Rendering a non UIElement via binding - wpf

If I have an object derived from System.Windows.DispatcherObject but defines a ControlTemplate.
public class A : System.Windows.DependencyObject
public ControlTemplate ControlTemplate {get; set;}
which is a member of
public class B
public A NonUIElement {get; set;}
Is it possible to render this object via a Binding such as
<Border Name="Border">
<ContentPresenter Margin="5,0" Content="{Binding NonUIElement }"/>
assuming the DataContext of border is set to an instance of B?

The object will render, but not in the way I think you're hoping for. The Content of the ContentPresenter is set to the instance of A. WPF then tries to figure out how to render this instance of A. It first asks, is this object a UIElement? In this case, the answer is no. So it next looks for a DataTemplate for the type. In this case, there's no DataTemplate for the A class. So it falls back on calling ToString(). So your ContentPresenter will display a TextBlock containing the text "YourNamespace.A".
The fact that A happens to have a member of type ControlTemplate does not affect this logic. To WPF, that's just a chunk of data that A happens to be carrying around. WPF only uses ControlTemplate when there is a Control involved and the ControlTemplate is assigned to the Template property.
So you need either to supply a DataTemplate for A (which of course can access the ControlTemplate and use it to render the instance), or create a named DataTemplate and apply that via ContentPresenter.ContentTemplate, or derive from UIElement instead.

I finally got it with this;
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:MapLayerModel}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Children, Mode=OneTime}">
**<ContentControl Margin="5" Content="{Binding LayerRepresentation}" Template="{Binding LayerRepresentation.ControlTemplate}" Mode=OneTime/>**
This has been a great personal lesson on WPF templating and its content control model. Thanks again itowlson.


Understanding dependancy objects

I'm totally lost with dependancy objects and binding. I often get things working without understanding why and how, this question is about knowing what should be happening.
I have a tiny user control with the following XAML
<Image Source="{Binding Icon}"></Image>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"></TextBlock>
My code behind has the following
public static readonly DependencyProperty IconProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Icon", typeof(Image), typeof(MenuItem));
public Image Icon
get { return (Image)GetValue(IconProperty); }
set { SetValue(IconProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Title", typeof(String), typeof(MenuItem));
public string Title
get { return (string)GetValue(IconProperty); }
set { SetValue(IconProperty, value); }
My MainWindow is empty, other than a reference to this control and to the ResourceDictionary. In the MainWindow code behind, I set the DataContext in the constructor.
<Window x:Class="AppUi.MainWindow"
//set up to Resource Dictionary - all binding and styling works fine :)
<loc:MenuItem Icon="{Binding MailIcon}" Title="{Binding MailTitle}"></loc:MenuItem>
In the ModelView for the MainWindow, I have the following 2 properties
private Image_mailIcon;
public Image MailIcon{
//inotifyproperty implementation
private string _mailTitle;
public string MailTitle{
//inotifyproperty implementation
My question is, in the UserControl, how do I do the binding? Since it's a user control within a MainWindow, and the MainWindow already has a datacontext, I think the UserControl will inherit the DataContext from the parent (From what I have read).
So, in my UserControl XAML, should I be binding to the MainWindow's Code Behind properties OR to the ViewModel properties?
In other words, should my UserControl be
<Image Source="{Binding MailIcon}"></Image>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MailTitle}"></TextBlock>
<Image Source="{Binding Icon}"></Image>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"></TextBlock>
Or, because I'm using a DataContext and the UserControl inherits, do I even need the Dependancy Properties at all?
You normally don't want to overwrite DataContext passed through visual tree so you can use either ElementName or RelativeSource binding inside UserControl to change binding context. The easiest way to achive this is give UserControl some name and use it ElementName binding
<UserControl ... x:Name="myUserControl">
<!-- ... -->
<Image Source="{Binding Icon, ElementName=myUserControl}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title, ElementName=myUserControl}"/>
<!-- ... -->
This way binding is DataContext independent. You can also create UserControl with assumption it will always work with only specific type of DataContext and then you just use Path from that view model type but then DataContext of that UserControl must always be of the view model it's designed for (mostly inherited through visual tree)
<UserControl ...>
<!-- ... -->
<Image Source="{Binding MailIcon}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MailTitle}"/>
<!-- ... -->
I would also change type of Icon property from Image to ImageSource for example. You already have Image control inside your UserControl and you just want to bind its Source
in the UserControl, how do I do the binding? ... the UserControl will inherit the DataContext from the parent
That is correct, the UserControl will inherit the DataContext from the parent Window. Therefore you can data bind from the UserControl directly to the parent Window.DataContext. Please note that you would bind to whatever object has been set as the DataContext, regardless of whether that was the code behind or a separate view model class.
However, you don't have to data bind to the parent's DataContext object in this situation... you have other options. You could data bind to your own UserControl DependencyPropertys using a RelativeSource Binding like this:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title, RelativeSource={RelativeSource
AncestorType={x:Type YourPrefix:YourUserControl}}}" />
You could also name your UserControl and reference its properties like this:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title, ElementName=YourUserControlName}" />
While this example seems to be more concise, don't overlook the first example, as RelativeSource is a useful and powerful friend to have.
should I be binding to the MainWindow's Code Behind properties OR to the ViewModel properties?
That's your choice... what do you want or need to data bind to? you just need to know that a direct data binding will use the auto set DataContext value, so if you don't want to use that, then you can just specify a different data source for the Binding as shown above.
Finally, regarding the need to use DependencyPropertys... you only need to declare them if you are developing a UserControl that needs to provide data binding abilities.

WPF tab control and MVVM selection

I have a TabControl in an MVVM WPF application. It is defined as follows.
<TabControl Style="{StaticResource PortfolioSelectionTabControl}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedParameterTab}" >
<TabItem Header="Trades" Style="{StaticResource PortfolioSelectionTabItem}">
<ContentControl Margin="0,10,0,5" Name="NSDetailTradeRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="NSDetailTradeRegion" />
<TabItem Header="Ccy Rates" Style="{StaticResource PortfolioSelectionTabItem}">
<ContentControl Margin="0,10,0,5" Name="NSDetailCcyRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="NSDetailCcyRegion" />
<TabItem Header="Correlations / Shocks" Style="{StaticResource PortfolioSelectionTabItem}">
<ContentControl Name="NSDetailCorrelationRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="NSDetailCorrelationRegion" />
<TabItem Header="Facility Overrides" Style="{StaticResource PortfolioSelectionTabItem}" IsEnabled="False">
<ContentControl Name="NSDetailFacilityOverrides" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="NSDetailFacilityOverrides" />
So each tab item content has its own view associated with it. Each of those views has the MEF [Export] attribute and is associated with the relevant region through view discovery, so the above code is all I need to have the tab control load and switch between them. They all reference the same shared ViewModel object behind them and so all interact seamlessly.
My problem is that when the user navigates to the parent window, I want the tab control to default to the second tab item. That is easy enough to do when the window is first loaded, by specifying in XAML IsSelected="True" in TabItem number 2. It is less easy to do when the user navigates away from the screen and then comes back to it.
I thought about having a SelectedItem={Binding SelectedTabItem} property on the tab control, so I could programmatically set the selected tab in the ViewModel, but the problem is I have no knowledge of the TabItem objects in the ViewModel as they are declared above in the XAML only, so I have no TabItem object to pass to the setter property.
One idea I had was to make the child Views (that form the content of each of the tab items above) have a style on the UserControl level of their XAML, something along the following.
<Style TargetType={x:Type UserControl}>
<DataTrigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
<Setter Property="{ElementName={FindAncestor, Parent, typeof(TabItem)}, Path=IsSelected", Value="True" />
I know the findancestor bit isn't correct; I've just put it there to specify my intent, but I am not sure of the exact syntax. Basically for each UserControl to have a trigger that listens to a property on the ViewModel (not sure how I would distinguish each different UserControl as obviously they can't all listen to the same property or they would all select simultaneously when the property is set to True, but having a property for each usercontrol seems ugly) and then finds its parent TabItem container and sets the IsSelected value to true.
Am I on the right track with a solution here? Is it possible to do what I am pondering? Is there a tidier solution?
If you look at the TabControl Class page on MSDN, you'll find a property called SelectedIndex which is an int. Therefore, simply add an int property into your view model and Bind it to the TabControl.SelectedIndex property and then you can select whichever tab you like at any time from the view model:
<TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex}">
Setting a 'startup' tab is even easier using this method:
In view model:
private int selectedIndex = 2; // Set the field to whichever tab you want to start on
public int SelectedIndex { get; set; } // Implement INotifyPropertyChanged here
Just FYI,
I gone through the same issue where I add tabs dynamically using ObservableCollection source but last added Tab do not get selected.
I have done same changes what Sheridan said to select Tab as per SelectedIndex. Now last added Tab gets selected but it was not getting focused.
So to focus the Tab we have to add set Binding IsAsync property True.
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Workspaces}" Margin="5" SelectedIndex="{Binding TabIndex, Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, IsAsync=True}">
The below code sample will create a dynamic tab using MVVM.
<TabControl Margin="20" x:Name="tabCategory"
ItemsSource="{Binding tabCategory}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCategory}">
<HeaderedContentControl Header="{Binding TabHeader}"/>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding TabContent}" />
Modal Class
TabCategoryItem represents each tab item. On two properties, TabHeader will display a tab caption and TabContent contains the content/control to fill in each tab.
Public Class TabCategoryItem
Public Property TabHeader As String
Public Property TabContent As UIElement
End Class
VM Class
Public Class vmClass
Public Property tabCategory As ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of TabCategoryItem)
Public Property SelectedCategory As TabCategoryItem
End Class
The below code will fill and bind the content. I am creating two tabs, tab1 and tab2. Both tabs will contain text boxes. You can use any UIelement instead of text boxes.
Dim vm As New vmClass
vm.tabCategory = New ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of TabCategoryItem)
'VM.tabCategory colection will create all tabs
vm.tabCategory.Add(New TabCategoryItem() With {.TabHeader = "Tab1", .TabContent = new TextBlock().Text = "My first Tab control1"})
vm.tabCategory.Add(New TabCategoryItem() With {.TabHeader = "Tab2", .TabContent = new TextBlock().Text = "My first Tab control2"})
mywindow.DataContent = vm
The accepted answer is not working with DependencyObject on your ViewModel .
I'm using MVVM with DependencyObject and Just setting the TabControl didn't work for me.The problem I had was the the property was not getting update on the View when I was setting the tab selectedIndex from the ViewModel.
I did set the Mode to be two ways but nothing was working.
<TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedTab,Mode=TwoWay}" >
The ViewModel property "SelectedTab" was getting updated all the time when I navigated between tabs. This was confirming my binding was working properly. Each time I would navigate the tabs both the Get and Set would get called in my ViewModel. But if I try to set the SelectedIndex in the ViewModel it would not update the view.
ie: SelectedTab=0 or SelectedTab=1 etc...
When doing the set from the ViewModel the SelectedTab 'set' method would be called, but the view would never do the 'get'.
All I could find online was example using INotifyPropertyChanged but I do not wish to use that with my ViewModel.
I found the solutions in this page:
With DependencyObject, you need to register the DependencyProperties. Not for all properties but I guess for a tabcontrol property you need to.
Below my code:
//Not sure below if I need to mention the TwoWay mode
<TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedTab,Mode=TwoWay}" >
public class ViewModel : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedTabDP = DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedTab", typeof(int), typeof(ViewModel));
public int SelectedTab
get { return (int)GetValue(SelectedTabDP); }
set { SetValue(SelectedTabDP, value); }
Basically all I had to do was to actually register the dependency property (DependencyProperty) as you can see above.
What made this hard to figure out was that I have a bunch of other Properties on that view and I didn't need to register them like that to make it work two ways. For some reason on the TabControl I had to register the property like I did above.
Hope this help someone else.
Turns out my problem were because my components have names:
Giving names to components at the same time of biding them with DependencyObject seems to be the main cause of all my issues.
In order to improve semantic of my viewmodel and to not work with an int when using code to check for the selected tab, I made some additions to the accepted answer so to use an Enum instead of an int.
These are the steps:
Define an Enum representing the different tabs:
public enum RulesVisibilityMode {
Expose the SelectedTab as a property using the enum instead of the int:
public RulesVisibilityMode SelectedTab { get; set; }
Create a converter to convert from an int to your enum (I don't need the ConvertBack because I never select the active tab from the code, but you can add it too):
internal class RulesVisibilityModeConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException("Conversion from visibility mode to selected index has not been implemented");
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
int selectedTabIndex;
if (int.TryParse(value.ToString(), out selectedTabIndex))
return (RulesVisibilityMode)selectedTabIndex;
return null;
Bind the tabcontrol to the SelectedTab property through the converter:
<TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedTab, Mode=OneWayToSource, Converter={StaticResource RulesVisibilityModeConverter}}" ...
Now every time you need to check for the selected tab in the code you deal with a readable enum:
if (this.SelectedTab != RulesVisibilityMode.Active) ...

connect View to ViewModel with DataTemplate

I'm trying to understand. When I'm connecting View to ViewModel like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModel}">
<local:MyView />
What does it mean?
It looks like the View is set to be the DataTemplate of the ViewModel. BUT the ViewModel doesn't have a Property of DataTemplate. So what exactly is going on in there?
A demonstration of the question - How do I do that by code (Connecting the View and ViewModel this specific way. I can't write ViewModel.DataTemplate = View)?
Thank you.
It means "To whatever control whose Content data is MyViewModel place MyView there". You are not setting DataTemplate of viewmodel (That does not mean anything) you are setting the DataTemplate for the control whose Data is MyViewModel.
Take for example an ItemsControl with an Items Source of
ObservableCollection<Employee> Employees
where each Employee is represented by a DataTemplate for Example :
<DataTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:Employee}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FirstName}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding LastName}" />
So in the same manner a MyViewModel.cs such as Employee.cs as a visual representation based on a DataTemplate .
and represented for example as such :
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyViewModelProperty}" />
The way how it works is very simple. Your definition of DataTemplate is something like a definition of how a data will look like. In your example the data that you want to represent visually are of type:
DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModel}"
By defining DataTemplate in control, window or other resources, e.g.
<UserControl.Resources> ...your template... <UserControl.Resources>,
you say "Hey, I want that all my data of type local:MyViewModel will look like this...". Inside the template you define a root control, that will be put in all places where your local:MyViewModel have been used. Normally when you place local:MyViewModel in Grid, ContentControl or other containers, you will see its string representation like "xxxx.xxxxx.MyViewModel" instead of visual.
To to see a graphical representation you must define a DataTemplate. It will replace the string "xxxx.xxxxx.MyViewModel" - representing your data and put there a visual control you defined in the template. Then when it is done, this representation - control from your DataTemplate will get DataContext property set to your View Model, here it will be local:MyViewModel instance.
That will give you a possibility to use binding in your DataTemplate, to bind in you DataTemplate directly to properties from you ViewModel.
Is that more clear now?

Showing UserControl once at the time with DataTemplateSelector

I have a couple specific user controls to Show some Content, e.g. simple like Image, WebControl but also two complex specific custom controls drawing on a canvas.
Now I thought using the DataTemplateSelector to handle the different UserControls. I actully used this as a reference.
I changed the code so the form loads the UserControls dynamically (according to the file extension) in the following collection:
ObservableCollection<string> _pathCollection = new ObservableCollection<string>();
The only difference to the reference is now I want to navigate back and forward to the next control by showing one control only at the time. Which control should I use instead of ListView?
<ListView ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False"
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=This, Path=PathCollection}"
ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource imgStringTemplateSelector}">
How do I need to bind it to the template (equal to ItemTemplateSelector above)? WPF is still very new to me and I am learning.
Use a ContentControl. Bind your current item to the Content-property and the DataTemplateSelector to the ContentTemplateSelector-property.
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=CurrentItem, Mode=OneWay}", ContentTemplateSelector="{StaticResource imgStringTemplateSelector}" />
Your CurrentItem should be a DependencyProperty or a INotifyPropertyChanged-property of your DataContext. When you change your CurrentItem, the ContentControl will update the template automatically with help of your TemplateSelector.

Silverlight Control Binding

Is there a way to bind a Silverlight control to an object (or database table's row) which contains the values of several control's properties, doing so without by define the binding for each property?
For instance:
Let's say I have the class (or entity based on database table's row) with the following values:
class TextBlockValues
public string Text{get; set;}
public string HorizontalAlignment{get; set;}
public string VerticalAlignment{get; set;}
I want to bind it to a TextBlock in my silverlight application (again without explicit specify the binding for each property).
Thank you for your time.
There are two parts in a binding: DataContext and the actual Binding objects. Once you set up the data context for an item, all the properties, and children will automatically use that.
For example:
<TextBlock Name="CaptionText" Text="{Binding Text}" HorizontalAlignment="{Binding HorizontalAlignment}" Height="20" TextAlignment="Center" FontStretch="Expanded" FontSize="13" />
And in the .cs file:
CaptionText.DataContext = myObject;
If I understand your question right the answer is no. Even though you can set the control's DataContext you still have to bind which property in the control binds to what in the class.
