Does Postgres' Spatial plugin, or any Spatial package for that manner, factor in the altitude when calculating the distance between 2 points?
I know the Spatial packages factor in the approximate curvature of the earth but if one location is at the top of a mountain and the other location is close to the sea - it seems like the calculated difference between those two points would greatly vary if the difference in altitude was not factored into account.
Also keep in mind that if I have 2 points are at the same ocean altitude but a mountain exists between the 2 points - the distance package should account for this.
Those factors are not being counted at all. Why? The software only knows about the two features (the two points you are getting the distance, the sphere/spheroid and a datum/projection factor).
For that to happen you need to probably use a developed linestring, in which you will connect your point with n vertices, each of them being Z aware.
Imagine this (loose WKT): LINESTRING((0,1,2),(0,2,3),(0,3,4),(0,10,15),(0,11,-1)).
Asking the software to calculate the distance between each vertex and summing it up, will consider the variations of terrain. But without something like that, it is impossible to map for irregularities in terrain.
All GIS softwares cannot tell, by themselves, what are those irregularities in terrain, and therefore, not take them in account.
You can create such linestrings (automatically) with softwares like ArcGIS (and others), using a line (between two points), and a surface file, such as the ones provided freely by NASA (SRTM project). These files come in a raster format, and each pixel has a X Y and Z value, in meters. Traversing the line you want, coupled with that terrain profile, you can achieve the calculation you want to achieve. If you need to have super extra precise calculations, you need a precise surface, and precise Z values in each vertex of this profile line.
That cleared up?
If the distance formula you're using does not take the altitude of the two points as parameters (in addition to the Latitudes and Longitudes of the two points), then it does not factor in altitude to the distance calculation. In any event, altitude difference does not have a very significant effect on calculated distance.
As usual with GPS, the difference in distance calculations that altitude would make is probably smaller than the error in most commercial GPS devices anyway, so in most applications altitude can be safely dispensed with (altitude measurements themselves are pretty inaccurate with commercial GPS devices, although survey data on altitudes is quite accurate).
PostgreSQL does not factor in altitude when calculating distances. It is all done in a planar surface.
Most of database spatial packages will not take this into account, altought, if your point is 3d, i.e., has a Z coordinate that might happend.
I don´t have PostgreSQL in this machine, but try this.
It´s fairly easy to know if it is taking into account your Z value, since the return should be > 0; If that turns out to be true, just create Z aware features, and you will be successfull.
What SQL SERVER 2008, for example, takes into account when calculating distances, is the position of a Geography feature in a sphere. Geometry features in SQL SERVER will always use planar calculations.
EDIT: checked this in PostGIS manual
For Z aware points you must use the ST_MakePoint function. It takes up to 4 arguments (X Y Z and M). St_POINT only takes two (X Y)
ST_DISTANCE = 2D calculations
ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE documentation (takes in account a fixed sphere for calculations - aka not planar)
ST_DISTANCE_SPHEROID documentation (takes into account a choosen spheroid for your calculations)
ST_POINT documentation
I have a global IGBP land use dataset in which the land cover exists out of forest cover (depicted with a '1') and non-forest cover (depicted with a '0'), hence, each land grid cell has either the value 1 or 0.
This dataset has a spatial resolution of approximately 1 km at the equator, however, I am going to regrid the dataset to a spatial resolution of approx 100 km at the equator. For this new grid resolution I want to calculate the fraction of forest cover (so the fraction of 1's) for each grid cell, but I am not sure how this can be done without GIS. Is there a way to do this with cdo remapping or perhaps with python?
Thank you in advance!
if you want to translate to a new grid that is an integer multiple of the original then you can do
cdo gridboxmean,n,m
where n and m are the numbers of points to average over in the lon and lat directions.
Otherwise you can interpolate using the conversative remapping which means that you don't need to worry if the new grid is not a multiple of the old
cdo remapcon,new_grid_specification
Note that in the latter case, however, the result is only first order accurate. There is also a slightly slower second order conservative remapping available using the command remapcon2. The paper describing the two implemented conservative remapping methods is Jones (1999). For further info on remapping you can also see my video guide.
Thanks to Robert for reminding also that you may need to convert to float, which would mean using the option
cdo -b f32
My question is probably a duplicate, but all the answers I have seen so far do not satisfy me or still leaves me in doubt.
I have a web application that uses Google Maps API to draw and save shapes (circles and polygons) in a SQL Server DB with the geometry data type (where I save lat/long coordinates) and an SRID = 4326.
My objective is to later on, determine if a point is contained in the area of those circles/polygons thanks to SQL function geometry::ST_Intersects().
I have been told so far that my method wouldn't work because I am using geometry instead of geography. But to my surprise... after checking with a few tests, it works perfectly well with geometry and I am not able to understand why or how?
Could somebody explain to me why the geometry type works well with operations on lat/long whereas geography would be more suited?
I post as an answer because as comment is too long
geometry works well to the extent that your intersections are approximable to flat intersections.
the difference between geometry and geography consists in the fact that the former works by hypothesizing to work on plane surfaces the second on spherical surfaces. in the case in which the polygons in question are related to small areas in the order of a few thousand meters geometry works very well. the difference between measured distance by imagining that the points lie on a plane or that the points lie on the earth's sphere is so small as to be negligible. Unlike the question if the points are a few hundred kilometers in this case the distance measured in the plane or on the sphere is very different and proportionally is also the result of the intersection between these areas
What is the Difference between Geodist(sfield,x,y) and dist(2,x,y,a,b) in Apache Solr for Geo-Spacial Searches ??
dist(2,x,y,0,0) :- calculates the Euclidean distance between (0,0) and (x,y) for each document. Return the Distance between two Vectors (points) in an n-dimensional space.
I was earlier using geodist() distance function for Geo-Spatial searches on my website but its response time was large. so have done a POC(proof of concept) for different distance functions and found that dist(2,x,y,0,0) distance function is relatively taking half of the time. But I want to know the reason behind this and the algorithms which both functions are using to calculate the distance.
I have to make a difference matrix for the same to convey it further.
The main difference is that geodist() is intended to work with spatial field types.
Most spatial implementation are based on Lucene's Points API, which is a BKD Index. This field type is strictly limited to coordinates in lat/lon decimal degrees. Behind the scenes, latitude and longitude are indexed as separate numbers. Four main field types are available for spatial search :
LatLonType (now deprecated) and its non-geodetic twin PointType
SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType (RPT for short), including RptWithGeometrySpatialField, a derivative
BBoxField (for areas, 4 instances of another field type referred to by numberType)
In geodist (sfield, x, y), sfield is a spatial field type that represents two points (lat,lon), so the direct equivalent using dist() would be to implement dist (2, sfieldX, sfieldY, x, y) with sfieldX and sfieldY being respectively the (lat,lon) coordinates of sfield.
Using dist (power, a, b, ...) you can't query a spatial field type. In order to perform the same spatial search, you would have to specify every point's dimension separately. It would require 2 indexed fields (or values per field at least) for 2 dimensions, 3 for 3d, and so on. That makes a huge difference because you would have to index every coordinates of each point separately.
Besides, you can also use geodist() as is with the BBoxField field type that indexes a single rectangle per document field and supports searching via a bounding box. To do the same with dist() you would have to compute the center point of the box to input each one of its coordinates as a function argument, so it would be too much hassle to yield the same result if you want to use an area as parameter.
Lastly, LatLonPointSpatialField for example does distance calculations based on Haversine formula (Great Circle), BBoxField does it a little faster because the rectangular shape is faster to compute. It's true that dist() may be even faster but remember that requires more field to be indexed, a lot of preprocess at query time to be able to yield the same calculated distance, and, as mentioned by Mats, it wouldn't take the earth' curvature into account.
An euclidean distance doesn't account for the curvature of the earth. If you're only sorting by the distance, the behavior can be OK - but only if your hits are within a small geographical area (the value of a unit compared to meters greatly change when you're getting closer to the poles).
There's an extensive and good answer that explains the difference between a Euclidean distance and a proper geographical distance (usually calculated using haversine) available at the GIS Stack Exchange.
Although at small scales any smooth surface looks like a plane, the accuracy of the Pythagorean formula depends on the coordinates used. When those coordinates are latitude and longitude on a sphere (or ellipsoid), we can expect that
Distances along lines of longitude will be reasonably accurate.
Distances along the Equator will be reasonably accurate.
All other distances will be erroneous, in rough proportion to the differences in latitude and longitude.
As we know in ordinary linear interpolation, the final destination is fixed. I want to use a camera to catch the moving objects and the coordinate can be the final destination. Anybody could help me finish this algorithm in C code?
Assuming that you're trying to track a moving object with a gimballed camera, the problem is the mismatch between the linear, constant speed assumption and the motion of the camera. Even if your object is moving at a constant speed, the camera will have to rotate at a non-constant speed to keep track of the object. For example, the camera will have to rotate quickly when the object is near the camera, but will rotate very slowly when the object is far away.
1) Figure out the Cartesian (XYZ) coordinates of the starting and ending points.
2) Compute a sequence of linear interpolations between the start and end point in Cartesian space. This is a sequence of points in Cartesian space that estimate the object's trajectory.
3) Convert the sequence of Cartesian points from the Cartesian coordinate system to the Spherical coordinate system.
4) The spherical coordinates Theta and Phi are the angles that your camera must move through in time.
All of the computations described above are simple and closed-form. You shouldn't need to apply any "real-time" programming techniques aside basic concepts like no dynamic allocation and no interpreted or garbage collected languages. If reliability is very important then you will want to employ a suitable real-time OS. Linux has a good real-time patch that provides pretty good soft-real-time performance.
I have a rather specific spatial search I need to do. Basically, have an object (lets call it obj1) with two locations, lets call them point A and point B.
I then have a collection of objects(lets call each one obj2) each with their own A and B locations.
I want to return the top 10 objects from the collection sorted by:
(distance from obj1 A to obj2A) + (the distance from obj1B to obj2B)
Any ideas?
Here's a little more detail on the documents and how I want to compare them.
The domain model:
ListingId int
Title string
Price double
Origin Location
Destination Location
Post / Zipcode string
Latitude decimal
Longitude decimal
What i want to do is take a listing object (not in the database) and compare it with the collection of listings in the database. I want the query to return the top 12 (or x) number of listings sorted by the crow flies distance from the origins plus the crow flies distance from destinations.
I don't care about the distance from origin to destination - only about the distance of origin to origin plus destination to destination.
Basically Im trying to find listings where the starting and ending locations are close.
Please let me know if I can clarify more.
Here is how one would solve such a problem in
mysql 4.1 &
mysql 5.
The link from mysql 4.1 seems quite helpful, esp. the first example, it's pretty much what you are asking about.
But if this is not quite helpful, I guess you'd have to loop and do queries either on obj1 or obj2 against its counterpart table.
From algorithmic perspective, I'd find the center of the bounding box, then picked candidates with increasing radius while I find enough.
Also I just want to remind that crow fly distance over the globe is not Pythagoras distance and different formula must be used:
public static double GetDistance(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
double deltaLat = DegreesToRadians(lat2 - lat1);
double deltaLong = DegreesToRadians(lng2 - lng1);
double a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) +
* Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(lat2))
* Math.Pow(Math.Sin(deltaLong / 2), 2);
return earthMeanRadiusMiles * (2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)));
Sounds like you're building a rideshare website. :)
The bottom line is that in order to sort your query result by surface distance, you'll need spatial indexing built into the database engine. I think your options here are MySQL with OpenGIS extensions (already mentioned) or PostgreSQL with PostGIS. It looks like it's possible in ravenDB too:
But if that's not an option, there's a few other ways. Let's simplify the problem and say you just want to sort your database records by their distance to location A, since you're just doing that twice and summing the result.
The simplest solution is to pull every record from the database and calculate the distance to location A one by one, then sort, in code. Trouble is, you end up doing a lot of redundant computations and pulling down the entire table for every query.
Let's once again simplify and pretend we only care about the Chebyshev (maximum) distance. This will work for narrowing our scope within the db before we get more accurate. We can do a "binary search" for nearby records. We must decide an approximate number of closest records to return; let's say 10. Then we query inside of a square area, let's say 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude (that's about 60x60 miles) around the location of interest. Let's say our location of interest is lat,lng=43.5,86.5. Then our db query is SELECT COUNT(*) FROM locations WHERE (lat > 43 AND lat < 44) AND (lng > 86 AND lng < 87). If you have indexes on the lat/lng fields, that should be a fast query.
Our goal is to get just above 10 total results inside the box. Here's where the "binary search" comes in. If we only got 5 results, we double the box area and search again. If we got 100 results, we cut the area in half and search again. If we get 3 results immediately after that, we increase the box area by 50% (instead of 100%) and try again, proceeding until we get close enough to our 10 result target.
Finally we take this manageable set of records and calculate their euclidean distance from the location of interest, and sort, in code.
Good luck!
I do not think that you find a solution directly out of the box.
It'll be much more efficient if you use a bounding sphere instead of a bounding box to specify your object.
C = ( A + B)/2 and R = distance(A,B) /2
You do not precise how much data you want to compare. And if you want to see the closests or the farthest objects pair.
For both case, I think that you have to encode C coordinate as a path in an octtree if you are using 3D or quadtree if you are using 2D.
This is a first draft I can add more information if this not enough.
If you are not familiar with 3D start with 2D it easier to start with.
I show your latest add, it seems that your problem is very similar to clash detection algorithm.
I think that if you change the coordinate system of the "end-point" by polar coordinate relative to the "start-point". If you round the radial coordinate to your tolerance (x miles), and order them by this value.