How to display horizontal scroll bar in ExtJS ComboBox? - extjs

A combo's drop-down list gets the size of the Combo, and display of items with longer text just gets cropped.
I tried fiddling with Ext's CSS for combos with no luck.
Does anyone know how it can be done ?
Using ExtJS 3.2.0.
Alternative solutions to improve usability will also be appreciated, e.g. getting the list to expand with the content.

I don't know how you can add a scroll bar, but I know that you can change the list width with the well-named property :
listWidth : Number
The width (used as
a parameter to Ext.Element.setWidth)
of the dropdown list (defaults to the
width of the ComboBox field). See also
For an horizontal scroll, it would need lots of changes, because the list container width is forced, so "overflow" attributes in css are useless.
Edit : Another method
You can add this custom css, for me it seems to work well, as wrapping long lines.
.x-combo-list-item {
Of course, if you add this it will apply to all combos' lists.
You can set listClass : 'x-combo-list-wrap' on your Ext.form.ComboBox, and then apply the css only to these items :
x-combo-list-wrap .x-combo-list-item {
white-space:normal !important;
(I'm not sure the !important is useful here, not tested)


How to resize material-ui's tabs

I am trying to get a result looking like this (picture taken from
I don't want the tabs to take 100% of the width of the page, as it is by default with material-ui. Is it possible to do this with the implementation of material-ui ? I already played with the width of each tab using the style tab property, but the inkbare seems hardcoded to use percentages according to the id of the selected tab, and therefore doesn't underline properly the resized tabs. Is there a workaround?
There is an issue related to this problem
But yes, there is an easy workaround. (unfortunately it doesnt support diffrent widths across the tabs).
You can use the Tabs tabItemContainerStyle property to set the width of the tabs container (make it the width you want to each tab times the number of tabs).
Since the background color is setted on that element, you're gonna need to override the styles for two others Tabs properties (style and contentContainerStyle).
In this example Im setting the same color as my tabs in the style property (for the whole component) and setting the contentContainerStyle back to a white background.
You could use the classes properties as well..
Ex: (Imagine you have a blue toolbar)
tabItemContainerStyle={{width: '400px'}}
style={{background: 'blue'}}
contentContainerStyle={{background: '#FFF'}} >

Codename One combobox styling

Please, see picture bolow:
I cannot get rid of white paddings/margins in combobox popup. I have two custom containers in designer called DropdownItem and DropdownItemSelected, Fisheye renderer type for ComboBox renderer. As you may see in combobox selected item is displayed just fine. However, in I cannot get combobox popup displayed without white paddings. I have actually used PopupContentPane to add blue border around popup, I also have border set to empty, all margins/paddings set to 0 for following UIIDs: PopupItem, PopupFocus, DropdownItem and DropdownItemSelected. PopupContentPane has also all paddings/margins set to 0. Also see my contants:
I went through source code and cannot find any other useful UIID I can style in order to remove these white paddings. Can someone help me with this?
Might be helpful - see below how popup looks like when PopupContentPane border sickness is set to 2px:
Update 2:
Almost there. After setting listItemGapInt constant to 0 I managed to remove gaps between list items. See screenshot below.
I still cannot find out how to remove 2 pixel gap on the right and don't know where it's coming from. Would appreciate any thoughts/ideas.
Update 3:
I eventually found where two pixels are coming from.
com.codename1.ui.ComboBox class, lines 289-290
289 int listW = Math.max(getWidth() , l.getPreferredW());
290 listW = Math.min(listW + getUIManager().getLookAndFeel().getVerticalScrollWidth(),
In my particular case, listW=630px and in line 290 listW is recalculated as Math.min(630 + 2, 768), where 2px is width of vertical scroll.
As far as can say, scroll bar should be a part ComboBox popup.
I managed to remove unwanted gaps. As I mentioned in 'update 2', listItemGapInt should be set to 0 in order to remove horizontal gaps.
Vertical gap was related to scroll bar however it was not clear that it's a vertical scroll bar that creates that gap. After I set paddings to 0 for Scroll UIID, vertical gap has gone.
In regard to update 3, this is a bug but not because it should be in the container. The list is scrollable so this should be a part of the list however the call should be to l.getSideGap() and not to getVerticalScrollWidth().
This will allow you to hide that by setting the scroll bars to visible false etc. We'll fix that for the next update.

Isotape responsive layout with toggles and unknown heights

I am trying to create a masonary style layout using isotope. The layout must be a responsive grid with flexible columns. However each grid item has an hidden text element which opens when the image is clicked. This text will come from wordpress and therefore as an unknown length. I am trying to use the
function to reset the layout when the item is toggled however it does not work. If you alter the size of the browser when the text is visible you can see that that the isotope layout kicks back in and gives the desired effect.
I have created a codepen to illustrate my issue. Any help would be appreciated
You need top use:

Is there a way to show all content in a jquery accordion (without scrollbars)

Autoheight : false seems to have no effect. Even if it did work it doesnt sound like its what I need since one section could be really long and the fololowing really short and I wouldnt want the two sections with the same height.
The div in which the content is displayed can be of variable height so I cannot use a fixed height. I have tried most of the options and none of them seem to have the effect I want but I think I am missig something as this sounds like it should be a common requirement since scollbars in the accordion look rather horrible.
Have you tried to explicitly set the Height and Width of the Acccordion to the content? For example load the content into a hidden div and then get its dimensions. Then resize the Accordion and load the contents to fit.
Use this line instead:
heightStyle: "content"
autoheight : false
It is auto with a small a

scroll multiselect in extjs

I have a multiselect component in Ext js 3. I have a number of entries in it. Now i want to select an entry and scroll multiselect to make it visible to the user. I am able to select an entry but i cannot scroll multiselect.
I have used dataview component and i do this same function using following:
dataviewObj.container.dom.scrollTop = (42 * index);
but cannot implement this is multiselect.
Can someone please tell me how to achieve this with multiselect????
Thank you a lot for help.
There is no need to edit the Ext extension code itself.
Ext MultiSelect will do scrolling out of the box. You just need to make sure you have added the CSS that it needs:
position:relative; /* for calculating scroll offsets */
The full set of CSS rules to include in your document is here:
Ok, after a lot of hacking I think I've found the solution to this.
Open the Multiselect.js file in an editor.
Goto the onRender method of the Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect class (object).
Find the FieldSet creation block of code (var fs ...)
Add autoScroll:true to the fieldset config options.
I had a multiselect with ~200 items in it and this worked like a charm.
This is a change made to the extension code itself, so if you can't afford to do this you'll have to find a work around -- possibly through multiple extending and polymorphism.
