cookies in winforms - winforms

I want to save user name and password in a cookie.mine is a win forms application.Please advice how can we do this.

In win Forms you should use registry,files,databases.... not cookies, cookies for web applications that usually be displayed in web browsers.

I would suggest using a password protected SQLite database (see System.Data.SQLite) and storing whatever you want there.
Also, do remember to hash your passwords!

This is not supposed to be an answers - more of a comment. Apologies if I posted it in the wrong way:
I expect the person asking the question may be aware that this is not the optimal way to store info in a winforms app. I would also like to know how to do this as a possible way of passing information from a website to a desktop app? For example you want the same app to do different things depending on information pass to the app from the website.
I've found that you can Retrieve Query String Information in a ClickOnce Application ( which allows you to pass information from a site to an app. I want to know if cookies could also be used to do this.
I suspect it would be difficult and not practical in many situations to read info from a cookie in this way. One way I can think of doing this is putting a GUID in a cookie and also hardcoing that GUID into the app and running a find in files over the computer to find it. I realise that's a very ugly method but I would like to know what's possible.
I suppose another way might be to embeded a Webbrowser control in a winforms app and get the Webbrowser control to load a page containing JavaScript which reads that cookie. You would then need some way of passing that back to the .NET code though?

First, we can't use Cookies in WinForm applications.. it's a Web side functionality, but you can do something else..
For instance, once I had to do the same thing... to save the latest user connected to the application. I did it with a database (I prefere database, because txt files are not that safe.. we can erase them by mistake..)
So I suggest to save the username (and password in your case) on the database after every Connection event.
Hope that was usefull.


What is the best option to create share button? (react)

I saw a lot of option in order to create share interaction with users:
Web share API:
It seems compatible with Progressive-Web-App, but it's not well supported by firefox (
Simple Sharer:
If I understood well, it doesn't work for mobile, am I right?
Seems to work on every browser, but I don't know if it's PWA-friendly. Seems to be the best option, but I'm not sure... The last update was 1 year ago ( so maybe it will not be maintained through times...
What do you use for your app? What do you recommand?
Do you know better alternatives?
My need for the App is to share URL through social media or mail/text or ??? etc. No file in theory. And I'd like to have adapted preview on social media when the user share something.
I have used react-share personally and it was unable to open some of the apps in mobile like whatsapp, etc.
The workaround is deep-links.
if user is using a smartphone or a tablet (we can easily get this using navigator.userAgent) then you can use the app based deep-links otherwise the traditional way in which you can redirect user to a new web page.
Some of the examples:
Instagram: Answer is already given here
NOTE: deep-link works if the user has installed the application on desktop as well (never tried for macOS but for windows and ubuntu it works)
After edit:
You can use emailto: in href while writing <a .../>.
Share this link
For more reference about mailto please visit this MDN doc:

Locomotive CMS Detect and Display Views for Mobile

I have a LocomotiveCMS site up and running on Heroku. I can edit my templates locally and push using Wagon. It works great!
However, I'd like to be able to serve a separate set of views for mobile devices (phones really) vs desktop/tablet. Can it be done easily? Will it require large modifications to the engine?
EDIT: I should add that I have done this before for a basic Rails app with no issues. I know how to detect a mobile device by examining the user agent and creating a separate folder (such as views_mobile) to store the mobile views. Would like to be able to do the same for LocomotiveCMS
That's a tough question. For the next version of LocomotiveCMS (v3), we'll use a full stack of middleware so that it will be easy to add your own custom behaviors.
But, for the current version of the engine, it's not that easy. However, I'm thinking about something. Perhaps you could create a Route constraint for the mobile detection (
Then, you would modify your routes.rb by adding this:
match '*path' => 'locomotive/public/pages#show', page_path: 'mobile-index', constraint:
Never tested so it might not work :-) Happy patching!

Prompt user to install/view app on mobile site

Does there exist some kind of plugin or lightweight method of determining whether
A. A user is using a mobile device
B. The user has a particular app
C. The user does not have a particular app.
And depending on what criteria the user satisfies, display a prompt (modal, overlay, pop-up) that allows the user to view the app (if installed) or to install it (if they do not have it installed).
I realize "A" can be achieved by using media queries but I am not sure how to configure the others.
I've seen this done on many many sites so I know that it is not uncommon (view screenshot). Ideally I just want to implement some quick solution. I'm looking for something similar to "Hello Bar" for mobile only, I suppose.
Any help will be appreciated.
Example: (the prompt at the top of the browser)
I ended up finding this:
Which is exactly what I was looking for and will work in tandem with the other solutions.
I would try this approach if you really need to know if a user has your app installed.
When your app is installed and first run have it create a cookie. The only thing you have to remember to use is the CookieSyncManager because the set Cookies are stored in RAM and not storage, CookieSyncManager will sync these two.
Once you've set the cookie you can then read the Cookie with the website, if its there show popup etc. Oh and only show this popup only if its a mobile device:
Android Developer On CookieSyncManager:
Bolg Post Explaining the Usage of the CookieSyncManager:
I know how to do this with android not iOS or Windows...
There's no standard way to do this.
See the end of this post: for one mechanism available to JavaScript in IE10.
IE10's Metro environment offers this: but I don't think that exists for the mobile browser.

Maintaining a user session in silverlight 4

I would like to implement basic login and authentication in my Silverlight application. I have a users table with username and password columns and ideally would like to:
create a login screen (can do)
validate the login (can do)
create a "session token" that times out after X hours
route certain pages based on user authenication
Im not quite sure of the best way of doing this, has anyone had any experience?
In my app so far, Im using the Silverlight navigation framework, if that makes a difference...
You might try setting up a Silverlight WCF/RIA application from the Wizard. The wizard will generate code to do most of the things that you mentioned. Digging into that will probably give you a good idea of how you want to do it, or you can modify the generated code to get what you want.

What is the best way to let users upload pictures to my WPF application

I have a WPF intranet app running in Trusted mode (local only).
I would like the users to be able to upload an image and attach it to an article on my newsletters section. I am having trouble deciding where these images will be stored.
Please provide me with your opinions.
At present I have a few ideas myself;
I could have an aspx page that runs parallel to this app, and run this inside a browser(I-frame). This page could then handle the upload and display of the image.
I could also, have the users copy directly to a network share.
It seems that there should be a more elegant sollution that I am not aware of.
Any ideas?
Don't force the solution towards ASPX just because you know how to do it there. It's unnatural to build a page, host browser to show that page etc, just so you could upload an image.
It's actually quite simpler to do it in a desktop client than on web page. You have a "Load File Dialog" - use that to get to the filepath the user wants to upload, and when you have that you can either:
copy it (inside your application) to your share,
or if you have a service - send it through some method call,
or you can even store it inside a database (recommended if the files are small)
There's really lots of options here... it depends if your client has connection to db, do you have service in between, etc...
