How can I concatenate two arrays in C? - c

How do I concatenate two arrays to get a single array containing the elements of both original arrays?

Arrays in C simply are a contiguous area of memory, with a pointer to their start*. So merging them involves:
Find the length of the arrays A and B, (you will probably need to know the number of elements and the sizeof each element)
Allocating (malloc) a new array C that is the size of A + B.
Copy (memcpy) the memory from A to C,
Copy the memory from B to C + the length of A (see 1).
You might want also to de-allocate (free) the memory of A and B.
Note that this is an expensive operation, but this is the basic theory. If you are using a library that provides some abstraction, you might be better off. If A and B are more complicated then a simple array (e.g. sorted arrays), you will need to do smarter copying then steps 3 and 4 (see: how do i merge two arrays having different values into one array).
Although for the purpose of this question, the pointer explanation will suffice, strictly speaking (and for pacifying the commenter below): C has the concept of an array, that can be used without the syntax of pointers. Implementation wise, however, a C array and a contiguous area of memory, with a pointer are close enough they can be, and often are, used interchangeably.


Contiguous multidimensional arrays

I'd like to find a way to have a DST that is a multi-dimensional array, but with the underlying memory being contiguous. The contiguous requirement is mostly born from the fact that I'd like this array to have roughly the same shape as a multidimensional C VLA (but on the heap, since Rust doesn't support arbitrary stack allocations).
I'd prefer something that is not part of a third party library or doesn't require too big a definition - I'll be generating code including this, so I'd prefer the generated code not rely on a third party library or have a giant definition.
The main thing that would be nice would be to have index operations (which keep returning other multi-dimensional slices), preferably with std::mem::size_of_val returning the right size for the array, as well as indexes into the array.
Is this even possible?

Array of structs vs. Array of pointers to structs

As I continue learning the C language I got a doubt. Which are the differences between using an array in which each element is an struct and using an array in which each element is a pointer to the same type of struct. It seems to me that you can use both equally (Although in the pointers one you have to deal with memory allocation). Can somebody explain me in which case it is better to use one or the other?
Thank you.
Arrays of structures and arrays of pointers to structures are different ways to organize memory.
Arrays of structures have these strong points:
it is easy to allocate such an array dynamically in one step with struct s *p = calloc(n, sizeof(*p));.
if the array is part of an enclosing structure, no separate allocation code is needed at all. The same is true for local and global arrays.
the array is a contiguous block of memory, a pointer to the next and previous elements can be easily computed as struct s *prev = p - 1, *next = p + 1;
accessing array element members may be faster as they are close in memory, increasing cache efficiency.
They also have disadvantages:
the size of the array must be passed explicitly as there is no way to tell from the pointer to the array how many elements it has.
the expression p[i].member generates a multiplication, which may be costly on some architectures if the size of the structure is not a power of 2.
changing the order of elements is costly as it may involve copying large amounts of memory.
Using an array of pointers has these advantages:
the size of the array could be determined by allocating an extra element and setting it to NULL. This convention is used for the argv[] array of command line arguments provided to the main() function.
if the above convention is not used, and the number of elements is passed separately, NULL pointer values could be used to specify missing elements.
it is easy to change the order of elements by just moving the pointers.
multiple elements could be made to point to the same structure.
reallocating the array is easier as only the array of pointers needs reallocation, optionally keeping separate length and size counts to minimize reallocations. Incremental allocation is easy too.
the expression p[i].member generates a simple shift and an extra memory access, but may be more efficient than the equivalent expression for arrays of structures.
and the following drawbacks:
allocating and freeing this indirect array is more cumbersome. An extra loop is required to allocate and/or initialize the structures pointed to by the array.
access to structure elements involve an extra memory indirection. Compilers can generate efficient code for this if multiple members are accessed in the same function, but not always.
pointers to adjacent structures cannot be derived from a pointer to a given element.
EDIT: As hinted by David Bowling, one can combine some of the advantages of both approaches by allocating an array of structures on one hand and a separate array of pointers pointing to the elements of the first array. This is a handy way to implement a sort order, or even multiple concomitant sort orders with separate arrays of pointers, like database indexes.

C program with pointer

is it possible to convert any program written in C using pointer into another c program that does not contain any pointers?If yes, can we automate the process?
i read a few papers on c to java bytecode compilation and found that a major issue was "the pointer problem".so i was thinking that if the above process could be done,then it could be included like a preprocessing step(though it itself may be big task) and then it may be simpler to try converting to jvm bytecode...
thanks in advance
In theory you can, by simulating individual data structures or even the entire memory (static data, heap and stack) with arrays. But the question is whether this is very practical; it may involve having to rewrite every pointer-based standard library function you need.
Anyway, there's a nice explanation on Wikipedia:
It is possible to simulate pointer behavior using an index to an (normally one-dimensional) array.
Primarily for languages which do not support pointers explicitly but do support arrays, the array can be thought of and processed as if it were the entire memory range (within the scope of the particular array) and any index to it can be thought of as equivalent to a general purpose register in assembly language (that points to the individual bytes but whose actual value is relative to the start of the array, not its absolute address in memory). Assuming the array is, say, a contiguous 16 megabyte character data structure, individual bytes (or a string of contiguous bytes within the array) can be directly addressed and manipulated using the name of the array with a 31 bit unsigned integer as the simulated pointer (this is quite similar to the C arrays example shown above). Pointer arithmetic can be simulated by adding or subtracting from the index, with minimal additional overhead compared to genuine pointer arithmetic.
Pointers are rather central to C. While C may be turing-complete without pointers, it's not practical to rewrite arbitrary C without them.Things you can't do without pointers:-dynamic (manual) memory allocation.-passing by reference.Given that arrays decay into pointers a the drop of a hat, you also couldn't use arrays practically, so you are left with automatic, static and global variables that cannot be arrays. tl;dr: No

Dynamic vs dynamically created arrays in C

I'm in a Programming I class and this is an excerpt from my textbook:
"There are two basic ways to create an array, statically and dynamically. Note that a dynamically created array is not the same thing as a dynamic array; a dynamically created array can only be fixed-size in C. "
My professor is saying things that pretty directly contradict this quote, and is being very evasive when I ask further questions. He doesn't seem to acknowledge that there is a difference between dynamic vs fixed-size and dynamically-created vs. statically-created. I don't know enough about C to argue with him and since he's the one who wrote the textbook, I'm a little lost at the moment.
What is the difference between statically-created vs. dynamically-created and dynamic vs. static arrays?
Do "dynamic" (not dynamically-created) arrays exist in C?
The textbook is "The Art and Craft of Programming: C Edition" by John Lusth. Actually I was wrong about my professor being the one who wrote it, the author is a different CS professor at my school.
When the professor uses word dynamic it means that an array can change its size on the fly. That is new elements can be added to or deleted from the array.
A dynamically allocated array means the allocation of an array at run-time in the heap. Statically allocated arrays are allocated before the main function gets the control.
Take into account that C has Variable Length Arrays (VLA). Bit it is not the same as dynamic arrays. VLA means that an array may be recreated with different sizes. But in each such recreation you create a new array.
An example of a dynamic array is standard C++ class std::vector.
The answer to this question will depend on how pedantially one wants to treat terms like "array" and "dynamic". Is "array" supposed to refer exclusibely to array types? Or are we allowed to include malloc-ed arrays as well, accessible through pointers? Does "dynamic" refer to dynamic memory (even though the standard C nomenclature does not use this term)? Or are we allowed to consider local VLAs as "dynamic" as well?
Anyway, one can separate arrays into three conceptual categories
Arrays with compile-time size
Arrays with run-time initial size, which cannot be resized
Arrays with run-time initial size, which can be resized
Apparently, your professor referred to the second category as "dynamically created arrays" and to the third category as "dynamic" arrays.
For example, arrays from the first category are the classic built-in C89/90-style C arrays
int a[10];
Arrays from the second category are C99 VLAs
int a[n];
(or new-ed arrays in C++).
Arrays from the third category are arrays allocated with malloc
int *a = malloc(n * sizeof *a);
which can be later resized with realloc.
Of course, once we step beyond the built-in features of the core language, the division between these categories becomes purely conceptual. It is just a matter of the interface the array implementation offers to the user. For example, it is possible to implement arrays from the third category through arrays of the second category, by destroying the old fixed-size array and allocating a new one of different size. In fact, that is how realloc is allowed to work in general case.
The issue here is that the terminology is not formally defined, so when different people use these words, they may mean different things.
I think your textbook is distinguishing between these three definitions:
Static array
An array whose size is hard-coded into the source:
int ages[100];
ages[0] = 1;
Disadvantage: you have to know how big to make it, when you code.
Advantage: the runtime automatically takes back the storage when the variable goes out of scope.
Dynamically allocated array
An array whose size is decided at runtime, before creating the array.
numberOfAges = (some calculation);
int *ages = (int*) malloc(numberOfAges);
ages[0] = 1;
In this case, the size of the array isn't known at compile-time. It is decided at runtime, but once the array has been created, its size cannot change.
Advantage: You can make it different sizes depending on runtime requirements.
Disadvantage: You have to make your own code call free() to reclaim the storage.
Dynamic arrays
This is an array whose size grows or shrinks during its lifespan.
A hypothetical language might have statements like:
resize(ages, 5); // make "ages" 5 longer
truncate(ages, 3); // make "ages" 3 long, discarding later elements.
What your professor is saying, correctly, is that the core of C does not have arrays that can do this. A char* is a fixed size at the point it's allocated, and that can never change.
In C, if you want a list of values whose length grows or shrinks, you have to roll your own code to do it, or use a library of functions that provides it. Rather than working directly with arrays, you'd work with the API provided by the library. Indeed, it might look very much like the hypothetical example above, except that ages would not be an int* - it would be some type provided by the library.
#include <resizeableIntArrays.h>
ResizeableIntArray ages = allocateResizeableIntArray(100);
There are lots of ways to achieve this - using realloc(), using linked lists or binary trees, using linked lists of arrays. I suspect when your professor is "evasive", he's really saving the more complicated stuff until later. Any respectable C course will get to this stuff eventually, but if ordinary arrays are new to you, it'll be a few weeks before you're ready for linked lists.
statically created arrays are those whose size u give as a constant during the declaration, like
int arr[10];
dynamically created arrays are those whose size is given as a variable. as variables can take any value during the array declaration, size depends on the variable value at that program instance, like
int n;
int arr[n];
for your second question: dynamic arrays (arrays that change their size during program execution) do not exist in C. u can create a link list with dynamic memory allocation, which would be in essence a dynamic linear data structure (in contrast to a static linear data structure that array is).
Dynamically created array means array is created at run time. Either it would be a variable length arrays
int n = 5;
int a[n];
or created using malloc
int *a;
a = malloc(sizeof(int) * 5); // But note that pointers are not arrays
In C, there is no dynamic arrays. You can't add or delete new elements to it, i.e. once an array is created its size can't be changed.

What is a "value" array?

In C, the idea of an array is very straightforward—simply a pointer to the first element in a row of elements in memory, which can be accessed via pointer arithmetic/ the standard array[i] syntax.
However, in languages like Google Go, "arrays are values", not pointers. What does that mean? How is it implemented?
In most cases they're the same as C arrays, but the compiler/interpreter hides the pointer from you. This is mainly because then the array can be relocated in memory in a totally transparent way, and so such arrays appear to have an ability to be resized.
On the other hand it is safer, because without a possibility to move the pointers you cannot make a leak.
Since then (2010), the article Slices: usage and internals is a bit more precise:
The in-memory representation of [4]int is just four integer values laid out sequentially:
Go's arrays are values.
An array variable denotes the entire array; it is not a pointer to the first array element (as would be the case in C).
This means that when you assign or pass around an array value you will make a copy of its contents. (To avoid the copy you could pass a pointer to the array, but then that's a pointer to an array, not an array.)
One way to think about arrays is as a sort of struct but with indexed rather than named fields: a fixed-size composite value.
Arrays in Go are also values in that they are passed as values to functions(in the same way ints,strings,floats etc.)
Which requires copying the whole array for each function call.
This can be very slow for a large array, which is why in most cases it's usually better to use slices
