How to change info on UAC prompt? - uac

On Windows Vista, with UAC enabled, everytime a program that requires administrative priviledges starts, a UAC prompt is displayed. In the box, there are two fields - name and author. How can those be customized?

You need to sign the application.


Why UAC is not checked through ssh

I am wrote a .Net Windows C# Application:
I have add a manifest application file (Visual Studio template)
Have changed requestedExecutionLevel to "requireAdministrator" level:
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false">
The application contains a basic Console.WriteLine("hello world") code.
When I run the application by double-clicking on the .exe icon, I get an UAC popup confirmation.
But if I run this application through ssh shell, I get non confirmation and the application is running ! How can I do to forbidden application to run if UAC is not confirm by user ?
UAC prompts are actually manually launched by the program starting a new process. Windows Explorer does this, and so does cmd for example, but not necesarily any other program.
Another consideration is that a SSH server is often running as a service, and services aren't affected by UAC (by the simple fact that services have no UI at all). A remote command line would have no way to present the user a prompt so it's expectable to not to be presented one.
How can I do to forbidden application to run if UAC is not confirm by user ?
You can't.
Administrator manifest are a convenience feature intended for programs explicitly looking for them, but not mandatory at all. For instance, UAC can be disabled altogether or configured to never ask, and programs may still not run with full admin access, but with whatever privileges the user has.
If your program really requires admin access to operate, be sure that your own code checks for them and exits gracefully in such case.

Ask for elevated permission using [duplicate]

I have a console application written in c#, which downloads a file to program files. So of course it needs to run as admin. This program gets called from a Win32 C++ application which almost certainly is not running as administrator
What are my options. How can I get this to work on UAC and non UAC enabled boxes ( I don't know if there needs to be separate solution in each case )
Oh and the console app is in .NET 2.0
On a machine with UAC you need to include a manifest resource to specify that you want the process to run as administrator.
On a machine without UAC you will simply have to instruct your users that they need to run it as a user in the administrators group. Almost all users of XP (the version that you will most commonly encounter without UAC) are in the administrators group so you won't encounter many problems.
I never tried it, but this can probably be done using the
CreateProcessAsUser Function.

To bypass the UAC in cmd.exe

My query is basically to bypass the "Admin Command Prompt" UAC.
What i am trying to do is to open a "Admin Command Prompt" but every time when i open it pop up UAC, which i want to ignore, i want when i run the "Admin Command Prompt" it will automatically open as Admin without any UAC Pop-up
Is there any way i can do that?
I am thinking to create a batch file which runs and open cmd.exe and pass the UAC pop-up, but i am not sure how to create the same
Tag: "Admin Command Prompt" : It is basically when we right click on cmd.exe and use "Run As Administrator"
You can't bypass. If the user is a standard user, you have no way to arbitrarily decide to just become an administrator.
Windows is a secure operating system, and has the notion of standard users and administrators. The fact that you're a standard user is your own choice.
You're perfectly free to ask the computer administrator to make you an administrator - but it's a really, really, terrible idea.

Requesting administrator privileges in C program?

I'm trying to make a C program that modifies my host file, but I can't just straight up open the file with the program, because Windows blocks it. Is there any way that I can make the program request administrative privileges within the code, or any script I can use to start the program in admin mode?
Right clicking is a solution that allows you to run any program with Administrator privileges. That includes ticking the box in "Properties".
On Windows 7 and later, you can also rename your program so that its name contains setup (like hosts_setup.exe), and it'll automatically be run in Administrator mode (brings up the UAC prompt) if double-clicked in Explorer. Note this only works from double-clicking in Explorer.
You can also take a look at How can I run a child process that requires elevation and wait? . It calls WinAPI and is a fairly native approach. The best solution is to add it in menifest so your program requests Admin at startup.
Shoot, okay, seconds after posting this question, I found a solution. It turns out that you can right click the executable, click properties, and on the compatibility tab, select "Run this program as administrator". Just in case anyone else needed this information.

How to ignore UAC while silent installing VLC

My question is how do I get the installation of VLC media player in a batch script done without having to accept the UAC prompt during the installation.
What I have till now is this - working for a silent installation but still wanting me to press the UAC button.
vlc-2.1.1-win64.exe /S
It is possible to circumvent UAC only using the technique to create a scheduled task that has administrator privileges to run and then create a shortcut to run this scheduled task, this shortcut when it runs, it runs automatically without asking permission, without the button Yes or No to appear, look at the tutorial link below to better understand.
Run UAC restricted programs without the UAC prompt
