Temp tables in SQL Server 2005 not automatically dropped - sql-server

I'm troubleshooting a nasty stored procedure and noticed that after running it, and I have closed my session, lots of temp tables are still left in tempdb. They have names like the following:
If I run this code:
if object_id('tempdb..#000E262B') is null
print 'Does NOT exist!'
I get:
Does NOT exist!
If I do:
use tempdb
drop TABLE #000E262B
I get an error:
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the table '#000E262B', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
I am connected to SQL Server as sysadmin. Using SP3 64-bit. I currently have over 1100 of these tables in tempdb, and I can't get rid of them. There are no other users on the database server.
Stopping and starting SQL Server is not an option in my case.

If temp tables or table variables are frequently used then, instead of dropping them, SQL just 'truncates' them, leaving the definition. It saves the effort of recreating the table next time it's needed.

Tables created with the # prefix are only available to the current connection. Therefore any new connection you create will not be able to see them and therefore not be able to drop them.
How can you tell that they still exist? What command are you running to find this out?
Is the connection that created them closed properly? If not then this may be why they still exist.


SQL 2008 All records in column in table updated to NULL

About 5 times a year one of our most critical tables has a specific column where all the values are replaced with NULL. We have run log explorers against this and we cannot see any login/hostname populated with the update, we can just see that the records were changed. We have searched all of our sprocs, functions, etc. for any update statement that touches this table on all databases on our server. The table does have a foreign key constraint on this column. It is an integer value that is established during an update, but the update is identity key specific. There is also an index on this field. Any suggestions on what could be causing this outside of a t-sql update statement?
I would start by denying any client side dynamic SQL if at all possible. It is much easier to audit stored procedures to make sure they execute the correct sql including a proper where clause. Unless your sql server is terribly broken, they only way data is updated is because of the sql you are running against it.
All stored procs, scripts, etc. should be audited before being allowed to run.
If you don't have the mojo to enforce no dynamic client sql, add application logging that captures each client sql before it is executed. Personally, I would have the logging routine throw an exception (after logging it) when a where clause is missing, but at a minimum, you should be able to figure out where data gets blown out next time by reviewing the log. Make sure your log captures enough information that you can trace it back to the exact source. Assign a unique "name" to each possible dynamic sql statement executed, e.g., each assign a 3 char code to each program, and then number each possible call 1..nn in your program so you can tell which call blew up your data at "abc123" as well as the exact sql that was defective.
Thought of this later. You might be able to add / modify the update trigger on the sql table to look at the number of rows update prevent the update if the number of rows exceeds a threshhold that makes sense for your. So, did a little searching and found someone wrote an article on this already as in this snippet
CREATE TRIGGER [Purchasing].[uPreventWholeUpdate]
ON [Purchasing].[VendorContact]
DECLARE #Count int
SET #Count = ##ROWCOUNT;
IF #Count >= (SELECT SUM(row_count)
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('Purchasing.VendorContact' )
AND index_id = 1)
RAISERROR('Cannot update all rows',16,1)
Though this is not really the right fix, if you log this appropriately, I bet you can figure out what tried to screw up your data and fix it.
Best of luck
Transaction log explorer should be able to see who executed command, when, and how specifically command looks like.
Which log explorer do you use? If you are using ApexSQL Log you need to enable connection monitor feature in order to capture additional login details.
This might be like using a sledgehammer to drive in a thumb tack, but have you considered using SQL Server Auditing (provided you are using SQL Server Enterprise 2008 or greater)?

Auto Created Statistics not getting deleted by Sql Server 2008

I ran into an error in Sql Server and after resolving it, I am looking for the reason why this was happening.
The situation is that I tried to alter a column in a table like this
Alter Table tblEmployee
Alter Column empDate Date
But while running this script, I get the error -
The statistics 'empDate' is dependent on column 'empDate'.
Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN empDate failed because one or more objects access this column.
It turns out that this error was because of a statistic being referenced on this column. I have no script that explicitly creates a statistic, and the error occurred in the production environment, so it must have been auto-created. If it is auto-created, then why isn't Sql Server deleting it by itself? My error was resolved when I dropped the statistic.
I looked at other places and not able to find anything relevant.
I haven't looked hard at SQL statistics for a few versions, but back when, auto-generated statistics had fairly distinctive names (like "_WA_Sys_00000005_00000037"). If your statistics literally had the name "empDate", then it was almost certainly not and auto-created statistics, but something someone created deliberately.

How to Find Source of Temp Tables

In SSMS I see 7 temporary tables, all with names like dbo.#0876219E. When I end my connection and come back in, they are still there.
I'm not able to query them or get properties on them. I get errors.
How do I find their source, purpose and what they contain?
Is there a particular system sp that gives info on temp tables -- haven't been able to immediately find one.
Temp tables with such names (#, then 8 hex digits) are the temp tables that back table variables - declare #boris table (...)
They'll exist as long as the batch that introduced them continues to run. On my lightly loaded dev server, I can see ~30 of them, so I'm guessing there are some which are used/created by SQL Server itself - or possibly by SSMS.
Temp tables in SQL Server are perfectly normal. They are usually dropped when the database service is restarted (along with TempDB in which they are stored).
If you provide us with more context to where you see these temp tables, that would be helpful.
This quote is taken from the following forum post, which summarises the role of tempdb nicely:
tempdb is used for sorting,
aggregation, distincts, unions, temp
tables and table variables, row
versioning. It can also be used for
index building.
Oh and cursors

Error when copying a check constraint using DTS

I have a DTS package that is raising an error with a "Copy SQL Server Objects" task. The task is copying a table plus data from one SQL Server 2000 SP4 server to another (same version) and is giving the error: -
Could not find CHECK constraint for 'dbo.MyTableName', although the table is flagged as having one.
The source table has one check constraint defined that appears to cause the problem. After running the DTS package, the thing appears to work properly - the table, all constraints and data ARE created on the destination server? But the error above is raised causing subsequent steps not to run.
Any idea why this error is raised ?
This indicates that the metadata in the sys tables has gotten out of sync with your actual schema. If you aren't seeing any other signs of more generalized corruption, doing a rebuild of the table by copying it to another table (select * into newtable from oldtable), dropping the old table and then renaming the new one and replacing the constraints will help. This is similar to how the Enterprise manager for 2000 does things when you insert a column that isn't at the end of the table, so inserting a new column in the middle of the table and then removing will achieve the same thing if you don't want to manually write the queries.
I would be somewhat concerned by the state of the database as a whole if you see other occurrences of this kind of error. (I'm assuming here that you have already done CHECKDB commands and that the error is persisting...)
This error started when a new column (with a check constraint) was added to an existing table. To investigate I have: -
Copied the table to a different destination SQL Server and got the same error.
Created a new table with exactly the same structure but different name and copied with no error.
Dropped and re-created the check constraint on the problem table but still get the same error.
dbcc checktable ('MyTableName') with ALL_ERRORMSGS gives no errors.
dbcc checkdb in the source and destination database gives no errors.
Interestingly the DTS package appears to: -
Copy the table.
Copy the data.
Create the constraints
Because the check constraint create time is 7 minutes after the table create time i.e. it creates the check constraint AFTER it has moved the data. Makes sense as it does not have to check the data as it is copying, presumably improving performance.
As Godeke suggests, I think something has become corrupt in the system tables, as a new table with the same columns works. Even though the DBCC statements give no errors?

SQL Server Temp Tables and Connection Pooling

I have a multi-user ASP.NET app running against SQL Server and want to have StoredProcA create a #temptable temp table - not a table variable - to insert some data, then branch to StoredProcB, StoredProcC, and StoredProcD to manipulate the data in #temptable per business rules.
The web app uses connection pooling when talking to SQL. Will I get a new #temptable scratch area for each call of StoredProcA? Or will the connection pooling share the #temptable between users?
Connection pooling (with any modern version of SQL Server) will call sp_reset_connection when reusing a connection. This stored proc, among other things, drops any temporary tables that the connection owns.
A ## table will be shared by all users. I assume this is not your intention.
A single-# temp table is visible to all stored procedures down the call stack, but not visible outside that scope. If you can have Proc A call B, C, and D, you should be OK.
Edit: The reporting procedure I should be working on right now is a lot like that. :) I create a temp table (#results) in the root proc that's called by the application, then do some complicated data mangling in a series of child procedures, to 1) abstract repeated code, and 2) keep the root procedure from running to 500+ lines.
#temptable doesn't survive past the end of the procedure in which it was declared, so it won't ever be seen by other users.
Edit: Heh, it turns out that the "nesting visibility" of temp tables has worked since SQL Server 7.0, but I never updated any of my code to take advantage of this. I guess I'm dating myself -- a lot of people probably can't imagine the hell that was SQL Server in the 6.0 and 6.5 days...
From the MS docs:
Temporary Tables
Temporary tables are similar to permanent tables, except temporary tables are stored in tempdb and are deleted automatically when they are no longer used.
There are two types of temporary tables: local and global. They differ from each other in their names, their visibility, and their availability. Local temporary tables have a single number sign (#) as the first character of their names; they are visible only to the current connection for the user, and they are deleted when the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server.
Global temporary tables have two number signs (##) as the first characters of their names; they are visible to any user after they are created, and they are deleted when all users referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.
For example, if you create the table employees, the table can be used by any person who has the security permissions in the database to use it, until the table is deleted. If a database session creates the local temporary table #employees, only the session can work with the table, and it is deleted when the session disconnects. If you create the global temporary table ##employees, any user in the database can work with this table. If no other user works with this table after you create it, the table is deleted when you disconnect. If another user works with the table after you create it, SQL Server deletes it after you disconnect and after all other sessions are no longer actively using it.
Additionally from Curt who corrected the error of my ways and just in case you miss the citation in the comment:
If you create a local temporary
table inside a stored procedure, the
temporary table exists only for the
purposes of the stored procedure; it
disappears when you exit the stored
If you execute a stored procedure
that calls another stored procedure,
the called stored procedure can
access all objects created by the
first stored procedure, including
temporary tables.
To share a temp table between users use two hashes before the name ##like_this.
In this case, though make sure you take steps to avoid clashes with multiple instances of the program.
Temp tables get created with name mangling under the hood so there shouldn't be conflicts between different stored procedure calls.
If you need to manipulate the same temp data in subsequent stored procedure calls, it's best to just go with a real table and use some sort of unique identifier to make sure you are only dealing with relevant data. If the data is only valuable temporarily, manually delete it once you're done.
