Learning C: video course recommendation - c

I'm required to learn C to help a professor of mine with some lab work. I've got only about 2 weeks to get ready. Anyone can recommend a good course/book, but preferably a video course that's thick and decent (like the MIT open courses style), but anything else that you've had good experience with is welcome too.
Thank you all

The Stanford video lectures are interesting.
You can find them here:
EDITED: Sorry, but the above link is about Java. For C, see the following videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMzH3tfP6f8&videos=9CyTscpFk5M&playnext_from=TL&playnext=1


I want to learn AI and builds AI projects

I want to learn AI and build AI projects. there are sources but not as if I want to learn other programming languages like learning python Django and building web apps. I can find clear and many resources and many people to ask. Any suggestions would help me.
social media groups
I read a lot of AI but still, I could not create a project.
I can recommend Kaggle.com. There are a lot of courses and tutorials where you can learn Python, machine learning basics, but also deeper machine learning topics like pandas library.
When you are more practiced you can do competitions. Kaggle is a good platform to learn machine learning and you have a lot of code to practice on.
Everyone is always caught by headlines about AI changing this or that industry. Everyone is very anxious to start an AI project of their own. But whatever the purpose, it's important to choose an AI project that suits you. So I recommend that you can browse this https://ai.google/ AI website from Google. You will have a comprehensive understanding of different aspects of the current AI field. This might ease your confusion in choosing an AI project that is either interesting or meaningful to you.
Hope my answer is helpful to you!

Topic Modeling tool multilingual

In the past few days I have been trying to work with the tool understanding topic modeling for multiple languages. This is the tool I have been trying to understand.
Well my first question is to know whether it works for other languages like Hindi, Spanish,French and many others.
If it works with other languages then Can anyone explain the input procedure for languages like Hindi, Spanish, etc. ? I know that it works for English really well. Please help me out. Thanking everyone in advance.
According to the discussion here, people have been using it for French and Russian
You may like this other open-source project:
Here is a tutorial on how to use it for many languages and with explanations on what it does:

Where can I find programs for practicing C and assembler(IA32)?

I have learnt C and Assembly(IA32) on Linux and I will also be learning a few more languages this year.
I want to make my fundamentals strong and for that I need some tips from you guys as in, where will I find programs for practice? so that I solve them and get more and more experience.
Any good web links that would help a novice programmer to improve and be confident about the language he/she is learning.
I try looking up for questions on websites but they are either too difficult or not meant for beginners.I want some source which would help me to be more clear fundamentally and conceptually.
You could start by coding some of the simpler Project Euler problems in C, and then translate them to assembly. The problems get progressively more challenging as you go.
This page has an on-line version of The Art of Assembly Language Programming by Randall Hyde, but without the laboratory exercises. However it still includes a lot of code snippets, and Randy takes a high-level approach to assembly programming using macros which will be familiar to a C programmer. (I worked with Randy nearly 30 years ago doing assembly language programming on the Apple II).
It depends on how "novice" you are, but I'll be suggesting the UVa Online Judge.
One thing you can do (recommended to me by an experienced programmer) is read really good code. The Linux kernel is written in C. You can go to http://www.oldlinux.org/ to study with the first version, which would probably be easier than the current one. Beyond that, I would recommend finding an open source project for C that interests you. Working on a real-world project that interests you is going to be the best way to grow your skills.

Good Beginning Silverlight Game Resources?

I am starting to learn Silverlight game programming, and was wondering if anyone knows of some good tutorials or resources to get started with. I'm just beginning, so guides that teach concepts thoroughly would be appreciated.
Try Mike Snow's book on Silverlight game programming:
It includes Silverlight 3 info too. For general Silverlight programming I like Silverlight Unleashed.
Blue Rose Games is an online host of silverlight games and has a few tutorials on the subject
I don't think there's anything particularly special about writing games in Silverlight. I would just read any game resources I could get my hands on and then ask a particular question if I had trouble performing the same operations in Silverlight.

Fundamentals of Game Programming in C

During the last 2 months I've been trying to learn the basics of game programming. So I coded a few simple games in Java to learn the fundamentals, such as Tetris, Checkers and Pac-Man.
Now I want to learn/improve my skills in C, so I have this idea of writing those games in C to learn more about memory management, no OOP, etc. I have done basic C programming before but never with graphics, so I don't know where to start.
Which libraries should I use to write simple 2D games in C? GTK+? Cairo libraries? Any tutorials you can recommend? Graphics libraries?
I would recommend using the SDL graphics libraries, there are some pretty good tutorials and demonstrations here... http://www.libsdl.org/ and for tutorials here... http://www.sdltutorials.com/ Hope it goes well!
Doing some openGL with glut is a good place to start in my opinion, as it allows you to do both 2d and 3d graphics.
If you want another layer to help you with various parts of game programming (keyboard and mouse events, sound, etc..) you can use SDL with openGL.
There are lots of tutorials around the web to help get you started.
If you want to do C game development, OpenGL with glut is a good start..
The red book is your friend!!
Although the following are not 2d; as everyone is mentioning 3d i might add the following libraries; they are open source libraries for 3d engines.
Ogre is a pretty popular open source graphics engine. "Torchlight" was written in it, and so was "A tale in the Desert". Also the unreal engine has gone open source.
A 2D library that just crossed my mind and is amazing to use is Quartz from OSX. The tools are pretty damn good as well. You'll have to learn some Obj-C though, but its a nice language.
As someone mentioned you need some key Math skills to move up in the game programming world. I don't know how much is involved in animation and modelling since tools are available, but to write engines of any sort Linear Algebra is involved; this applies to 3D programming and it might be involved in 2D Opengl. Gilbert Strang's introductory book on Linear Algebra is amazing. Mit opencourseware also has an entire semesters worth of lectures available by Gilbert Strang on Linear Algebra. You can download them directly from Itunes or on the web.

