Are there any in-memory databases that support computed columns? - database

We have a SQL 2005/2008 database that has a table with a computed column. We're using the computed column as a discriminator in NHibernate so having it in the database is proving to be very useful.
In order to gain the benefits of faster integration tests, I'd like to be able to run our integration tests against an in-memory database such as SQLite or SQL CE. But I don't think either of those support the computed column.
Are there any other solutions to my problem? I have complete access to the database and can modify it if there's a better solution available. I've seen this post that suggests using a view instead of a computed column, is this the best alternative?

What I did was added the computed column to the DataTable when loading the table from SqlCe. I stored the definition of the computed DataColumn in a "configuration" table stored in the database. I was able to do complex calculations that depended on a "chain" of tables, where each table performed a simplier function of a more complex function. (The last table in the chain contained the results.) I used SqlCe because one table of five contained 15 million rows. Too much data for the in-memory data sets of ADO.NET. (I had a requirement of using local client based calculations before posting to server.)


Data Warehousing GUID to Int PrimaryKeys

I'm a (very) junior Analyst responsible for setting up an mssql DWH which hosts data from our CRM for reporting purposes.
The current CRM uses uniqueidentifiers in its mssql database for all keys, and some of the tables have 8m+ rows. In our reporting software (Qlikview) I can swap the GUIDs for ints and take an 800mb data file down to 90mb which is excellent, however I'd like to perform this logic in the DWH if possible to make it faster and a little cleaner.
My issue is I have no idea how to do so while maintaining FK links to other tables. I have considered maintaining a staging table of GUIDs and associated numeric IDs however this seems inefficient and poses a problem of then trying to write some arbitrary numeric ID to the PK column of the destination table which I'm sure is a terrible idea.
The DWH import works as follows: I have USPs on the source db performing SELECTs which are executed by a SSIS package, the output of which are placed in tables of the same name on the [Staging] schema of the DWH. From there, transform is performed by USPs on the DWH, also executed by the same SSIS package, which handles execution order and multi-threading. Whatever implementation I come up with will need to be compatible with this architecture (done within USPs that potentially run asynchronously).
I'm very much a SQL noob so I do ask to please link documentation if necessary or at least describe answers in a google-friendly way.
Is the removal of GUID is the major cause of possible shrink to 90mb ? Do you not need GUID to process the Report?
Do you strip the relationship and join almost all table into as few table as possible when creating the staging table?
If answer to number 1 and 2 is yes then you do not need GUID and simply need to have a int unique column.
I suggest in select command during creating/inserting staging table you use ROW_NUMBER for replacing the GUID column with int unique column. This is only going to work if you recreating the staging table each time running the SSIS Script.
If you are simply inserting data to an already existing Staging Table when running SSIS Script then you can just create an autoincrement primary column. When you insert data to Staging Table, do not insert to autoincrement primary column so the column is automatically generating unique int value.

IntelliJ database tool keeps indexing all tables when I modify one table

I am using the database tool in IntelliJ Idea 2016.2.1.
I have a database schema that has about 100 tables using DB2 server. Most of the tables are not related.
During development, I often need to add a new column to an table. However, each time intelliJ will start indexing all the tables and takes very long time. Even the table I modified is not related to any other tables. The table I modify is also a trivial table just for test purpose.
Question: Is there a way to avoid re-indexing all tables when not necessary?

How to add meta data to every cell in all tables of a relational database?

I have a relational database (I am using SQL Server 2008) with scores of tables. I need to capture a lot of meta data for each cell (not just the row) in every table. Thankfully, the metadata schema is expected to be consistent across all tables.
Further, the metadata should be queryable as well. I did not some across any such direct support built in.
What is the best possible approach?
You may want to look into using SQL Server's extended properties.

Is a single table a bad starting point for OLAP cubes (SQL Server Analysis Services)?

I'm going to use a single table to aggregate historical data about our (very big) virtual infrastructure. The table will be composed of 15 to 30 fields, and I esitmate from 500 to 1000 records a day.
Why a single table? A couple of reasons:
Data is extracted to csv using powershell scripts. Then bulk load on a single table is very easy and fast.
I will use the table to connect excel and report through pivot tables. Then a single table is perfect (otherwise I should create views).
Now my question:
If I'm planning in the future to build cubes upon this table is the "single-table" choice a bad solution?
Do cubes rely on relational databases or they can be easily built upon single-table databases?
Thanks for any suggestion
Can't tell you specifically about SQL Server Analysis Services, but for OLAP you typically use denormalized and aggregated data. That means fewer tables than in a normal relational scenario. And as your data volume is not really big (365k rows/year - even small for OLAP), I don't see any problem using a single table for your data.

Performing Calculations in a table's field with Transactions Table

One thing I want to do is build a personal database for myself at home to use a financial database (transaction log, checking/savings account tables, etc), and I want to do this mainly to learn more about developing databases. I am pretty familiar with MS Access, though not put to use in this context, but what I am really trying to learn is SQL Server.
SO, that being said, the first question that popped into my mind is that if I have a transactions table that I would want to use as a ledger, then is there some method to have the table automatically perform a calculation for one field (balance) based on another field(s) (expense, revenue fields)? Similar to what someone may do with Excel......
Or is this something I would have to do with an unbound form, and an UPDATE statement kinda of approach? If a table constraint exists for this type of idea, I would like to learn it....
I mentioned MS Access in the title, but a SQL Server is also most appreciated. Thanks for the help!
Derived data should not be stored except if it needs to be indexed -- you calculate the values in your SQL statements, or in the presentation layer.
In addition to computed columns in SQL Server tables, you can have them in VIEWS and you can index them. The term is "indexed view" and when you do that, the data is persisted in a hidden temp table and updated on the fly when the data the VIEW is derived from is changed. You can read about it under the TYPES OF VIEWS topic in the same link cited in #Roland Bouman's answer.
Last of all, it's not clear to me why you mention Access at all if you're using SQL Server as your back end. Are you developing your front end in Access?
In MS SQL server, you can use computed columns for this:
