How to add data to db rows fetched with ZF? - database

I'm using Zend Framework's Zend_Db_Table classes to fetch data from a database.
I'd like to "refine" each row I fetch from a table by adding something to it. Within a plain old SQL query I would write eg. SELECT *, dueDate<NOW() AS isOverdue. In this example, feeding an extra field to the SQL query would be possible, but sometimes it might be more suitable to do the extra stuff with PHP. Anyway, I'd use this information mainly in my views, eg. to highlight overdue items accordingly.
What would be a good place to add this isOverdue data in a ZF application?
My thoughts so far:
finding that ZF has a built-in mechanism for this (not successful so far)
subclassing Zend_Db_Table_Row
overriding _fetch() in my Zend_Db_Table class
rethinking whether this is a sane pattern at all :)
As a bonus, it would be nice that I could still use ZF to update rows. Maybe this would be (another) reason for a naming convention for custom fields?

Why reinventing the wheel? There's a built in functionality to do this:
$this->select()->from('your_table_name_here', array('*', 'dueDate<NOW() AS isOverdue'));
Simply specify what columns you need using the second parameter of from() function and it will generate the SQL that you need (by default, if you do not use a second parameter it generates "SELECT * FROM table" query). - Professional Web Development blog


ODBC and data binding by [Table].[column]

I'm rewriting an older-than-dirt MFC application, ripping out the old MFC-based DB code and re-working queries to make it run faster. This code works with a MS Access 2003 .mdb file.
The old code used the convenience functions like RFX_Bool, RFX_Long, RFX_Int to read from the records. These are nice, and I am reading about binding in ODBC using SQLBindCol to set the bindings ahead of time to avoid that extra processing time for each row. This is great, but I see SQLBindCol only takes the column number, not the name. What if I want to bind using the column name like with the RFX_* functions? SQLDescribeCol gives the column names, but it doesn't have the "full" name, i.e. [Table/Alias].[Column]. Some of my queries involve JOIN'ing the same table multiple times with aliases, so I can't bind the column by the column name alone. If I plug my query into Access, the Datasheet view shows the alias in the column name. I'm currently using my connection string with Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}, if it matters.
tl;dr How do I do MFC's RFX_*(fieldExchange, L"[Table].[Column]", &variable) in the modern ODBC API?
OK, I think I understand what the RFX functions are doing now, and I think I know what I need to do.
The MFC ODBC classes construct your query programmatically, so after starting with SELECT, UPDATE, etc, every call to RFX_* simply appends the field name to the query, then ties a reference to your variable to the column index, which it increments after every call. So I just need to append my fields to my queries with a helper function the same way MFC does, in order to bind my pointers in the same way MFC does.
Hopefully this is helpful to somebody.

SQL Server extended events: write custom predicates?

We have about 2'000 "old" objects in a sql server database (tables, views etc.) of which we don't really know if they're still in use. I want to create an extended event listener for these objects. I tried to add a giant WHERE clause to the CREATE EVENT SESSION command, consisting of 2'000 [package0].[equal_int64]([object_id], (<objectId>)) statements.
However, the command max length is 3'000 characters, so I cannot do this. And I guess that the performance of this filer wouldn't be too good, anyway...
Now my question is: I can query all possible predicates using select * from sys.dm_xe_objects where object_type= 'pred_compare'. this gives me results such as name=equal_uint64, package_guid=60AA9FBF-673B-4553-B7ED-71DCA7F5E972. the package_guid refers to sys.dm_xe_packages, where several DLLs are referenced which seem to implement a particular predicate.
Would it be possible to define my own "package" and implement a predicate there (which would filter the objectId using a hashtable)? Is it possible somehow to import such a package into SQL server so I could define a custom predicate?
Or does anyone have another idea how to implement such a filter?

BIRT Dynamic Columns

What I am currently looking to do is use our existing UI to select a number of columns from various tables (yes, multiple tables) and pass them into a BIRT report as parameters. From there, I am planning on building a query that will dynamically replace the columns into the query and pull the results automatically. I'll have to hide columns with no value passed to them as well. I also expect I'll have to setup the query to be a little heavy handed and already know all of the logical connections in the database (e.g. connect the proper tables, etc).
My question is this the best way to manage a dynamic column/table in a dataset? or is there a better way to manage this method? I'v seen some online information about the "ad-hoc" BIRT report designer that lets non-programmers create reports, but I am not looking for other people to actually build the report, just generate one using an existing template with interchangeable columns.
I think the easiest way is to firstly build a report with all columns that you need.
Then apply some logic on the visibility of the column. You can use the parameters there as well.
Select your table, select a column, open the properties window and take a look at the visibility tab there. Just add some logic that results in a true or false.
If you are using a crosstab to display the information, you could use the filter options to include or exclude columns.
Yes, this will load data that is not used, but you need to build realy big reports for performance becomming a real issue.
If you try to add this logic in the actual dataset, you have to make the query and fetch script dynamic and then you still have the problem with the visualisation of the columns. I think you'll end up using the visibility script anyway (to show/hide the colums on the report), so might just start from there and have a working report fast.

SSRS Multi value parameters - appropriate layer for implmentation of the filter

When using multivalue parameters in sql reporting services is it more appropriate to implement the list filter using a filter on the dataset itself, the data region control or change the actual query that drives the dataset?
SSRS will support any scenario, so then I ask, is there a reason beyond the obvious of why this should be done at one level over another?
It makes sense to me that modifying the query itself and asking the RDBMS to handle the filtering would be most efficient but maybe I am missing something with respect to how the SSRS Data Processing Extension may handle this scenario?
You are correct. The way to go is to pass the parameters through to the database engine.
Reporting Services should only be ideally used to render content. The less data that you need to pass back to the client web browser, the faster the report will render.
You may find my answer to a similar post regarding using mulit-value parameters to be of use.
Passing multiple values for a single parameter in Reporting Services
Hope this helps but please feel free to pose any further questions you may have.
Using table-valued UDF is a good approach, but there is still one issue - in case if this function is called in many places of query, and even inside inner select, there can be performance problem. You can resolve this issue using table variable (or temp table eather):
DECLARE #Param (Value INT)
INSERT INTO #Param (Value)
SELECT Param FROM dbo.fn_MVParam(#sParameterString,',')
where someColumn IN(SELECT Value FROM #Param)
so function will be called only once.
Othe thing, if you don't use stored procedure, but embedded SQL query instead, you can just put MVP into query:
where someColumn IN(#Param)
Use the RDBMS to do the main filtering
SSRS provides filtering for the purposes on data driven display and/or dynamic display. Especially useful for sub reports etc

How can I automate exporting of tables into proper XML files from MSSQL or Access?

We have a customer requesting data in XML format. Normally this is not required as we usually just hand off an Access database or csv files and that is sufficient. However in this case I need to automate the exporting of proper XML from a dozen tables.
If I can do it out of SQL Server 2005, that would be preferred. However I can't for the life of me find a way to do this. I can dump out raw xml data but this is just a tag per row with attribute values. We need something that represents the structure of the tables. Access has an export in xml format that meets our needs. However I'm not sure how this can be automated. It doesn't appear to be available in any way through SQL so I'm trying to track down the necessary code to export the XML through a macro or vbscript.
Any suggestions?
Look into using FOR XML AUTO. Depending on your requirements, you might need to use EXPLICIT.
As a quick example:
INNER JOIN Orders ON Orders.CustID = Customers.CustID
This will generate a nested XML document with the orders inside the customers. You could then use SSIS to export that out into a file pretty easily I would think. I haven't tried it myself though.
If you want a document instead of a fragment, you'll probably need a two-part solution. However, both parts could be done in SQL Server.
It looks from the comments on Tom's entry like you found the ELEMENTS argument, so you're getting the fields as child elements rather than attributes. You'll still end up with a fragment, though, because you won't get a root node.
There are different ways you could handle this. SQL Server provides a method for using XSLT to transform XML documents, so you could create an XSL stylesheet to wrap the result of your query in a root element. You could also add anything else the customer's schema requires (assuming they have one).
If you wanted to leave some fields as attributes and make others elements, you could also use XSLT to move those fields, so you might end up with something like this:
<customer id="204">
There's an outline here of a macro used to export data from an access db to an xml file, which may be of some use to you.
Const acExportTable = 0
Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Scripts\Test.mdb"
'Export the table "Inventory" to test.xml
objAccess.ExportXML acExportTable,"Inventory","c:\scripts\test.xml"
The easiest way to do this that I can think of would be to create a small app to do it for you. You could do it as a basic WinForm and then just make use of a LinqToSql dbml class to represent your database. Most of the time you can just serialize those objects using XmlSerializer namespace. Occasionally it is more difficult than that depending on the complexity of your database. Check out this post for some detailed info on LinqToSql and Xml Serialization:
Hope that helps.
