How can i ask what version of MSXML an IXMLDOMDocument2 is? Given an IXMLDOMDocument2 i need to create another document of the same version.
If you give an IXMLDOMDocument from different versions of MSXML, you will get an exception from msxml:
It is an error to mix objects from different versions of MSXML.
Microsoft internally can ask an interface what version of MSXML it came from, i need access to the same thing.
Consider the following hypothetical function written in pseudo-code:
String XMLTransform(IXMLDOMNode xml, String xsl)
//Create a document to hold the xml
IXMLDOMDocument2 xslDocument = new CoDOMDocument();
//load the xsl string into the xsl dom document
//transform the xml
return xml.transformNode(xslDocument);
Problem is that if IXMLDOMNode comes from, say MSXML6. The created DOMDocument is from version 3 (because of Microsoft's version dependance in MSXML). This will cause the
to throw a COM exception:
It is an error to mix objects from different versions of MSXML.
Since Microsoft is able to ask an interface what version of MSXML it came from, i should be able to do the same thing, but how?
Alternativly, given an IXMLDOMNode, how can i construct an XMLDOMDocument object of the same version...
i figured out an answer (that works for MSXML version 6.0 at least).
The interface type:
descends from IXMLDOMDocument30, while most people use IXMLDOMDocument or IXMLDOMDocument2.
So if the passed interface does not at least support IXMLDOMDocument3, then i know the object is not at least version 6:
procedure DoStuff(doc: IXMLDOMdocument2);
if not (doc is IXMLDOMDocument3) then
raise Exception.Create('badness');
Or alternativly:
procedure DoStuff(doc: IXMLDocument2);
if not (doc is DOMDocument6) then
//Real implementation
In the legacy Mongo C driver there was a a function mongo_find_one, which was used to find a single document in a MongoDB server.
MONGO_EXPORT int mongo_find_one( mongo *conn, const char *ns, const bson *query,const bson *fields, bson *out );
Is there a similar function in the new Mongo driver. I have been using the following documentation but was not able to find anything that is equivalent.
This is likely an unsatisfying answer, but it does not appear there is a direct equivalent of the mongo_find_one function in version 1.2.0.
It should not however be particularly difficult to build a function with similar semantics using a cursor and taking only a single element from it and discarding the rest.
I am using MS VS2008 to build my application. I need to use "GUID_DEVINTERFACE_NET " class to get the device interface list. But i could not find the reference to this class. I have even tried in MS VS2015 but could not the reference.
Below is the code snippet.
ULONG DeviceListLength = 0;
cr = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW(&DeviceListLength,
The Microsoft online documentation is not very detailed, but it does mention the header file Ndisguid.h. The filename might use a different case, but the Windows file system is not case-sensitive anyway:
#include <ndisguid.h>
I'm using GNAT GPS studio IDE in order to train a bit in Ada. I'm having an issue with package visibility.
First I specify a package in a file called "" containing a type:
package DScale is
type DMajor is (D, E, F_Sharp, G, A, B, C_Sharp);
end DScale;
Then I specify in a different file ("") a package that defines a procedure that will use the DMajor type of the DScale package:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with DScale;
package NoteWorthy is
procedure Note;
end NoteWorthy;
Finally in "Noteworthy.adb" I provide the package body for the package "Noteworthy":
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body Noteworthy is
procedure Note is
package ScaleIO is new Enumeration_IO(DScale.DMajor);
thisNote : DScale.DMajor := DScale.D;
if thisNote = DScale.DMajor'First then
Put_Line("First note of scale.");
end if;
end Note;
end NoteWorthy;
If I leave the code as-is, I will get an "operator not directly visible" error for the "if thisNote = DScale.DMajor'First then" statement in the body of the "Noteworthy" package.
Is there a way to bypass this error without using a "use" or "use type" clause?
Thank you.
There are (at least) two answers to your question.
if DScale."=" (thisNote, DScale.DMajor'First) then
function "=" (Left, Right : DScale.DMajor) return Boolean renames DScale.DMajor;
if thisNote = DScale.DMajor'First then
But why would you use one of those options instead of:
use type DScale.DMajor;
if thisNote = DScale.DMajor'First then
Ada types are much more than just descriptions of the values, they are entities that bring into existence a whole slew of operations, embodied as both operators and attributes. So if you want direct visibility to a type's concrete "=" operator, you have to make it visible. For that you need either "use" or "use type".
Why bypass a language feature? Simply use it wisely.
A couple of points that are related to the structure of your code.
The package spec for Noteworthy doesn't need to "with DScale" as there is nothing in the spec that refers to any feature in that package (maybe you plan to in the future).
The use of enumeration_io is good if you want to simply want to do I/O to files to be read by a computer, but I would never use it for human interaction (apart from quick hacks). The input values it accepts is dictated by Ada's grammar, and typically not what user's expect.
I would like to take the following unit (DrivesData) and display the drive column in a TListView. I've never worked with the (Synopse) SQLite3 code before so I'm hoping someone could give me a little push in the right direction.
Just add the DrivesData unit to the uses clause then run and it will create the "drives.sqlite" database file with a list of drives 'A' to 'Z'.
unit DrivesData;
SynCommons, SQLite3Commons;
TDrives = class(TSQLRecord)
{ Private declarations }
FDrive: RawUTF8;
{ Protected declarations }
FDrivesModel: TSQLModel;
FDrivesDatabase: TSQLRest;
{ Public declarations }
constructor Create(); override;
destructor Destroy(); override;
{ Published declarations }
property Drive: RawUTF8 read FDrive write FDrive;
DriveRecord: TDrives;
function CreateDrivesModel(): TSQLModel;
Result := TSQLModel.Create([TDrives]);
{ TDrives }
constructor TDrives.Create();
X: Char;
inherited Create();
FDrivesModel := CreateDrivesModel();
FDrivesDatabase := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(FDrivesModel, 'drives.sqlite');
for X := 'A' to 'Z' do
'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO drives (drive) VALUES ("' + X + ':")');
destructor TDrives.Destroy();
if Assigned(FDrivesDatabase) then
if Assigned(FDrivesModel) then
inherited Destroy();
DriveRecord := TDrives.Create();
if Assigned(DriveRecord) then
Nice try!
But I'm afraid you are missing some points of the framework:
for instance you're mixing record level and MVC application level: a TSQLRecord maps a DB table and you should not declare MVC TSQLModel and TSQLRest inside this class;
and you're missing the ORM approach, you don't need to write all those SQL code (the CREATE TABLE and the INSERT): the framework will write it for you, with no error, and the exact expected column type (with collations)!
Instead of using a TSQLRestServerDB directly by itself, you should better use a TSQLRestClientDB (which will instantiate its privately owned TSQLRestServerDB), even if you are still working locally. So you'll get a lot more features with no performance penalty.
You are using a Char type in your code. Our framework is UTF-8 oriented, so you should use AnsiChar instead, or use StringToUtf8() function to ensure correctness (at least with Unicode version of Delphi).
I'll recommend that you take a look at the sample code source code and the provided documentation (especially the SAD document, in the general presentation in the first pages, including the SynFile main demo).
To retrieve some data, then display it in the VCL (e.g. in a TListBox), take a look at the TSQLTableJSON class. There are some code sample in the SAD document (take a look at the keyword index, at the beginning of the document, if you're a bit lost).
Perhaps StackOverflow is not the best place to ask such specific questions. You have our forum available at to post any questions regarding this framework. You can post your code here.
Thanks for your interest!
There is persistable class Project, each instance of which has list of objects of Version type (owned one-to-many relation between Project and Version classes).
I'm getting several Version objects from datastore with query, change them and try to save:
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
Query q = pm.newQuery(Version.class, "... filters here ...");
q.declareParameters(" ... parameters here ...");
List<Version> versions = (List<Version>)q.execute(... parameters here ...);
if (versions.size() > 0) {
for (Version version : versions) {
version.setOrder(... value here ...);
return newVersion.toVersionInfo();
} finally {
Everything is executed without errors, query actually returns several objects, properties are set correctly in runtime versions list, but objects properties are not updated in datastore.
Generally, as far as I understand, versions should be saved even without calling
, since object properties are set before pm.close(), but nothing is saved, if this row is omitted, as well.
At the same time, if I retrieve instance of type Project (which owns many instances of type Version) with pm.getObjectById() method, and walk through all related Version objects in the loop, all changes are saved correctly (without calling pm.makePersistent() method).
The question is, what's wrong with such way of updating objects? Why Version object properties are not updated in datastore?
I could not find anything helpful neither in JDO nor in GAE documentation.
Thanks for advice about logs from DataNucleus and sympathy from Peter Recore :)
Frankly, I missed few important points in my question.
Query q = pm.newQuery(Version.class, "... filters here ...");
I am retrieving Project instance, and after Version instances updating loop I am persisting some one more Version object.
So, I actually retrieved some of versions list twice, and according to committing order in logs, Project instance was saved twice, as well. The second save operation overwritten the first one.
I changed the order of operations, and got expected behavior.