Salesforce Custom Objects - salesforce

Hi I am trying to create a Custom Object in Developer Edition, because I would then like to use this Custom Object in a New Custom Tab say "Properties". Properties tab will contain information about Realestate Properties, like # of rooms, bath rooms etc.
The problem I cannot seem to get around is how do I create a Custom Object that has many attributes. When I go to Setup->Create->Objects it only has one Label in the Custom Object definition page. I am expecting many attributes/labels I can add so I can then put this into the new Tab.
I've been looking at this for a while and I do not see a solution, so I am assuming I am looking at this wrong. Could someone recommend a solution or a book, article that would show me what I am missing.

The custom objects page shows a list of all the custom objects you have created. If you click on the label, it takes you to the object definition. To add more attributes (called "fields" in Salesforce), go to the "Custom Fields & Relationships" section on the object detail page. Click to "New" button to add new fields from there.

Salesforce has a huge amount of publicly available training material available online.
The fundamentals doc should provide you with what you need immediately (
I also recommend looking at the training courses available on iTunes (search for Salesforce).


Is there a function for overriding the New Note buttons at the bottom of the action?

I want to remove the buttons for Share and Add to Records on the New Note action but I cannot find documentation that support this. I need this for a single object on the database. Is this possible? New Note page
I have tried to create a custom related list using Visualforce and creating a Notes custom object but neither one fits the usecase perfectly.

How to show more fields on custom object tabs in Salesforce?

Ok so this problem is probably easily solvable, but since I am a beginner in Salesforce and I didn't find anything useful on Google, I am asking if someone can please help me.
So, as you can see, I have created a custom object called Students, and added some fields to it.
Next, I have created a custom object tab, called Student, as you can see on the following image and added some records.
On the custom object tab, only field 'Student Name' is shown. Does anybody know how to display all (or some) of the fields that were added to the object Student?
Thank you so much for your answers and have a great day :)
On the far right of the 2nd screenshot there's a gear/cog icon. Use it for o create new "list view". Or click that "recently viewed", change it to "all" (there should be an auto-generated one for you) and use that gear icon to select which fields to display.
You can even pin the list view to be your default if you don't want "recently viewed".
As for recently viewed itself - it's special, the gear icon won't work. Follow this article:

AngularJS Material reference field inputs

I'm new to AngularJS Material and am trying to create a form that includes a reference field input, but can't seem to find any documentation on if this is possible. The input I'm trying to incorporate looks like this:
When a user clicks on the magnifying glass, it would open up a pop up window that shows the different options. I'm not so tied down to this exact look but am interested more in the functionality. The input could be a drop down or whatever, but when clicked upon, I would like the different options to show. I'm using ServiceNow so the reference options would be tied to a table in the back end.
Any suggestions?
If you want to create a reference picker, ServiceNow offers an Angular directive for this.
The field object contains a JSON-Object with displayValue, value and name. I hope this will help you. You could find more directives provided by ServiceNow here:
<sn-record-picker field="FIELDOBJECT" table="'YOURTABLE'" default-query="'ENCODED QUERY'" display-field="'YOUR DISPLAYFIELD'" value-field="'VALUE'" search-fields="'SEARCHFIELD'" page-size="100"></sn-record-picker>

Is there any way to force "View as Visitor Group" to show in edit mode?

The "View as Visitor Group" option only shows in the EPiServer editor when there is content for visitor groups added to the rich text areas. If you have code based customisations then this makes it hard to preview your changes.
Is it possible to trigger this to show all the time or based on some decision in code?
Currently the workaround is to temporarily add some visitor group content to a text area, save & view, then "View as Visitor Group", then delete the temporary content in the text area before saving which isn't ideal.
This is EPiServer 6R2 (aka 6.1)
Original question: (lifeless forum, ugh). Posted here as I also want to know the answer as I'm working on similar functionality to the original author.
There is an interface IPersonalizedRoles that makes the View as visitor group menu appear if it is implemented on a property. However I think you have to create a custom property to use the interface yourself.
The SDK for the interface:
You implement GetRoles() and return an IEnumerable with the visitor group GUID ID:s that you want to show up in the list.
Maybe you can create a custom dummy property and return your groups there?

Visualforce Custom lookup visualforce page

I was wondering if there is a way to override the native functionality of the lookup field in Salesforce and replace it with a visualforce page. The reason I'm trying to override this button is because when the user does a look up, the look up returns everybody with that name. What we want to return is a list of all the contacts by account for the contact being searched.
Here's what I'm trying to achieve:
When the user clicks the lookup button my visualforce page will launch and allow the user to see the account and all the contacts of that account.
Is this even possible? What other ways would you suggest going about this?
Here's a screen shot of what I'm trying to change:
Thanks for all your help!
It sounds really like you just need to customise the columns on the lookup to make it better suited to your needs. If you go to Setup -> Customize -> Contacts -> Search Layouts, you'll see entries for Lookup Dialogs and Lookup Phone Dialogs, there you can edit the columns displayed in the lookup windows.
If you really need a custom solution:
You can't override the lookup page itself, but you could create a new visualforce page for your account, using <apex:detail> and other similar tags to make your life simpler. Then you could include a search section underneath, where a user can enter various search terms which you put into a dynamic SOQL query and then render the results for them to choose from.
yeah its possible by javascript as i did by visual force page that will show the records of related lists and upon selection id of that record passed to parent window by jscipt. and performed same functionality ..
As far as I know - NO.
As a workaround you can use JavaScript.
What we did in our situation? We implement everything in JavaScript. We created an inputText and right on the right of this inputText we placed image with this lookup icon. On image click we create ExtJS popup window (I think you can simply create VF page and show this page in popup window). After window was closed you fill in the inputText field.
There's no out-of-the-box override for this button, last I checked, so something custom would be required. If you're set on having a popup and do not want an inline solution, I'd recommend reviewing this tutorial to get familiar with some of the issues with popups in Visualforce.
But considering what you are looking to accomplish, you could also have your account and filtered list of all contacts associated with that account appear inline on your page when the user clicks a new, custom search button. Of course that page would itself be in Visualforce (or inline Visualforce in a standard page layout) - which you may or may not want to have to code and maintain.
The AJAX Toolkit might also be a good place to start if you want to go with a custom JavaScript button placed on a standard page layout.
