Allow special characters SQL Server 2008 - sql-server

I am using SQL Server 2008 express edition and its collation settings are set to default.I wish to store special characeters like á ,â ,ã ,å ,ā ,ă ,ą ,ǻ in my database but it converts them into normal characters like 'a'. How can I stop SQL Server from doing so?

Make sure that your columns are using the type nvarchar(...), rather than varchar(...). The former is Unicode, the latter is ASCII.
Also, make sure that your database default collation is set to Accent Sensitive, and that your columns are stored that way. You may also want to check your instance default collation, as that affects the default collation for your system databases, particularly tempdb.

Rahul, here is a very simple query that runs perfectly on SQL 2005 and 2008:
Col1 nvarchar(30)
INSERT INTO #t1 VALUES (N'á ,â ,ã ,å ,ā ,ă ,ą ,ǻ')
á ,â ,ã ,å ,ā ,ă ,ą ,ǻ
There is nothing special here. No collation change from default, just a simple NVARCHAR column.
You said you are "just running direct queries in the database". Can you try this query and see if you get the same results?


DB collation VS Column collation when INSERTing

I've create 2 demo DB's.
Server Collation - Hebrew_CI_AS
DB1 Collation - Hebrew_CI_AS
DB2 Collation - Latin1_General_CS_AS.
In DB2 I have one column with Hebrew_CI_AS Collation. I'm trying to insert Hebrew text into that column. The Datatype is nvarchar(250).
This is the sample script:
INSERT INTO [Table] (HebCol)
When I run this on DB1, everything works fine.
On DB2, Although the column has Hebrew Collation, I get question marks instead of the Hebrew text.
Why is the result different if the collation is identical?
P.S: I cannot add N before the text. In the real world an app is doing the inserts.
When using literal strings the collation used is that of the database, not the destination column. As the collation of the database you are inserting into is Latin1_General_CS_AS then for the literal string '1בדיקה' most of the characters are outside of the code page of the collation; thus you get ? for those characters as they are unknown.
As such there are only 2 solutions to stop the ? appearing in the column:
Fix your application and define your literal string(s) as an nvarchar not a varchar; you are after all storing an nvarchar so it makes sense to pass a literal nvarchar.
Change the collation of your database to be the same as your other database, Hebrew_CI_AS.
Technically there is a 3rd, which is use a UTF-8 collation if you are on SQL Server 2019, but such collations come with caveats that I don't think are in scope of this question.

SQL Server 2014 Case Sensitivity issue

I am migrating a database and etl from MySQl to SQL Server and have hit a case sensitivity issue.
In MySql the DB is setup as case sensitive because one of the applications we are loading from has codes like 'Divh' and 'divh' in the one set (its not my doing)
all is well and the select statements all over the place in etl, queries reports etc have all used whatever the author wanted regarding case - some are all UPPER some all lower most mixed.
So, in other words MYSql has case-insensitive DDL and SQL but allows case sensitive data.
It doesn't look like SQL Server can accommodate this. If I choose a CI collation all the tables and columns are insensitive along with the data (presumably).
and the converse - If its CS everything is case-sensitive.
Am I reading it right ?
If so then I either have to change the collation of every text column in the DB
OR edit each and every query.
Ironically the 1st test was to an Azure SQL Database which was set up with the same collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS)
and it doesn't care about the case of the table name in a select.
Any ideas ?
Firstly are you aware that collation settings exist at every level in SQL Server; Instance, database, table and even field level.
It sounds like you just want to enforce the case sensitive collation for the affected fields leaving the database and DDL as a whole case insensitive.
Another trick i've used in the past is to cast values to a VARBINARY data type if you want to do data comparisions between different cases, but without the need to change the collation of anything.
For example:
SET #Var1 = 'Divh'
SET #Var2 = 'divh'
IF #Var1 = #Var2
PRINT 'Same'
PRINT 'Not the same'
PRINT 'Same'
PRINT 'Not the same'

Doing a linguistic sort in SQL Server 2008

In Oracle, in order to do a linguistic sort, suppose with arabic characters, I use following :
ALTER SESSION SET nls_sort='arabic'
How can I achieve linguistic sorting in SQL Server 2008 ?
SQL Server has the concept of collations which affect ordering and comparison operations.
If your data is configured using a different collation to the one you require, you can force a specific one to sort by in your ORDER BY statement like this:
FROM Table

2 different collations conflict when merging tables with Sql Server?

I have DB1 which has a Hebrew collation
I also have DB2 which has latin general collation.
I was asked to merge a table (write a query) between DB1.dbo.tbl1 and DB2.dbo.tbl2
I could write in the wuqery
insert into ...SELECT Col1 COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS...
But I'm sick of doing it.
I want to make both dbs/tables to the same collation so I don't have to write every time COLLATE...
The question is -
Should I convert latin->hebrew or Hebrew->latin ?
we need to store everything from everything. ( and all our text column are nvarachr(x))
And if so , How do I do it.
If you are using Unicode data types in resulted database - nvarchar(x), then you are to omit COLLATE in INSERT. SQL Server will convert data from your source collation to Unicode automatically. So you should not convert anything if you are inserting to nvarchar column.

Turkish character problem in select query - SQL Server

,[Status] FROM [dbxyz].[dbo].[Block] WHERE Name = 'Hakkımızda'
Linq2Sql sends this query to SQL Server 2005 but because of the character problem (ı) it does not get the right dataset as a response. No rows returns.
I can not change the collation of database because it is a hosted service and I have no right to do so. I tried to change collation in column level but it did not work.
What can I do?
Is the column Block in the database declared with the proper collation? Introduce the Turkish I issue. Note that the collation must be declared even for Unicode Nchars.
I think I'm gonna use ExecuteQuery. ( Bad job! :( )
