Bidirectional foreign key constraint - sql-server

I'm thinking of designing a database schema similar to the following:
Person (
PersonID int primary key,
PrimaryAddressID int not null,
Address (
AddressID int primary key,
PersonID int not null,
Person.PrimaryAddressID and Address.PersonID would be foreign keys to the corresponding tables.
The obvious problem is that it's impossible to insert anything into either table. Is there any way to design a working schema that enforces every Person having a primary address?

"I believe this is impossible. You cannot create an Address Record until you know the ID of the person and you cannot insert the person record until you know an AddressId for the PrimaryAddressId field."
On the face of it, that claim seems SO appealing. However, it is quite propostrous.
This is a very common kind of problem that the SQL DBMS vendors have been trying to attack for perhaps decades already.
The key is that all constraint checking must be "deferred" until both inserts are done. That can be achieved under different forms. Database transactions may offer the possibility to do something like "SET deferred constraint checking ON", and you're done (were it not for the fact that in this particular example, you'd likely have to mess very hard with your design in order to be able to just DEFINE the two FK constraints, because one of them simply ISN'T a 'true' FK in the SQL sense !).
Trigger-based solutions as described here achieve essentially the same effect, but those are exposed to all the maintenance problems that exist with application-enforced integrity.
In their work, Chris Date & Hugh Darwen describe what is imo the true solution to the problem : multiple assignment. That is, essentially, the possibility to compose several distinct update statements and have the DBMS act upon it as if that were one single statement. Implementations of that concept do exist, but you won't find any that talks SQL.

This is a perfect example of many-to-many relationship. To resolve that you should have intermediate PERSON_ADDRESS table. In other words;
PERSON table
person_id (PK)
address_id (PK)
person_id (FK) <= PERSON
address_id (FK) <= ADDRESS
is_primary (BOOLEAN - Y/N)
This way you can assign multiple addresses to a PERSON and also reuse ADDRESS records in multiple PERSONs (for family members, employees of the same company etc.). Using is_primary field in PERSON_ADDRESS table, you can identify if that person_addrees combination is a primary address for a person.

We mark the primary address in our address table and then have triggers that enforces only record per person can have it (but one record must have it). If you change the primary address, it will update the old primary address as well as the new one. If you delete a primary address and other addresses exist, it will promote one of them (basesd ona series of rules) to the primary address. If the address is inserted and is the first address inserted, it will mark that one automatically as the primary address.

The second FK (PersonId from Address to Person) is too restrictive, IMHO. Are you suggesting that one address can only have a single person?

From your design, it seems that an address can apply to only one person, so just use the PersonID as the key to the address table, and drop the AddressID key field.

I know I'll probably be crucified or whatever, but here goes...
I've done it like this for my "particular very own unique and non-standard" business need ( =( God I'm starting to sound like SQL DDL even when I speak).
Here's an exaxmple:
< goes on... whether you provide and address or not to the person and vice versa>
I defined one table, then the other table referencing the first and then altered the first to reflect the reference to the second (which didn't exist at the time of the first table's creation). It's not meant for a particular database; if I need it I just try it and if it works then I use it, if not then I try to avoid having that need in the design (I can't always control that, sometimes the design is handed to me as-is). if you have an address without a person then it belongs to the "government" person. If you have a "homeless person" then it gets the "abandoned house" address. I run a process to determine which houses have no users


Foreign key to table A and B, where A already have a foreign key to B

Suppose there is a table called Accounts:
[Id] int not null primary key identity(1,1)
[Username] varchar(20) not null unique,
[Password] varchar(20) not null
Then, there is another tabled called Characters. Each account can have N characters. So I can use a foreign key to link these characters.
[AccountId] int not null foreign key references Accounts([Id]),
[Id] int not null primary key identity(1,1),
[Nickname] varchar(20) not null unique,
[Level] int not null default 0,
Each character can have multiple equipments (inventory), so there is a Equipments table.
Since each equipment is linked to a character, I should use foreign key again, and there comes the problem.
Me and my coworker were arguing about which foreign key to use.
Since each character has a unique Id, I told him that we could use foreign key to that Id and that would be enough. As follows:
[CharId] int not null foreign key references Characters([Id]),
[ItemId] int not null
He told me that we must use a foreign key to the character id AND the account id, as follows:
[AccountId] int not null foreign key references Accounts([Id]), /*is this necessary?*/
[CharId] int not null foreign key references Characters([Id]),
[ItemId] int not null
I'm not expert in Sql Server and in my opinion, the foreign key to the account id is completely unecessary but he keeps telling me that we must use it and it will help performance because the more foreign key you use, it will be better.
So, should I use foreign key to account id and character id or character id is good enough?
As you said, there is a one-to-many relationship between Account and Character (and hence, a character cannot belong to more than one account).
Similarly, as you described, each record in Equipments only corresponse to a unique record in Characters. The relation from Account to Equipments hence can be inferred, and so, there is no need to create an extra column in the Equipments table. Also, the data integrity is preserved just by the two foreign keys already created, so that should not be a problem when you go without the AccountId column in the Equipments table.
Regarding the performance argument, this is a case-by-case situation, and it depends on a lot of other things (number of records, business logic,...). Having unnecessary foreign key can even hurt performance since the database/server will need to maintain that foreign key while operate. Also, I found that if you do not have the key and when you find out that you need it, it is easier to add one in than to remove an existing one, especially when you have to create a whole new column for this one (this last piece is a mere personal opinion).
You should use it only if you plan to interrogate equipment directly for an account which is faster than joining with account via char. Otherwise, no, you shouldn't use it.
You are correct, but for a more important reason.
If you include Accountid in the Equipments table, then you have a second relationship to the Accounts table. Perhaps this is allowed, but in all likelihood, you intend to have the Characters.AccountId be the account id for a row in Equipments.
You would then get the appropriate account id by using a join to the Equipments table.

Pledges table normalize

I have this table and I don't know how to normalize.
1st table name, address, landline no., mobile no., e-mail ad, amount, and registration number
and in the second table will be their monthly pledges.
PersonId int primary key
Name varchar(50)
Addresss varchar(50)
PledgeId int primary key,
PersonId int foreign key references PersonTable(PersonId)
PledgeDate datetime
PledgeAmount decimal(10,2)
You have to re engineer the whole idea.
I will give you a few concepts to understand what to do.
Keep in mind that we must NOT to have data duplicates.
So an array can be named Customer.
Customer can have a customer id column, named c_id for instance.
c_id must be defined as integer UNIQUE Auto_Increment NOT NULL
That means that it's an attribute that grants each customer its uniqueness.
A customer might have same name and same surname with another customer, but never same c_id.
Auto increment means that the first entry will be automatically numbered with c_id = 1, the next 2 etc etc.
Keep in mind that if you pass a record in the database using PHP, you enter null as value for c_id. Auto Incremet does the job then.
So you got a customer table and its first attribute that will be defined as the Primary key.
For example here is a small table:
(c_id integer UNIQUE Auto_Increment NOT NULL,
c_name varchar(100),
c_surname varchar(100),
c_address varchar(100),
You have to add all the attributes the customer has in the table.
That was just an example.
PRIMARY KEY (c_id) line in the end,
sets c_id as the primary key that distinguishes each record as unique.
Then you got another table.
A Pledge table.
(pl_id integer UNIQUE Auto_Increment NOT NULL,
pl_date date,
pl_price double(9,2),
pl_c_id integer,
PRIMARY KEY (pl_id),
FOREIGN KEY (pl_c_id) REFERENCES customer (c_id));
What is new here?
pl_c_id integer,
and line:
FOREIGN KEY (pl_c_id) REFERENCES customer (c_id)
What happens here, is that you create a column, that will contain an existing c_id!
That way, you make a reference to a customer, by using his/her UNIQUE c_id.
This is defined as integer, so it can fit the key.
pl_c_id MUST be the same type as the primary key of the other table. Ok?
Also SQL will know what key we refer to, by reading the line:
FOREIGN KEY (pl_c_id) REFERENCES customer (c_id)
In plain English that means:
pl_c_id can be filled with values already declared in a Primary Key of another Table, named "customer" that uses as primary key the column named "c_id".
Got it?
Now you got the flexibility to use ANY date.
That is more normalized than what you got.
Usually a 3NF (Third Normal Form) you will be ok.
Oh! Not to mention that you can Google "3NF" or "Third Normal Form" and get nice results for your reference.
Edit: Made this reply more simple to understand.

How to manage uniqueness of a value that is stored in multiple databases tables

I have separate assets tables for storing different kind of physical and logical assets, such as:-
Vehicle table( ID, model, EngineSize, Drivername, lastMaintenanceDate)
Server table ( ID, IP, OSName, etc…)
VM (ID, Size, etc…).
Now the problems I have is:-
For the IP column in the server table and in the VM_IP table, I need this column to be unique in these two tables, so for example the database should not allow a server and a VM to have the same IP. In the current design I can only guarantee uniqueness for the table separately.
So can anyone advice on how I can handle this unique requirement on the databases level.
I have currently the following database structure:-
Currently I see these points:-
I have introduced a redundant AssetTypeID column in the base Asset table, so I can know the asset type without having to join tables. This might break normalization.
In my above architecture , I cannot control (on the database level) which asset should have IP, which asset should not have IP and which asset can/cannot have multiple IPs.
So is there a way to improve my architecture to handle these two points.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Create an IP table and use foreign keys
If I were facing the problem in design level, I would add two more tables:
A valid_IP table (containing valid IP range)
A Network_Enabeled, base table for all entities that may have an
IP, like Server table, VM_IP ,... the primary key of this base
table will be the primary key of child tables.
In Network_Enabeled table, Having a foreign key from valid_IP table and setting a unique key on the filed will be the answer.
Hope be helpful.
You can use an indexed view.
on YourViewName (..., ...)
Based on your edit, you can introduce a superkey on the asset table and use various constraints to enforce most of what it sounds like you're looking for:
create table Asset (
AssetID int not null primary key,
AssetTypeID int not null
--Skip all of the rest, foreign keys, etc, irrelevant to example
,constraint UQ_Asset_TypeCheck
UNIQUE (AssetID,AssetTypeID) --This is the superkey
The above means that the AssetTypeID column can now be checked/enforced in other tables, and there's no risk of inconsistency
create table Servers (
AssetID int not null primary key,
AssetTypeID as 1 persisted,
constraint FK_Servers_Assets FOREIGN KEY (AssetID)
references Asset (AssetID), --Strictly, this will become redundant
constraint FK_Servers_Assets_TypeCheck FOREIGN KEY (AssetID,AssetTypeID)
references Asset (AssetID,AssetTypeID)
So, in the above, we enforce that all entries in this table must actually be of the correct asset type, by making it a fixed computed column that is then used in a foreign key back to the superkey.
--So on for other asset types
create table Asset_IP (
AssetID int not null,
IPAddress int not null primary key, --Wrong type, for IPv6
AssetTypeID int not null,
constraint FK_Asset_IP_Assets FOREIGN KEY (AssetID)
references Asset (AssetID), --Again, redundant
constraint CK_Asset_Types CHECK (
AssetTypeID in (1/*, Other types allowed IPs */)),
constraint FK_Asset_IP_Assets_TypeCheck FOREIGN KEY (AssetID,AssetTypeID)
references Asset (AssetID,AssetTypeID)
And now, above, we again reference the superkey to ensure that we've got a local (to this table) correct AssetTypeID value, which we can then use in a check constraint to limit which asset types are actually allowed entries in this table.
create unique index UQ_Asset_SingleIPs on Asset_IP (AssetID)
where AssetTypeID in (1/* Type IDs that are only allowed 1 IP address */)
And finally, for certain AssetTypeID values, we ensure that this table only contains one row for that AssetID.
I hope that gives you enough ideas of how to implement your various checks based on types. If you want/need to, you can now construct some views (through which the rest of your code will interact) which hides the extra columns and provides triggers to ease INSERT statements.
On a side note, I'd recommend picking a convention and sticking to it when it comes to table naming. My preferred one is to use the plural/collective name, unless the table is only intended to contain one row. So I'd rename Asset as Assets, for example, or Asset_IP as Asset_IPs. At the moment, you have a mixture.

SQL Server: Unable to create relationship

I was trying to create a table that has a one to many relationships. but it seems that adding a foreign key in Personal is not working. I am trying to link a Personal Information table to a address table? what is the solution for this error?
Address table saved successfully
Personal table
Unable to create relationship 'FK_Personal_Address'.
Cascading foreign key 'FK_Personal_Address' cannot be created where the
referencing column 'Personal.ID' is an identity column. Could not
create constraint. See previous errors.
The primary key in the Person table is presumably an identity. This is an auto-incrementing integer field.
You need to make the foreign key in the address table of type int, not identity. It will hold integers which correspond to Person records, but you don't want the foreign key to auto-increment. For each record in the child table (address) you will set a specific value for the foreign key indicating to which parent record (Person) it belongs.
INSERT person (firstname, lastname) VALUES ('John', 'Smith')
This will insert the new person record and the field personid will be filled automatically because it is an IDENTITYfield.
Now to insert an address from John Smith you need to know his personid. For example:
-- Say, for example, personid of John Smith is 55
INSERT address (personid, street, city) VALUES (55, 'High Street', 'London')
So in the person table the personid is generated automatically but in the address table you specify the value that matches an existing person. That's the whole point of a foreign key.
Without more information about your schema it's hard to guess the problem.
I made sure to follow identity, int and primary key discussed in above answer. However, I was still getting the same error.
'xReason' table saved successfully
'xAddress' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_xAddress_xReason'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_xAddress_xReason". The conflict occurred in database "databaseName", table "dbo.xReason", column 'xReasonID'.
This error resolved when I inserted some data into a Reason table. (table that had a primary key)
If you read this far, this might be your problem.
Without seeing the structure of the tables in the question, I believe the most likely cause is the column in your child table (Address) is marked as an Identity column. In a foreign-key relationship, the parent determines the value of the field, not the child. The column may be the PK in the child table, but not an Identity.
it seem that you try to create a foreign key on Personal.ID related to itself.
You probably want to do something like :
I got the same error with adding foreign key constraints to one of my tables.
I found the workaround was to add it WITH NOCHECK. why I was able to add the other two foreign keys WITH CHECK but not the third foreign? I found that it was not the table but the order of the foreign key to be added. Any insight to this will be much appreciated.

Database design SQL Server

Say I have a database with multiple entitles like person, company, conference for which you have to keep track of say addresses. We can have multiple addresses for the same entity (person). One approach is to have a separate address table for each entity (person_address etc). Another approach is to have an address table which has primary key (Entity,id,address_type). In this approach we cannot use foreign keys from address table to entities .
So what is the better approach. Is there another way to do this ?
At a logical modeling POV your descriptions highlights the fact that the entities like person, company, conference etc have a common trait: they have zero, one or more addresses. If you would model this as a class hierarchy, perhaps you would create an Addressable class and have person, company and conference inherit from this Addressable class. You can apply the same reasoning to your data model and have an addresable table with an addressable_entity_id. The person, company, conference entities would 'inherit' this table. There are three established ways to implement table inheritance:
Class Table Inheritance
Single Table Inheritance
Concrete Table Inheritance
So you could model your tables like this:
create table Addresses (AddressId int not null identity(1,1) primary key, ...);
create table Addressable (AddressableId int not null identity (1,1) primary key, ...);
create table AddressableAddress (
AddressId int not null,
AddressableId int not null,
constraint AddressableAddressAddressId
foreign key (AddressId) references Addresses(AddressId),
constraint AddressableAddressAddressableId
foreign key (AddressableId) references Addressable(AddressableId));
create table Person (PersonId int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
AddressableId int not null,
constraint PersonAddressableAddressableId
foreign key AddressableId references Addressable (AddressableId));
create table Company (CompanyId int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
AddressableId int not null,
constraint CompanyAddressableAddressableId
foreign key AddressableId references Addressable (AddressableId));
Of course you have to find the right balance between absolute relational normal form and actual usability. In this scheme I propose for instance in order to insert a new Person one has to first a row in Addressable, get the AddressableId and then proceed and insert the person. This may or may nor work. BTW, there is a way to do such an insert in one single statement using the OUTPUT clause to chain two inserts:
insert into Addressable (AddressableType)
output inserted.AddressableId, #FirstName, #LastName
into Person (AddressableId, FirstName, LastName)
values (AddressableTypePerson);
But now is difficult to retrieve the newly inserted PersonId.
Technically if two people live at the same address you would not be completely normalized if there was simply a single one-to-many detail table for the row in TBLPerson called TBLAddress However, if you want just one instance per physical address you will incur the overhead of a many-to-many relation table of TBLPersonAddresses which FK's to TBLAddress
I would say that unless you expect multiple people at the same address to be the norm that I would simply have the TBLAddress with column personID as a detail to the TBLPerson
EDIT: And I tend to always use surrogate keys unless I have a specific reason not to do so.
