Field Name Best Practices (Shadowing or Compund Names) - shadowing

As the red block above (warning that this is a subjective question and may be closed) there may not be a stone etched law on this, but I don't see why that would warrant closing a question.
...Rant aside
I am planning on implementing Hibernate as my persistence framework, which may fix my problem upon implementation, but I have DB tables that translate into class and sub-class (many specifics and complications that exist in real life are omitted :) ):
//dbo.a with column Name
class a {
public String Name;
//dbo.b with column Name and a foreign key to dbo.a
class b extends a {
public String Name;
So, for the what should be done and why:
I could leave these as is, which would require some reflection cleverness (per ), when working with objects whose types are unknown at compile.
Compound Names:
I could name all of my fields preceded by its class's name i.e. a.aName and b.bName, which gets really ugly in real life: Door.DoorName and RotatingDoor.RotatingDoorName
Getters and Setters:
I didn't mention this one, since with JavaBeans these will be derived from the field names, and I believe Hibernate uses annotated POJOs.
To influence the results a little, shadowing seems to be the most robust, at least in my case where class a extends an abstract class with Name defined, then b shadows with its own Name when applicable. Using compound names would mean that if I wanted to add a NickName column to all my DB tables then I would have to add that field to each type (and then what's the point of inheritance?!)
In the end I decided to find out what people, hopefully who have experienced pros/cons of an implementation of one or more of these technique, have to say on the issue; or that convenient stone etched best practice will do :)

you should only define your member in the base class if you need it in all subclasses. hibernate offers various types of mappings for class trees. take a look at Inheritance mapping in the manual to get a feeling of it.
you can define your mapping either via an xml file or via annotations.


How do i model multiple photos (for a Hotel) with

I am new to Currently i am trying to use it as our internal data model for imports as it offers a good "common ground" for all source systems.
The Hotel schema ( offers a "photo" (singular) property, it inherits from Place. It used to have a "photos" (plural) property in the past.
When using for markup, this would not matter, as i can just mark up multiple elements as "photo".
However, when using it as a data class, how should i model it?
Should i just make it an array of Photograph?
If yes, does actually assume on ANY property that it may be multiple (amenityFeature, availableLanguage, etc. suspiciously look like that)?
Does that mean, i have to actually model every property as an array?
After some additional research i have to assume is not meant as a full data model. It is mostly about providing a common vocabulary and a hierarchy of information. Its primary use case seems to be markup, so types definitions are very vague since they have to work on content that is actually meant to be presented to a user. So i will have to specify my own schema and let my decisions and my naming be guided by

OOAD - Properties representing relationships between two types

I have started to model some city-transport data (bus lines and bus stops) for a community project. The data arrived to me as JSON files, and I'd like to create some classes from it, considering the already available data at first.
There is a BusLine object, whose JSONs don't contain information about which BusStop are related to it.
And there is a large collection of BusStop, of which one property is BusLines, a collection of (references to) bus lines which pass about that stop.
So far I have modelled this (C# style, but intended just for visualization at first):
public class BusLine
public String code;
public String name;
public List<DirectPosition> route;
public class BusStop
public String code;
public DirectPosition location;
public List<BusLine> busLines;
My doubt, from now, is this: most probably, I'll want to know the BusStops associated with a given BusLine. I imagine some possible ways of doing it, but am not sure at all how this rather trivial situation should be addressed. My naive thoughts:
Create a getStops() method that would look somewhere to check which stops existed along that route, and create such list on-the-fly;
Create an explicit List<BusStop> stops property in BusLine class (that sounds very wrong);
Eliminate containment altogether and create a third, "Relation" kind of class that would manage (somehow) the relations between those classes. That would mean the knowledge about those relations, extracted from the JSON files, wouldn't be stored "inside" the entities, but somewhere else.
I am pretty sure this is a common pattern (I'd bet there's at least one design pattern for that), but my current level of knowledge gives me no clue...
Thanks for any help!

Abstract Models and Foreign Keys in Django

I am working on a django project in which I create a set of three abstract models that I will use for a variety of apps later on. The problem I am running into is that I want to connect those models via ForeignKey but django tells me that it can't assign foreignkeys to an abstract model.
My current solution is to assign foreignkeys when I instanciate the class in my other apps. However, I am writing a Manager for the abstract classes (book and pages) right now and would need to access these foreignkeys. What I am basically trying to do is to get the number of words a book has in a stateless manner, hence without storing it in a field of the page or book.
The model looks similar to this:
class Book(models.Models):
name = models.CharField(...)
author = models.CharField(...)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class Page(models.Models):
book = models.ForeignKey(Book)
chapter = models.CharField(...)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class Word(models.Models):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
line = models.IntegerField(...)
class Meta:
abstract = True
Note that this model here is just to give an example of what I am trying to do, hence whether this model (Book-Page-Word) makes sense from an implementation standpoint is not needed.
Maybe what you need here is a GenericForeignKey, since you don't actually know what model your ForeignKeys will point to? That means that you'll loose some of the "type-safety" guarantees of a normal relation, but it will allow you to specify those relationships in a more general way. See
Django model inheritance is a cool thing, and nice as a shortcut for making your models DRYer, but doesn't always play nicely with the polymorphic ideas we generally have of classes.
How about this approach? I'm considering using it myself to delay the relationship definition until I inherit.
# This is a very very contrived (but simple) example.
def AbstractBook(AuthorModel):
class AbstractBookClass(Model):
name = CharField(max_length=10)
author = ForeignKey(AuthorModel)
class Meta:
abstract = True
return AbstractBookClass
class AbstractAuthor(Model):
name = CharField(max_length=10)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class BadAuthor(AbstractAuthor):
class BadBook(AbstractBook(BadAuthor)):
class GoodAuthor(AbstractAuthor):
class GoodBook(AbstractBook(GoodAuthor)):
Two things:
1) The way you constructed your schema, you will need a GenericForeignKey, as already mentioned. But you must take into account that Book through Page have a many-to-many relationship with Word, while a GenericForeignKey just realizes a one-to-many. Django has nothing out-of-the-box yet for the normalized schema. What you will have to do (if you care about normalization) is to implement the intermediate (with "through" for concrete Models) yourself.
2) If you care about language processing, using a relational database (with or without Django's ORM) is not a very efficient approach, considering the resulting database size and query time after a few dozen books. Add to that the extra columns you will need to look up for your joins because of the abstract Models, and it will soon become very impractical. I think that it would be more beneficial to look into other approaches, for example storing only the aggregates and/or denormalizing (even looking into non-relational storage systems in this case), based on your queries and views.

Data Contract Serializer mandates super class to know about subclass

I got this problem,
"The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract"
After googling, I reached this post
The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract
where the answer says, the base class have to declare "KnownTypes" like
[DataContract, KnownType(typeof(Subclass)) ...],
If I have to declare this in my parent class, [DataContract, KnownType(typeof(Subclass))], doesn't it break the principles of OO Design that parent class doesn't have to know about subclass?
What is the right way of doing this?
The serializer is designed in a way that, if it serializes an object, it should be able to read it back. If you attempt to serialize an object with a declared type of 'Base', but an actual type of 'Derived' (see example below), if you want to be able to read back from the serialized object an instance of 'Derived', you need to somehow annotate the XML that the instance is not of the type of which it was declared.
public class MyType
public object obj = new Derived();
The serialized version of the type would look something like the XML below:
<obj actualType="Derived">
<!-- fields of the derived type -->
When the type is being deserialized, the serializer will look at the "actualType" (not actual name) attribute, and it will have to find that type, initialize it, and set its properties. It's a potential security issue to let the serializer (with in Silverlight lives is a trusted assembly and has more "rights" than the normal user code) to create arbitrary type, so that's one reason for limiting the types which can be deserialized. And based on the design of the serializer (if we can serialize it, we should be able to deserialize it), the serialization fails for that reason as well.
Another problem with that is that the serialized data is often used to communicate between different services, in different computers, and possibly with different languages. It's possible (and often it is the case) that you have a class in a namespace in the client which has a similar data contract to a class in the server side, but they have different names and / or reside in different namespaces. So simply adding the CLR type name in the "actualType" attribute won't work in this scenario either (the [KnownType] attribute helps the serialzier map the data contract name / namespace to the actual CLR type). Also, if you're talking to a service in a different language / platform (i.e., Java), CLR type names don't even make sense.
Another more detailed explanation is given at the post,guid,a3775eb1-b441-43ad-b9f1-e4aaba404235.aspx - it talks about [ServiceKnownType] instead of [KnownType], but the principles are the same.
Finally, about your question: does it break that OO principle? Yes, that principle is broken, that's a price to pay for being able to have lose coupling between the client and services in your distributed (service-oriented) application.
Yes it breaks the principles of OO design. This is because SOA is about sharing contracts (the C in ABC of services) and not types, whereas OO is about type hierarchies. Think like this the client for a service may not be even in an OO language but SOA principles can still be applied. How the mapping is done on server side is an implementation issue.

Teaching: Field, Class & Package Relationships

In general I think I can convey most programming related concepts quite well.
Yet, I still find it hard to summarise the relationship between Fields, Classes and Packages.
How do You summarise "Fields", "Classes" and "Packages" and "Their Relationship" ?
I've faced a similar problem since I taught C, C++, and Java.
Here is what I do:
First, I keep packages separately and explain them in the end.
Ideally, in my opinion, students should first learn about ADTs, preferably in C. They have the struct, they have the separate operations on it. Fields are then simply the "slots" in the struct and you can even show the memory layout to demonstrate it. Functions are separate entities that operate on those structs.
You then make the transition to classes, methods, and fields and show that in essence (barring inheritance and some anecdotes) they are in many ways syntactic sugar for ADTs.
If you need, you can then teach object layouts, inheritance, and virtual tables (in my experience it helps students understand inheritance better to see the memory layout).
Finally you get to the topic of how to organize classes together. If you teach C++, you don't really have packages but you can explain namespaces and discuss organization and separate compilation.
If you are in Java, then you just explain that these are collections of classes in the same namespace, that have special access rules and show them. The package system in Java is kind of broken anyway so I usually go through patterns (e.g., separating a UI package from the C).
So in summary: Classes form the basis for objects that are a memory arrangement of several fields and associated methods that operate on them. Packages are collections of classes that have one more access restriction mechanism.
The way I describe it is:
Objects are collections of slots, slots holding data are fields, slots holding code are methods. Public slots are on the outside of the object, private slots are on the inside. Methods should be mostly public because an object offers services to clients, fields should be private so clients don't know how the services work. Fields are therefore an implementation detail of objects.
Class names need to be unique, so that you can combine your code with third party libraries. Simple/short class names are insufficient, since there are probably thousands of classes called 'List', 'Customer' etc... Hence classes are placed in packages to create longer, harder to duplicate names. Only a subset of the classes in the package need to be visible to clients, hence the two access levels of public and default. This allows a package to function as a library.
So fields are an implementation detail of objects, whose classes live in packages to guarantee unique names and provide library-like modularity.
Depending on the age of the person you're trying to explain it to, there's a simple analogy that can be used: tax forms. A tax form (such as the 1040EZ, for instance) is like a class, and each space to be filled in on the form is a field of the form. The tax form even contains instructions on what to be done with the information in the fields, just as a class includes member functions to be performed on the data in the fields. And just as a complete set of tax forms includes not just the main tax form, but others that may need to be filled out (additional schedules, for example) so a package contains not just the main classes but other classes it may need to interact with.
Fields are variables that belong to the class, or to object instances of the class. The difference between a local variable and a field is that fields have a broader scope.
Classes are templates for user-defined data types. Classes are more advanced than the primitive data types because they have both state and behavior.
Packages are used to group classes and to resolve potential naming conflicts. With multiple developers and publicly available code libraries it's very likely that some of us will name our classes the same (Math, LinkedList, FileUtils, etc.). Having a unique package name prefixing the class name allows the compiler (and other developers) to determine which class you intend to use.
Interestingly, you tackled OO programming without mentioning objects. I think that may be your problem.
Here's what I use.
Objects are things. They have attributes (measurements, states of being, etc.) Attributes can be called fields. [I often use things I find in the classroom -- cups, markers, hats, coats, etc., to illustrate this.]
Objects also engage in behaviors, called methods, method functions or operations.
The features (attributes and operations, fields and methods, whatever) of an object provide a way to classify objects.
The features that are common to a class of objects is -- well -- can be collected into a class definition. A class definition describes the attributes and methods of the objects that are members of the class.
A package is a collection of class definitions. While -- ideally -- the classes in a package have something in common, that isn't a requirement and isn't a helpful distinction.
