Copying Data from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Express - sql-server

I would like to copy a database (tables, it’s data, stored procs & views) from SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server Express. Is it possible? If so, would you please let me know how to do it? When I tried, it is giving some error.
Please note that I have only few records in SQL Server 2008 database tables.
Thanks and Regards..
Shruthi Keerthi..

The quickest way is to "detach" the source database from its server, copy the (2) files to a new name/location and (re)attach each database to the appropriate server.
Attach/detach is available as a command or via the SQL Visual Studio.

You can create a backup of the database and them restore that backup into the Express instance.
Another option, since you said you didn't have very many records in the DB, is to generate the SQL statements (right click on the database --> tasks -> generate scripts) and then run that on the Express instance. Then just copy over the tuples you want.

I prefer to use Backup/Restore when moving a database from one server to another. As long as your SQL Server and SQL Express are the same version, or the one you are moving to is newer than the one you are moving from (SQL 2005 to SQL Express 2008), it should work without a hitch.

If copying the entire database, I usually find it easiest to stop the source service, copy the *.mdf file to the appropriate new data directory, and just mount the MDF in the new service. As long as there aren't any changes in the setup (like FILESHARE), then this is the easiest way to clone a database.
And yes, this is possible. I just did this earlier today.

You could also try using the Microsoft Database Publishing Wizard.
It's simple to use and will create a SQL script that you can run to rebuild tables (including data), stored procs, views, etc...
You can download it here:


How do I move data between databases using different version of SQL Server Management Studio?

I have a database deployed on a testing machine and a production machine. There is some data (columns of a table) in the testing database that I would like to copy over to production.
When I try to restore a backup onto the production box I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 10.00.4000. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Is there an alternate way to get the data into the table?
This answer ONLY if you need the data (from here:
Script the object you want (table and data) under tasks, generate scripts, select the object, and make sure to include all the data (possibly the schema as well). Take this to a new query window and save the SQL file, then execute it on your other server.
You could
Generate INSERT statements for the data in question
Create a linked server from the test to the other server and run sql statements against that
Upgrade the target server to 2008 R2 (this is not something to take lightly)
You should keep your environments at the same version / rev. SQL Server restores are not backward compatible.
Use generate scripts with data, you can select the version of MSSQL. Then run the outputted SQL on the server you want it.
Ideally you'd upgrade your production server to match your test environment, otherwise your tests may not always be representative.
If they are different versions though, you can't restore a database to an older version of SQL server, you should either use the generate scripts command to create the new table and insert the data, or use a tool like SQL compare/Data Compare from RedGate which will do all of this for you.
This is the problem with the sqlserver version mismatch while restoring the database. It means It couldn't possible to restore the database server 2008 to 2005. It wouldn't support higher version to lowerr version.
The following options are available,
You can link the servers and move the table from one server to other server
Generate the sql script and execute in the target database
Use the below URL to generate the insert script and execute generated script into target server.
you can use redgate toolbelt tool kit to sync data between different version of sql server or sql server to sql azure or sql azure to sql server database . it is very very easy to use .

Copy stored procedure's from one database to other

I am trying to copy a database with huge data from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008. I tried using the Copy Database Wizard but could not use the wizard because they are two different server 2005 and 2008. So I copied all the tables using Import data wizard from SQL Server 2008.
I had about 1120 stored procedures to be copied, so on SQL Server 2005 I used the Generate Script wizard and created script(for SP) which I could run on SQL Server 2008. I ran that script on SQL Server 2008, but only 1082 procedures were created, most of them didn't get created because of dependency issues. Now I am not sure out of 1120 SP's which were not created.
Can you suggest anything on how to fix this situation?
SQL Server 2008 can restore from a SQL Server 2005 backup file. Why don't you just do a quick backup and restore operation? If you don't want the whole thing, just backup and restore to a temporary SQL 2008 database and then copy the objects you need from there.
In order to find out which stored procedures are missing and need to be re-created, you should use a SQL diff tools, something like:
Red-Gate SQL Compare
ApexSQL SQL Diff
Those do cost a bit of money to license, but they're well worth their purchase price and can save you countless hours of work trying to figure out what needs to be done.
Both those tools can compare two databases (even different versions) against one another, and they can create either update scripts to make them have the same objects, or you can even do the synchronisation directly in those tools, if you wish to do so.
What kind of dependency issues?
Most of the time it will just complain about dependency issues, for example if you try to execute a SP from a SP that is not yet created. But it will still be created.
It might be logins or such?
Why dont you just make a backup and restore the database?
Would it not be simpler to just Detach the SQL 2005 DB, copy the .mdf and .ldf files for the DB to the SQL 2008 Data folder, and then Attach the DB?

SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 how to make it compatible?

I have in production SQL Server 2005 and in Development SQL Server 2008 Database.
I would like to detach database from production create tables, insert data etc. and then attach it back.
How make it compatible after I make some changes in SQL server 2008?
What is the right way to do it?
There is no way to do this.
The only way I know to move a database from MSSQL2008 to 2005 is to script the tables.
Once the new tables are created in 2005, you can transfer the data either by scripting it (no fun) or by the data transfer wizard.
Changes to tables and data (for lookup tables) should be scripted and in source control like any other code. Then you run the scripts for the changes you are promoting to prod. This way other dev changes which are not ready to go to prod can be held back from being sent to prod.
I also do not recommend that you have a development database in a differnt version of SQL Server unless what you are testing to see if anything needs to be changed in preparation of moving to 2008. Otherwise, it is highly likely that bad code will be written that the prodcution database cannot handle becasue it is the wrong version and you will not find this out until you send the change to production.

How do I backup the data in SQL Server 2008 on a third party host?

I have a SQL Server 2008 database that is hosted by a third party host (heart internet).
How would I go about backing this up?
I used SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008 to create the tables within the database, but the backup options within this app seem to be only of use if you have direct access to the server machine (which I don't)
It's also worth noting that I am using change tracking - I presume this data would be lost should any backup be restored?
Thanks In Advance!
(PS - SQL Server 2008 novice here!)
If they allow you to run backups to a particular folder that you have access to you can just do it with the regular backup command:
backup database dbname to disk = 'y:\users\YourHomePath'
If they do not do that you might want to use the Database Publishing Wizard to script out your database (depending on the size this might be very slow)
You can create a .DAT file into a shared disk and to download it through FTP.

Easiest way to copy an entire SQL server Database from a server to local SQL Express

I need to copy an entire database from a SQL Server 2005 on my server over to my local SQL Express in order to run my application for a presentation. What is the fastest/easiest way to get this done?
EDIT: I have very limited access to my server so I don't think I can access the backup file that I could create so that is out.
If the database is not too big, you could use the Database Publishing Wizard.
This is a free tool from Microsoft which creates a complete SQL script of a database for you (not only the tables and stuff, but all data as well).
You can install the tool on your machine, connect to a remote server and let the tool create the script directly on your machine.
You can download the Database Publishing Wizard here.
Apparently the link above doesn't work anymore in 2019.
That's probably because in newer versions of SQL Server Management Studio, the functionality of the Database Publishing Wizard is included out-of-the-box, so there's no need to install it separately.
It's now called the Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard, but it does exactly the same.
You can right click the database -> Tasks -> Generate scripts. Here you can select one, multiple, or all objects. Then in the 'Set Scripting Options' step of the wizard, click Advanced. In here set the property 'Types of Data to script; to Schema and Data.
Having done these steps, make sure you publish to a file. Because only file can handle large amounts of data.
Now you should have all your objects, tables, and data scripted. Now start running the scripts and viola!
Back up the database on the server and then restore it locally in SQL Express.
EDIT: If this is part of your work, surely you can get someone in networks to get you a backup..?
If you can login to both servers (the Express and the 05 Server) using SQL Server Management Studio then you can do a DB Restore from one database to the other. No need for backup files at all.
You can use SSIS's database copy wizard, but it's not quick at all. Is there a DBA there that you can ask for the backup file? That will probably turn out to be the fastest way.
Depending which versions of SQL Server you are using, you might get some mileage out of the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard from Microsoft. I've had mixed results with this tool in complex environments, but for most simple database scenarios it is a great tool.
An example of a scenario where I ran into difficulties was a DB with multiple distinct schemas, each with their own owner and extreme separation between the tables (don't ask...). As I said, though, most other scenarios have been fine.
Save your database as a sql script
EMS SQL Manager (for example) allows you to backup your database as a script in a .sql file. It is then possible to run this file against any other SQL server. Just update the first line of the script (CREATE DATABASE ....).
You can even fully parameter the script in order to include data from complete or filtered tables.
