WPF Routed events firing? - wpf

I have a WPF form with 3 buttons and have routed events on them, commands are binded on start...
private void InitCommandBinding(UIElement frameworkElement) {
CommandBinding commandBinding;
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.Save, Save_Executed, Save_CanExecute);
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.SaveAndClose, SaveAndClose_Executed, SaveAndClose_CanExecute);
commandBinding = new CommandBinding(ViewModelCommands.Delete, Delete_Executed, Delete_CanExecute);
the details ui has code like
private void Delete_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
{do validations }
private void Delete_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
e.CanExecute = viewModel.IsValid(); (returns bool)
Validity enables and disables buttons etc.
The form has an instance of an object new or old and validations take place on the data
My issue is that the event just excute all the time and the form just hangs cause validation code does poll db etc to check....
how to I just get them to fire once when the form is loaded mmm....

If I understand you well it is only necessary to check the validity of the data at form load and the IsValid method is resource intensive?
Why don't you change the IsValid() method to an IsValid property and set this is in the Form_Loaded event?
The CanExute method will be checked any time the UI fires an event like TextChanged, LostFocus etc. So you better make such methods very lightweight.


Closing a Windows Form, using the Close Window button, when a Validation Message is showing

I have a Windows form that has a validation event on a textBox so that if the value of that TextBox is a value that already exists it triggers a validation error.
private void txtUsername_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
var alreadyExists = _logic.UserIdExists(txtUsername.Text.Trim());
errorProvider1.SetError(txtUsername, "This Userid already exists, please choose an alternative");
e.Cancel = true;
private void txtUsername_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
errorProvider1.SetError(txtUsername, "");
this.txtUsername.Validating += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(this.txtUsername_Validating);
this.txtUsername.Validated += new System.EventHandler(this.txtUsername_Validated);
This results in an error image appearing next to that textBox along with a tooltip error message.
If I try and close the application, using the Close button at the top of the window, at this time I cannot as the above Event keeps firing even when I try and close the window (due to me taking focus away from the Text box).
Is there a way of closing the window, without resorting to creating an additional Close button on the form?
Based on your description, you want to maintain the default auto-validation behavior yet allow the Form to be closed using the title bar close button. I have observed that the Form.Closing event is raised in such a circumstance, however its argument Cancel property is preset to true. A simple solution is to handle this event and set e.Cancel = false. Implement any logic in the handler that you deem necessary.
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) e.Cancel = false;

WPF Datagrid OnPropertyChanged causes SelectionChanged event

I have a WPF Datagrid that is bound to a model.
Inside the model I have a property defined as
public String status
return m_status;
m_status = value;
This property informs the grid of changes via OnPropertyChanged.
I also handle the SelectionChanged event to trigger different activities.
private void gridSongs_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("gridSongs_SelectionChanged " + sender.ToString());
During testing this I have noticed that every time I change the property "status" in code the grid updates automatically (which is what I want) but also fires the SelectionChanged Event as well.
Is there any way I can stop the event from firing when I change the model from code but let it go through when user clicks an item in the grid ?
Maybe I could use a different event for the manual selection of items in the grid ?
thanks a lot in advance.
Is there any way I can stop the event from firing when I change the model from code but let it go through when user clicks an item in the grid?
No, but there is a simple workaround. Add a private bool isLocal variable and set it to true before you make any changes and back to false afterwards:
isLocal = true;
status = "Some Value";
isLocal = false;
Then, in your SelectionChanged handler, check this variable and only react if it is false:
private void gridSongs_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (!isLocal ) Console.WriteLine("gridSongs_SelectionChanged " + sender.ToString());

Wpf detect when notifypropertychanged has been fired

I would like for my ui to perform some functions whenever the bound data has been modified.
Is it possible for the view to execute some code after the notifychange event has been called (due to changes in the underlying model)
If your model implements INotifyPropertyChanged, you can subscibe to PropertyChanged event of it.
model.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Model_PropertyChanged);
void Model_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
and in the handler you can check which property is changed and do your work accordingly

UI update in WPF elements event handlers

There is a problem with UI update in WPF.
I have such code:
private void ButtonClick_EventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
TextBox.Text = "Processing...";
LongTimeMethod(); //some long operation
The problem is that until LongTimeMethod ends (that is event handler ends), Label.Visibility and TextBox.Text will not be changed.
I solved it like this so far:
private void ButtonClick_EventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
TextBox.Text = "Processing...";
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(LongTimeMethod),
Is there any other solution without using dispatcher invocation? Calling this.UpdateLayout() doesn't help.
With Dispatcher.BeginInvoke you are still using the UI thread for LongTimeMethod(). If this is not required (i.e. it is doing some kind of background processing) I would suggest using the TPL to run it on a background thread:
private void ButtonClick_EventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
TextBox.Text = "Processing...";
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LongTimeMethod())
.ContinueWith(t =>
TextBox.Text = "Done!";
With this method, the long running method is processed on a background thread (so the UI thread will be free to keep rendering and the app won't freeze up) and you can do anything that does alter the UI (such as updating the textbox text) on the UI Dispatcher when the background task completes
Visibility and Text are dependency properties which updated by dispatcher. Your solution is absolutely corrent, but my suggestion is to do it asynchronously.
On other hand, you might simulate Application.DoEvents in WPF (see the article).

Update UI from ViewModel class (MVVM pattern) in WPF

I'm using the MVVM pattern in my first WPF app and have a problem with something quite basic I assume.
When the user hits the "save" button on my view, a command gets executed that calls the private void Save() in my ViewModel.
The problem is that the code in "Save()" takes some time to execute, so I'd like to hide the "Save" button in the UI view before executing the large chunk of code.
The problem is that the view doesn't update untill all code is executed in the viewmodel.
How can I force the view to redraw and process the PropertyChanged events before executing the Save() code?
Additionally, I would like a reuseable way, so that I can easily do the same thing in other pages as well.. Anyone else made something like this already? A "Loading..." message?
If it takes a long time, consider using a separate thread, for example by using a BackgroundWorker, so that the UI thread can stay responsive (i.e. update the UI) while the operation is performed.
In your Save method, you would
change the UI (i.e. modify some INotifyPropertyChanged or DependencyProperty IsBusySaving boolean which is bound to your UI, hides the Save button and maybe shows some progress bar with IsIndeterminate = True) and
start a BackgroundWorker.
In the DoWork event handler of your BackgroundWorker, you do the lengthy saving operation.
In the RunWorkerCompleted event handler, which is executed in the UI thread, you set IsBusySaving to false and maybe change other stuff in the UI to show that you are finished.
Code example (untested):
BackgroundWorker bwSave;
DependencyProperty IsBusySavingProperty = ...;
private MyViewModel() {
bwSave = new BackgroundWorker();
bwSave.DoWork += (sender, args) => {
// do your lengthy save stuff here -- this happens in a separate thread
bwSave.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, args) => {
IsBusySaving = false;
if (args.Error != null) // if an exception occurred during DoWork,
MessageBox.Show(args.Error.ToString()); // do your error handling here
private void Save() {
if (IsBusySaving) {
throw new Exception("Save in progress -- this should be prevented by the UI");
IsBusySaving = true;
You're using MVVM pattern, so your Save Button's Command is set to an instance of the RoutedCommand object which is added to the Window's CommandBindings collection either declaratively or imperatively.
Assuming that you do it declaratively. Something like
Command="{x:Static namespace:ClassName.StaticRoutedCommandObj}"
For the handler of Executed routed event, your Save() method, on entry, you set a variable to false, on return you set it back to true. Something like.
void Save(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
_canExecute = false;
// do work
_canExecute = true;
For the handler of the CanExecute routed event, the Save_CanExecute() method, you use the variable as one of the condition.
void ShowSelectedXray_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = _canExecute && _others;
I hope I am clear. :)
You could always do something like this:
public class SaveDemo : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private bool _canSave;
public bool CanSave
get { return _canSave; }
if (_canSave != value)
_canSave = value;
public void Save()
_canSave = false;
// Do the lengthy operation
_canSave = true;
private void OnChange(string p)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p));
Then you could bind the IsEnabled property of the button to the CanSave property, and it will automatically be enabled/disabled. An alternative method, and one I would go with would be to use the Command CanExecute to sort this, but the idea is similar enough for you to work with.
You can accomplish this by the following code..
Thread workerThread = null;
void Save(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
workerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doWork));
SaveButton.isEnable = false;
do all your lengthy process in dowork() method
in some other method...
SaveButtton.isEnable = true;
This will cause to run save lengthy process in another thread and will not block your UI, if you want to show an animation while user click on save button then show some progress bar like iPhone etc... give me feedback i'll try to help you even more.
Late answer, but I figured it'd be good to input a bit as well.
Instead of creating your own new thread, it would probably be better to leave it up to the threadpool to run the save. It doesn't force it to run instantly like creating your own thread, but it does allow you to save threading resources.
The way to do that is:
The problem with using this approach, as well, is that you're required to have your "Save()" method take in an object that will act as a state. I was having a similar problem to yours and decided to go this route because the place that I'm working is very Resource-Needy.
