What do all these "Save DTS Package" options mean? - sql-server

I'm creating a DTS package. After specifying the source, destination, and tables, I get the Save, schedule, and replicate package step, which has a Save DTS Package checkbox.
If I check the box to save, I get these options:
SQL Server
SQL Server Meta Data Services
Structured Storage File
Visual Basic File
Can anyone give a good explanation of what each option means, and the pros and cons of using it to save my DTS package? (Particularly if you have experience with the different options, and aren't just regurgitating something like this.)

These would be your primary options:
SQL Server means in tables in the msdb database
Structured Storage File means a .dts file
The file is portable and standalone. It can be run with dtsrun.exe and does not require a full install to run on an app server.
The msdb option means you need access to the msdb database but you gain backup/restore capability.
It depends on your setup and shop. I prefer the file option, but I'll use either as needed.
I would not use these:
Visual Basic File: once saved you can't edit it again, only run it (and I forgot how now)
SQL Server Meta Data Services: does it still apply?
Some more info on www.sqldts.com but it's not updated now. SSIS has mostly replaced DTS.


Duplicate localDB under SQL Servers on my laptop

I've been running into an issue recently when I attempt any tutorials that involve using a SQL database, entity framework, dapper, etc.
When it comes time to publish a database, or utilize an ORM, I'm given duplicate options for the same localdb under SQL Servers. Furthermore, then I attempt to publish, the database doesn't show up under the localdb that I've chosen.
I'm wondering how I go about removing the other SQL Servers and just having the one available.
If you look at the image below, the Browse option gives me two of the same LocalDbs. Plus I also get a 3rd one under \ProjectModels. I'm wondering what's causing this and how it can be fixed since no matter which one I choose, the sql database I attempt to publish doesn't show up within any of them.
My advice is not to use this method to publish the database. (right click to delete)
Please refer to this official documentation.
File-based databases like SQLite or SQL Server Express are designed to store their data in easily transferable files that can be served with your application/site.
"Copy to Output Directory" Property of the database file to "Copy if newer". Just point the address to it.
If you are using a server-based database like SQL Server, MySQL, etc., you need to make sure that the target machine/environment has the same database server installed, and you need to write a deployment script to append the pre-populated data files to the server. This might be troublesome for you.
You can also refer to these links. 1,2,3

SSIS operational configuration of server instance, database, and schema?

In order to enable operational management of data integration processes developed in SSIS, I am seeking to be able to externally configure:
server (data source)
database (catalog)
From what I have seen, all of these are typically hardcoded into SSIS packages through the Connection Manager and in SQL statements. This hardcoding limits the DBA from being able to allocate resources differently and, if there is ever a change, requires every package to be modified if Package Deployment is being used.
It appears that the Project Deployment would reduce this somewhat, but no eliminate it.
Target environment is SQL Server 2016 and VS 2017.
How can the server, database, and schema be externalized from the package?
SSIS has a robust facility for configuring packages per environment. You can configure any property in the package externally. This can be done in SQL Agent and even from the command line at runtime. Configurations can be stored in config files, system environment variables, a SQL table, etc. However, the modern way of configuring packages is through the project deployment model.
Here is the gist of how it works:
Add a parameter at the package or project level
reference that parameter in an expression which configures the property you want to set, i.e. the server name or initial catalog
Deploy the project to an instance of SSIS
In SSIS, add an environment and configure the variable. This can even be passwords which are securely stored
Add a reference to that environment from the project, and finally reference which environment you want to use at runtime.
The first link below shows a dialogue that was created for configuring connection managers with parameters. Please note that the package will store the default values, but when you create an environment as noted above, this allows you to easily set it at runtime.
As for configuring a schema, this is possible as well, by using parameters, but you would need to use expressions for your SQL queries and setting the destination. I would avoid making schemas variable across environments. This will present a lot of effort and complexity for very little flexibility that is offered in return. Please read up on these links and good luck!
How to parameterize connection managers
All about parameters in SSIS

Quickly changing SSIS-packages data source parameters for easy migration

I would need to migrate a SQL database from Sybase to MS SQL Server. Before doing the actual migration on the production server I first created an SSIS-package with SQL Server Management Studio's Import/Export Wizard for testing with other databases. The test migration was successful and I would now like to deploy my SSIS-package to the real servers.
However, it seems I cannot simply run the package in Management Studio choosing different data sources for it - it only runs on the same databases for which it was created. Now, it can be edited in something called SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (or BIDS for short)(I am using the SQL Server 2008 version), but going through every data flow task changing the destination source manually for each of the ~ 150 tables I am moving is ineffective and also introduces a possibility for error.
I there a way to quickly change what data source is to be used for ALL destination sources in ALL the flow tasks of an SSIS-package? If not, what simple method is there for testing migration with test databases first and simply changing the data sources when deploying?
I am using ODBC data sources, but for some the package shows OLE-sources in BIDS instead.
I hope I was clear enough. If you have additional questions, please ask! Thank you!
I would use a variable for the ConnectionString property of the connection manager. A package level configuration can be very useful for accomplishing this task. Several ways to do this. I prefer to use a table in SQL Server that holds all the configurations for all packages. This can be especially effective if you have multiple packages and need to dynamically change a set of connection managers across those multiple packages.
The basic steps are:
Opposite click on your SSIS design surface and select "Package Configurations..."
Create a package level configuration of Configuration Type "SQL Server"
Store your connection in a Configuration table in SQL Server
Alter your Connection Manager to use a variable for the ConnectionString Property
Populate that variable from the Configuration table via your package level configuration
When it comes time to switch from Test to Production, simply update the connection string in your configuration table
These screenshots can help...
This is part of a larger package management framework that I implemented using this book:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services: Problem, Design, Solution
I highly recommend it. Should take less than a day to set it up. Book has step by step instructions.
This question and its associated answers also helpful.

Exporting database on oracle

I have a DB on oracle on Windows Server 2003. How do I export it with all the data and put it into other Windows server?
Use RMAN to take a full backup. Then restore it on the new server.
See Clone using RMAN Article
You can use Oracle Data Pump to export and import database. Quote from documentation:
Oracle Data Pump is a feature of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 that enables very fast bulk data and metadata movement between Oracle databases.
Procedure is like this:
Export existing database using expdp utility
Install Oracle database server on new Windows server
Import database on new server using impdp utility
Check this link: Oracle Data Pump. There you will find complete documentation and examples how to use this utility.
If you are wanting to create an exact copy of an existing database on a new sever of the same operating system (though not necessarily the same O/S version) and the same Oracle version, the quickest and least problematic method is to just copy the database files. This is often referred to as database cloning, and it is a common method DBAs use to setup development and test databases that are intended to be exact duplicates of production databases.
Stop all instances of the database on the existing system. You could login to each instance "as sysdba" using SQLPlus and run the "shutdown immediate" command. You could also stop the Windows Services for the instances. They are named OracleServicesid where "sid" is the instance name. Usually, there is just one instance, but there could be multiple instances to a single database. All instances must be stopped for this procedure.
Locate the database files. Look for an "oradata" folder somewhere below the Oracle root folder and then find the folder for the database sid in there. (There could be multiple oradata folders. You need to find the one that has the folder named for the SID of your database.) There are also the files in the Admin folder for the sid as well as the %ORACLE_HOME%/database folder. If DBCA had been used to create the database, then the location of all of these files varies by the Oracle version.
Once you have identified all of the files for the database, you can use any method at your disposal to copy these files to the same locations on the new server. (Note: The database files, control files, and redo logs must be placed in the same locations (i.e., file system paths) where they exist on the old server. Otherwise, configuration files must be changed and commands must be run to alter the database's internal file paths.) The parameter file (initSID.ora) and server parameter file (spfileSID.ora) must be placed in the %ORACLE_HOME%/database folder.
On the new sever, you must run the oradim utility. (Note: oradim is an Oracle utility that is specific to Windows and is used to create, maintain, and delete instance services.) Here is a sample command:
oradim -new -sid yourdbsid -startmode automatic
Startup the database with SQLPlus, and you should be in business.
This is a general overview of the process, but it should help you get the job done quickly and easily. The problem with other tools is the need to create an empty database on the target server before loading the data by whatever means. If the target server has a different version of Oracle, it will be necessary to run data dictionary scripts to upgrade or downgrade the database. (Note: A downgrade may not always be possible.) If the new server has a different O/S, then the above procedure would require additional steps that would significantly increase its complexity.
It also possible to duplicate a database using RMAN. Google the words "clone oracle database using rman" to get some good sites on how this is done using that tool. If you are not already using RMAN, the procedure I have described above would probably be the way to go.

Tool to copy SQL Server 2008 db to SQL Server 2008 Express?

I have a typical dev scenario: I have a SQL 2008 database that I want to copy every so often to my local instance of 2008 Express so that I can do dev, make changes, etc. to the local copy. I have some constraints though: the source db is part of a live e-commerce site in shared hosting so I can't detach it and the hosting service wants me to pay $5 for each ad hoc back up I invoke.
What I'd like is some tool that I can invoke ad hoc to take a snapshot (complete, not incremental) of the live db that I can then import in my local one. I've tried the SSMS 2008 Copy Database Wizard but it gives me an error saying I can't do that with Express. I tried the Generate Scripts tool and thought that was going to make it - the export to my local disk worked but when I went to import using SQLCMD (the script was 1GB so SSMS errored when I tried to open it there), it told me there was a syntax error a few thousand lines in.
Coming from the MySQL world, this process is trivial. All I want is an analog of mysqldump and then a command-line way to import that file into a db. Surely there's an easy way to do this in the SQL Server world? This seems like the most basic use-case for developers.
[ Yes, I've seen a few other questions here that seem similar but I didn't think they had the same constraints. ]
Best answer: full backup, restore, pay $5. Anything else seems to me like it'd waste a lot more than $5 worth of time.
If they don't charge you to run queries against the database these tools may help. Granted these are not free tools, but are handy on so many fronts it would be worth buying one. These tools can diff your source db and target db both data and structure or just one or the other, and optionally sync the target database to be just like the source.
Try SQL Dumper.
SQL Server Dumper enables you to dump selected SQL Server database tables into SQL INSERT statements, that are saved as local .sql files and contain all the data required to create a duplicate table, or to be used for backup purposes. You can choose to create an individual .sql file for each table, or combine all selected tables into a single file.
SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard and osql usually do the trick for me with large databases.
