SL Teleporting Multi-User Door? - linden-scripting-language

I'm trying to make the following script only work when a user in a Certain Group can teleport to the specified x,y,z coordinate.
// Scripting Recipes for Second Life
// by Jeff Heaton (Encog Dod in SL)
// ISBN: 160439000X
// Copyright 2007 by Heaton Research, Inc.
// This script may be freely copied and modified so long as this header
// remains unmodified.
// For more information about this book visit the following web site:
vector target=<190, 197, 64>;
vector offset;
offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);
llSetText("Teleport pad",<0,0,0>,1.0);
offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);
changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY)
touch_start(integer i)
llSay(0, "Please right-click and select Teleport");
The teleport script uses two global variables. They are.
vector target=<190, 197, 64>;
vector offset; The target is the coordinate that the teleport script should send the user to. The offset is calculated based on the target and the current position of the teleporter. The offset is the distance that must be traveled to reach the target, starting from the teleporter.
Whenever the teleport pad is moved, the offset must be recalculated. The sit target is then updated.
offset = (target- llGetPos()) *
(ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);
} Likewise, when the teleport pad is first created, the offset must be recalculated. Additionally, the sit text is specified. Rotation is also taken into account and neutralized.
llSetText("Teleport pad",<0,0,0>,1.0);
offset = (target- llGetPos()) *
(ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);
} When a user sits on the teleport pad, their avatar sits at the target location. The avatar is then stood up.
changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY)

I haven't worked in SecondLife for a while, but isn't sit target maximized to 10 meters distance, anyway? And can't people just as easily use sit targets to get past walls and into areas that they shouldn't be in? The best way to do this is not to use scripts (because they can always be bypassed, even push scripts for area security and the like), and instead to just use SecondLife's built-in land security for your plot. Just don't allow anybody except your group to access that parcel at all.
If you really want to do it your way, the function you're looking for is llSameGroup. Just make sure to assign the proper group to your object, then llSameGroup(key id) will return whether or not the passed id is in the same group as the object.
Because SecondLife sucks in many ways in terms of object access and catching events, if I remember correctly you're going to have to keep the sit target in the wrong place at first, then only move it to the correct location if the user sitting is in the same group. Otherwise, the best you can do is have the user sit on it, and because the target is moved already, by the time your script kicks them off your teleporter they will already have teleported where you don't want them to go.
A better option might be to make a teleporter that doesn't use sit target, but actually moves itself to wherever the target location is. That way, you can make it so that it simply doesn't move unless someone of the same group is sitting in it. Doing that is very very simple.
vector targetPos = <100,100,100>;
vector originPos;
originPos = llGetPos();
changed(integer type)
if(type & CHANGED_LINK && llGetAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY)
llWhisper(0,"Going up!");
key sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
//If someone is not sitting here, go back home.
if (sitter == NULL_KEY)
//If we've reached the origin, stop the timer.
if (llGetPos() == originPos)
//If someone is sitting here, go towards the teleport.
//Before we move, make sure that they're in our group.
if (llSameGroup(sitter))
llWhisper(0,"Get off me, man!");
//If we've reached the target, unsit the sitter.
if (llGetPos() == targetPos)
llWhisper(0,"We've arrived!");
I just wrote that from scratch after having not played SL for more than a couple years, so please let me know everyone if you spot errors. :-)

Yeah, there appears to be an error somewhere. I'm pretty sure all brackets are closed so it's most likely in the body of the script. I'll keep looking, let you know if I spot it.


Is there a way to prevent node glitching shaking during collisions?

The function (code below) simply moves a character node (contact.nodeA) back after it has penetrated a collision node (contact.nodeB) that it's not allowed to pass through.
In a scenario where a user is trying to move the character node (contact.nodeA) while it's stuck in a corner, etc. the scene/character repeatedly shakes/glitches while its position is repeatedly being moved back away from contact.nodeB at 60hz.
Is it possible with SCNPhysicsContact in SceneKit to prevent contact.nodeA from moving forward into contact.nodeB in the first place? (ie., why does "contact.penetrationDistance" occur at all? Why can't we just be alerted when a physics contact has begun w/o contact.nodeA actually moving forward into contact.nodeB? We are, after all, catching the contact on "didBegin" yet there's already penetration that we have to readjust.)
(When a user is trying to move the character node while it's "stuck" in a corner, or between two rocks, etc.)
Or, is there another solution to prevent the repeated shaking of contact.nodeA as its position is repeatedly being readjusted to compensate for its penetration into contact.nodeB? Transform instead of position change?
I've already tried setting momentum to 0.0 and removing all animations, etc. However, since contact is still occurring with contact.nodeB, contact.nodeA cannot be moved away since its momentum is still being stopped during contact with nodeB.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private func characterNode(_ characterNode: SCNNode, hitWall wall: SCNNode, withContact contact: SCNPhysicsContact) {
if != "collider" { return }
if maxPenetrationDistance > contact.penetrationDistance { return }
var characterPosition = float3(characterNode.parent!.position)
var positionOffset = float3(contact.contactNormal) * Float(contact.penetrationDistance)
maxPenetrationDistance = contact.penetrationDistance
characterPosition.y += positionOffset.y
replacementPositions[characterNode.parent!] = SCNVector3(characterPosition)
extension GameViewController : SCNPhysicsContactDelegate {
func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didBegin contact: SCNPhysicsContact) {
if gameState != .playing { return }
contact.match(BitmaskWall) {
(matching, other) in
if == "collider" {
self.characterNode(other, hitWall: matching, withContact: contact)

Processing - How to log Strings in txt file?

Im getting more and more frustrated on why this is not doing what i want to. I need to have a text file that logs the last 10 buttons the user pressed, i tried in two ways but…
…this code only saves the last button pressed:
String [][] buttonsPressed = { {"Pressed one"}, {"Pressed two"} };
String[] sum;
void setup() {
size(700, 350);
sum = loadStrings("scores.txt");
void draw() {
void keyPressed() {
if ((key=='1')) {
saveStrings("scores.txt", buttonsPressed[0]);
if ((key=='2')) {
saveStrings("scores.txt", buttonsPressed[1]);
if ((key == ENTER)) {
…this code saves the buttons pressed but overwrites itself when i run the sketch again (probably has something to do with createWriter):
PrintWriter sum;
void setup() {
size(700, 350);
sum = createWriter("scores.txt");
void draw() {
void keyPressed() {
if ((key=='1')) {
sum.println("pressed one");
if ((key=='2')) {
sum.println("pressed two");
if ((key == ENTER)) {
String[] lines = loadStrings("scores.txt");
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
printArray("[" + i + "] " + lines[i]);
Is there a simple way to do this without using libraries ? Please get me in the right direction :)
Break your problem down into smaller steps.
Step 1: At the beginning of your program, read in the existing history file. Store them in some kind of data structure, like an array or an ArrayList.
Step 2: Make the data structure keep track of the last 10 buttons pressed. You'll need to write code that adds the newest button pressed to the end of the data structure, and if the data structure contains more than 10 items, you have to remove the oldest item. Maybe do this in a separate example sketch where you just print the data structure to the console and don't worry about outputting it to a file just yet.
Step 3: Output the data structure to a file. You don't have to worry about appending to the file because your data structure contains the entire history, so you can just overwrite the file with the entire data structure. You'll probably want to do this every time the data structure changes. Again, maybe do this in a separate example program before worrying about where the data is coming from: maybe make a program that outputs an array of random numbers every time the user clicks?
Focus on one small step at a time, and try creating small example programs for each step. Then when you get stuck, you can ask a specific question and provide an MCVE, and we'll go from there. Good luck.

Storing story data for text adventure AS3

I've been on and off creating a text adventure using a rudimentary engine I made for about a year.
For the story, I have a object array(is that what it's called?) with various story data stuff that I parse through
I've been told that using it the way I am is stupid because it's supposed to be used for other stuff but I only use it because it was easy to learn how to parse the data since I was a beginner
It's getting tedious writing the story and doing stuff for each part (creating the backgrounds and such) since it's so long.
Is there any kind of way I can make it easier for me to write the story?
Here's the object array with a single part set up (with choices)
public static var parts:Object =
"text":"Text here",
"background": Assets.AssetClass.Background1,
Here's an example of how my engine deals with parts and changing them:
I have a input checker to check when enter is pressed and then do stuff depending on what is on the screen
public function onEnter(button:KeyboardEvent):void
if (button.keyCode == 32 && !Won)
if (Dead && textFinished && !choosing) // pressing enter while dead and the text is still writing
curPart = parts[curPart]["lastPart"] // lastPart will only be stored in parts that have the player die
textFinished = false
Dead = false;
myTextField.text = ""
counter = 0;
sInt = setInterval(addCharackter, textSpeed)
if (stage.getChildByName("cText"))
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("background")) //check if the background needs to change.
if (stage.getChildByName("img"))
background = new Background(parts[curPart], 800, 600)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
if (!textFinished && !choosing)// pressing enter when there's no choices on the screen and the text isn't finished and the text is still writing
this.myTextField.text =[this.curPart]["text"];
this.textFinished = true;
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("choices"))
choosing = true
createOptions(); // function for parsing through the responses bit of that part and displaying them
stage.addChildAt(continueText, 2)
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("lastPart"))
Dead = true;
else if (textFinished && !choosing && !Dead) // pressing enter if there's no choices on the screen and there's no choices (it'll take you to the next part)
trace("Text finished!!")
curPart = parts[curPart]["nextPart"]
myTextField.text = ""
counter = 0;
sInt = setInterval(addCharackter, textSpeed)
textFinished = false;
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("background"))
if (stage.getChildByName("img"))
background = new Background(parts[curPart], 800, 600)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
if (parts[curPart].hasOwnProperty("BGM")) // does the current part have a new background music?
sndBGMusic = musicArray[parts[curPart]["BGM"]]
sndBGMusicChannel =, 9999999999)
stage.addChildAt(background, 0)
A couple ideas here. These are just things I would do differently than what you have done. I don't guarantee that they are better in any way, but see what you think.
I would have a global variable for _curPart. And I would have a custom class called Part. That class would have properties like _BGM, _bgImage etc. It could have a _choicesArray as a property as well. I'd have other global variables like _hasCandle. Or you can store items in an array and if you need the candle just check if candle is in the array. These global variables will persist from one part to the next.
Then you can access the properties of the part you are in by doing _curPart._bgImage. To me, that looks and feels cleaner.
And to create a new part it could look like (incomplete):
var p15:Part = new Part();
p15._bgImage = image15;
p15._BGM = song10;
The last thing I'd recommend is to try to refactor where you can. For example, where you have //pressing enter if there's no choic... replace all of that code in that bracket with a one or a few function calls (whatever makes the most sense and allows you to reuse code). It just makes it easier to see what's going on, I think. So instead of all these if blocks, just a function like nextPart(); and then that function will have all your if blocks in it. Make sense? Personal preference, but when things are getting complicated, refactoring helps me clear out the cobwebs. Just like you do with dead() and createOptions() but I'd just take it one step further. This won't make your code more efficient, but it might make writing your code more efficient which is paramount in my book (until it's not).

Kinect SDK 1.5 - Face Tracking : WPF tracking problems

I'm working with the new face tracking SDK of Kinect (Microsoft Official), and I noticed that there's difference in detection between c++ and c#-wpf example: the first one is way faster in recognition than the second (the one I want to use, actually). In the c++ version the face tracking is almost on the fly, while in the wpf one it starts ONLY when I put my entire body (so the entire skeleton) in the FOV of Kinect.
Did anyone found out why? I noticed that the skeletonframe provided shows the property "Trackingmode = default", even though I set the kinect skeleton stream on seated.
// Update the list of trackers and the trackers with the current frame information
foreach (Skeleton skeleton in this.skeletonData)
if (skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
|| skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
// We want keep a record of any skeleton, tracked or untracked.
if (!this.trackedSkeletons.ContainsKey(skeleton.TrackingId))
this.trackedSkeletons.Add(skeleton.TrackingId, new SkeletonFaceTracker());
// Give each tracker the upated frame.
SkeletonFaceTracker skeletonFaceTracker;
if (this.trackedSkeletons.TryGetValue(skeleton.TrackingId,
out skeletonFaceTracker))
skeletonFaceTracker.LastTrackedFrame = skeletonFrame.FrameNumber;
The code is the one provide my microsoft with the 1.5 SDK.
I had some information in other forums, specifically here (Thanks to this guy (blog)):
MSDN forum link
Basically, in the c++ example all the methods to track the face are used, both color+depth and color+depth+skeleton, while in the c# only the latter is used. So it only starts when you stand up.
I did some tests, but the other method is still not working for me, I did some modification to the code but with no luck. Here is my modification:
internal void OnFrameReady(KinectSensor kinectSensor, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat, byte[] colorImage, DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat, short[] depthImage)
if (this.faceTracker == null)
this.faceTracker = new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.FaceTracker(kinectSensor);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// During some shutdown scenarios the FaceTracker
// is unable to be instantiated. Catch that exception
// and don't track a face.
//Debug.WriteLine("AllFramesReady - creating a new FaceTracker threw an InvalidOperationException");
this.faceTracker = null;
if (this.faceTracker != null)
FaceTrackFrame frame = this.faceTracker.Track(
//new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.Rect(100,100,500,400));
this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded = frame.TrackSuccessful;
if (this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded)
if (faceTriangles == null)
// only need to get this once. It doesn't change.
faceTriangles = frame.GetTriangles();
this.facePointsProjected = frame.GetProjected3DShape();
this.rotationVector = frame.Rotation;
this.translationVector = frame.Translation;
this.faceRect = frame.FaceRect;
this.facepoints3D = frame.Get3DShape();
frame.TrackSuccessful is always false. Any idea?
I finally figured it out and made a post on MSDN forums regarding what else needs to be done to get this working.
It's here.
Hope that helps!

access a movie clip on a certain frame within an array as3

I have movie clip in an array (newStep) that is being added to the stage dynamically. It's randomly choosing a frame to go to every time an instance is added. There is a nested movie clip (stepLine) that i need to change the alpha of. This code actually works for adding a string to to the dynamic text box (pointsDText) but when i try to access the nested movie clip (stepLine) it gives me 1009 null object reference error. The funny thing is the code actually works and does change the alpha of the movie clip but i still get that error, and i think it's making my game more glitchy. I've tried using if(contains(steps[r].stepLine)) too but it doesn't work. Is there a better way to access this movie clip without getting the error?
if(newStep != null){
for(var r:int = 0; r<steps.length;r++){
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "points"){
steps[r].pointsDText.text = String(hPoints);
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "special"){
steps[r].stepLine.alpha = sStepAlpha;
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "life"){
steps[r].stepLine.alpha = hStepAlpha;
This is so difficult to explain but i hope you understand.
Thanks so much.
A null reference error happens when you try to access properties of a variable that doesn't point to any object -- a null reference. You're effectively trying to access an object that doesn't exist. For example, perhaps stepLine doesn't exist in one of those instances, so stepLine.alpha is causing the error. (How do you set the alpha of a non-existent clip?) Maybe the steps[r] clip is on a frame where there is not yet any stepLine MovieClip.
You should run the movie in debug mode by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter in the Flash IDE. This should show you the exact line that causes the error, and it will let you inspect the values of any variables at that point. This should help you track down the problem. Similarly, you can use trace statements to aid in debugging. For example, you could trace(steps[r].stepLine); to check for null values, or even simply if(!steps[r].stepLine) trace("ERROR");. Additionally, if you wrap your accesses in if statements, you can avoid the null reference errors, even though this doesn't really address the underlying problem:
if(newStep != null){
for(var r:int = 0; r<steps.length;r++){
// only touch things if the movieclip actually exists
if(steps[r] && steps[r].stepLine){
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "points"){
steps[r].pointsDText.text = String(hPoints);
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "special"){
steps[r].stepLine.alpha = sStepAlpha;
if(steps[r].currentLabel == "life"){
steps[r].stepLine.alpha = hStepAlpha;
