Double buffering in WPF? - wpf

I'm developing a graph control in WPF. I have previously developed it using GDI and C#.
i've used double buffering in previous control to avoid some issues related to redrawing of the graph control.
Now when i've developed the Graph Control in WPF i have a problem, when i use my Graph Control as a user control in a windows form,anchoring it to the form,and when running it and resizing it i can clearly see two black lines horizontal one and a vertical one in the right and bottom corners of the graph control... i think when i am resizing the graph, to occupy the resized area graph control is taking time and in the mean time the area not filled by the control is seen black...
is there any solution to this problem in WPF? like double buffering?
how can i avoid this issue??

WPF uses DirectX for rendering, so you don't need to doubleBuffer. Perhaps the problem is in your layout code.


Stereoscopic 3D on WPF

I have to show stereoscopic 3D graphics on a WPF control.
I already have the code which create two DirectX-9 textures to show, one texture for each eye.
I want to use 3D Vision (not anaglyph).
I considered the following ways to show the two pictures as 3D stereo:
Using OpenGL or DirectX 11.1 Stereo API.
Using NvAPI_Stereo_SetActiveEye as described here:
Using NVidia stereo signature as described here:
NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE and DirectX 10/11 (nVidia 3D Vision)
Trying rendering the two picture one-after-one, hoping that CompositionTarget.Rendering not loosing too much VSyncs, and synchronizing if single VSyncs are lost. In addition turning on the 3D Vision emitter by some invisible control rendering a fictive stereoscopic image.
Rendering 3D scene and letting NVidia driver to make it stereoscopic automatically.
Rendering to some real Windows control (such as Winform control), and using WPF host (such as WinFormHost) to show the content.
The problems with the above methods are:
1-3: One of the first three ways seem to be the straight-forward solution, but are not possible in WPF since I cannot create the Device/Context and control the way that the picture is rendered.
4: With CompositionTarget.Rendering I get only about ~60Hz instead of 120Hz. I guess the problem is that EndScene() is called twice - one in my rendered scene and the other in WPF rendering mechanism, but am not sure. Anyway even if will work - that solution seems to be unstable.
5: Rendering 3D scene is not possible in my case for some technical reasons which forces me to render the two images for the two eyes by myself.
6: The problem with WinFormHost and its friends is that it is not a WPF control and it has unexpected behavior in terms of WPF controls. For example the WinForm control will hide WPF controls which are higher on the logical tree, it cannot be rotated using RotateTransform and more.
For now I chose the last solution - using WinFormHost. Does anyone know a solution for that unbreakable wall with making stereoscopic 3D within real WPF control?

Black Border While Resizing

Im beginning in my journey of learning WPF. After a few days of coding I see that whenever I resize any WPF form I get a black border on the bottom and right while resizing, like an artifact, as if the screen is too slow. When working with winforms I never noticed this.
Like so :
Is this a known problem? any simple workaround?
Seems its related to the graphics driver, I only work on laptops with weakish gfx cards, so does anyone else have this issue? (Im also using Win7 SP1)
It's a known problem, and it's unlikely that it will be fixed. There is a work-around that reduces the impact of this problem if your background is sufficiently uniform:
My understanding of the underlying cause is that WPF controls lag behind on resizes: WPF draws them in the "wrong" location briefly. See the linked question for a demonstration.
If you resize a window it has to redraw. This takes some time and also it occurs after the window manager already resized your window and shows it; in that case you'll get a black border in WPF and one with the normal window background (grey, usually) in Windows Forms.
Usually all you can hope for there is that the computer is fast enough with the redraw to not show it.

WPF and DirectX - Game Overlay

I've read WPF utilizes DirectX so I'm wondering if it is possible to create a Game Overlay with WPF. I have tried with Winforms or WPF by itself and the transparent forms or windows always cause problems for streaming software thus I'm wondering is it possible to do the following:
Create a WPF application which shows a Window on the desktop with all the options needed for the overlay. Once all the options is filled in you can press Update and the Overlay is created in the game with all the information on it. The WPF app itself won't be visible on the stream. This means all the viewers will not have any trouble with it when the broadcaster changes settings.
More about the overlay
The overlay will be a scoreboard so it will need a set amount of info. For example:
So to sum up my question(s)
Can I make a WPF application which
dynamically creates a DirectX overlay
Since it needs to work in DirectX9,
is this project possible to make by a
single dev (me) which has little to
no exp with DirectX?
If it is possible, where should I
Thanks in advance for all your possible insights and replies!
What you want would be possible using D3DImage. It allows you to host any Direct3D content within WPF and also allows you to have overlay with transparency. Here is a simple example.
From your comment above, it sounds like your really trying to inject your overlay (at least from the user's perspective) into Starcraft II. You would almost have to host a copy of the directx buffer.
Also, besides WPF, you might want to look at XNA.

WPF - Drawing 3D Object

I am newbie to WPF.
I have drawn simple 3D cube and rotate it with mouse
But my question is,
is it possible to draw wireframe object in WPF Without using any third party library(eg.Charles Petzold's libraty etc..)?
Unfortunatly the DirectX that WPF is built upon doesn't allow drawing lines, only rectangles which in turn means no wireframe. Sorry, you´ll have to look around for another solution.

Is there a WPF equaivalent to System.Windows.Forms.Screen?

I'm trying to create a WPF window that will encompass the entire Desktop working area. In WinForms I'd do this by getting the Union of all the bounds in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.
Is there an equivalent type or other mechanism to get the bounds of the entire desktop in WPF or do I need to use the WinForms type?
Try SystemParameters.VirtualScreen* (Top, Left, Height, and Width) properties.
Don't use winforms api because it doesn't take into account the fact that WPF's measurement units are not pixels. I came across this issue just recently because I'm losing my vision and have my monitor set to a higher dpi. The codebase I was working on used the Winforms Settings and the UI was larger than my screen.
If you're going to use the winforms api. Look at this blog post on calculating the DPI factor.
I have successfully used WpfScreenHelper, currently on Github or Nuget,
It does what the .NET framework should have done so many years ago.
I needed to check if some coordinates exist on any screen in WPF, as in these:
Very germane: Determine if an open WPF window is visible on any monitor
Forms-only and inadequate WPF suggestions: Determining if a form is completely off screen
Just use WinForms. I do not think there is a direct WPF equivalent.
You could try SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth and associated parameters. That might not provide as good as a result as continuing with the WinForms API.
The only downside I can see with the WinForms type is an extra dependency and the larger working set related to that.
