Access items inside the DataTemplate in WPF - wpf

I was wondering if in WPF you are able to get the actual instances of the datatemplate objects. For example in the following situation:
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyTemplate">
<CustomControl ></CustomControl>
<ListBox DataTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}"></ListBox>
Assume that CustomControl has a CustomEvent and a public CustomMethod. I want to access that event and the public method in the user control. Is this possible? How would I be able to do this? Thanks in advance for any help.

You need to find the ContentPresenter holding the ListBox (by navigating the VisualTree) and then use
myDataTemplate.FindName("myCustomControl", myListBox);
There is an example on MSDN:

I don't see the ItemsSource databinding on the ListBox, so I'm assuming you left it out. If you bind to something like an ObservableCollection<> then each item in the ListBox will have it's own ViewModel class. You may have public methods on those as much as you like.
If you want an event in the custom control to be handled, handle it in code-behind in the lowest level you can, in this case in the code-behind of the UserControl.
Then, in each ViewModel have an ICommand instance (or a routed command if that suits your purpose). In the UserControl you have a DataContext which you can cast to the type of your ViewModel. So the event handler can access the ViewModel and execute Commands.
Here is Josh Smith's article on Routed Commands which you might find interesting
In this article on Apps with MVVM architecture, Josh described custom ICommands
(This is pseudo-code)
class ViewModelType {
public void DoSomething() { /* ... */ }
public ICommand DoSomethingCommand { get; set; }
public string Property { get; set; }
class CodeBehind {
public void EventHandler(object, args) {
(DataContext as ViewModelType).DoSomethingElseCommand.Execute();

You can create an object which attaches to the CustomControl and interacts with it.
This blogpost here illustrated some useful concepts that we can expand upon: ICommand for Silverlight with Attached Behaviors
So instead of attaching to the click event of a button (which in WPF already has a command anyways) you can create a class which attaches to your custom control.
Following the pattern in the referenced blog post you would end up with:
"{Binding Path=CommandHandler}" />
This would give you access to the events of the CustomControl by turning them into commands.


Removing UserControl code behind for use with MVVM

I am trying to create a user control using MVVM.
Basically I am trying to wrap a combobox that will pull data from a respository. This will allow me to use the same combobox in many different views in my application. There will be many of the wrapped comboboxes throughout the application.
I was easily able to create this control using a DependencyProperty and code-behind. I am now trying to convert this to MVVM and am having trouble figuring out how to get the value back to /from the ViewModel that in bound to the View where my combobox is located.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated at this point.
It is perfectly acceptable to use a UserControl that has code behind in it when using MVVM. If you really want to move the functionality out of the UserControl, then move it to whichever parent view models will require it. If you don't want to have the same code repeated in several places, you could encapsulate it in a class and add an instance of that class as a property to each of the relevant view models.
if you have a viewmodel that will pull data from a respository - you can use the same viewmodel in many different viewmodels in your application :)
and if you use a datatemplate your views know how to render this viewmodel
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyPullDataViewmodel}">
<view:MyCoolPullDataShowComboboxUserControl />
It's pretty easy.
Let's say you have:
MyMainWindowView.xaml - For your MainWindow view (the one containing the UserControl)
MyMainWindowViewModel.cs - Your MainWindow ViewModel.
And you want to bind List<string> MyListToBind
And leave the code-behind completely empty.
public class MyUserControlViewModel
private List<string> _MyListToBind;
public List<string> MyListToBind { get; set;}
public class MyUserControlViewModel
private MyUserControlViewModel _MyControlViewModel;
public MyUserControlViewModel MyControlViewModel { get; set;}
<Window ...
<my:MyUserControlView DataContext = "{Binding Path= MyControlViewModel}"/>
<UserControl ...>
<DataGrid ItemsSource = "{Binding Path= MyListToBind}" .../>
This doesn't support ViewModel updating View. To do that You have to use either DependencyProperties as you did instead of normal variables (as i did) or use INotifyPropertyChanged(google it, you'll get tons of examples) and OnPropertyChanged event.
You might read up on DataTemplates they are really useful in data binding.
You can find this usefeul:
I sure as hell did !
Good luck.

Binding a ContentControl to a deep path in WPF

The application I'm currently writing is using MVVM with the ViewModel-first pattern. I have XAML similar to the following:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding FooViewModel.BarViewModel.View, Mode=OneWay}"/>
Every VM is a DependencyObject. Every property is a DependencyProperty. Depending upon the state of the application, the value of the BarViewModel property of the FooViewModel can change, thus changing the value of the View property. Unfortunately when this happens, the new view is not displayed, and the old one remains.
This is extremely frustrating. I thought that if any part of a path expression changed, the binding would update, but that doesn't appear to be the case. When I've used shallower path expressions, such as FooViewModel.View and I've changed the value of the FooViewModel property, that has updated the ContentControl to which it's bound, but not in this case.
If your solution is that I abandon ViewModel-first, that is not an option, though I appreciate your advice. I must get this working as is.
This is a question about data binding, and not about MVVM or how to implement it. You can safely ignore the MVVM aspects of this if it helps you to think about the problem, or if you have a different idea about how MVVM should be implemented. This is a large, existing project in which the MVVM design pattern cannot be changed. (It is far too late for that.)
So, with that said, the correct question to be answering is the following:
Given a binding path expression in which every element is a DependencyProperty and the final property is a view bound to a ContentControl, why does a change in a property in the middle of the path not cause the binding to update?
Although I would expect this to work, there are several problems with your approach.
Firstly, your view models should not use DependencyObject or DependencyProperty, this ties them in to WPF. They should instead implement INotifyPropertyChanged. This makes your view models reusable in other presentation technologies such as Silverlight.
Secondly, your view models shouldn't have references to your views, so you shouldn't require a View property on your view models.
I would seriously consider using an MVVM framework for view composition - Caliburn.Micro, for example, makes view model first development extremely straightforward, and already provides a view model base class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and a mechanism for building view compositions with conventions.
I.e. you can have a conductor view model which has an ActiveItem property, and you simply place a ContentControl on your view with the same name as the property:
<ContentControl x:Name="ActiveItem" />
You can use the ActivateItem() method to change the current active item.
Caliburn.Micro also has a host of other features, such as being able to place a Button control with x:Name="Save" on your view, and your Save method on your view model will automatically be invoked when the button is clicked.
Every VM is a DependencyObject. Every property is a
why? a viewmodel should be a simple class with INotifyPropertyChanged and the Properties should be simple properties.
and if you want your different viewmodel be rendered in a different way - you should use DataTemplate.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelA}>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelB}>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyActualVM}"/>
EDIT: btw you always bind to the last Property: FooViewModel.BarViewModel.View --> so the INotifyPropertyChanged (if raised) just work for the .View
EDIT2: another approach could be to get the BindingExpression of your content control and call.
System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression expr = //get it from your contentcontrol
EDIT3: and a simple mvvm way - just use INotifyPropertyChanged
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
this.MyFooVM = new FooVM();
this.MyFooVM.MyBarVM = new BarVM(){View = "erster"};
this.DataContext = this;
public FooVM MyFooVM { get; set; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.MyFooVM.MyBarVM = new BarVM(){View = "zweiter"};
public class INPC : INotifyPropertyChanged
#region Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropChanged(string property)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if(handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
public class FooVM:INPC
private BarVM _myBarVm;
public BarVM MyBarVM
get { return _myBarVm; }
set { _myBarVm = value;OnPropChanged("MyBarVM"); }
public class BarVM : INPC
private string _view;
public string View
get { return _view; }
set { _view = value;OnPropChanged("View"); }

WPF Dependency Property workaround

There are 3 UserControls under a MainWindow. Each control have it's own Save Button. The Mainwindow has a SaveAll button.
The MainWindow has a ContentControl and the content property is binded to the VM. At runtime on ButtonClickCommand, the View is instantiated and assigned to the Content Property.
This SaveAll button will internally call methods associated with UserControls Save button. As such, SaveAll doesn't have it's own Method.
This has to be implemented by DependencyProperty.
I had once seen this scenario implemented in a Business App, but somehow missed the concept behind it.
I can't get what was the logic behind this, but it's a very useful thing.
Now I have to implement this, but i'm missing a small thing, I dont know.
I hope the scenario is clear.
Please help me in this scenario, with code.
Since you mentioned MVVM, here's what you might be looking for. Mind you, this will be a lot cleaner and easier if you use an MVVM framework such as Caliburn, but for this sample, its just vanilla MVVM:
public class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
ViewOneModel = new SubViewModel();
ViewTwoModel = new SubViewModel();
Children = new List<SubViewModel>(new[] { ViewOneModel, ViewTwoModel });
public void SaveAll()
foreach(var child in Children)
public IList<SubViewModel> Children { get; private set; }
public SubViewModel ViewOneModel { get; set; }
public SubViewModel ViewTwoModel { get; set; }
public class SubViewModel
public void Save()
and on the UI you basically have subviews (UserControls) composed in your main view:
<Button Width="100" Height="20" Content="Save All" />
<local:ViewOne DataContext="{Binding ViewOneModel}" />
<local:ViewTwo DataContext="{Binding ViewTwoModel}" />
You just need to bind the save methods to your buttons using an ICommand interface (preferably RelayCommand instance).
Imho in this scenario there is no need for RoutedEvents. The way I would solve it:
There is a Main-ViewModel that exposes 3 properties with the Sub-ViewModels.
The MainViewModel is the Datacontext for the window, and the subviewmodels bound to the datacontext of the 3 usercontrols.
The sub vm's are exposing a property with a Save-Command. This command is bound to the save buttons in the usercontrols.
The main vm is exposing a property with a saveall-command, which is bound to the SaveAll button.
In the handler of the save all command you are then iterating over the sub-vm's and call save on them.

MVVM: Giving every modular part it's own XAML class

I was thinking about doing this instead defining lot's of DataTemplates. This would mean that if I had a collection of things the ItemsControl itself would have a XAML class and the objects would have one too.
This is something that already happens when the objects are proper ViewModels containing models and logic but if it's just a Command for example. A dynamic group of commands perhaps.
Pros: I could use the designer to help me define the look of the object as I don't have blend and it would be easier to find and change those parts if needed.
Cons: More XAML classes.
Would you talk me into this or out of this.
I have buttons all around the app so I define a ButtonViewModel which has a display name and a ICommand Property. I would also define a DataTemplate or UserControl for this object which would basically be a button with Command binding and text/content binding to the display name. I could also define it's look and such.
Then in ViewModels that should include buttons I would add these buttons as part of the class and bind to them inside the view.
public class ButtonViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string _displayName;
public string DisplayName
return _displayName;
_displayName = value;
private ICommand _command;
public ICommand command
return _command;
protected set
_command = value;
public ButtonViewModel(ICommand command, string displayName)
Command = command;
DisplayName = displayName;
ViewModel using the ButtonViewModel
public class SomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
//some functionality
//It could be done as a collection or just seperate ButtonViewModel properties
public ObservableCollection<ButtonViewModel> Buttons { get; set; }
//Somewhere where it makes sense, here in the constructer for the heck of it
public SomeViewModel()
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(Save, canSave), "Save"));
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(Edit, canEdit), "Edit"));
Buttons.Add(new ButtonViewModel(new RelayCommand(New, canAddNew), "New"));
The buttons view:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.ButtonView"
Height="60" Width="90">
<Button Command="{Binding Path=Command}" Content="{Binding Path=DisplayName}">
<!-- Some really cool design for your button -->
You could also define a specific ItemsControl to hold a collection of buttons, even going so far as to define a ViewModel for said itemscontrol.
I once learned that if you can encapsulate some item in a class you should. Is this just crazy talk?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but it sounds as if you are taking a view first approach, which can get very complex in everything but the simplest of apps. Have you considered using an MVVM framework such as Caliburn.Micro?
Using a view model first approach, you can instantiate your view model, and then use Caliburn.Micro to locate your view (via convention), and automatically bind the two up.
Caliburn.Micro will also do view composition, so for example, if you have a collection of view models on your parent view model, and you expose that collection from a property with the same name as a ListBox on your view, then Caliburn.Micro will automatically use the corresponding view for each item in the collection, and bind up each items view model with the view.
You can also use different views over the same view model, and Actions are used to invoke verbs on your view models from view controls, rather than commanding, which allows for much richer imagining of UIs.

What is the relationship between INotifyPropertyChanged and DependencyProperty?

I'm building a simple UserControl example with DependencyProperties so that the properties of the control can be changed in XAML (code below).
But of course in my application I don't want this control to have tightly-coupled code-behind, but instead the user control will be a view called "DataTypeWholeNumberView" and it will have its own ViewModel called "DataTypeWholeNumberViewModel".
So I am going to implement the DependencyProperty logic below into the ViewModel, but in ViewModels I usually inherit INotifyPropertyChanged which seems to give me the same functionality.
So what is the relationship between:
binding the DataContext of UserControl XAML to its code behind which has a DependencyProperties
binding the DataContext of UserControl XAML (View) to its ViewModel (which inherits from INotifyPropertyChanged) and has properties which implements INotifyPropertyChanged functionality?
<UserControl x:Class="TestDependencyProperty827.SmartForm.DataTypeWholeNumber"
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Label}"/>
Code Behind:
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace TestDependencyProperty827.SmartForm
public partial class DataTypeWholeNumber : UserControl
public DataTypeWholeNumber()
DataContext = this;
public string Label
return (string)GetValue(LabelProperty);
SetValue(LabelProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty LabelProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Label", typeof(string), typeof(DataTypeWholeNumber),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata());
INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface that exists in .Net since 2.0. It basically allows objects to notify when a property has changed. An interested party can perform certain actions when this event is raised. The problem with it is that it only publishes the name of the property. So you end up using reflection or some iffy if statements to figure out what to do in the handler.
DependencyProperties are a more elaborate construct that supports default values, change notifications in a more memory-efficient and performant way.
The only relationship is that the WPF binding model supports binding to either DependencyProperties or to standard Clr properties, with an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation. Your ViewModel could be a DependecyObject as well and the third option would be to bind to the ViewModel's DependencyProperties!
Kent Boogaart wrote a very interesting article on having a ViewModel be a POCO vs a DependencyObject.
I don't really think there is a relationship between DependencyProperties and INotifyPropertyChanged. The only magic here is that the Binding classes/utils are smart enough to recognize a DependencyProperty and bind directly to it, or subscribe to the binding-target's notify-property-changed event and wait for that to fire.
With WPF, you can either bind to DependencyProperties or to Properties which implement INotifyPropertyChanged. It's a matter of choice.
So your question breaks into either to have them in code behind or in view model. Since you have mentioned that you do not want a tightly-coupled code behind, you are better off having a view model following the MVVM pattern.
You can use the DependencyProperties even in your view model just like you have done in your code behind.
