How to do Variable Substitution with Flex/Lex and Yacc/Bison - c

Wikipedia's Interpolation Definition
I am just learning flex / bison and I am writing my own shell with it. I am trying to figure out a good way to do variable interpolation. My initial approach to this was to have flex scan for something like ~ for my home directory, or $myVar , and then set what the yyval.stringto what is returned using a look up function. My problem is, that this doesn't help me when text appears one token:
kbsh:/home/kbrandt% echo ~
kbsh:/home/kbrandt% echo ~/foo
/home/kbrandt /foo
The lex definition I have for variables:
\$[a-zA-Z/0-9_]+ {
yylval.string=return_value(&variables, (yytext + sizeof(char)));;
Then in my Grammar, I have things like:
CD WORD { change_dir($2); }
Anyone know of a good way to handle this sort of thing? Am I going about this all wrong?

The way 'traditional' shells deal with things like variable substitution is difficult to handle with lex/yacc. What they do is more like macro expansion, where AFTER expanding a variable, they then re-tokenize the input, without expanding further variables. So for example, an input like "xx${$foo}" where 'foo' is defined as 'bar' and 'bar' is defined as '$y' will expand to 'xx$y' which will be treated as a single word (and $y will NOT be expanded).
You CAN deal with this in flex, but you need a lot of supporting code. You need to use flex's yy_buffer_state stuff to sometimes redirect the output into a buffer that you'll then rescan from, and use start states carefully to control when variables can and can't be expanded.
Its probably easier to use a very simple lexer that returns tokens like ALPHA (one or more alphabetic chars), NUMERIC (one or more digits), or WHITESPACE (one or more space or tab), and have the parser assemble them appropriately, and you end up with rules like:
simple_command: wordlist NEWLINE ;
wordlist: word | wordlist WHITESPACE word ;
word: word_frag
| word word_frag { $$ = concat_string($1, $2); }
word_frag: single_quote_string
| double_quote_string
| variable
...more options...
variable: '$' name { $$ = lookup($2); }
| '$' '{' word '}' { $$ = lookup($3); }
| '$' '{' word ':' ....
as you can see, this get complex quite fast.

Looks generally OK
I'm not sure what return_value is doing, hopefully it will strdup(3) the variable name, because yytext is just a buffer.
If you are asking about the division of labor between lex and parse, I'm sure it's perfectly reasonable to push the macro processing and parameter substitution into the scanner and just have your grammar deal with WORDs, lists, commands, pipelines, redirections, etc. After all, it would be reasonable enough, albeit kind of out of style and possibly defeating the point of your exercise, to do everything with code.
I do think that making cd or chdir a terminal symbol and using that in a grammar production is...not the best design decision. Just because a command is a built-in doesn't mean it should appear as a rule. Go ahead and parse cd and chdir like any other command. Check for built-in semantics as an action, not a production.
After all, what if it's redefined as a shell procedure?


Using exec on each file in a bash script

I'm trying to write a basic find command for a assignment (without using find). Right now I have an array of files I want to exec something on. The syntax would look like this:
-exec /bin/mv {} ~/.TRASH
And I have an array called current that holds all of the files. My array only holds /bin/mv, {}, and ~/.TRASH (since I shift the -exec out) and are in an array called arguments.
I need it so that every file gets passed into {} and exec is called on it.
I'm thinking I should use sed to replace the contents of {} like this (within a for loop):
for i in "${current[#]}"; do
sed "s#$i#{}"
#exec stuff?
How do I exec the other arguments though?
You can something like this:
cmd='-exec /bin/mv {} ~/.TRASH'
current=(test1.txt test2.txt)
for f in "${current[#]}"; do
eval $(sed "s/{}/$f/;s/-exec //" <<< "$cmd")
Be very careful with eval command though as it can do nasty things if input comes from untrusted sources.
Here is an attempt to avoid eval (thanks to #gniourf_gniourf for his comments):
current=( test1.txt test2.txt )
arguments=( "/bin/mv" "{}" ~/.TRASH )
for f in "${current[#]}"; do
Your are lucky that your design is not too bad, that your arguments are in an array.
But you certainly don't want to use eval.
So, if I understand correctly, you have an array of files:
current=( [0]='/path/to/file'1 [1]='/path/to/file2' ... )
and an array of arguments:
arguments=( [0]='/bin/mv' [1]='{}' [2]='/home/alex/.TRASH' )
Note that you don't have the tilde here, since Bash already expanded it.
To perform what you want:
for i in "${current[#]}"; do
( "${arguments[#]//'{}'/"$i"}" )
Observe the quotes.
This will replace all the occurrences of {} in the fields of arguments by the expansion of $i, i.e., by the filename1, and execute this expansion. Note that each field of the array will be expanded to one argument (thanks to the quotes), so that all this is really safe regarding spaces, glob characters, etc. This is really the safest and most correct way to proceed. Every solution using eval is potentially dangerous and broken (unless some special quotings is used, e.g., with printf '%q', but this would make the method uselessly awkward). By the way, using sed is also broken in at least two ways.
Note that I enclosed the expansion in a subshell, so that it's impossible for the user to interfere with your script. Without this, and depending on how your full script is written, it's very easy to make your script break by (maliciously) changing some variables stuff or cd-ing somewhere else. Running your argument in a subshell, or in a separate process (e.g., separate instance of bash or sh—but this would add extra overhead) is really mandatory for obvious security reasons!
Note that with your script, user has a direct access to all the Bash builtins (this is a huge pro), compared to some more standard find versions2!
1 Note that POSIX clearly specifies that this behavior is implementation-defined:
If a utility_name or argument string contains the two characters "{}", but not just the two characters "{}", it is implementation-defined whether find replaces those two characters or uses the string without change.
In our case, we chose to replace all occurrences of {} with the filename. This is the same behavior as, e.g., GNU find. From man find:
The string {} is replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of find.
2 POSIX also specifies that calling builtins is not defined:
If the utility_name names any of the special built-in utilities (see Special Built-In Utilities), the results are undefined.
In your case, it's well defined!
I think that trying to implement (in pure Bash) a find command is a wonderful exercise that should teach you a lot… especially if you get relevant feedback. I'd be happy to review your code!

FLEX for generating AWK scanner - Identify Variables

I am trying to build a scanner for AWK source code using (F)Lex analysis. I have been able to identify AWK keyworkds, comments, string literals, and digits however I am stuck on how to generate regular expressions for matching variable instance names since these are quite dynamic.
Could someone please help me develop a regular expression for matching AWK variables. provides definition for the AWK language.
Variables must start with a letter but can be alphanumerical without regard to case. The only special character that can be used is an underscore ("_"). I apologize I am not very experienced with REGEX let alone regular expressions for FLEX.
Thank you for your help.
Alphabetic or underscore to start, followed by zero or more alphanumerics or underscore.
Special cases will be fields, which are prefixed by $:
and also
You'll have to decide how you're going to deal with those.

Flex Regular Expression to Identify AWK Regular Expression

I am putting together the last pattern for my flex scanner for parsing AWK source code.
I cannot figure out how to match the regular expressions used in the AWK source code as seen below:
{if ($0 ~ /^\/\// ){ #Match for "//" (Comment)
or more simply:
else if ($0 ~ /^Department/){
where the AWK regular expression is encapsulated within "/ /".
All of the Flex patterns I have tried so far match my entire input file. I have tried changing the precedence of the regex pattern and have found no luck. Help would be greatly appreciated!!
regexing regexen must be a meme somewhere. Anyway, let's give it a try.
A gawk regex consists of:
any number of regex components
A regex component (simplified form -- Note 1) is one of the following:
any character other than /, [ or \
a \ followed by any single character (we won't get into linefeeds just now, though.
a character class (see below)
Up to here it's easy. Now for the fun part.
A character class is:
[ or [^ or [] or [^] (Note 2)
any number of character class components
A character class component is (theoretically, but see below for the gawk bug) one of the following:
any single character other than ] or \ (Note 3)
a \ followed by any single character
a character class
a collation class
A character class is: (Note 5)
a valid class name, which afaik is always a sequence of alpha characters, but it's maybe safer not to make assumptions.
A collation class is mostly unimplemented but partially parsed. You could probably ignore them, because it seems like gawk doesn't get them right yet (Note 4). But for what it's worth:
some multicharacter collation character, like 'ij' in Dutch locale (I think).
or an equivalence class:
some character, or maybe also a multicharacter collation character
An important point is the [/] does not terminate the regex. You don't need to write [\/]. (You don't need to do anything to implement that. I'm just mentioning it.).
Note 1:
Actually, the intepretation of \ and character classes, when we get to them, is a lot more complicated. I'm just describing enough of it for lexing. If you actually want to parse the regexen into their bits and pieces, it's a lot more irritating.
For example, you can specify an arbitrary octet with \ddd or \xHH (eg \203 or \x4F). However, we don't need to care, because nothing in the escape sequence is special, so for lexing purposes it doesn't matter; we'll get the right end of the lexeme. Similary, I didn't bother describing character ranges and the peculiar rules for - inside a character class, nor do I worry about regex metacharacters (){}?*+. at all, since they don't enter into lexing. You do have to worry about [] because it can implicitly hide a / from terminating the regex. (I once wrote a regex parser which let you hide / inside parenthesized expressions, which I thought was cool -- it cuts down a lot on the kilroy-was-here noise (\/) -- but nobody else seems to think this is a good idea.)
Note 2:
Although gawk does \ wrong inside character classes (see Note 3 below), it doesn't require that you use them, so you can still use Posix behaviour. Posix behaviour is that the ] does not terminate the character class if it is the first character in the character class, possibly following the negating ^. The easiest way to deal with this is to let character classes start with any of the four possible sequences, which is summarized as:
Note 3:
gawk differs from Posix ERE's (Extended Regular Expressions) in that it interprets \ inside a character class as an escape character. Posix mandates that \ loses its special meaning inside character classes. I find it annoying that gawk does this (and so do many other regex libraries, equally annoying.) It's particularly annoying that the gawk info manual says that Posix requires it to do this, when it actually requires the reverse. But that's just me. Anyway, in gawk:
is a regular expression which matches either ] or /. In Posix, stripping the enclosing /s out of the way, it would be a regular expression which matches a \ followed by a / followed by a ]. (Both gawk and Posix require that ] not be special when it's not being treated as a character class terminator.)
Note 4:
There's a bug in the version of gawk installed on my machine where the regex parser gets confused at the end of a collating class. So it thinks the regex is terminated by the first second / in:
although it gets this right:
and, of course, putting the slash first always works:
Note 5:
Character classes and collating classes and friends are a bit tricky to parse because they have two-character terminators. "Write a regex to recognize C /* */ comments" used to be a standard interview question, but I suppose it not longer is. Anyway, here's a solution (for [:...:], but just substitute : for the other punctuation if you want to):
[[]:([^:]|:*[^]:])*:+[]] // Yes, I know it's unreadable. Stare at it a while.
regex could work without "/.../" see the example:
print all numbers starting with 7 from 1-100:
kent$ seq 100|awk '{if($0~"7[0-9]")print}'
kent$ awk --version
GNU Awk 3.1.6

How do I find out if a file name has any extension in Unix?

I need to find out if a file or directory name contains any extension in Unix for a Bourne shell scripting.
The logic will be:
If there is a file extension
Remove the extension
And use the file name without the extension
This is my first question in SO so will be great to hear from someone.
The concept of an extension isn't as strictly well-defined as in traditional / toy DOS 8+3 filenames. If you want to find file names containing a dot where the dot is not the first character, try this.
case $filename in
[!.]*.*) filename=${filename%.*};;
This will trim the extension (as per the above definition, starting from the last dot if there are several) from $filename if there is one, otherwise no nothing.
If you will not be processing files whose names might start with a dot, the case is superfluous, as the assignment will also not touch the value if there isn't a dot; but with this belt-and-suspenders example, you can easily pick the approach you prefer, in case you need to extend it, one way or another.
To also handle files where there is a dot, as long as it's not the first character (but it's okay if the first character is also a dot), try the pattern ?*.*.
The case expression in pattern ) commands ;; esac syntax may look weird or scary, but it's quite versatile, and well worth learning.
I would use a shell agnostic solution. Runing the name through:
cut -d . -f 1
will give you everything up to the first dot ('-d .' sets the delimeter and '-f 1' selects the first field). You can play with the params (try '--complement' to reverse selection) and get pretty much anything you want.

How do I get Bison/YACC to not recognize a command until it parses the whole string?

I have some bison grammar:
input: /* empty */
| input command
| external
CD { printf("Changing to home directory...\n"); }
| CD WORD { printf("Changing to directory %s\n", $2); }
I'm wondering how I get Bison to not accept (YYACCEPT?) something as a command until it reads ALL of the input. So I can have all these rules below that use recursion or whatever to build things up, which either results in a valid command or something that's not going to work.
One simple test I'm doing with the code above is just entering "cd mydir mydir". Bison parses CD and WORD and goes "hey! this is a command, put it to the top!". Then the next token it finds is just WORD, which has no rule, and then it reports an error.
I want it to read the whole line and realize CD WORD WORD is not a rule, and then report an error. I think I'm missing something obvious and would greatly appreciate any help - thanks!
Also - I've tried using input command NEWLINE or something similar, but it still pushes CD WORD to the top as a command and then parses the extra WORD separately.
Sometimes I deal with these cases by flattening my grammars.
In your case, it might make sense to add tokens to your lexer for newline and command separators (;) so you can explicitly put them in your Bison grammar, so the parser will expect a full line of input for a command before accepting as a commmand.
command: CD sep
| CD WORD sep
Or, for an arbitrary list of arguments like a real shell:
/* empty */
| args WORD
CD args sep
Instead of calling actions directly, just build yourself an Abstract Syntax Tree first. Then depending on the result and your preference you either execute the part of it or nothing. If there is a parsing error during tree building you may want to use %destructor directive to tell bison how to do the cleanup.
That actually is a proper way of doing it as you get full control over the contents and logic and you let bison just take care of parsing.
Usually, things aren't done the way you describe.
With Bison/Yakk/Lex, one usually carefully designs their syntax to do exactly what they need. Because Bison/Yakk/Lex are naturally greedy with their regular expressions, this should help you.
So, how about this instead.
Since you are parsing whole lines at a time, I think we can use this fact to our advantage and revise the syntax.
input : /* empty */
| line
command-break : command-break semi-colon
| semi-colon
line : commands new-line
commands : commands command-break command
| commands command-break command command-break
| command
| command command-break
Where new-line, 'semi-colonis defined in yourlexsource as something like\n,\t` . This should give you the UNIX-style syntax for commands that you are looking for. All sorts of things are possible, and it is a little bloated allowing for multiple semicolons and doesn't take in consideration white-space, but you should get the idea.
Lex and Yakk are a powerful tool, and I find them quite enjoyable - at least, when you aren't on a deadline.
Couldn't you just change your rule match actions to append to a list of actions you want to perform if the whole thing works? Then after the entire input has been processed you decide if you want to do what was in that list of actions based on if you saw any parse errors.
