WPF Magellan: is there a way to navigate to a existing view? - wpf

I'm using the excellent Magellan navigation framework from Paul Stovell.
When you have this method in the controller
Public Function Save(ByVal Contact As Contact) As ActionResult
Return Index() ''//Call other action result that brings the list of contacts
Catch ex As Exception
Return New CancelResult
End Try
End Function
Is there a way that Index does not create another view, but navigate to the existing one (if exists)?
Is there a way to destroy a View (in this case, the contact view, which is not longer valid because the record is already saved in the DB)

You may be able to accomplish this using the Action and Result Filters feature:
You could use OnResultExecuted to track the page that was rendered. Then you could handle OnResultExecuting to see the target page - if it's a page that exists in the navigation journal, you could issue GoBack/GoForward commands to navigate back to the page.


Call a link from APEX

Assume a URL link (containing a merge field on the Account object) exist on the Account object with the API Name link_1, and I have a VF Page with a standrdcontroller on Account, is there a way to call link_1 from the controller or when the page loads, the goal here is to invoke that link programtically once the controller and action are completed.
And what do you mean by invoke? Redirect user to that linked page? Pull that page's content and somehow display? Get page's content, save to PDF and put in Attachment in Salesforce for example?
Actions that can be bound in Visualforce are supposed to return PageReference. Most of the time you return null or mark the method as void, you want to stay on current VF page (maybe there's something else you want the user to do, maybe there were errors and you want to display them on same page so user has chance to fix them). But for you it could be
public PageReference doSomething(){
// Your action code here
// ...
PageReference pr = new PageReference(acc.Link_1__c);
return pr;

Call visualforce Page through scheduled apex

I have a scheduled class set up that i would like to work such that it calls a visualforce page that does things to the record. Currently the user has to click the button on the individual record which calls the visualforce page. I would like for the scheduled apex to run and execute this automatically. Here is what i have so far. I put the name of the visualforce page commented out as a place holder for now. Any guidance would be greatly apprecaited!
global class LastLoginUpdate implements Schedulable{
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
List<Case> Cases = [SELECT ID, status, Queue_for_Traccinvoice__c FROM Case WHERE status = 'to be billed'];
for(case c : Cases){
if(c.status == 'to be billed'){
//Call CreateTraccInvoice;
update cases;
Instead of 'calling' a page, you should execute the action method in the Controller class that is responsible for that page. If you look at the page you mentioned, at the top you should see something like <apex:page controller="myController" ... where myController is the name of the class that contains logic for that page. Unless the button you were talking about is a standard action (like Save or Delete), there is a custom action defined in that Controller class and it is linked to the button you mentioned via action="..." attribute on the <apex:commandButton> tag.
Now that you know the Controller action that is responsible for handling a button click, you just have to create an instance of that controller in your schedulable class, initialise it with Case ID and call that action programatically.
P.S. to make the solution more future-proof and avoid hitting governor limits, instead of reusing existing action and potentially executing DML statement for each individual case that you loop through, consider modifying replicating the logic of action function in your scheduled class but modifying it so that it can handle a list of cases as an input.
-- Don't know what is purpose of calling VF page. If the VF page in turn calling apex method to do some action/function, you can very well instantiate the Apex class here and call the method.
Also you don't need to check the "if(c.status == 'to be billed')" again in the for loop. You already fetching the records based onthe status 'to be billed only.

CakePHP: How to use the same controller function to render 2 pages

I wish to have a page called "index" with a corresponding url "domain/controller/index" and another
page called "admin_index" with a corresponding url "domain/admin/controller/index".
The trick is that i want both pages to use the same view to render and the same function for the logic while on of the page's parameters are a flag indicating to the view from which url the view is rendered.
I need it because currently in my "index" page I have table with data.
The page also has a smart filter for that page which requires a respectful amount of logic in the controller side.
My problem is that currently there is an "Edit" button in each line which I don't want to share to all the users.
Currently I'm using the admin prefix to handle this kind of pages by protecting them by limiting the access from the web-server (Apache in my case).
Any ideas of how to implement this without duplicating the controller function?
Try this (I've tested it on my CakePHP 2.0.x app, but there's nothing in this code that should be 2.0 specific):
public function index($admin = false) {
public function admin_index() {
$this->index(true); //calls the index function to do all that stuff
$this->render('index'); //tells it to render the 'index' view
When you hit the /index page, all should be as normal. When you hit the admin_index, it runs the logic from the index function, then specifies to use the index view.

Custom Button or Link to a Visualforce page with a custom controller

I have a Visualforce page using a custom controller that is used to edit multiple records under an opportunity.
I'd like to create a custom button or link from Opportunities to this Visualforce page.
Currently the link looks like:
This works fine in the development sandbox, but when it is deployed as part of a managed package the link breaks as the page reference doesn't have the namespace prefix.
I found the post Managed Package Redirecting Problem on the Force.com Discussion Boards which implied it should be possible to use $Page to reference the Visualforce page in the URL. E.g.
{!URLFOR($Page.MyExamplePage,'',[objectId = campaign.id])}
But doing so only gives me the syntax error:
Error: Field $Page.MyExamplePage does not exist. Check spelling.
There is another part to the post that suggests using an Apex class and Execute Javascript to work around it. But it appears to me that this has just moved the namespace issue into the Javascript.
How can I safely reference the Visualforce page to work both inside and outside a managed package?
Best to do this from an Apex PageReference return value. Something like this will work:
public PageReference returnPage()
return Page.MyExamplePage;
Then call this from Visualforce:
<apex:commandButton value="Go To New Page" action="{!returnPage}"/>
The Apex Page call will handle the translation for you.
Create a bare bones Visualforce page like this:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="TheController" action="{!returnPage}"/>
Add the above returnPage() method to a new TheController (or whatever) class. It doesn't even need a constructor. The class can look like this:
public TheController
public PageReference returnPage()
return Page.MyExamplePage;
Then from the Opportunity settings page go to Buttons and Links and create a new custom Visualforce button selecting the new page you just created.
That should do it.
It occurred to me that one less than ideal option would be to create two custom buttons in each case. One with the managed package namespace and one without.
When building the package the correct custom button could be selected.
One issue with this approach is the need to maintain two custom buttons.
It seems the answer is simply /apex/package__Page as provided here by #zachelrath. I can confirm this works in managed packages in production orgs as well as in development.
The post on the developer boards that you've linked to shows the following javascript being used for the button:
var pageUrl = sforce.apex.execute("mynamespace.PageUrl", "getPageUrl", {objectId:"{!Campaign.Id}"});
window.location.href = pageUrl;
i.e. they're using javascript to call a webservice method in the class they've defined in order to get the page reference. Doing this would allow you to get the URL of the page in apex, where the managed package won't play an impacting part.
That said, the first parameter is the fully-qualified class name, so you could probably check the return value for an error (I don't know the error return value, so I'm assuming it's null here):
// try the namespace first
var pageUrl = sforce.apex.execute("mynamespace.myClass", "getPageUrl", {objectId:"{!Campaign.Id}"});
if (pageUrl == null)
pageUrl = sforce.apex.execute("myClass", "getPageUrl", {objectId:"{!Campaign.Id}"});
window.location.href = pageUrl;
Obviously you need to check what happens when sforce.apex.execute() fails, and you'll likely want some more error handling.

cakephp back button issue

i am working on social network website where user can navigate to the album view page in many ways.
for example.
myprofile>> Gallery index page >> Album view page.
myprofile>> Gallery details page >> Album view page.
In first case back button should go to gallery index page and In second case it should go to Gallery details page.
Is there any way to add link to back button path dynamically in cakephp?
You could try using a breadcrumb-like session array. With every view you can pop a path onto the stack, and access the stack in the view (via the Session Helper) and construct the back button that way.
The stack could be as simple as a single parameter, or an array of controller, action and parameter variables to construct the path, depending on how much detail you need.
Edit: You could also use Neil Crookes' History Component: https://github.com/neilcrookes/cakephp-bits/blob/master/history_component/controllers/components/history.php
Use the breadcrump methods in the Html helper.
In your layout:
echo $this->Html->getCrumbs(' > ','Home');
In your view:
$this->Html->addCrumb('Users', '/users');
$this->Html->addCrumb('Add User', '/users/add');
In each of your views, you can add in a new crumb, or the chain of crumbs to be able to see a history of your actions.
More here: http://book.cakephp.org/view/1653/Creating-breadcrumb-trails-with-HtmlHelper
