Need a WPF rendering tip - wpf

I want to make a WPF Grid in which users can drag and drop controls from one cell to another and when the user is dragging I need to draw tips on the screen, like arrows. It's as if the tips were in ANOTHER LAYER in the screen. That is, they are not drawn IN the grid I mentioned.
The problem is: I don't know how to OVERLAP a "transparent" canvas over my Grid so that I can draw on it.
Do you experienced guys have some tip? THANKS.

I think what you are looking for are Adorners. You can read something about them here:

Heres an example with a listView control, pretty good.
Heres a tut also decent.
And even a section in msdn


Vaadin ComboBox and vertical scrollbar

I have following problem. Whenever i click on ComboBox the vertical scroll goes to the top of the window. This only happens if the subwindow is too big to fit in browser window. I'm trying to find solution for this over last four days with no result. Please someone help! :)
If anyone can look here is the video which better describes my problem:
The solution is to set height of a window:
and it will work.

Remove all extra space around a button with an image?

Alright, try as I might, I cannot for the life of me get rid of this tiny little border around my buttons.
Edit: I should mention, in case I didn't make it clear, these are buttons with an image on them, set to flat with the button sized to the image.
Images below:
Number one, I can't for the life of me get these borders to GO AWAY. I've checked everything I can think of. They're:
border 0
no margins
no padding
manually sized to the size of the image (75px)
in a table layout where the columns are all:
manually sized to the width of the image (75px)
Nothing seems to really "work" to get rid of these. If I size the columns down to be 74px instead of 75px, most of them go away, but a few remain. I've triple and quadruple checked the images, and they don't have anything that I can pick up on that should be causing this... no transparency around the borders, definitely no border that looks like that.
Which leads me to the second problem:
Settings button when dialog is small...
Settings button when dialog is stretched out.
Settings button is also in the same table layout panel.
I've checked all the settings on the table layout panel as well.. I can't find any padding or margin or anything settings that suggest this should be happening.
Does anyone have any experience with this? What am I missing..?
Simple solution: using directly a PictureBox as if it was a button. You can change your image on mouse over or mouse click.
Have you tried a Toolbar/strip/whatever it's called these days? Probably not going to help as I believe it pads on your behalf, but worth a shot.
In the end you can toss the buttons in the trash and write your own control. A single control that manages N buttons will work well here.
I don't understand your second problem. What's the problem? It'll be fixed if you roll your own control anyhow.
While not a fix for the spacing issue, as a workaround you can make that gray gradient currently "behind" the "tabs" and control panel image into a BackgroundImage for the TableLayoutPanel using BackgroundImageLayout of Stretch. While not fixing the spacing issue, it would make it unnoticeable.
Writing a winforms control has its challenges (experience speaking here). I would agree that that is whats needed however. Depending on your project you may consider using XAML and WPF. It provides that fine detail you seem to be looking for in you application.
There are ways to host XAML controls in a winform app, but if you went this route it would be best to create a native WPF application. The reverse is also true (winform controls in a WPF app).
Did you check if the image has transparent pixels around the graphic pixels you want?
May be a simple crop solution.

WPF: How to center and animate an ItemsControl?

I'd like to use an ItemsControl which behaves somewhat carousel-like:
I want the items which are all text to circle so that the selected item is always centered and the biggest. I should not be 3D since I like the fact that the unselected items don't overlap and are still readable. Most carousel implementations I saw made the impression to be too heavyweight for this scenario or to look good only with pictures.
I have the feeling this should be doable with some storyboards alone but it seems I'm not far enough into the WPF to get it done properly.
I hope you can point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help.
This blog post has a good description of how you can implement this

Apple Dock like (Magnify items near mouse) control in WPF?

Does anyone know of any WPF controls that act like the Apple Dock (something like this). If not how would you go about creating one? A horizontal listbox of images is simple but I can't seem to recreate the smooth magnification of the images based on where the mouse is. Any help would be appreciated.
Not an expert, but sounds like you'd do an animation on a ScaleTransform on the LayoutTransform of the items?
mouse enter would start animation to increase the scale, exit the reverse?

Expression blend like functionality in wpf

I got a canvas which has many uiElements as its children.
When i get the xaml and paste it in Expression blend it displays it well.
Now when i select a path in blend and resize it by dragging the height of it grows successfully increasing the width and the rest of the coordinates are automatically calculated.
I need to give this kind of functionality to my users for the elements on my canvas.
Just wondering if any one has any suggestions or links which can help me.
You want to look at the Adorner Framework of WPF. That article gives an overview and is a good place to get started.
Here is an Adorner sample that probably does what you want.
