Mobile phone (iPhone, Windows CE, Symbian, Android) search engines (text indexers)? - mobile

I'm looking for search engines that will run on one or more of the mobile platforms listed in the title.
Something like Lucene (which 'should' run on Android) or minion.
What are my alternatives on each platform? Have you made them run? What are the limitations you stumbled upon (cannot index more than 20 megs, for example)?

There are some smaller and lighter Java search engines, that might be the way to go.
And now I'm fascinated: if you could, please tell me more about what you want to index and search on a mobile phone. Personal data? Cached html pages? Recipes?


Does mobile-first-indexing mean developing in a lower res?

I just got notification that my site is now in the mobile first index in Google.
So does this mean that I should change my developing and work at a lower resolution oprimarily and then check "just to make" that it looks OK at higher resolutions?
I would imagine that there's very few people looking at my website on a mobile device due to its nature.
Tablets and smaller PCs maybe though.
I also got notified on Google Search Console.
I don't think that to optimize for it is to lower your website resolution.
Some basic optimization I might suggest are:
Make your website responsive
Avoid using heavy fonts and images
You can declutter your mobile view from the desktop, do not worry if the content will be different, as long that it will still relevant to your desktop.
Make sure your pages are crawlable by search engine robots (Check your javascript)
You can check this timely discussion about optimizing for mobile-first indexing

Desktop Browser to Mobile Browser?

I already have a website with huge database which is good for Desktop browser my site is on Joomla base. Now i want to develop for Smartphone (like iphone, android, nokia) and mobile browsers. So how can i achieve this goal what is the best way of doing this.
Mobile Sites like Yahoo, Youtube i want to developed something like this because i'm new to developing mobile sites so any one can suggest me the right way for developing the mobile version for my current Desktop Site.
Thanks in advance
There are extensions for Joomla that style your site for mobile usage here:
It makes sense to test your site using the emulators for iPhone, Android and Symbian at some stage before you release. Each software development kit includes the ability to use the mobile browser.
Note that this is not the whole story. You'll want to consider:
Mobile users have much smaller displays. You'll need to rework your UI to take account of this.
Mobile users have large fingers. You'll need to rework your buttons and links to take account of this.
Mobile users tend to consume content rather than create it. Optimise accordingly.
Searching for data with e.g. traditional search boxes is tricky; you may need to rework to use scrolling through lists.
Above all: test, test, test!
Have a look at

Mobile Development: Same or Different Sites?

I am considering developing a mobile edition of a web site for an application, and I'm considering whether to revamp my existing site to work for mobile, or create separate web sites. It seems to me even though some tout the benefits of CSS's capabilities, separate web sites is the way to go. Although devices like the IPAD and other 10" devices can support a full screen view, handling support for a limited view for devices with a 4" or 7" screen is a good way to go?
Factoring in phones, tablets, notebooks, and other third party devices, do you think its possible to use the same site across web and mobile environments, or definitely consider a separate site?
Ultimately, this will come down to the individual preferences of your site's visitors.
Personally, when I visit a site on my phone, I get annoyed when I'm automatically redirected to some mobile version. When I access the site in such a manner, I'm usually trying to look up something quickly -- not looking to learn how to navigate around an essentially different site.
So, I would say that if you do design a different site for mobile users, attempt to stay true in some ways to your original layout, and don't vastly change the reorganization or URLs.
Having said that, I'd still say the better route would be to change your current design slightly so that it works well on both. Good luck.
Factoring in phones, tablets, notebooks, and other third party devices, do you think its possible to use the same site across web and mobile environments, or definitely consider a separate site?
Absolutely, yes. Lots of great examples at

Is it advisable to have a mobile version of a web application?

With the advent of smart phones, individuals are now able to access a given site or application in one of three ways:
Through the same site that is rendered on desktop machines
Through a minimized mobile version of the site
Through a proprietary mobile application
In an ideal world, users could choose from any of those three methods. However, there is a cost associated with implementing additional interfaces on top of the existing Web interface.
I'm seeking verifiable information (statistics, trends, Gartner predictions, etc.) that could help someone justify the creation of a minimized mobile site and/or proprietary mobile applications vs. having a well-crafted site that renders fine in mobile browsers.
I found an article covering Nielsen's 2009 recommendation but the article seems to suggest that you should address mobile users, not so much how to determine which method(s) are more appropriate (not to mention there aren't any references to mobile apps).
If your site renders fine in mobile browsers, why would you need a minimized one? Remember not everyone has an iPhone. Blackberry users usually need a special version, unless your site has Wikipedia like simplicity.
You can look at your logs and see how many users come that have mobile phones. Check this against the bounce rate, this will tell you if they can view your site or not.

Which platform is used in companies now-a-days to implement mobile applications?

Basically i would like to know which platform is currently used to develop mobile applications i.e. J2ME etc etc...
Also any new ideas on mobile applications would be quite helpful.
Generally, the approach is to go for a website, if possible, and adapt it to each phone using a 'device detection layer'. We use DeviceAtlas.
If you want to write native applications for each phone, then you need to do it in each of the native languages (and there are a lot).
Symbian/Java: Greatest 'penetration'
iPhone/iPod Touch: Latest trend, objective-c for this.
Android: I think this is a variant of Java, and will be a very marginal component of the market for a long time, though maybe high among a certain type of techies.
Basically, you are going to need to profile your market, and determine the best approach. But as I said, in general, you'd prefer a website, and mostly, a website is all you need.
There is a framework called Rhodes by Rhomobile that allows development of native applications for all major smartphones. See my answer to a similar question earlier this year.
We are primarily targeting the iPhone, but don't always make an iPhone-specific application. The web browser on the iPhone is good enough that a lot of our web apps just run there ok. So many of the apps we're writing continue to be done using the same platforms we've always used. We're a big institution so this runs the gamut from J2EE and .NET to Php and Ruby.
Mobile-only apps are developed in XCode (or web versions in DashCode).
If you need to cover multiple mobile (esp. smartphone) platforms, Javascript (with HTML and CSS) may be the only way to go, despite all its limitations. You get under the radar of Apple's iPhone app vetting, it's the only way to target Pre, you can also cover Blackberry, Android, Windows Mobile, AND Nokia on a single codebase... unless the limitations are just TOO stifling for your specific purposes, it sure seems like the way to go!
