gprof : How to generate call graph for functions in shared library that is linked to main program - c

I am working on Linux environment. I have two 'C' source packages train and test_train.
train package when compiled generates
test_train links to and generates executable train-test
Now I want to generate a call graph using gprof which shows calling sequence of functions in main program as well as those inside
I am compiling and linking both packages with -pg option and debugging level is o0.
After I do ./train-test , gmon.out is generated. Then I do:
$ gprof -q ./train-test gmon.out
Here, output shows call graph of functions in train-test but not in
What could be the problem ?

gprof won't work, you need to use sprof instead. I found these links helpful:
How to use sprof?
Summary from the 2nd link:
Compile your shared library ( in debug (-g) mode. No -pg.
export LD_PROFILE_OUTPUT=`pwd`
rm -f $LD_PROFILE.profile
execute your program that loads
sprof PATH-TO-LIB/$LD_PROFILE $LD_PROFILE.profile -p >log
See the log.
I found that in step 2, it needs to be an existing directory -- otherwise you get a helpful warning. And in step 3, you might need to specify the library as (maybe even .X.Y, not sure) -- otherwise you get no warning whatsoever.

I'm loading my library from Python and didn't have any luck with sprof. Instead, I used oprofile, which was in the Fedora repositories, at least:
operf --callgraph /path/to/mybinary
Wait for your application to finish or do Ctl-c to stop profiling. Now let's generate a profile summary:
opreport --callgraph --symbols
See the documentation to interpret it. It's kind of a mess. In the generated report, each symbol is listed in a block of its own. The block's main symbol is the one that's not indented. The items above it are functions that call that function, and the ones below it are the things that get called by it. The percentages in the below section are the relative amount of time it spent in those callees.

If you're not on Linux (like me on Solaris) you simply out of luck as there is no sprof there.
If you have the sources of your library you can solve your problem by linking a static library and making your profiling binary with that one instead.
Another way I manage to trace calls to shared libraries, is by using truss. With the option -u [!]lib,...:[:][!]func, ... one can get a good picture of the call history of a run. It's not completely the same as profiling but can be very usefull in some scenarios.


how to print all the undefined function calls along with file name from shared object?

I am trying to print all the Undefined function calls from a shared object file along with file name.
I tried with "nm" command, It print all the undefined function calls .But could not get the file name.
bash$ nm -u
U _ZNSs4_Rep20_S_empty_rep_storageE##GLIBCXX_3.4
Environment : Ubuntu 18.04 , X86 Arch (Intel processor)
Study in details the specification of the DWARF format (which is the format used by debugging information on Linux). So you could extract the information (but it is not exactly simple) by parsing the DWARF inside your ELF binary.
Consider looking inside the source code of Ian Taylor's libbacktrace. It is doing this extraction of file name from DWARF inside ELF.
Perhaps your real problem is getting precise backtrace information, and then that libbacktrace is exactly what you need!
You might also use gdb : it is extensible and scriptable in Python (or Guile) and you could write your own specialized script.
Perhaps you'll better solve your real problem with some GCC plugin working when you compile your code.
Read How to write shared libraries by Drepper and read more about ELF.
You could for example collect all the undefined symbols in your shared library using nm (or readelf). Then a second script will find the occurrences of these in your source code. It could be even a simple awk script (or some for shell loop using grep), or something as sophisticated as a GCC plugin.
Your example shows (probably) a mangled C++ name. You could use nm -C to get it unmangled. And later write a GCC plugin to find all the GIMPLE CALL instructions using it.
Writing a GCC plugin may take some time, in particular if you are not familiar with GCC internals.

How do I trace coreutils down to a syscall?

I am trying to navigate and understand whoami (and other coreutils) all the way down to the lowest level source code, just as an exercise.
My dive so far:
Where is the actual binary?
which whoami
Where is it maintained?
How do I get source?
git clone git://
Where is whoami source code within the repository?
# find . | grep whoami
relevant line (84):
uid = geteuid ();
This is approximately where my rabbit hole stops. geteuid() is mentioned in gnulib/lib/euidaccess.c, but not explicitly defined AFAICT. It's also referenced in /usr/local/unistd.h as extern but there's no heavy lifting related to grabbing a uid that I can see.
I got here by mostly grepping for geteuid within known system headers and includes as I'm having trouble backtracing its definition.
Question: How can I dive down further and explore the source code of geteuid()? What is the most efficient way to explore this codebase quickly without grepping around?
I'm on Ubuntu server 15.04 using Vim and some ctags (which hasn't been very helpful for navigating existing system headers). I'm a terrible developer and this is my method of learning, though I can't get through this roadblock.
Normally you should read the documentation for geteuid. You can either read GNU documentation, the specification from the Open Group or consult the man page.
If that doesn't help you could install the debug symbols for the c-library (it's called libc6-dbg or something similar) and download the source code for libc6) then you point out the path to the source file when you step into the library.
In this case I don't think this would take you much further, what probably happens in geteuid is that it simply issues an actual syscall and then it's into kernel space. You cannot debug that (kernel) code in the same way as you would debug a normal program.
So in your case you should better consult the documentation and read it carefully and try to figure out why geteuid doesn't return what you expect. Probably this will lead to you changing your expectation of what geteuid should return to match what's actually returned.

Unable to compile a c application that reads smartcard

I am trying to compile an example c application that is using pkcs#11 to finds all
the private keys on the token, and print their label and id, but getting following errors
/tmp/ccAqQ7UI.o: In function initialize':
pkcs11_example1.c:(.text+0x8e5): undefined reference to C_Initialize'
/tmp/ccAqQ7UI.o: In function `get_slot':
The example is taken from here
compilling by using following command;
`gcc pkcs11_example1.c -o slots -L /usr/lib/`
I am not sure which library i should link after -L.
Can anyone guide how to compile this and are there some libraries required to link.
C_Initialize and other 60+ functions with "C_" prefix are cryptoki functions defined in PKCS#11 specification. They are usually implemented in standalone library provided by HSM vendor. Looking at your code samples I would say that you need to directly link also PKCS#11 library or you can modify the code to dynamically load PKCS#11 library in runtime with LoadLibrary or dlopen and then acquire pointers to all cryptoki functions via the C_GetFunctionList call. You can also take a look at pkcs11-logger the source code for an example on how to do that.
The link command you give, gcc pkcs11_example1.c -o slots -L /usr/lib/, is wrong.
-L takes just path, which is added to paths where libs are searched from, but /usr/lib is default so you don't need this switch at all.
You are missing -l, which takes the library name without lib prefix or .so suffix, so looks like you need -lopensc-pkcs11.
So, first make sure your library file really is /usr/lib/ (note lib prefix!) possibly with verion numbers following. Then change build options so link command becomes
gcc pkcs11_example1.c -o slots -lopensc-pkcs11

Can the object files output by gcc vary between compilations of the same source with the same options?

Does the gcc output of the object file (C language) vary between compilations? There is no time-specific information, no change in compilation options or the source code. No change in linked libraries, environmental variables either. This is a VxWorks MIPS64 cross compiler, if that helps. I personally think it shouldn't change. But I observe that sometimes randomly, the instructions generated changes. I don't know what's the reason. Can anyone throw some light on this?
How is this built? For example, if I built the very same Linux kernel, it includes a counter that is incremented each build. GCC has options to use profiler information to guide code generation, if the profiling information changes, so will the code.
What did you analyze? The generated assembly, an objdump of object files or the executable? How did you compare the different versions? Are you sure you looked at executable code, not compiler/assembler/linker timestamps?
Did anything change in the environment? New libraries (and header files/declarations/macro definitions!)? New compiler, linker? New kernel (yes, some header files originate with the kernel source and are shipped with it)?
Any changes in environment variables (another user doing the compiling, different machine, different hookup to the net gives a different IP address that makes it's way into the build)?
I'd try tracing the build process in detail (run a build and capture the output in a file, and do so again; compare those).
Completely mystified...
I had a similar problem with g++. Pre 4.3 versions produced exactly the same object files each time. With 4.3 (and later?) some of the mangled symbol names are different for each run - even without -g or other recordings. Perhaps the use a time stamp or random number (I hope not). Obviously some of those symbols make it into the .o symbol table and you get a difference.
Stripping the object file(s) makes them equal again (wrt. binary comparison).
g++ -c file.C ; strip file.o; cmp file.o origfile.o
Why should it vary? It is the same result always. Try this:
for i in `seq 1000`; do gcc 1.c; md5sum a.out; done | sort | uniq | wc -l
The answer is always 1. Replace 1.c and a.out to suit your needs.
The above counts how many different executables are generated by gcc when compiling the same source for 1000 times.
I've found that in at least some environments, the same source may yield a different executable if the source tree for the subsequent build is located in a different directory. Example:
Checkout a pristine copy of your project to dir1. Do a full rebuild from scratch.
Then, with the same user on the same machine, checkout the same exact copy of your source code to dir2 (dir1 != dir2). Do another full rebuild from scratch.
These builds are minutes apart, with no change in the toolchain or any 3rd party libs or code. Binary comparison of source code is the same. However, the executable in dir1 has different md5sum than the executable in dir2.
If I compare the different executables in BeyondCompare's hex editor, the difference is not just some tiny section that could plausibly be a timestamp.
I do get the same executable if I build in dir1, then rebuild again in dir1. Same if I keep building the same source over and over from dir2.
My only guess is that some sort of absolute paths of the include hierarchy are embedded in the executable.
My gcc sometimes produces different code for exactly the same Input. The output object files differ in exactly one byte.
Sometimes this causes linker Errors, because one possible object file is invalid. Recompiling another version usually fixes the linker error.
The gcc Version is 4.3.4 on Suse Linux Enterprise.
The gcc Parameters are:
cc -std=c++0x -Wall -fno-builtin -march=native -g -I<path1> -I<path2> -I<path3> -o obj/file.o -c file.cpp
If someone experiences the same effect, then please let me know.

How Can I debug a C program on Linux?

I am writing a C language program on Linux and compiling it using GCC.
I also use a Make file.
I want to debug my program. I don't want to debug a single file, I want to debug the whole program.
How can I do it?
Compile your code with the -g flag, and then use the gdb debugger. Documentation for gdb is here, but in essence:
gcc -g -o prog myfile.c another.c
and then:
gdb prog
If you want a user-friendly GUI for gdb, take a look at DDD or Insight.
I guess that you are building from the command line.
You might want to consider an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), such as KDevelop or Eclipse, etc (hint - Eclipse ... ECLPISE ... E C L I PS E).
Use an IDE to edit your code, refactor your code, examine your code - class tree, click a variable, class or function to jump to declaration, etc, etc
And - of course - to debug:
run your code in the IDE
set breakpoints to stop at particular lines
or just step through, a line at a time
examine the call stack to see how you go there
examine the current values of variables, to understand your problem
change the values of those variables and run to see what happens
and more, more, more
p.s as wasatz mentioned- DDD is great - for visualizing the contents of arrays/matrices, and - imo - especially if you have linked lists
You can use gdb-based simple and useful GUI "Nemiver". It can debug your whole module comprising many source files.
Try cgdb
cgdb is a lightweight curses (terminal-based) interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB). In addition to the standard gdb console, cgdb provides a split screen view that displays the source code as it executes. The keyboard interface is modeled after vim, so vim users should feel at home using cgdb.
github repository
