How can I link to my own version of GLib rather than the system installed one? - linker

I have been looking through the source of GLib and GObject and writing programs to use certain features of each. But now I'd like to debug though something in the GLib source code without installing anything on my system.
I have a built version of the source code somewhere and I'd like to use those .so files rather than the system installed ones, and I'm not sure how to link them to my test programs. I've tried just referencing the .so files for GLib and GObject on the command-line like to GCC, but trace statements that I put in are not being run, so I suspect the regular GLib libraries are still being used.

Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directory which holds the .so you want to link against, and use ldd to verify that ld is doing what you want.


How the OS find shared library path in two different linking?:run-time linking (loading) and compile time linking shared library in linux

i am a little confused about how shared library and the OS works.
1st question : how the OS manages shared libraries?, how they are specified uniquely? by file name or some other(say an ID) things? or by full path?!
2nd question : i know first when we compile and link codes, the linker need to access the shared library(.so) to perform linking, then after this stage when we execute the compiled program the OS loads the shared library and this libraries may be in different locations(am I wrong?) BUT i do not understand how the OS knows where to look for shared library, is library information (name? path? or what?!) coded in the executable ?
When compiling a program, libraries (other than the language runtime) must be explicitly specified in the build, otherwise they will not be included. There are some standard library directories, so for example you can specify -lfoo, and it will automatically look for libfoo.a or in the various usual directories like /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib etc.
Note, however, that a name like is usually a symlink to the actual library file name, which might be something like This way, if there needs to be a backward-incompatible change to the ABI (the layout of some structure might change, say), then the new version of the library becomes, and binaries linked against the old version remain unaffected.
So the linker follows the symlink, and inserts a reference to the versioned name into the executable, instead of the unversioned name It can also insert the full path, but this is usually not done. Instead, when the executable is run, there is a system search path, as configured in your systemwide /etc/, that is used to find the library.
(Actually, is just the human-readable source for your library search paths; this is compiled into binary form in /etc/ for speed, using the ldconfig command. This is why you need to run ldconfig every time you make changes to the shareable libraries on your system.)
That’s a very simplified explanation of what is going on. There is a whole lot more that is not covered here. Here and here are some reference docs that might be useful on the build process. And here is a description of the system executable loader.

why can I use stdio.h without a corresponding stdio.c [duplicate]

This may seem a little stupid:) But it's been bothering a while. When I include some header files which are written by others in my C++/C program, how does the compiler know where is the implementation of the class member function declared in the header files?
Say I want to write some program which takes advantage of the OpenCV library. Normally I would want to use:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
However, these are just header files which, as far as I can tell, only declares functions but without implementation. Then how does the compiler know where to find the implementation? Especially when I want to build a .so file.
There is a similar post. Basically it said thrid-party library, esp. commercial product don't release source code, so they ship the lib file with the header. However, it didn't make clear how does the compiler know where to find the lib file. In addition, The answer in that post mentioned if I want to compile the code of my own, I would need the source code of the implementation of those header files. Does that mean I cannot build a .so file without the source of the implementation?
In general, the implementation is distributed as form of pre-compiled libraries. You need to tell the compiler where they are located.
For example, for gcc, quoting the online manual
-l library
Search the library named library when linking. [...]
Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
Note: you don't need to explicitly specify the standard libraries, they are automatically linked. Rather, if you don't want them to be linked with you binary, you need to inform the compiler by passing the -nostdlib option.
The exact answer is platform specific, but in general I'd say that some libraries are in fact header-only, and others include the implementation of the library's methods in binary object files. I believe OpenCV belongs to the second kind, i.e. provides the implementation in object files, for either dynamic or static linking, and your program links against them. If your build works, then it is already configured to link against those libraries. At this point the details become very much platform and build-system specific.
Note that for common platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux you seldom need to build popular libraries like OpenCV yourself. You mentioned .so files, which implies dynamic linking on Linux. This library is open-source so in theory you could build it yourself, but in practice I'd much rather use my distribution's package installation tool (e.g. apt-get or yum) to install opencv-dev (or something similar) from my distribution's repository.
As the others already explained, you need to tell your compiler where to look for the files.
This implies that you should know which path to specify for your compiler.
Some components provide a mechanism where you don't need to know the exact path but can automatically retrieve it from your system.
For example if you want to compile using GTK+3 you need to specify these flags for your compiler:
CFLAGS:= -I./ `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0`
LIBS:= -lm `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0`
This will automatically result in the required include and library path flags for GCC.
The compiler toolchain contains at least two major tools: the compiler and the link editor (it is very common to name compiler the whole chain, but strictly speaking it is wrong).
The compiler is in charge of producing object code from the available source code. In that phase the compiler knows where to locate standard headers, and can be told to use non-standard dirs to locate headers. For example, gcc uses -I to let you specify some more alternate dirs that may contains headers.
The link editor is in charge of producing executable files (its basic common usage) from object codes. To produce an executable it needs to find every implementation of declared things at compile-time for which you didn't provide source code. These can be other object codes, object codes in libraries, etc. The link editor knows where are located standard libraries and can be told to let you specify non-standard dirs. For example you can tell the gcc toolchain to use alternate dirs with L that may contain libraries. You may be aware that link edition is now usually a two phase process: location-and-name-resolution at link-time and real link-edition at run-time (dynamic libraries are very common).
Basically a library is just a collection of object code. Consult internet to see how you can easily build libraries either from source code of from object code.

How compiled c programs execute when my system is missing GTK header files?

I am trying to compile a simple ANSI C program which requires GTK header files.
I know how to link the source code with gtk.h when compiling with GCC.
My question is how come applications such as gedit (GTK lib) is running on my system considering that GTK header files are missing? Presumably Gedit was compiled on a system which did have the GTK library. But why does Gedit not require header files on my system during execution?
As a Java programmer to compile a program the class files always have to be packaged with the main executable. Also I would need the JVM installed on the target system.
Thank you for your helpful responses.
But why does Gedit not require header files on my system during
Header files are only needed in the preprocessing phase. Once the preprocessor is done with them the compiler never even sees them. Obviously, the target system doesn't need them either for execution (the same way .c files aren't needed).
You're probably thinking of libraries, and you're right. Indeed: if a program is dynamically linked and the target environment doesn't have the necessary libraries, in the right places, with the right versions it won't run. One way to ensure it will run on most systems is to statically link stuff, but this will also bloat your executable and make poorer use of memory.
Also I would need the JVM installed on the target system.
Well, for C nothing like that is needed since once you compile it you get native code. Native code is very different from the intermediate stuff (bytecode) you get from java. There's no need for anything like an interpreter: you just feed it your binary stuff to the CPU and it does its thing.
Everything the executable needs from the header files is built into the executable when it's compiled. In C, header files are just included literally in the source file when referenced and then compiled.

Basics of compiling binary with no dependencies using gnu toolchain

I'm trying to make an audio file I create slow down using SoX, and although I can easily compile the source files on the linux machine I use regularly, I need to transfer the binary to another linux machine with limited permissions and memory. I tried to copy the binary from the usr/local/bin folder on my machine to the other one and it could not find function references.
Is there a standard way to compile binaries with no dependencies, and if not, how do I set up the SoX binary so that it sees the correct dependencies when I only have write privileges in a temp folder?
You can compile, adding the -static flag to the compilation options in the Makefile. But be aware of any differences in glibc versions between your two (or more) Linux workstations. You want to make sure that you compile on (or target for) the workstation with the older (or oldest) kernel, or your binary may not work due to dependencies on a newer kernel, which cannot be met by an older installation of Linux. So: basically, compile on your oldest machine for better results.
The most important thing you need to generate executables without dependencies is the static version of all libraries this executable will use. Usually, libraries are shares as well, meaning if they need to call another library's functions, they use shared linking. To not get 2nd-grade dependencies you need to compile all required libraries statically.

What are *-devel packages?

What is the utility of devel packages like "libgtk+-devel" or "python-devel" etc.? Do they contain source of the library? How is it different from non-devel packages like libgtk+?
The *-devel packages (usually called *-dev in Debian-based distributions) are usually all the files necessary to compile code against a given library.
For running an application using the library libfoo only the actualy shared library file (*.so.*, for example are needed (plus possibly some data files and some version-specific symlinks).
When you actually want to compile a C application that uses that library you'll need the header files (*.h, for example foo.h) that describe the interface of that application as well as a version-less symlink to the shared library (*.so, for example -> Those are usually bundled in the *-devel packages.
Sometimes the *-devel packages also include statically compiled versions of the libraries (*.a, for example libfoo.a) in case you want to build a complete stand-alone application that doesn't depend on dynamic libraries at all.
Other languages (such as Java, Python, ...) use a different way of noting the API of a library (effectively including all the necessary information in the actual library) and thus usually need no separate *-devel packages (except maybe for documentation and additional tools).
They usually contain necessary headers and libraries. For example, python-devel will provide the Python headers and libraries that you need if you want to embed the Python interpreter in your own application. Some additional tools and documentation are included, too (e.g. a developer manual or code examples).
