cakephp 1.2 good simple authetication sample - cakephp

I was trying several authentication samples for cakephp 1.2 but didn't find any flawless piece of code. Can you suggest me some code?
Thank you

I've always used the example in the Cookbook, it's simple, straight forward and works.

I have used DarkAuth in the past ( and found it pretty straightforward to implement.


Is there an AngularJS ORM

I came a across the following article while considering adding bacon.js and AngularJS:
But I could not find any other resources that would encourage (or discourage) the use of bacon.js in angularJs.
So I'm looking for some other resources on the subject? Does anyone have use the concept proposed by Dean Sofer? Does it work the magic promise?
Has anyone use the concept used in the video?
Sure this link can help you Also I have my work with angularjs and bacon together

where can i download simple code acl project in cakephp

i am beginner in cakephp and i need to correct and sample code for acl in cake.
i follow this tutorial :
but i can't use well.
Check out part 2 of this tutorial:
I found it useful, it walks you through exactly how to do it.

What is your way to do GAE Apps using Clojure?

I want to develop apps on GAE using Clojure with Compojure, using either Eclipse or Idea, emacs is not a bad idea :P
So which are the best ways to do this? I don't think that I want to use leiningen because I believe that maven can be very strong if you pass the learning curve - I read this blog which 'till now is one of the best source of information.
If you will have to do this, what will be your approach? Or what will you recommend me?
Is this plugin -> ok? because if I use that plugin I can include in the pom.xml the clojure.jar and basically I'm ready to go, right? Is something similar for IntelliJ IDEA?
Any other suggestions?
And which is your way to do this?
There recently was an announcement on the Clojure mailing list of a library called appengine-magic which tries to abstract away the boilerplate related to GAE:
Just a some links. I think if you really want that combination you have to do some stoff your self but this should help.
Compojure on GAE
Clojure on GAE

GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example

I'm trying to link all this technologies, but there are many isolated examples and I do not have enough experience to link them together
so my questions:
Whether there is a similar example?
Is it possible to use UIBinder with Gin?
Any recommendations to implement it?
The GWT blueprint that we use and works great for us.
My own project is in an early phase, but it has all these technologies. You may want to take a look:
Unfortunately, I don't know of such tutorials (a possible solution would be to get a book on GWT, but I don't know if there are any that deal with GWT 2.0 and Gin) - I'm afraid it's up to you to patch the knowledge from them together, that's what everyone has to do, right? ;) If you have some specific problems feel free to post a question about it, then we could help.
As for the UiBinder + Gin issue - I'm using both technologies and it's a breeze, but that's mainly because I'm also following the MVP (Model View Presenter) architecture/model - that way the view doesn't really has any dependencies and the Presenter does all the work. More on that here:
Here is a nice tutorial. The app is very simple but demonstrates all the basics you need.

Is there a tutorial for using cakephp and uploadify?

Does anyone have a good tutorial implementing cakephp and uploadify?
Have you seen this one:
I've also created a CakePHP plugin for Uploadify. I guess it's still kinda beta, but it seems to work for my needs. It's also open-source, so it can be a good starting point for you if it doesn't 100% suit your needs.
The url for that tutorial has changed.
The correct url is
