to go... any explanation either way is greatly appreciated!
I have found that personally I do like the UserControl model, it helps get the code separate by each of the functions (tabs), and helps with UI design time.
You can do it either way, but I have had much better long-term success going the route of UserControl.
In addition to the code separation, I think that adding the UC to a tab control ultimately makes it a lot more flexible. For example, if the UI changes over time and tabs are no longer necessary, it can easily be popped out and placed somewhere else. Or if the UC can be reused in a different context, it won't require a tab control to travel with it.

Silverlight developer wants to gain some designer chops - where do I start? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'd like to reskin a Silverlight app to be more visually compelling. Unfortunately, I went to school for computer science, not design, and I have trouble deciding if two colors even match. How do I get started? Let me add that time and money are both factors so pursuing a design degree isn't an option (though it might be ideal).
EDIT: I also need to learn how to implement good design, so any guidance on the toolsets (Blend or Illustrator?) would be helpful too.
Design is one of those things that is very difficult to teach. Only a small percentage of it can be taught. The rest must be learned through experience and practice. If you have an inclination toward art / expression, your learning curve will be much shorter. Here are some things to get you started:
Color Theory:
Design Basics:
Software Tutorials:
Visit the Cooper site. The books listed there are well worth a read. "About Face" in particular belongs in the library of anyone required to do UI work.
If you're really only interested in making your app look nicer, going with one of the built-in themes from the latest Silverlight Toolkit is probably a smart choice.
Check out the links below.
Toolkit -Themes
Jesse Liberty Blog - Themes
I'm not much of a designer myself, but I know if I wanted some insight on the subject, I would start by going to the Silverlight Showcase page and seeing some of the things that can be done, and drawing inspiration from these apps.
Silverlight Showcase

What design patterns have you used in your WPF efforts and which do you like? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been looking at the Model-View-ViewModel pattern that is suggested by several people out there (especially John Gossman, take a look at this post and this podcast), but what other patterns (if any) have people used and liked ... and where do they add value?
I have also stumbled across:
Presentation Model
Patterns in Prism (now known as the Composite Application Guidance for WPF)
I would love an active discussion on these above and those I may not have discovered yet.
Another pattern that we have used and loved is the Attached Behavior pattern ... using the extensibility mechanism of attached properties in WPF. There are quite a few posts out there on this useful pattern as well.
I have been using a variation of the Model-View-Presenter pattern. It has served our purposes pretty well developing various UIs. It is not perfect but it gets the job done well. One of the issues I've had is that I am never satisfied with multi-threaded scenarios. We've recently been making many of our presenters multi-threaded. Since these worker threads, in the end, update the UI, we have had to dispatch actions to the UI through the View's dispatcher. Code was becoming really verbose if every View property checked the dispatcher so because of time constraints, we ended up exposing the View's dispatcher to the Presenter. Not the greatest move if you ask me...
We are using a modular UI framework similar to CAB and Prism, so a lot of those patterns apply to us as well.
I am also a big fan of Commands in WPF. I haven't been able to play around with Prism's DelegateCommand and CompositeCommand yet, but they sound really nice.
