Reading Critical Section Data using pthreads - c

I have a multi-threaded application, I'm using pthreads with the pthread_mutex_lock function. The only data I need to protect is in one data structure. Is it safe if I apply the lock only when I write to the data structure? Or should I apply the lock whenever I read or write?
I found a question similar to this, but it was for Windows, from that question it would that the answer to mine would be that it is ok. Just want to make sure though.
follow up: So I want to pass in a command line argument and on read from it (from different threads). Do I still have to use pthread_mutex_lock?

You could use a pthreads_rwlock_t to allow "one-writer OR N-readers" concurrency. But if you stick with the general pthread_mutex_lock, it needs to be acquired for ANY access to the shared data structure it's protecting, so you're cutting things down to "one reader-or-writer" concurrency.

It is necessary to apply the lock when you read as well unless you can guarantee atomic writes (at which point you don't even need to lock on write). The problem arises from writes that take more than 1 cycle.
Imagine you write 8 bytes as two 4 byte writes. If the other thread kicks off after it has half been written then the read will read invalid data. Its veyr ucommon that this happens but when it does its a hell of a bug to track down.

Yes, you need to be locked for reads as well as writes.
Compilers and CPUs do not necessarily write to a field in a structure atomically. In addition your code may not write atomically, and the structure may at certain points be out of sync with regards to itself.
If all you need to share is a single integer value, you might choose to use atomic integers. GCC has atomic attributes you can use. This is not as portable as using pthreads locks.


A thread only reads and a thread only modifies. Does this variable also need a mutex with linux c? [duplicate]

There are 2 threads,one only reads the signal,the other only sets the signal.
Is it necessary to create a mutex for signal and the reason?
All I care is whether it'll crash if two threads read/set the same time
You will probably want to use atomic variables for this, though a mutex would work as well.
The problem is that there is no guarantee that data will stay in sync between threads, but using atomic variables ensures that as soon as one thread updates that variable, other threads immediately read its updated value.
A problem could occur if one thread updates the variable in cache, and a second thread reads the variable from memory. That second thread would read an out-of-date value for the variable, if the cache had not yet been flushed to memory. Atomic variables ensure that the value of the variable is consistent across threads.
If you are not concerned with timely variable updates, you may be able to get away with a single volatile variable.
It depends. If writes are atomic then you don't need a mutual exclusion lock. If writes are not atomic, then you do need a lock.
There is also the issue of compilers caching variables in the CPU cache which may cause the copy in main memory to not get updating on every write. Some languages have ways of telling the compiler to not cache a variable in the CPU like that (volatile keyword in Java), or to tell the compiler to sync any cached values with main memory (synchronized keyword in Java). But, mutex's in general don't solve this problem.
If all you need is synchronization between threads (one thread must complete something before the other can begin something else) then mutual exclusion should not be necessary.
Mutual exclusion is only necessary when threads are sharing some resource where the resource could be corrupted if they both run through the critical section at roughly the same time. Think of two people sharing a bank account and are at two different ATM's at the same time.
Depending on your language/threading library you may use the same mechanism for synchronization as you do for mutual exclusion- either a semaphore or a monitor. So, if you are using Pthreads someone here could post an example of synchronization and another for mutual exclusion. If its java, there would be another example. Perhaps you can tell us what language/library you're using.
If, as you've said in your edit, you only want to assure against a crash, then you don't need to do much of anything (at least as a rule). If you get a collision between threads, about the worst that will happen is that the data will be corrupted -- e.g., the reader might get a value that's been partially updated, and doesn't correspond directly to any value the writing thread ever wrote. The classic example would be a multi-byte number that you added something to, and there was a carry, (for example) the old value was 0x3f ffff, which was being incremented. It's possible the reading thread could see 0x3f 0000, where the lower 16 bits have been incremented, but the carry to the upper 16 bits hasn't happened (yet).
On a modern machine, an increment on that small of a data item will normally be atomic, but there will be some size (and alignment) where it's not -- typically if part of the variable is in one cache line, and part in another, it'll no longer be atomic. The exact size and alignment for that varies somewhat, but the basic idea remains the same -- it's mostly just a matter of the number having enough digits for it to happen.
Of course, if you're not careful, something like that could cause your code to deadlock or something on that order -- it's impossible to guess what might happen without knowing anything about how you plan to use the data.

Are writes on the PCIe bus atomic?

I am a newbie to PCIe, so this might be a dumb question. This seems like fairly basic information to ask about PCIe interfaces, but I am having trouble finding the answer so I am guessing that I am missing some information which makes the answer obvious.
I have a system in which I have an ARM processor (host) communicating to a Xilinx SoC via PCIe (device). The endpoint within the SoC is an ARM processor as well.
The external ARM processor (host) is going to be writing to the register space of the SoC's ARM processor (device) via PCIe. This will command the SoC to do various things. That register space will be read-only with respect to the SoC (device). The external ARM processor (host) will make a write to this register space, and then signal an interrupt to indicate to the SoC that new parameters have been written and it should process them.
My question is: are the writes made by the external ARM (host) guaranteed to be atomic with respect to the reads by the SoC (device)? In conventional shared memory situations, a write to a single byte is guaranteed to be an atomic operation (i.e. you can never be in a situation where the reader had read the first 2 bits of the byte, but before it reads the last 6 bits the writer replace them with a new value, leading to garbage data). Is this the case in PCIe as well? And if so, what is the "unit" of atomic-ness? Are all bytes in a single transaction atomic with respect to the entire transaction, or is each byte atomic only in relation to itself?
Does this question make sense?
Basically I want to know to what extent memory protection is necessary in my situation. If at all possible, I would like to avoid locking memory regions as both processors are running RTOSes and avoiding memory locks would make design simpler.
So on the question of atomicity the PCIe 3.0 specification (only one I have) is mentioned a few times.
First you have SECTION 6.5 Locked Transactions this is likely not what you need but I want to document it anyway. Basically it's the worst case scenario of what you were describing earlier.
Locked Transaction support is required to prevent deadlock in systems that use legacy software
which causes the accesses to I/O devices
But you need to properly check using this anyway as it notes.
If any read associated with a locked sequence is completed unsuccessfully, the Requester must
assume that the atomicity of the lock is no longer assured, and that the path between the
Requester and Completer is no longer locked
With that said Section 6.15 Atomic Operations (AtomicOps) is much more like what you are interested in. There are 3 types of operations you can perform with the AtomicOps instruction.
FetchAdd (Fetch and Add): Request contains a single operand, the “add” value
Swap (Unconditional Swap): Request contains a single operand, the “swap” value
CAS (Compare and Swap): Request contains two operands, a “compare” value and a “swap” value
Reading Section 6.15.1 we see mention that these instructions are largely implemented for cases where multiple producers/consumers exist on a singular bus.
AtomicOps enable advanced synchronization mechanisms that are particularly useful when there are
multiple producers and/or multiple consumers that need to be synchronized in a non-blocking fashion. For example, multiple producers can safely enqueue to a common queue without any explicit locking.
Searching the rest of the specification I find little mention of atomicity outside of the sections pertaining to these AtomicOps. That would imply to me that the spec only insures such behavior when these operations are used however the context around why this was implemented suggests that they only expect such questions when a multi producer/consumer environment exists which yours clearly does not.
The last place I would suggest looking to answer your question is Section 2.4 Transaction Ordering To note I am fairly sure the idea of transactions "passing" others only makes sense with switches in the middle as these switches can make such decisions, once your put bits on the bus in your case there is no going back. So this likely only applies if you place a switch in there.
Your concern is can a write bypass a read. Write being posted, read being non-posted.
A3, A4 A Posted Request must be able to pass Non-Posted Requests to avoid deadlocks.
So in general the write is allowed to bypass the read to avoid deadlocks.
With that concern raised I do not believe it is possible for the write to bypass the read on your system since there is no device on the bus to do this transaction reordering. Since you have RTOSes I highly doubt they are enquing the PCIe transactions and reordering them before sending although I have not looked into that personally.

Is it possible to achieve 2 lines of code to always occur in a order in a multithreaded program without locks?

atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(mem, old, new, <mem_order>, <mem_order>);
ftruncate(fd, <size>);
All I want is that these two lines of code always occur without any interference (WITHOUT USING LOCKS). Immediately after that CAS, ftruncate(2) should be called. I read a small description about memory orders, although I don’t understand them much. But they seemed to make this possible. Is there any way around?
Your title asks for the things to occur in order. That's easy, and C basically does that automatically with mo_seq_cst; all visible side-effects of CAS will appear before any from ftruncate.
(Not strictly required by the ISO C standard, but in practice real implementations implement seq-cst with a full barrier, except AArch64 where STLR doesn't stall to drain the store buffer unless/until there's a LDAR while the seq-cst store is still in the store buffer. But a system call is definitely going to also include a full barrier.)
Within the thread doing the operation, the atomic is Sequenced Before the system call.
What kind of interference are you worried about? Some other thread changing the size of the file? You can't prevent that race condition.
There's no way to combine some operation on memory + a system call into a single atomic transaction. You would need to use a hypothetical system call that atomically does what you want. (Presumably it would have to do locking inside the kernel to make a file operation and a memory modification appear as one atomic transaction.) e.g. the Linux futex system call atomically does a couple things, but of course there's nothing like this for any other operations.
Or you need locking. (Or to suspend all other threads of your process somehow.)

Do I need a mutex to protect a int value which could be get/set via sysfs?

Multiple user space processes could access this value at the same time so I guess we should use some locks or memory barrier things for safe but I could find quite a lot code in linux driver who doesn't, or just protect the write case.
Do we really need a mutex for both read case and write case?
It depends on the CPU and the system that the code is executed. Actually you can do this without synchronization techniques if the operation is atomic. As long as you're not sure about this it's better to use a synchronization object. For int/dword values most of the time people do this without sych object.
Read this article
and also a same issue Are C++ Reads and Writes of an int Atomic?

Multithreading and mutexes

I'm currently beginning development on an indie game in C using the Allegro cross-platform library. I figured that I would separate things like input, sound, game engine, and graphics into their own separate threads to increase the program's robustness. Having no experience in multithreading whatsoever, my question is:
If I have a section of data in memory (say, a pointer to a data structure), is it okay for one thread to write to it at will and another to read from it at will, or would each thread have to use a mutex to lock the memory, then read or write, then unlock?
In particular, I was thinking about the interaction between the game engine and the video renderer. (This is in 2D.) My plan was for the engine to process user input, then spit out the appropriate audio and video to be fed to the speakers and monitor. I was thinking that I'd have a global pointer to the next bitmap to be drawn on the screen, and the code for the game engine and the renderer would be something like this:
boolean using;
void GameEngine ()
while (ContinueGameEngine())
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap = al_create_bitmap (width, height);
MakeTheBitmap (bitmap);
while (using) ; //The other thread is using the bitmap. Don't mess with it!
al_destroy_bitmap (nextBitmap);
nextBitmap = bitmap;
void Renderer ()
while (ContinueRenderer())
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap = al_clone_bitmap (nextBitmap);
DrawBitmapOnScreen (bitmap);
This seems unstable... maybe something would happen in the call to al_clone_bitmap but I am not quite certain how to handle something like this. I would use a mutex on the bitmap, but mutexes seem like they take time to lock and unlock and I'd like both of these threads (especially the game engine thread) to run as fast as possible. I also read up on something called a condition, but I have absolutely no idea how a condition would be applicable or useful, although I'm sure they are. Could someone point me to a tutorial on mutexes and conditions (preferably POSIX, not Windows), so I can try to figure all this out?
If I have a section of data in memory (say, a pointer to a data
structure), is it okay for one thread to write to it at will and
another to read from it at will
The answer is "it depends" which usually means "no".
Depending on what you're writing/reading, and depending on the logic of your program, you could wind up with wild results or corruption if you try writing and reading with no synchronization and you're not absolutely sure that writes and reads are atomic.
So you should just use a mutex unless:
You're absolutely sure that writes and reads are atomic, and you're absolutely sure that one thread is only reading (ideally you'd use some kind of specific support for atomic operations such as the Interlocked family of functions from WinAPI).
You absolutely need the tiny performance gain from not locking.
Also worth noting that your while (using); construct would be a lot more reliable, correct, and would probably even perform better if you used a spin lock (again if you're absolutely sure you need a spin lock, rather than a mutex).
The tool that you need is called atomic operations which would ensure that the reader thread only reads whole data as written by the other thread. If you don't use such operations, the data may only be read partially, thus what it read may may make no sense at all in terms of your application.
The new standard C11 has these operations, but it is not yet widely implemented. But many compilers should have extension that implement these. E.g gcc has a series of builtin functions that start with a __sync prefix.
There are a lot of man pages in 'google'. Search for them. I found in a few search minutes:
Besides, begin with a so little example, increasing difficulty. Firstable with threads creation and termination, threads returns, threads sincronization. Continue with posix mutex and conditions and understand all these terms.
One important documentation feed is linux man and info pages.
Good luck
If I have a section of data in memory (say, a pointer to a data structure), is it okay for one thread to write to it at will and another to read from it at will, or would each thread have to use a mutex to lock the memory, then read or write, then unlock?
If you have section of data in memory where two different threads are reading and writing this is called the critical section and is a common issue of the consumer and producer.
There are many resources that speak to this issue:
But yes if you are going to be using two different threads to read and write you will have to implement the use of mutexes or another form of locking and unlocking.
