How to convert an integer to a string portably? - c

I was looking for a way to convert an integer to a string in a portable manner (portable among at least Windows & Linux and x86 and x86_64) and I though itoa(X) to be standard just like atoi(1).
But I read the following in the Wikipedia entry:
The itoa function is a widespread non-standard extension to the standard C programming language. It cannot be portably used, as it is not defined in any of the C language standards; however, compilers often provide it through the header while in non-conforming mode, because it is a logical counterpart to the standard library function atoi.
So I'd like to know if there is any way to do it in a portable manner or not. In case I have to write my own function, which things do I have to be careful with?

Most often you just use printf("%d");
You can use sprintf if you need it in a buffer, but how often do you convert to a string and not write it to a file or output device?

If you aren't doing this terribly often, how about a runtime library routine that writes a few numbers to memory, analyzes the results and stores an encoding type? From then on you just switch on your "encoding type" to select which conversion routine to use.


When should Win32/WinAPI types be used vs. Standard C types?

I'm late to the Win32 party and there's a sea of functions such as _tprintf, TEXT(), there are also libraries like strsafe.h which have such functions like StringCchCopy(), StringCchLength(), etc.. Basically, Win32 API introduces a bunch of extra functions and types on top of C which can be confusing to a C programmer who hasn't worked with Win32 much. I do not have a problem finding the definitions of these types and functions on MSDN. However, I do have a problem finding guidelines on when and why they should be used.
I have 2 questions:
How important is it to use all of these types and special functions which Microsoft has provided on top of standard C when programming with Win32? Is it considered good practice to do away with all standard C functions and types and use entirely Microsoft wrappers?
Is it okay to mix standard C functions in with these Microsoft types and functions? For example, to use malloc() instead of HeapAlloc(), or to use printf() instead of _tprintf() and etc...?
I have a copy of Charles Petzold's Programming Windows Fifth Edition book but it mostly covers GUI stuff and not a lot of the remainder of the API.
There are actually 3 questions here, the ones you explicitly asked, and the one you didn't. Let's get that last one out of the way first, as it tends to cause the most confusion:
What are those _t-extensions offered by the Microsoft-provided CRT?
They are generic-text mappings, introduced to make it possible to write code that targets both ANSI-based systems (Win9x) as well as Unicode-based systems (Windows NT). They are macros that expand to the actual function calls, based on the _UNICODE and _MBCS preprocessor symbols. For example, the symbol _tprintf expands to either printf or wprintf.
Likewise, the Windows API provides both ANSI and Unicode versions of the API calls. They, too, are preprocessor macros that expand to the actual API call, depending on the preprocessor symbol UNICODE. For example, the CreateFile symbol expands to CreateFileA or CreateFileW.
Generic-text mappings haven't been useful in the past two decades. Today, simply use the Unicode versions of the CRT and API calls (e.g. wprintf and CreateFileW). You can define _UNICODE and UNICODE for good measure, too, so that you don't accidentally call an ANSI version.
there are also libraries like strsafe.h which have such functions like StringCchCopy(), StringCchLength()
Those are safe variants of the CRT string manipulation calls. They are safer than e.g. strcpy by providing the buffer size of the destination, similar to strncpy. The latter, however, suffers from an awkward design decision, that causes the destination buffer to not get zero-terminated, in case the source won't fit. StringCchCopy will always zero-terminate the destination buffer, and thus provides additional safety over the CRT implementations. (Note: C11 introduces safe variants, e.g. strncpy_s, that will always zero-terminate the destination array, in case the input is valid. They also validate the input, calling the currently installed constraint handler when validation fails, thus providing even stronger safety than the strsafe.h implementations. The bounds-checked implementations are a conditional feature of C11.)
How important is it to use all of these types and special functions which Microsoft has provided on top of standard C when programming with Win32? Is it considered good practice to do away with all standard C functions and types and use entirely Microsoft wrappers?
It is not important at all. You can use whichever is more suitable in your scenario. If in doubt, writing portable (i.e. Standard C) code is generally preferable. You only ever want to call the Windows API calls, if you need the additional control they offer (e.g. HeapAlloc allows more control over the allocation than malloc does; likewise CreateFile provides more options than fopen).
Is it okay to mix standard C functions in with these Microsoft types and functions? For example, to use malloc() instead of HeapAlloc(), or to use printf() instead of _tprintf() and etc...?
In general, yes, as long as you match those calls: HeapFree what you HeapAlloc, free what you malloc. You must not mix HeapAlloc and free, for example. In case a Windows API call requires special memory management functions to be used, it is explicitly pointed out in the documentation. For example, if FormatMessage is requested to allocate the buffer to return data, it must be freed using LocalFree. If you do not request the API to allocate a buffer, you can pass in a buffer allocated any way you like (malloc, HeapAlloc, IMalloc::Alloc, etc.).
It is possible to create programs on Windows without using any standard C library functions but most programs do and then you might as well use malloc over HeapAlloc. malloc will use HeapAlloc or VirtualAlloc internally but it is probably tuned for better performance/less fragmentation compared to the raw API. It also makes it easier to port to POSIX in the future. You will still be forced to use LocalFree/GlobalFree/HeapFree in some places where the API allocates memory for you.
Handling text needs special consideration and you need to decide if you need Unicode support or not. A stroll down memory lane might shed some light on why things are the way they are.
Back when Windows 95/98 was king you could use the char/CHAR narrow string types with both the C standard functions and the Windows API. There was virtually no Unicode support except for a handful of functions.
On Windows NT4/2000 however the native string type is WCHAR (UTF-16 LE but Microsoft just calls it Unicode). If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ then you have access to wide string versions of the C standard libray beyond what the C standard actually requires to ease coding for this platform. When coding for Windows using the Microsoft toolchain you can assume that the Windows SDK WCHAR type is the same as the wchar_t type defined by C.
Because the development of 95 and NT4 overlapped they share the same API and every function that receives/returns a string has two versions, one with a A suffix ("ANSI") and one with a W suffix. On Windows 95 the W functions are just stubs that return failure.
When you include Windows.h it will create defines like #define CreateProcess CreateProcessW if UNICODE is defined or #define CreateProcess CreateProcessA if not.
Visual C++ does the same thing with the tchar.h header. It uses the _UNICODE define to decide if the TCHAR type and the _t* functions use the char or wchar_t type. This meant that you could create two releases from the same source code, one for Windows 95/98/ME and one with full Unicode support.
This is not that relevant anymore but you still need to make a choice because things will be defined for one or the other.
It is still perfectly valid to do
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
void foo()
TCHAR buf[100];
SomeWindowsFunction(buf, 100);
_tprintf(_T("foo: %s\n"), buf);
although you will see many people go straight for WCHAR and wprintf these days.
The StrSafe functions were added to make it easier to write bug free code, they still have the same A/W duplication.
You cannot mix and match WCHAR with printf, even if you use %ls in the format string the string will be converted internally and not all Unicode strings will convert correctly.
If POSIX portability is not a requirement then I suggest that you use the wide function extensions provided by Microsoft when you need a C library function.
Note that different versions of the OS use different definitions of base types and use different alignments/padding. Remember 8086, 386 and now Core i7(16, 32, 64 bits).
When structs need to be compatible with earlier versions, they typically use pre-defined integer widths and pad for legacy alignment.
For that reason, the types from the API must be used in API calls.
Also in memory there used and maybe are different memory models of process memory and shared memory. For example the clipboard uses a form of shared memory. It is important to use the memory allocation mechanisms Microsoft advices here for API calls.
For everything non-API I use the standard C functions and types.

Converting string in host character encoding to Unicode in C

Is there a way to portably (that is, conforming to the C standard) convert strings in the host character encoding to an array of Unicode code points? I'm working on some data serialization software, and I've got a problem because while I need to send UTF-8 over the wire, the C standard doesn't guarantee the ASCII encoding, so converting a string in the host character encoding can be a nontrivial task.
Is there a library that takes care of this kind of stuff for me? Is there a function hidden in the C standard library that can do something like this?
The C11 standard, ISO/IEC 9899:2011, has a new header <uchar.h> with rudimentary facilities to help. It is described in section §7.28 Unicode utilities <uchar.h>.
There are two pairs of functions defined:
c16rtomb() and mbrtoc16() — using type char16_t aka uint_least16_t.
c32rtomb() and mbrtoc32() — using type char32_t aka uint_least32_t.
The r in the name is for 'restartable'; the functions are intended to be called iteratively. The mbrtoc{16,32}() pair convert from a multibyte code set (hence the mb) to either char16_t or char32_t. The c{16,32}rtomb() pair convert from either char16_t or char32_t to a multibyte character sequence.
I'm not sure whether they'll do what you want. The <uchar.h> header and hence the functions are not available on Mac OS X 10.9.1 with either the Apple-provided clang or with the 'home-built' GCC 4.8.2, so I've not had a chance to investigate them. The header does appear to be available on Linux (Ubuntu 13.10) with GCC 4.8.1.
I think it likely that ICU is a better choice — it is, however, a rather large library (but that is because it does a thorough job of supporting Unicode in general and different locales in general).

C - Writing On Windows Compiling On UNIX And Vice Versa

I am planning to write an ANSI-C program on Windows with Netbeans using Cygwin suite, and later on i want to compile the source code on an UNIX family OS and use the program. Should i worry about any kind of compability problems?
If you use only the functionality described in the C standard, the set of possible incompatibilities typically reduces to:
signedness of char
sizes of all types (e.g. int=long=32-bit in Windows, not necessarily so on UNIX), I mean literally all, including pointers and enums
poorly thought out type conversions and casts, especially involving pointers and negative values (mixing of signed and unsigned types in expressions is error-prone too)
alignment of types and their padding in structures/unions
order of bitfields
implementation-defined/specific behavior, e.g. right shifts of negative values, rounding and signs when dividing signed values
floating-point: different implementation and different optimization
unspecified behavior, e.g. orders of function parameter and subexpression evaluation, the direction in which memcpy() copies data (low to high addresses or the other way around), etc etc
undefined behavior, e.g. i+i++ or a[i]=i++, modifying string literals, pointer dereference when the object it's pointed to is gone (e.g. free()'d), not using or misusing const and volatile, etc etc
supplying standard library functions with inappropriate parameters leading to undefined behavior, e.g. calling printf()-like functions with wrong number or kind of parameters
non-ASCII characters/strings
filename formats (special chars, length, case sensitivity)
clock/time/locale formats/ranges/values/configuration
There's much more. You actually have to read the standard and note what's guaranteed to work and what's not and if there are any conditions.
If you use something outside of the C standard, that functionality may not be available or identical on a different platform.
So, yes, it's possible, but you have to be careful. It's usually the assumptions that you make that make your code poorly portable.
There will be comparability problems, but as long as you stick to basic unix functionality, they ought to be manageable for command line applications. However, if your app has a GUI or has to interact with other programs in the unix environment, you'll probably regret your approach.
Another way to go would be to run the appropriate flavor of unix in a virtualbox on your desktop, and be pretty sure there are no compatibility problems.

What parts of C are most portable?

I recently read an interview with Lua co-creators Luiz H. de Figueredo and Roberto Ierusalimschy, where they discussed the design, and implementation of Lua. It was very intriguing to say the least. However, one part of the discussion brought something up in my mind. Roberto spoke of Lua as a "freestanding application" (that is, it's pure ANSI C that uses nothing from the OS.) He said, that the core of Lua was completely portable, and because of its purity has been able to be ported much more easily and to platforms never even considered (such as robots, and embedded devices.)
Now this makes me wonder. C in general is a very portable language. So, what parts of C (namely those in the the standard library) are the most unportable? and what are those that can be expected to work on most platforms? Should only a limited set of data types be used (e.g. avoiding short and maybe float)? What about the FILE and the stdio system? malloc and free? It seems that Lua avoids all of these. Is that taking things to the extreme? Or are they the root of portability issues? Beyond this, what other things can be done to make code extremely portable?
The reason I'm asking all of this, is because I'm currently writing an application in pure C89, and it's optimal that it be as portable as possible. I'm willing take a middle road in implementing it (portable enough, but no so much that I have to write everything from scratch.) Anyways, I just wanted to see what in general is key to writing the best C code.
As a final note, all of this discussion is related to C89 only.
In the case of Lua, we don't have much to complain about the C language itself but we have found that the C standard library contains many functions that seem harmless and straight-forward to use, until you consider that they do not check their input for validity (which is fine if inconveninent). The C standard says that handling bad input is undefined behavior, allowing those functions to do whatever they want, even crash the host program. Consider, for instance, strftime. Some libc's simply ignore invalid format specifiers but other libc's (e.g., in Windows) crash! Now, strftime is not a crucial function. Why crash instead of doing something sensible? So, Lua has to do its own validation of input before calling strftime and exporting strftime to Lua programs becomes a chore. Hence, we have tried to stay clear from these problems in the Lua core by aiming at freestanding for the core. But the Lua standard libraries cannot do that, because their goal is to export facilities to Lua programs, including what is available in the C standard library.
"Freestanding" has a particular meaning in the context of C. Roughly, freestanding hosts are not required to provide any of the standard libraries, including the library functions malloc/free, printf, etc. Certain standard headers are still required, but they only define types and macros (for example stddef.h).
C89 allows two types of compilers: hosted and freestanding. The basic difference is that a hosted compiler provides all of the C89 library, while a freestanding compiler need only provide <float.h>, <limits.h>, <stdarg.h>, and <stddef.h>. If you limit yourself to these headers, your code will be portable to any C89 compiler.
This is a very broad question. I'm not going to give the definite answer, instead I'll raise some issues.
Note that the C standard specifies certain things as "implementation-defined"; a conforming program will always compile on and run on any conforming platform, but it may behave differently depending on the platform. Specifically, there's
Word size. sizeof(long) may be four bytes on one platform, eight on another. The sizes of short, int, long etc. each have some minimum (often relative to each other), but otherwise there are no guarantees.
Endianness. int a = 0xff00; int b = ((char *)&a)[0]; may assign 0 to b on one platform, -1 on another.
Character encoding. \0 is always the null byte, but how the other characters show up depends on the OS and other factors.
Text-mode I/O. putchar('\n') may produce a line-feed character on one platform, a carriage return on the next, and a combination of each on yet another.
Signedness of char. It may or it may not be possible for a char to take on negative values.
Byte size. While nowadays, a byte is eight bits virtually everywhere, C caters even to the few exotic platforms where it is not.
Various word sizes and endiannesses are common. Character encoding issues are likely to come up in any text-processing application. Machines with 9-bit bytes are most likely to be found in museums. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
(And please don't write C89, that's an outdated standard. C99 added some pretty useful stuff for portability, such as the fixed-width integers int32_t etc.)
C was designed so that a compiler may be written to generate code for any platform and call the language it compiles, "C". Such freedom acts in opposition to C being a language for writing code that can be used on any platform.
Anyone writing code for C must decide (either deliberately or by default) what sizes of int they will support; while it is possible to write C code which will work with any legal size of int, it requires considerable effort and the resulting code will often be far less readable than code which is designed for a particular integer size. For example, if one has a variable x of type uint32_t, and one wishes to multiply it by another y, computing the result mod 4294967296, the statement x*=y; will work on platforms where int is 32 bits or smaller, or where int is 65 bits or larger, but will invoke Undefined Behavior in cases where int is 33 to 64 bits, and the product, if the operands were regarded as whole numbers rather than members of an algebraic ring that wraps mod 4294967296, would exceed INT_MAX. One could make the statement work independent of the size of int by rewriting it as x*=1u*y;, but doing so makes the code less clear, and accidentally omitting the 1u* from one of the multiplications could be disastrous.
Under the present rules, C is reasonably portable if code is only used on machines whose integer size matches expectations. On machines where the size of int does not match expectations, code is not likely to be portable unless it includes enough type coercions to render most of the language's typing rules irrelevant.
Anything that is a part of the C89 standard should be portable to any compiler that conforms to that standard. If you stick to pure C89, you should be able to port it fairly easily. Any portability problems would then be due to compiler bugs or places where the code invokes implementation-specific behavior.

What can you do in C without "std" includes? Are they part of "C," or just libraries?

I apologize if this is a subjective or repeated question. It's sort of awkward to search for, so I wasn't sure what terms to include.
What I'd like to know is what the basic foundation tools/functions are in C when you don't include standard libraries like stdio and stdlib.
What could I do if there's no printf(), fopen(), etc?
Also, are those libraries technically part of the "C" language, or are they just very useful and effectively essential libraries?
The C standard has this to say (
The least requirements on a conforming
implementation are:
— At sequence points, volatile objects
are stable in the sense that previous
accesses are complete and subsequent
accesses have not yet occurred.
— At program termination, all data
written into files shall be identical
to the result that execution of the
program according to the abstract
semantics would have produced.
— The input and output dynamics of
interactive devices shall take place
as specified in
So, without the standard library functions, the only behavior that a program is guaranteed to have, relates to the values of volatile objects, because you can't use any of the guaranteed file access or "interactive devices". "Pure C" only provides interaction via standard library functions.
Pure C isn't the whole story, though, since your hardware could have certain addresses which do certain things when read or written (whether that be a SATA or PCI bus, raw video memory, a serial port, something to go beep, or a flashing LED). So, knowing something about your hardware, you can do a whole lot writing in C without using standard library functions. Potentially, you could implement the C standard library, although this might require access to special CPU instructions as well as special memory addresses.
But in pure C, with no extensions, and the standard library functions removed, you basically can't do anything other than read the command line arguments, do some work, and return a status code from main. That's not to be sniffed at, it's still Turing complete subject to resource limits, although your only resource is automatic and static variables, no heap allocation. It's not a very rich programming environment.
The standard libraries are part of the C language specification, but in any language there does tend to be a line drawn between the language "as such", and the libraries. It's a conceptual difference, but ultimately not a very important one in principle, because the standard says they come together. Anyone doing something non-standard could just as easily remove language features as libraries. Either way, the result is not a conforming implementation of C.
Note that a "freestanding" implementation of C only has to implement a subset of standard includes not including any of the I/O, so you're in the position I described above, of relying on hardware-specific extensions to get anything interesting done. If you want to draw a distinction between the "core language" and "the libraries" based on the standard, then that might be a good place to draw the line.
What could I do if there's no printf(), fopen(), etc?
As long as you know how to interface the system you are using you can live without the standard C library. In embedded systems where you only have several kilobytes of memory, you probably don't want to use the standard library at all.
Here is a Hello World! example on Linux and Windows without using any standard C functions:
For example on Linux you can invoke the Linux system calls directly in inline assembly:
/* 64 bit linux. */
#define SYSCALL_EXIT 60
void sys_exit(int error_code)
asm volatile
: "a"(SYSCALL_EXIT), "D"(error_code)
: "rcx", "r11", "memory"
int sys_write(unsigned fd, const char *buf, unsigned count)
unsigned ret;
asm volatile
: "=a"(ret)
: "a"(SYSCALL_WRITE), "D"(fd), "S"(buf), "d"(count)
: "rcx", "r11", "memory"
return ret;
void _start(void)
const char hwText[] = "Hello world!\n";
sys_write(1, hwText, sizeof(hwText));
You can look up the manual page for "syscall" which you can find how can you make system calls. On Intel x86_64 you put the system call id into RAX, and then return value will be stored in RAX. The arguments must be put into RDI, RSI, RDX, R10, R9 and R8 in this order (when the argument is used).
Once you have this you should look up how to write inline assembly in gcc.
The syscall instruction changes the RCX, R11 registers and memory so we add this to the clobber list make GCC aware of it.
The default entry point for the GNU linker is _start. Normally the standard library provides it, but without it you need to provide it.
It isn't really a function as there is no caller function to return to. So we must make another system call to exit our process.
Compile this with:
gcc -nostdlib nostd.c
And it outputs Hello world!, and exits.
On Windows the system calls are not published, instead it's hidden behind another layer of abstraction, the kernel32.dll. Which is always loaded when your program starts whether you want it or not. So you can simply include windows.h from the Windows SDK and use the Win32 API as usual:
#include <windows.h>
void _start(void)
const char str[] = "Hello world!\n";
HANDLE stdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD written;
WriteFile(stdout, str, sizeof(str), &written, NULL);
The windows.h has nothing to do with the standard C library, as you should be able to write Windows programs in any other language too.
You can compile it using the MinGW tools like this:
gcc -nostdlib C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll nostdlib.c
Then the compiler is smart enough to resolve the import dependencies and compile your program.
If you disassemble the program, you can see only your code is there, there is no standard library bloat in it.
So you can use C without the standard library.
What could you do? Everything!
There is no magic in C, except perhaps the preprocessor.
The hardest, perhaps is to write putchar - as that is platform dependent I/O.
It's a good undergrad exercise to create your own version of varargs and once you've got that, do your own version of vaprintf, then printf and sprintf.
I did all of then on a Macintosh in 1986 when I wasn't happy with the stdio routines that were provided with Lightspeed C - wrote my own window handler with win_putchar, win_printf, in_getchar, and win_scanf.
This whole process is called bootstrapping and it can be one of the most gratifying experiences in coding - working with a basic design that makes a fair amount of practical sense.
You're certainly not obligated to use the standard libraries if you have no need for them. Quite a few embedded systems either have no standard library support or can't use it for one reason or another. The standard even specifically talks about implementations with no library support, C99 standard "Freestanding environment":
In a freestanding environment (in which C program execution may take place without any benefit of an operating system), the name and type of the function called at program startup are implementation-defined. Any library facilities available to a freestanding program, other than the minimal set required by clause 4, are implementation-defined.
The headers required by C99 to be available in a freestanding implemenation are <float.h>, <iso646.h>, <limits.h>, <stdarg.h>, <stdbool.h>, <stddef.h>, and <stdint.h>. These headers define only types and macros so there's no need for a function library to support them.
Without the standard library, you're entire reliant on your own code, any non-standard libraries that might be available to you, and any operating system system calls that you might be able to interface to (which might be considered non-standard library calls). Quite possibly you'd have to have your C program call assembly routines to interface to devices and/or whatever operating system might be on the platform.
You can't do a lot, since most of the standard library functions rely on system calls; you are limited to what you can do with the built-in C keywords and operators. It also depends on the system; in some systems you may be able to manipulate bits in a way that results in some external functionality, but this is likely to be the exception rather than the rule.
C's elegance is in it's simplicity, however. Unlike Fortran, which includes much functionality as part of the language, C is quite dependent on its library. This gives it a great degree of flexibility, at the expense of being somewhat less consistent from platform to platform.
This works well, for example, in the operating system, where completely separate "libraries" are implemented, to provide similar functionality with an implementation inside the kernel itself.
Some parts of the libraries are specified as part of ANSI C; they are part of the language, I suppose, but not at its core.
None of them is part of the language keywords. However, all C distributions must include an implementation of these libraries. This ensures portability of many programs.
First of all, you could theoretically implement all these functions yourself using a combination of C and assembly, so you could theoretically do anything.
In practical terms, library functions are primarily meant to save you the work of reinventing the wheel. Some things (like string and library functions) are easier to implement. Other things (like I/O) very much depend on the operating system. Writing your own version would be possible for one O/S, but it is going to make the program less portable.
But you could write programs that do a lot of useful things (e.g., calculate PI or the meaning of life, or simulate an automata). Unless you directly used the OS for I/O, however, it would be very hard to observe what the output is.
In day to day programming, the success of a programming language typically necessitates the availability of a useful high-quality standard library and libraries for many useful tasks. These can be first-party or third-party, but they have to be there.
The std libraries are "standard" libraries, in that for a C compiler to be compliant to a standard (e.g. C99), these libraries must be "include-able." For an interesting example that might help in understanding what this means, have a look at Jessica McKellar's challenge here:
Edit: The above link has died (thanks Oracle...)
I think this link mirrors the article:
The CRT is part of the C language just as much as the keywords and the syntax. If you are using C, your compiler MUST provide an implementation for your target platform.
It's the same as the STL for C++. All languages have a standard library. Maybe assembler as the exception, or some other seriously low level languages. But most medium/high levels have standard libs.
The Standard C Library is part of ANSI C89/ISO C90. I've recently been working on the library for a C compiler that previously was not ANSI-compliant.
The book The Standard C Library by P.J. Plauger was a great reference for that project. In addition to spelling out the requirements of the standard, Plauger explains the history of each .h file and the reasons behind some of the API design. He also provides a full implementation of the library, something that helped me greatly when something in the standard wasn't clear.
The standard describes the macros, types and functions for each of 15 header files (include stdio.h, stdlib.h, but also float.h, limits.h, math.h, locale.h and more).
A compiler can't claim to be ANSI C unless it includes the standard library.
Assembly language has simple commands that move values to registers of the CPU, memory, and other basic functions, as well as perform the core capabilities and calculations of the machine. C libraries are basically chunks of assembly code. You can also use assembly code in your C programs. var is an assembly code instruction. When you use 0x before a number to make it Hex, that is assembly instruction. Assembly code is the readable form of machine code, which is the visual form of the actual switch states of the circuits paths.
So while the machine code, and therefore the assembly code, is built into the machine, C languages are combined of all kinds of pre-formed combinations of code, including your own functions that might be in part assembly language and in part calling on other functions of assembly language or other C libraries. So the assembly code is the foundation of all the programming, and after that it's anyone's guess about what is what. That's why there are so many languages and so few true standards.
Yes you can do a ton of stuff without libraries.
The lifesaver is __asm__ in GCC. It is a keyword so yes you can.
Mostly because every programming language is built on Assembly, and you can make system calls directly under some OSes.
