Sql Server 2005 AutoCompletion - sql-server

Does anyone know whether SQLServer 2005 provide auto completion when typing stuff in??
I ve looked in the options many times but cannot find this option which is suprising as a lot of other sql editors do support this

No it does not. Intellisence is well in Sql server 2008, or you can look at RedGate.
RedGate and
SQL Prompt

No. Intellisense only comes in SQL Server 2008, provided that both the server and the client tools are 2008.
There are 3rd party tools that'll give you what you want, tho, such as SQL Prompt


Upgrade database from sql server 2008 to sql server 2016

I have database created on SQL SERVER 2008. I want to upgrade it to SQL SERVER 2016. what is the best way to upgrade the whole database?
Thanks in advance.
Migration can be done many ways from 2008 to 2016. In-house upgrade, backup restore, etc. Different approaches are explained here:
But simple backup/restore approach is the always better in my practical understanding. Also It has links for SSIS/SSAS/SSRS if required plan for those. Each has different approaches...
Major things to consider are how to remove deprecated features and how to make use of new features:
Deprecated features:
You can use new AMR tool to identify what tables you can use for in-memory also you can do analysis of columnstore indexes etc using below:
I had big problems upgrading from 2008 to 20014 as it complained about 2008 SP2 missing, but there where additional messages about missing instance ID's or nothing needed to be installed.
The upgrade from 2008 to 2012 was a better move as the 2012 is probaly better designed to deal with a previous release.
Once 2012 was installed I moved to 2014 with no problem and did not have to care about attached databases. It just upgraded.
I had to use the "SQL Server Configuration Manager" to enable Named Pipes or TCP/IP connection in the "SQL Server Network Configuration" section, and enable the new SQL service .exe in the windows firewall.
To add it to the firewall the service exe "sqlsrvr.exe" was identified using the Windows task manager and using "properties" optaning the path to the .exe.
The installation makes you nervous but once installed you know SQL Server is one of the few Microsft products that does not bother you. It just works.
Instead of downloading missing servicepacks manually it was easier to run Windows update and have it suggest SQL server sevicepacks. Winows update actually helped before migrating to the next version.
Here is a nice chart of sql server editions with links to downloads:
Microsoft SQL Server Version List

Can't find Microsoft SQL Server even if it is installed?

Regarding the following images, I have obviously installed the Microsoft SQL Server, but I can't find the exe-file or anything named Microsoft SQL Server in the start menu.
Anyone who knows what to do to solve this, or do I need to install something more?
SQL Server runs as a service. You can start and stop it from windows services. SSMS is a gui tool for managing ddl (creating and altering tables and index's for example) and dml (writing queries to inquire, update or add data to databases).SSMS comes free with every edition of SQL server - perhaps you didn't tick a box when installing? You can also do this stuff the old fashioned way using sqlcmd from command line(DBAs love this for some reason) but for us mortals SSMS is much less of a struggle. As an aside there are other guis such as Toad (expensive) and Heidisql (free) amongst others which will do the job.
Looks like you have the engine. What you've got to do now is install SQL Server Management Studio: https://msdn.microsoft.com/hr-hr/library/mt238290.aspx
Looks like you have the various SQL Server components that are installed by Visual Studio (recent version) or SQL Server Data Tools (as used by VS).

Any benefits to SQL Management Studio 2008 when only connecting to SQL Server 2005 databases?

We run SQL Server 2005 exclusively for databases that we use (I'm trying to push to get them upgraded, but alas!). On the client side with Management Studio, are there any benefits to upgrading to SSMS2008 when only connecting to SQL Server 2005 databases? I've seen that Intellisense won't work, so I'm curious if it's worth the hassle.
Yes, there's quite a few improvements intellisense is definitely a big one for developers (Intellisense only works against SQL Server 2008 databases, unfortunately), but there are also other things like T-SQL Debugger, Activity Monitor, the Object Explorer Details
Also, multi-server queries, and the ability to color the connections (get a visual clue whether you're on dev, test or prod system) and a lot more.
See some good background info here at Simple-Talk.
It is up to you. My favorite is search feature. See link for details.
Having worked with SQL 2005 since it came out, upgraded my client tools to 2008 when it came out, and still not upgraded our server, I don't think it is worth upgrading, especially if you aren't moving to SQL 2008 on your server anytime soon. There is no real harm in upgrading, but you need to get familiar with a slightly different tool that IMO is neither worse nor better.
There are a lot of things to like about SQL2008 SSMS, even if you are connecting to SQL 2005 servers:
Customize the columns in the object views, including some very useful ones like DB size
When viewing a query execution plan, it will list any indexes that it recommends
Color-code server connections
Execute SQL statements against multiple servers
In our environment, we have a mix of SQL 2000, 2005, and 2008 servers, so I still use SQL 2005 SSMS to connect to all three (The new "Activity Monitor" in SQL2008 SSMS doesn't work for SQL 2000 servers.)
I don't want to sound like taking sides, but Toad 4.6 rulez! :-)

Creating SQL Server 2008 Add-Ons: current equivalent of sqlwb.exe

I'm trying to create a simple Add-On for SQL Server 2008; it is simply going to pass a parameter from SQL 2008 to a console application.
Although Add-Ons are not specifically supported, according to these articles (1, 2), it is possible in 2005 and I'm assuming also in 2008. However, I've fallen almost at the first hurdle; I can't seem to find SQLWB.EXE (SQL WorkBench) in the expected place. I'm assuming that this file has been replaced in 2008, but I can't seem to pin down the equivalent version.
Has anyone any experience in general in developing 2008 Add-ons? Any good resources?
And can anyone indicate the 2008 replacement for SQLWB.EXE?
Sql Server Management Studio:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe

SQL data comparison tool for SQL Server Compact

Does anyone know of a tool similiar to RedGate's SQL Data Compare that works with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5?
For me the following process worked:
Install SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension.
Run the "Script database schema and data" command on both databases
Use a diff tool on generated files to see the changes.
In the end I solved this problem by Exporting my 2 SQL Server Compact Databases to SQL Server Express 2005 (although 2008 would work) using Data Port Console.
I then compared them using Red Gate SQL Data Compare.
This solution works just fine for me.
Not sure, but you could also have a look at the Apex SQL tools - Apex SQL Diff and Apex SQL DataDiff. There website is here. They don't specifically mention SQL Server Compact - but I'm sure you could inquire with them.
Red-Gate and Apex are my #1 choices for any kind of SQL tools :-)
Have you tried SQL Compare from starinix? They say it supports SQL Server (All Editions) so that may include compact edition.
This software does work as I have used it (for Yukon). It's also freeware which saves worrying about licensing.
